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Well, I've said cbg on one of them
No idea which one though
@JonClements, @Ffisegydd These are either utility or main functions in a Django tests.py file. I eliminated all double-underscores, but it still flagged them. It seems to not like the length. Once shortened to around 30 at a maximum, they passed. Thanks.
Makes sense. Remember that PEP8 requires a maximum line length of 80 chars, if your variable names are 30 chars long then you can't even fit 3 of them on a single line.
Hellooooo all
i'm making ma' come back in da place :)
yo all... word up! J J is in da house!
@Ffisegydd Right. I come from Java, where verbose function names are not as taboo. I actually use verbose function names a lot (in Java) as a self-documenting thing.
yeah, java's so famous for that
python recommends a balance: don't abbreviate or verbosify to absurdity
@aliteralmind try import this in a interactive shell
@JeromeJ :)
I asked a form of this question earlier but what is the best way to email an sql query as a report
Is this the proper way to break up this line, so it goes to under 80?
user_birth_year = UserProfile.objects.get(
@user5219 that's impossible to answer besides saying "turn the query results into a message and send the message"
are you having a specific problem?
@aliteralmind: I wouldn't break that line, to be honest, 80 chars or no. If someone put a gun to my head I'd make an alias for UserProfile.objects.
@aliteralmind no, you either put the entire body of the parens in it's own level (so a newline before the closing paren then dedent)
or indent more, I think a continuation is 8 spaces, or maybe aligned to the opening paren
@aliteralmind I agree with @DSM :)
If not one-line, then I'd have written that as:
user_birth_year = UserProfile.objects.get(
but yeah, ignore the 80 char rule, treat it more like a "nice if you can" suggestion
The motivation behind avoiding too-long lines is to keep the complexity of an individual line down to make it easy to read. SomeObj.somefunc(someargs).someattr works for me as-is.
That way, the var being assigned to is obvious, the source is obvious, the .get filters will all line up (and commentable), and the final .birth_year is clear...
I hate the 80 char rule.
I think it was originally for people using small terminals, but now there's horizontal scrolling and softwraps in editors, so that reason doesn't make as much sense
I like the 80 character rule a lot, from a sharing/displaying it in a blog/SO answer point of view. And the .birth_year ending is important, if it happens to be obscured by a small viewing window.
@davidism say i had my query result as rows = cur.fetchall()
But, the beginning of .birth_year is within 80 chars.
@davidism Even so, most people now use terminal emulators which usually support more than 80 characters per row. Those 80 only exist in default environments now.
if i printed for row in rows:
for col in row:
print "%s," % col
print "\n"
My terminal is 120x30
i would get my query result
So I think I'll leave it as one line then. Good to know.
how could i send that result
@user5219 indent 4 spaces to format code
for row in rows:
    for col in row:
        print "%s," % col
    print "\n"
@user5219 you use the email libraries provided by python?
yes, i used smtplib
i can send an email
are you having a specific problem?
but I just need to get my sql query in the body
so instead of printing, store the lines in a string...
and set that string as the body
where do you guys get cheap logo work done?
how could i save that as a string
2 messages moved to Trash
i need a cheap logo to launch a site with, looking to spend ~$50 max on a couple simple things
@user5219 indent to format, press the up arrow to edit messages
don't keep pasting the same stuff
Heh. In C#, I just wrote a long line somedict[key] = some_other_obj[x,y].somemethod(arg).ToDictionary(somelambda, other_lambda), and hit return before somemethod. The variable names are really long, though.
instead of printing the lines, add them to a string
i know its basic but how would i do that?
PSA: To format code in chat, press CTRL+K.
1 message moved to Trash
my_string = ''
my_string += 'hello, world'
@setevoy take out the other print statement while you're at it
ah, yep... :-)
1 message moved to Trash
stop littering :)
buh, I suck at regular expression... how does one find a specific string with anything in between two tokens? Eg, hello, <this is text>, is it good?, I want to scan for <this is text>
@davidism It would be easier if you wait 10 minutes before cleaning up :P
@corvid START(.*?)END
My compulsive cleaning can't wait!
