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I need a collection that enforces uniqueness, and can efficiently pop the smallest element, and add elements of arbitrary size.
Right now I have a priority queue plus an already_seen set, but it's a little kludgy
can you set a __eq__ and __hash__ or something on it and cast it to a set?
by the first "set" there, do you mean, "assign a value to an attribute", or "make into a set", or something else?
I think we've talked about this in the room before. setting eq like`myClass.__eq__ = someFunc` doesn't work the way you think it might
Or maybe you mean "add the results of eq and hash to a set". Absolutely you can. their results are a bool and an int respectively, and both are non-mutable.
Or if you mean, "can you implement __eq__ by comparing the hash value of two objects?". I wouldn't recommend it. You'll surely get collisions.
@Kevin: that doesn't sound too bad. I mean, the OrderedDict is basically dict + a doubly linked list, after all.
Cabbage, btw.
Yeah, I guess I could just OO-ify it and call it a PrioritySet
stackoverflow.com/questions/24783409/… I wanna split but I don't wanna split.
I smell an assignment...
The alternative, "I'm using python 0.0.1, which doesn't have split", is too horrifying to contemplate
It does seem strange that there are so many professors in the world who are very strict about not using builtin functions but are fine with students asking random strangers on the interwebs.
I understand forbidding builtins because it makes it easier to test the student's critical thinking skills. "Reverse a string without using reverse or slicing" is not practical, but you'll definitely find out if he can work a for loop.
Sure. For pedagogical reasons it's good to know how to build your own tools, but that goal isn't advanced (well, not much, anyway --ed) if you simply buy it at the store. Or free at SO. You know what I mean.
I love pandas but the problem is that it can do so much that I think I can do anything with it and then when I cant work out how to do something it makes me sad. #FirstWorldCoderProblems.
@Ffisegydd: soon you'll be able to contribute to pandorables, my supersecret expansion pack containing the functions I wasn't able to convince them to adopt!
pandorables sounds adorable o.o
BTW, at the risk of tugging on Superman's cape, am I alone in thinking that I prefer the OP's groupby solution to Martijn's here? It's simple, clean, could easily be generatorified if necessary, and you could compress it even more using zip.
@Ffisegydd: a while back -- maybe a year? -- I started trying to convince people to use "pandorable" as our "pythonic". Andy likes it, anyway. :^)
@DSM It was one variant, I can add a groupby too if you like.
it'll not be that much clearer though.
Solved my problem. I do love collections.Counter...
@Martijn: I guess I was thinking more of something like
groups = groupby(enumerate(original), key=lambda x: x[1] is not None)
[(i[0], v) for i,v in (zip(*g) for k,g in groups if k)]
which is basically the OP's with a zip.
Whenever I try to use pandas, I just hack together commands until the output resembles something my manager wants. Life of an intern.
@Crazy: you are wise beyond your years, young grasshopper.
dayjob.txt right there if i've ever seen it
Yep, I feel you there
I've spent the whole of today analysing a dataset of the 10,000 most common passwords.
(not "show us on the doll where the man felt you", but as in "empathize")
(And no it has nothing to do with my job)
Also pandas makes everything feel like I'm a function away from what I want, when in reality, I'm about an entire stat masters away.
Are they using pandas in schools these days?!
You just need a programming assistant. Draw the standard summoning circle, and chant the old one's True Name: Clippy, Clippy, Clippy...
"Hi there! Looks like you're trying to imply causation from correlation"
You...fool...you've doomed us all...
The result appears to be quite caustic...
My skin...it melts...
It's ok, he can't break the containment glyph. Wait, this isn't rat blood, it's goat blood. Uh oh.
We need a utility to translate normal speech into an Answer-like descent into madness.
You'd think someone that played MtG would know how to summon things properly, jeez.
I'll add your idea to the board for sopython. Madness-answer convolution algorithm...
It's really hard to make out the details of the dark rituals when the illustrations are only an inch square ;_;
You just need to visit the Large Print section of the bookshop. It's okay, there's no shame.
They do make novelty oversized magic cards, but nothing that would rile up "Mothers Against DnD"
Is there an easy way to map a specific column in a dataframe's value based on a given function and the index of the entry? E.G. I have a dataframe df with index values [1..10] and I want to map column df['A'] to a string based on the index value and an .ini config file lookup. I'm having issues extracting the index in a for loop.
using pandas sorry
I don't understand any of that except "I'm having issues extracting the index in a for loop". Generally, instead of doing for item in iterable:, you can do for index, item in enumerate(iterable): if you need the index.
If your ini lookup can be put in the form of a dictionary, something like df['a'] = df.index.map(ini_dict.get) should work.
Is there an efficient way to call a member function on every element of a list that's better than a for loop? That is, is there something better than "for x in l: x.foo(bar)"
I was going to suggest df['a'] = df.apply(func, axis=1) where func(row) uses row.name for the "index" value as a lookup
@user939259 Nope, that's about as efficient as you can get.
DSM's is better though.
@DSM Thanks, that general solution looks what I need from initial testing.
@Kevin So I wouldn't get better by using map() with a lambda, or doing a list comprehension and then discarding the list, or something like that?
Could also do df["a"] = df.index.to_series().replace(ini), I guess.
But they're all variants on the same idea.
I did not know index.map was a thing.
@user939259 well that just unnecessarily produces extra objects so no you're better going with your original idea.
Plus they'd be less readable. Readability counts
@Ffisegydd OK, that makes sense about the objects. Readability does count, but me not snoozing for 10 minutes while I wait for the program to run counts too :-)
Your best bet is to optimise the method then :)
Even if using map were 50% faster than using a for loop, if the loop time itself is dominating your runtime then pure Python may not be the right language for the job. :^) And if the method time is dominating (as it should), then the loop overhead itself should be irrelevant.
For questions of the form, "is there anything faster than this basic building block of the language?" My response is usually, "if there was, the devs would have replaced the slower version with the faster one already"
I dunno, I read through that optimization case-study by Guido and there are a lot of things in there that I wouldn't have thought of
This assumes that the developers are not lazy or short sighted, of course, so the argument falls apart a little there...
You guys have probably seen it python.org/doc/essays/list2str
In [4]: %timeit for _ in range(10000): func()
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.84 ms per loop

In [5]: %timeit [func() for _ in range(10000)]
100 loops, best of 3: 2.02 ms per loop
(Not calling out the Python team specifically, here. Just, they aren't perfect shining programming ubermen)
func() just does 2+2. There may be some difference as func is a function when you're looking at a bound method (I think that's the term?) but I doubt it'll affect it much either way.
I think I can count on one hand the number of times micro-opts have been useful to me in Python.
Almost always I either improve the algorithm or leave pure Python.
@DSM Yeah I'm just too lazy to leave pure python ;-)
I never need to optimize, because when my program is too slow, I get sour grapes and abandon it. "It probably wouldn't have produced a useful result anyway..." kicks pebble sullenly
I managed to stick in pure Python for quite a while with a toy algorithm using pypy. Eventually I had to C++ify the whole thing but it was very useful as a test.
Actually, there's an in-house data library I wrote a Python prototype for which was never supposed to be anything more than a demo but it was so easy to add functionality to that it became popular and so is still around..
I find it much more useful to reduce the complexity of the algorithm, than to replace for loops with reduce or whatever. Just going from O(N^2) to O(N*log(N)) can get you from ten minutes to ten seconds.
@DSM replaced almost 30 lines with 4 with that map change lol
Actually now that I'm looking a the code I think the slow parts are all the list creation/deletion I'm doing with lines like "l = [x for x in l if x.foo()]"
@Ffisegydd trello.com/c/RcWLOOc1/… see latest comment
@davidism it seems like a lot of work to separate out the first paragraph and the code block from one single block of text. I suppose I just always thought it should follow the same layout we've got at the moment with the "details" showing both the block of code and a short sentence explaining it (both of these optional).
I don't mind really though, whichever you think is better.
I definitely agree that the main page shouldn't show the code blocks though.
It wouldn't matter what came after, just that the first paragraph (split('\n\n', 1)) would automatically become the excerpt.
That's assuming that people will always write it in that format though :P
And people are stupid :P
The other solution is to manually or automatically copy the excerpt into the top of the body.
I personally think what we've got at the moment looks fine (apart from the inline code which I've just put a comment on Trello about)
Yeah, the more I use this theme the more it bugs me.
But I don't mind really, I need to run away soon to buy some food and cook dinner but I should be on later tonight.
I had a look at bootswatch.com/united
Maybe modify it to make the orange a bit less red and more fitting with the logo.
That would also follow Peter's advice of not having a dark background with light text
Is it considered bad form to nest try/excepts?
within reason obviously
@holdenweb: I have a recruiter anxiously knocking on my email door for a remote Python contractor for a SaaS company.