@davidism I kind of want to move those n messages moved to Trash messages to trash though :/
@setevoy You can’t do both text and code in a single chat message. Either the whole message is text, or it’s code.
@poke lol, tried that before
Just press CTRL+K to make it code.
interesting things start happening
line one()
    and other
Jon and I once deleted the same message and managed to delete 4 out of 3 message
the chat/time continuum should not be toyed with
rows = cur.fetchall()

result = []

for row in rows:
    for col in row:
        print "%s," % col
    print "\n"
why are you posting that again?
you haven't put anything in result, you're still just printing stuff
is that not saving it to result?
    rows = cur.fetchall()

    result = []

    for row in rows:
        for col in row:
:19415234 re.sub('(\w+)\{_(.*?)_\}', '<pre><code class="\1">\2</code></pre>', text)
@user5219 at this point, it would be more productive for you to read the python tutorial than ask here, you need to get the fundamentals down
result = [col for row in cur.fetchall() for col in row] *cough*
also, it looks like you're trying to produce csv, so that still won't do what you want
tutorialspoint.com/python/index.htm // imho, best one for beginners
@user5219 you can add print(result) at the end (after loop), to see what is in it, before test email send; when you'll have expected result in print() - use sendmail
@poke Awesome! Thank you... now time to decode and understand it...
Might need some rs in there?
btw davidism, I think on my question earlier about hoep, it is possible to subclass the hoep class and add custom flags and behaviors
@DSM Hm? Oh yeah, but only in the replacement string… Or \\1 and \\2.
I'm an anti-expert when it comes to regex, but won't the backslashes cause trouble?
I’m far too used to $n placeholders…
regular expression is confusing, imho :\
@corvid yes, see how I implemented code highlighting in sopython
capture the code block parsing and add extra state to it
"If you have problem, and you want solve it with RegEx - you have two problems". (c)
You're right to be confused. :-) They're handy, but they're overkill for a lot of problems and yet not applicable or not the best way to handle other things crying out for a more powerful parser.
man, I look at (and secretly steal from) the SOPython code base so much. Or, to put it nicely, "reference it to make my code better"
@corvid I just hope you're putting a little credit in there somewhere for what's 99% of @davidism's work :)
Not sure you're clear on what "secretly" means. Usually it involves avoiding admissions on public fora which are permanently archived..
yep, when I make projects I put a mention in the README.md
ahhh... talking about sopython... I've just added @poke to the DC group
@DSM eh, I take people's code a lot. I'm sure every programmer does. I don't actually use it directly, I just like to mess around with it and see why it works and compare it to other strategies
speaking of which, is it bad practice to save PickleType columns in SQLAlchemy? I rarely ever see anyone use them but they seem so useful
@corvid I rarely use other’s code…
Libraries, yes, but code? Not really..
even just looking at it, forking it, profiling, using, etc?
@poke you should be able to login and do edits/stuff on sopython now
Oh. Yeah. Forgot about that D:
@Ffisegydd wow... that's almost just random albeit it correlated words...
I tend to steal idioms and patterns more than code, although I steal more in languages I don't know very well: stuff like "how do I fake Python's string.split in KevinScript", for example.
73 pages of thesis...woo...
What're you aiming for?
We all know KevinScript well
200-250 judging by previous PhD students.
I've finished two chapters (theory and instrumentation) and am half-way through my first draft of my first "real" chapter out of four.
@Ffisegydd I'm so proud Stewie!
Oh, Dark Council group
And I have money until Easter.
so is it not worth using a front-end syntax highlighter? Prism seems to be messing up a bit
Are there only ROs in DC group?
Except for one, who must not be spoken of.
For he is the Chosen One who will bring balance to the Cabbage.
you were supposed to bring balance to the cabbage, not eat it!