I'll see what he's so anxious about (interview slots tomorrow and Friday!); this specific recruitement company has 1 decent chap that knows how I work and doesn't bother me too much, and a new 'puppy' that is overenthousiastic and wants to prove themselves still, the email is from the latter.
@holdenweb: I rather not sick them on you if you are not interested, I'll inquire about compensation..
@Crazy: not really, except insofar as "flat is better than nested".
Brilliant answer:
> You might as well ask, "which end of the pipe is called the far end?" The answer depends on which end you're holding at the time.
ehmagerd, infermation
Wow, great approximation of a hot potato in the throat, old chap!
"code broke, plz fix"
Probably confusing simplegui with simplegui (codeskulptor vs. non-codeskulptor).
@davidism I think that bootstrap theme looks much better.
Bphwaw, someone calling string.decode('string_escape') overengineered.
I'd say it's also over engineered and removes the ability for the asker to learn the fundamentals of something like a "string replace". — Eugene K 4 mins ago
That's l like saying that a dictionary is overengineered when you can just build your own hash table.
OP seems to have leaned the fundamentals of replace just fine, judging by his comments
@MartijnPieters No it's like saying a defaultdict(int) answer is over-engineered when the user could just if key not in dict: dict[key] = 0. — Eugene K 48 secs ago
Not sure what he's getting at there. That sounds like a perfect time to use a defaultdict.
(Although a Counter would probably be better ;-) )
isn't that like... the point of defaultdicts
I mean, I'm not saying you have to use a prepackaged solution every time. Sometimes I don't use a defaultdict if I'm in the middle of a big file and don't want to lose my place by scrolling up to the import section so I can add collections
(expected reply: "get an editor that can bookmark lines, you rube")
Huh. Is that a North American-ism?
I thought everyone used it.
> Noun. A country bumpkin.
Hick, redneck, 'an unsophisticated countryman' in Canadian and US slang
Actually, I think Notepad++ does have some kind of marking feature, which I have never fully learned to use.
I can click a line number and it turns blue. But there's no apparent "jump to next blue thing" button
Trying to track down "rube"'s etymology now. "Generic use of the name Rube." Is there one famous Rube in particular that inspired the term, I wonder?
The thing is that interpreting escapes needs to take into account that there are escaped escapes too, so you cannot just use str.replace().
You'd have to consume your characters one by one and interpret those in context instead.
Could have been a stereotypical name for country types of the "Angus MacDougall" variety.
That's true, and partly why I didn't expand my "try using replace" comment into an answer
.___. i grew up driving stick
took me the better part of 2 minutes to get used to driving stick with the opposite hand when i first went to ireland
I've never had to drive on the wrong side of the road.
Is the joke that it's harder to drive a manual vehicle on left-side-of-the-road driving countries, because you have to shift with your non-dominant hand?
it's not hard. i did merge into traffic once in the wrong lane -- it's only a little confusing when you're really lost on the road direction isn't obvious
@Kevin not a joke, it does take a little getting used to because you are using your non dominant hand and shifting in a horizontally flipped layout from what you are used to
The closest experience I've had to that is playing the Gamecube version of Zelda: Twilight Princess, because everything is flipped in comparison to the Wii version, which is what most guides are written for.
A technical compromise which amused me greatly. Link is left-handed in all games that don't use motion controls. Rather than flip only his character model so you can play right handed with the wiimote, they flipped the whole world.
"Hmm," Link thought to himself. "These are some unusual chirality readings."
@DSM dangerously close to fanfiction. just warning you as a friend
Fanfiction is only allowed in this room if it involves Guido van Rossum.
i think i wrote some Martijn fanfic as a joke once. i might be making that up
See, this is the kind of thing people don't consider when traveling into mirror universes.
I once read a great story by Richard Feynman concerning chirality, matter/anti-matter, and aliens.
It's not an easy transition. Uh, spearmint tastes different. Wikipedia is really failing me on drastic examples of differences in properties of chiral molecules with their mirror counterpart, but I'm sure there's some important ones.
i once made a great batch of meth and was concerned about chirality (to keep my house from getting raided, no, i didn't do actually do this. it is a chirality joke)
I wonder if you could produce offspring with a mirror universe mate. Would your DNA not combine properly because they don't spiral the same way?
Well, this is no good.. if one of us posted a few moderately popular stories on ff.net back when he had more time on his hands, now he won't be able to admit it!
Well, I wouldn't judge that person. Well, maybe I would. Not out loud though.
I would judge you. I would judge you hypocritically because in my younger days I once tried, and failed, to write some ff for....censored. I'd judge you nonetheless though.