@corvid it's okay... we just buy new cabbages...
They're renewable!
this cabbage was special :(
@corvid shouldn't have left it in the room without putting a note on it then, should you!? :p
@Ffisegydd that question keeps delivering, it's slowly unfolding into a beautiful trainwreck
Now it looks like it's in R.
I keep on meaning to learn R.
he was about to post the code as a comment, so slightly less amused now
which question?
Oooh @IntrepidBrit you were thinking of doing more ML yeeeees? Well if you have any spare time then me and Games are doing Kaggle competitions, you're welcome to join us.
I think I'm/we're going to begin a new one as the one we were doing was a bit crap.
I wonder if the "some error" the OP is getting is a SyntaxError.
"Python is meant to be versatile, why won't it run my R code!?"
you think op even wrote that code? he can't even spell the name of the algorithm right
@Ffisegydd @IntrepidBrit just needs to sign in blood at sopython.com/wiki/14 ? right?
Oh, I'm sure it's copypasta. But I'm willing to believe the OP thinks it's Python.
@Jon yep, specifically using puppy blood.
File "slop_one_2.py", line 1 predict <- function(userprefs, data.freqs, data.diffs) {
the misspelling makes it great
another of his questions is "Add buttons more buttons". More buttons!
Why swtich to Go from Python: slideshare.net/wuvist1/python-to-go
#morebuttons: phrase of the day!
@avi the next slide better be "don't"
What do you think is better: line.strip() or None or line.strip() if line else None if line is known to be string?
They don't do the same thing.
@Ffisegydd @thefourtheye will be more than happy to oblige
@davidism its not :P
@Zero best to just flag it as NAA
Ah, so that's why the OP thinks it's Python!
although I have dv'd and del'vd
@JonClements Anything for my evil twin... ;)
Yeah, that's what I meant ... I don't have a button though.
@DSM yeah, but both things are acceptable :)
nvm, stupid question
add buttons more buttons! I can't explain how much I love that phrase. It tickles all the "for great justice" parts of my brain.
is there a data structure like a dictionary which returns a default value at a key if none are found?
you mean apart from a dictionary? :)
The right choice depends on what you want to happen when the key isn't found. Do you want to add the default value to the dict under that key, or not?
d = {'java': thing, 'python': better_thing, 'ruby': another_thing}
default_key = 'python'
# if you look for a key but don't find it, just return the value at the declared default key
>>> d.get('C++')
>>> better_thing
d.get("C++", d[default_key])
or something like that. (I'd probably think in in terms of default_value, to avoid the lookup.)
yeah that works, I just want it to be even more simplified, really. I use that strategy a fair amount
Then I don't think there's anything built-in which has quite the behaviour you want.
you could make better_thing a lambda that returns 'python' (or whatever)
I think I could probably subclass dict to do it, and override the __init__ and get or something
yes, that's far more pythonic than defaultdict
>>> d = defaultdict(lambda: better_thing)
>>> d.update({'java': thing, 'python': better_thing, 'ruby': another_thing})
>>> d['c++'] == better_thing
@corvid how is that more simplified?
Yeah, exactly @poke.
@JonClements I mostly want to "export" the dictionary with a default built in, so that if you try to access a key it will always have a back up built in. Don't want the user to have to know the dictionaries values
I thought we had ruled out modifications to the dictionary? Or on review, I guess that question received no response, and I leapt to a conclusion. :-)
ooo defaultdict, perfect, thank you
I wouldn’t say “perfect” but yeah…
what's wrong with it?
I would solve this on a different level… like not querying things that are not in the dictionary in the first place.
I once managed to introduce a bug because I'd made a typo and the defaultdict was hiding it.. :-/ Nowadays I give an explicit warning.
@DSM yeah, I was thinking that, but it's a lot for unimportant configurations like color schemes and whatnot
this question has me curious about whether it's possible to do use the @property decorator at module level
Or perhaps present a class as though it were a module
@Kevin well, you can inject a class as a module
sounds like a bad idea though
Properties in general are a bad idea, from a functional* point of view.
(*or whatever is the name of the programming style that hates all code with side effects)
cabbage all
Can anyone here help me understand wheels?
Supposedly they "bundle your dependencies", is that correct?
@Humdinger the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all day long...
wheel make car move. what car?
gah.. ok Python wheels
I was wondering about wheel-based jokes, but I couldn't come up with a good one. Reassuring to see no one else could either. :-P
And I think... the wipers on a bus go swish, swish swish. Swish swish swish... swish swish swish... the wipers on a bus go swish, swish, swish - all dayyyy looong.
import sys

class Blah(object):
    x = 3

sys.modules['blah_module'] = Blah
import blah_module
print blah_module.x
I think the main goal is to be a replacement for binary dists and eggs on windows, but I haven't really seen the point
That way madness lies though...
(you'd also want to emulate all the other stuff like __file__ and __module__ and __name__ etc...)
Ok, so what I'm hearing is, there's no way to do this completely transparently. To be clear, "this" being, import settings; print settings.foo will somehow call get_foo() inside settings.py
I think it would be easier to just from from configuration import config
Im trying to come up with a good way to "bundle" my dependencies. My end goal is I want my module to be pip installable, but have all the dependencies "bundled" so that other versions of the dependencies can exist independently
@Kevin explicitly call the get_foo() which may do stuff to the stuff in the module?
@Humdinger see how, for example, requests does this: github.com/kennethreitz/requests/tree/master/requests/packages
include the packages in your project tree, and import from that location rather than the direct packages
@Kevin Oh... if that's the use-case - yes you can
but errr....
@davidism any idea if that has any legal ramifications that would differ than just using a typical dependency?
So settings.LOG_FILE_MAIN has the correct value when you update settings.LOG_DIR
you probably need to make sure the licenses allow it
the way easier way to do this is to isolate your program in a virtualenv
While it's technically possible, I'd just have a class in the module
which obviously doesn't work if you need to be a library like requests, but is totally acceptable for applications
@davidism Is there anyway to do this without telling the users to run it in a virtualenv?
you could make a build script that makes the virtualenv and installs everything for them
then when they run it, it swaps over to the virtualenv first... hmm
your onto something..
well, you don't need to activate the virtualenv, you just point to the executable in the virtualenv's bin folder
thats a great point. Didn't even think of that..
hmm.. only one more hurdle I can think of. I am using the "entry_points" in setup.py. Which then maps the main to a command line command "foo". How would I get "foo" to map to the main when outside of the virtualenv?
anyone else seen that new Lee Mack series?
foo becomes an executable in the bin folder, so just point to that...
sopython installs an executable "sopy", then you can just call bin/sopy run

Kiev today :-|
@Ffisegydd three layered burger, with cheese, bacon and stripped beef for dinner tonight
Ouff. Bangers and a baked potato with onion gravy.
with some chips, side of coleslaw and onion rings
puppy's hungry tonight
@davidism but if you install it via virtual env, doesnt it install the executable in the venv instead? and it doesnt register to the typical shell?
Was gonna have mash but can't find my masher.
You cooking this yourself?
@Ffisegydd no - take away
Ah ok
@Ffisegydd that's really weird - I couldn't find my masher the other day either
@Humdinger yes, the executable is in the venv's bin folder, but that's not a problem?
Clearly this is a conspiracy. I blame php developers.
php does sound like a mashy kind of sound.
@Ffisegydd well, I could find the useless plastic one that really doesn't actually doing anything
you'd need to take care of adding things to the path, or symlinking them to the system bin folder if you're installing as root, or something like that
@davidism Ok well thanks!
43GB csv. Wow.
@DSM use to have a 60gb weekly dump from a database sent on DVDs for a company I worked for...