I understand the allure of writing stories with already established characters. I'm pretty sure if I wrote fiction, and used only original characters, they would all sound and act like me.
And how would they sound and act @Kevin? (opens so_python/people/kevin/personality.txt)
In this story what is the main character's mother's maiden name and...uhh...pin number?
I think you could make a reasonable simulacrum out of me by feeding all of my messages into a markov chain generator.
In fact, how do I know that I'm not a markov chain generator? It would explain why I occasionally use nonsensical cranberries in a sentence.
And now with @davidism's new salad dictionary we can add cranberries as the word for "words"
It's got precedent, too, since I stole that joke from Iron Man 3
We really need a Salad word for "code"
How have we survived without a word for code?
Because we rarely talk about code in here. Hey-o!
It'd want to be quite short
I like corn.
peas should be code for "does this look infected to you?"
or should i say, should be corn for
@kevin you got that right
By The Power Vested In Me By Me I Do Hereby Proclaim That Corn Is Now Salad For Code!
How about "inexecrable efflunce"?
Is anyone going to see the 20th July Monty Python deal?
Last show ever, etc. etc.?
I wasn't aware of any such event
Even though I spent a good half hour watching Monty Python bits on Youtube last weekend
I spent an hour this morning being interviewed for a supporting film on (Monty) Python's influence on culture. THis may result in up to fifteen seconds of me ont he screen, if it happens to fit in with whatever else they've recorded.
Gotta love a bit of Monty Python...
Neat :-D
> When “Monty Python Live (Mostly)” finishes its 10-show run at London’s O2 Arena on July 20, the world probably will have seen the last live performance from England’s hilarious, eclectic, intellectual, silly, often naughty group of sketch absurdists.
Last Monty Python show? well, yam... what language are we all switching to when Python goes away?
Please join me in developing a language based on 1984 sketch comedy group Kids In The Hall
how do i make edits to the salad language page?
You should be able to just edit them
i'm logged in and can edit the wiki. are the salad language pages hardcoded?
Ah you mean in the current page?
It's hard coded
fair enough :) was going to add corn
I've added it to sopy.davidism.com/salad and we'll keep it in when it's deployed fo realz
oh, awesome
Is there some trick to jsonifying a single django model object rather than a QuerySet?
I have the templatetag for jsonify that I found on djangosnippet. That works great to get an entire query set. But if it is a single item within a set (like inside of a for each loop in the template) it seems like it is trying to call __str__ the object rather than turn it into json.
wow, tumbleweeds
I am out of programming juice for the day.
even for a (probably) stupidly simple datetime related question?
You may have an answer if you can answer these questions three...
ask your question, but know that one of us always tells the truth, and one of us always lies
i appear to have stumbled into Labyrinth
except for the sentences explaining the truth/lie situation, and any sentences recursively explaining themselves. Those are always true regardless of who says them.
(We should answer all questions this way...)
if David Bowie's enormous crotch appears I'm offski
Relax as I set the scene...
I have a Raspberry Pi, with a camera module
I have a nice python script that detects motion and saves an image when it does so
it's a security camera, essentially
now, I've managed to make it send me an e-mail when it detects motion
I can feel the atmosphere of your problem, truly you have set the scene...
however, the issue is thuswise
it sends an e-mail every time an image is recorded
so if someone is moving about the room for 5 minutes, the camera will take dozens of pictures and thus send dozens of e-mails
so, what I want to do is record the time the first shot is taken
send an e-mail when motion is detected the first time
I should point out that due to budget cuts you're only allowed 20 letters per question so actually your question is "I have a Raspberry Pi, wi"
then not send another for, say, an hour
@Ffisegydd bloody tories
I've looked into deltatime etc
but it's been a long day
let me pastebin the code so you can bend your mighty wills upon it
What I'd do is whenever you send a picture calculate the current time and from that store the minimum time it must be for you to send things again
So say it was sent at midday your minimum time would be 1pm
Then whenever it detects motion simply say if current_time > stored_time: send_email_and_store_a_new_time()
I'd probably do something like
last_sent_time = Datetime(1970, 1, 1)
unsent_pictures = []

#called whenever the pi detects motion
def motion_alarm_triggered(picture)
    global unsent_pictures
    global last_sent_time
    cur_time = datetime.datetime.now()
    if cur_time - last_sent_time > timedelta(hour=1):
        email("motion detected", attachment=unsent_pictures)
        unsent_pictures = []
        last_sent_time = cur_time
Anyway that's my contribution for the night (budget cuts) so I'm off. rbrb all.