My friend did his PhD studying the acoustics of ocean mammals (dolphins!) and to get his data the people who measured it would mail it to him on a HDD as it was 0.5-1TB.
When he submitted his thesis he submitted it with DVDs at the end as it's pretty hard to put a soundwave onto paper :P
@Ffisegydd well, you could try and spell them out... that's be quite interesting :)
Hmm. Flipbooks designed not to show stick figures moving but to make certain sounds. (c) 2014 DSM Inc.
@DSM good luck with it on KickStarter :)
I sponsored a graphic novel there-- now it's time for the community to return the favour. :-)
I have an idea for a kickstarter where people pay me and I give them nothing in return
wow... I'm feeling kinda full up now
@Kevin there's a southpark episode with that :)
@Kevin: not even potato salad?!
Today's spoiled youth feels entitled to potato salad just because they paid for it. I say, stop coddling them! They'll get nothing and like it.
@Kevin have you aged 50 years since yesterday? :p
@JonClements OMG...
@davidism FML.
What have you got against potato salad? I don't like it as much as chicken Caesar, but it's okay.
@JonClements I'm a lot less crotchety during holidays.
(Not counting holidays where I'm obligated to buy presents for other people)
@Kevin the trick is to not have any friends, then you don't have to purchase Christmas presents for people.
@Ffisegydd or - just don't buy christmas presents for people anyway
then it's self-perpuating
True. Me and my friends subscribe to that model.
We don't do birthday presents either.
I thought my friends did that too, until one of their birthdays last month, and everyone got him something but me :-I
@Ffisegydd I'll meet up and go out for a meal or something
never know what to buy, so I just buy a meal - at least that won't go to waste and is appreciated
I made it up to him, though. While we were at the arcade, I gave him enough tickets to buy a mustache comb or some glow in the dark stickers.
also never do cards
We go for food but we don't really see the point of "I got you a bottle of rum, thanks for the bottle of gin you'll get me next month"
Yeah f*** cards. I don't do cards for any occasion.
In my high school days, my friends would get each other a card. Specifically, the same card, passed amongst them perpetually.
It got lost some time in the aughts, though.
@Ffisegydd if I'm invited out, I'll take a bottle of something, but... apart from that - that's the extent of my present giving
Well yeah if someone invited me for a meal to their house I'd bring some drink whether it was an occasion or not.

in China, smarphone exploded in hands O.o
I think I've grown to regret not drinking while underage, because now I'm years behind my peers in terms of knowledge of booze etiquette.
If in doubt, carry a bottle of wine with you continually.
For example, I asked my friend, "you guys will occasionally bring drinks to our meetups for everyone to enjoy. I'll parake, but I never bring anything myself. Is this going to create any kind of resentment? Am I freeloading?" and his reply was something non-committal like "do what you think is right"
Which is quite unhelpful because I have zero instincts in that regard! I don't think anything!
they're going to bring the drinks anyway, if you have something to contribute it's nice but not required
I’m out, rhubarb!
@Kevin I don't know your friend, but to me the subtext of "do what you think is right" is "yes, you are freeloading".
I would take a bottle of something occasionally or I'd feel like I was freeloading.
rhubarb for poke!
Down in the basement, I bet they have a big whiteboard labelled "Kevin's social grievances" and it's slowly filling with tally marks.
Once the board is full, they will sever all contact with me. Maybe fake their deaths.
And whilst I would never intentionally have a go at a friend who did this (and I have one) I would think "Jeez dude..."
Have they ever allowed you to see the whiteboard? No? There you go.
Asking to see the grievances whiteboard is itself a grievance.
@Kevin it's really easy to just grab a 6 pack of something good and bring it, you don't have to have something for everyone
It would be amusing if you asked to see the white board and when you went to their place you found it abandoned save for a full white board. The horror in your eyes as you realised that asking to see the white board was the very grievance that completed it.
Damn, that's like a tragedy in a Greek myth.
@Ffisegydd that's very Dark Tower :)
I'm 3/4 of the way through Malazan: Book Of The Fallen and it is amazing for anyone who enjoys good, old-school fantasy.
It was originally based on a D+D game/model/thing and it is truly epic.
This went to a scary place.
Tis the season. October is the spookiest month.
I was reading the Revelation Space series, but it got repetetive at the 3rd book
Ooh, that's true. My grocery is all orange and black at the moment.
There's already signs for Christmas meals in the city centre here. It makes me sangry.
October fun fact: there is a skeleton inside you right now.
(offer not valid for chitinous or exoskeletal users)
What about ghosts?
Christmas music playing during Advent is a pet peeve. Under the circumstances it'd be inappropriate to commit violence as a response, but I'm always tempted.
human shaped ghosts have a ghostly skeleton. "sheet with two holes" ghosts may or may not have one.
Yesterday was THANKSGIVING! We should still be all about the turkey.
If I hear Xmas music on the radio any time before December 1st, I go NOPE and change the channel immediately.
I've got it down to a reflex action. No conscious awareness necessary.
^^ same
I'm not sure I own a radio. My phone might be able to pick up FM, not sure.
You can be jolly and gay all you want, just not in front of me.
(haha, see, it's funny because I'm using "gay" in its original meaning... Never mind)
I dare you to take the "jolly" out and put that on a sign
Too edgy for me.
just sand the corners off the sign
I want to protest the creation of signs, but I don't know how :-(
-- Mitch Hedberg (maybe?)
Hey! Ho! Sign creation's got to go!
What do we want? An absence of sign creation! When do we want it? Reasonably soon, but slowly enough that people in the sign industry can find alternate employment!
Such reasonable protestors :-)
@Kevin: yeah, I'm not sure I'm cut out for this gig.
I'm running Windows, and added my desktop to my path, but when I try to run python -i file_name.py, it can't find the file. Is there a separate path variable I need to update?
@DSM I guess they could move into making megaphones. But what happens when someone with a sign protest against megaphones?
@Anthony are you located in the directory where file_name.py is located?
No, but I added that directory to my %path%, is that not enough?
"python path/to/file"
:O Well shucks. Why not? What's the point of %path% then?
Sometimes when I update my path, it doesn't register until I close the command line and open a new one
PATH tells your system where to look for the FIRST command
Time for cabbage.
so you say python and the PATH allows it to know where that is
I see.
but once you type python the next command goes to python and ignores the path altogether
but you could try to just run "file_name.py" without the python prefix and see what happens
I did, and it opened it in sublime :P. Is there no way to make it so that I don't need the path before the file, when opening it with python?
ya, you need to change your default program for .py files to the python interpreter
Also how did 'cabbage' come about?
lol salad
the bottom of the page is the origin
I guess the next question is why did that come about?
I should read.
Thanks all.
@Anthony same page :-)
And note that when I say "time for cabbage", I'm using it in the wildcard sense, not the "hello" sense. :-)
cough nabbage cough
Hmmm, I flagged this as link only answer, but a mod rejected it :(
@thefourtheye it's low quality - but it is an answer
But, what if the link is broken tomorrow? This will be of no use, right?
Correct... so you can edit in some stuff, or suggest the OP does
but it is an answer - it's just not a good one
Won't that be better as a comment?
It'd be better off as a more filled out answer :)
I have no idea about that... But that was the Google's "I am feeling lucky" page :(
@thefourtheye then downvote it so it comes off the search engine results
uumm, mind you with +4 - bit difficult
Done, also left a comment to the answerer.
plus years ago - things were slightly different
so... wouldn't worry too much about it
A recent question about checking neighbor elements in a matrix has several checks against "out of bounce" errors.
I too suffered from insufficient bounce. OP, I suggest you switch your brand of shampoo and conditioner.
Sure, thanks Puppy :-)

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