The usual disclaimer applies. Not tested, probably capitalized wrong, I bet that's not how timedelta is initialized, etc
thanks @Ffisegydd, I will try it out
if I set the current time, then add an hour to it for my minimum time, then compare current time to minimum time, the current time is always going to be less than the minimum time
So, only set the minimum time immediately after sending an email, not after taking a picture
of course
this is always my problem with coding
I can remember the syntax, I just can't work out what to do with it
I can initialise the minimum time as now, right?
ok, script running
time to go wave at a camera
[Aside, to audience:] Now that he's implemented this algorithm, I can enact my elaborate plan: trigger the camera with something innocuous, like a small animal. Then I have one hour to loot his home before the next batch of images is broadcast.
bizarre error
I can't see why that would have changed at all
because I've moved the e-mail function call outside of the function containing a variable it needs
sweet, ironed out the bugs
and it works
4 images captured, one e-mail sent
Flag true and straight, my friends.
little suprised stackoverflow.com/questions/24787224/… didn't get more traffic; the problem is kinda interesting but simple to solve.
wow, that's a great answer
the quality of an answer is directly proportional to the number of subheadings
@ElendilTheTall and my problem is that I can't remember the syntax but I sure as hell know how to solve problems. C'est la vie ...
@holdenweb we should team up and rule the world :)
Finished implementing code highlighting for sopython. Check it out: sopy.davidism.com/canon/3
That's awesome dude. I saw you adding the Ace editor to Doing.
If you need any help by the way then give me a shout, even if it's just drudge-work.
2 hours later…
npm truly despises me
The ace editor doesn't seem to use Linux's middle click buffer. This is aggravating. Other than that, it's great. sopy.davidism.com/canon/create
@davidism: I don't suppose you have opinions on Web-based interactive plotting libraries (of the vaadin or bokeh variety)?
good evening
when iterating over the keys of a dictionary how can I access the direct next neighbor of the current key?
@DSM I don't do much data visualization beyond bar/line/pie charts. I really like Highcharts for that.
@davidism: tx, will check it out.
There's also Flot, it's not as nice but doesn't require a license for commercial use.
@Demnogonis iterators go one at a time, you can't peek at the next/previous value
and dict doesn't really have order anyway
hold on
.. to what?
what I am trying to accomplish is compairing an element in my dict to all other elements in the dict one by one
Some were born to sing the blues.
@Demnogonis: by "element", do you mean key, value, or key-value pair?
E.g. for d = {'a':1, 'b': 2, 'c': -3}, what are you comparing?
So you want to compare 1 and 2, 1 and -3, and 2 and -3? And what do you want as a result?
def iter_triple(d):
    i = d.iteritems()

    pre2 = None
    pre1 = next(i)

    for item in i:
        yield pre2, pre1, item

        pre2, pre1 = pre1, item

    yield pre2, pre1, None
*not actually tested
I have a huge dict of image histograms with the filename for the key and the histogram-array for the value and want to compare them to find dublicate images using the RMS of the histograms
from itertools import combinations
for ikey0, ikey1 in combinations(your_dict, 2):
    are_they_equal = compare(your_dict[ikey0], your_dict[ikey1])
or something. Could take combinations of the items instead, I guess, but it's all the same.
Of course depending on whether your similarity measure is transitive you might not need to compare them all pairwise.
Thanks :) I'll look into that. I am quite new to python :/
rms_map = {}
duplicates = {}

for key, value in filename_map.iteritems():
    rms = calculate_rms(value)

    if rms in rms_map:
        duplicates.setdefault(rms_map[rms], []).append(key)
        rms_map[rms] = key
@davidism:are we sure we're requiring exact rms agreement to determine duplicates?
You have some filename_map dict which maps filenames to histograms. You have a function calculate_rms which computes the rms of the histogram. The final output will be a dict with a list of filenames that are duplicates of a first filename.
@DSM I have no idea, I am not a statistics person
I guess I was thinking that the underlying problem was to recognize two pictures which were duplicates (in that they were effectively the same) but may have a bit of noise. But that's entirely my reading into the backstory.
yeah, you're probably right
@DSM yup you're right
blindly downloading wallpaper dumps on imgur got a bit out of hand lately :D
Then you might be able to improve over comparing each pair, because you could set a threshold and only look "nearby".
(After sorting, I mean.)
Anyway, time to escape.
Rhubarb, all!
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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