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Much like "scuba"
Heh I didn't know scuba was originally an acronym :P
Ahhh, zcuba ?
Or am I making that up? I forget.
self-contained underwater breathing apparatus Stewie :)
I know that RADAR is RAdio Detection And Ranging, but sometimes puzzled why SONAR didn't end up SODAR
I'd quite like to when Leonard of Quirm would have named these things :)
'She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.'.replace('s', 'z')
I like backronyms, like the ones you dream up after you've figured out the name of your project.
I'd been working on software to correct postal addresses, and working with a colleague to write proposal documents...
and we were up to about 300 pages of bound manuals of examples, analysis, proposals, examples etc....
Needless to say we got a bit bored - so we thought we'd spice it up a bit
So we kept changing the name in the documentation to see if anyone was paying attention to our efforts
So we had Postal Address Correction MANager
and Postal Recognition and Address Translator
One algorithm I developed was called NAOKO, and I wound up using "orthochronous" for the first O.
And err, "Address, Road and Street Extractor"
Mornin bros and bro-ettes
One out of the entire board team noticed :)
Nice to know at least one person read it, then
Sadly, I think once they clued on that we'd done that, they probably spent more time looking out for it, then they did reading the technical side
So - kind of back fired :)
I managed to sneak "sacrifice to the Sun" into a physics paper once during the post-acceptance copyedit period. Still makes me smile.
I like it :)
Reminds me of the EULA that had "write to this address for a free $50 check" in the middle, which got two responses in the span of a few years
Hah. In my friend's thesis he put random cartoon characters as the symbols in graphs.
They were so small they they couldn't be seen in the print version.
But if you zoomed in (with vector graphics) you could see them
@Kevin that could have back fired massively - imagine that going on Twitter :)
Q: Can we please have the "Lacks Minimal Understanding" close reason back?

Benjamin GruenbaumUpdate: Our prayers have been answered We now have the following close reason: This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself. Thanks Shog. That...

we won!!
cbg @Hyper
@RUJordan ChrisF has just edited that out though...
@JonClements Yeah, best not to try that sort of thing now. I think this originally happened in the Before Times, when social media was only a dream in a madman's eye.
@RUJordan possibly because the update's in meta.stackoverflow.com/a/258692/1252759 instead
@JonClements irrelevant to the question I guess? I'm not too sure -- that's interesting. But Shogs answer says so
Yes that one lol probably should have linked that one instead, sorry.
Hmm should update the useful comments...
Are there error messages harder to parse than C++ error messages?
@DSM the ones that newbs don't post on SO ?
"The system encountered an exception and must be shut down" is pretty hard to debug.
I'd argue that's easy to parse, even though it's not very informative.
And there's "Error code 0 ('No error')". The error is that there's no error. Is this a zen thing?
"NULL-Terminator missingESFEJiesfjiDESFiojfseISEFjsdvmklxfKESFJSKDlsfj"
@Kevin ERROR_NOERROR always made me laugh
+++Error At Address: 14, Treacle Mine Road, Ankh-Morpork+++
+++Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++
but I figured it's just because someone's being very comprehensive that 0 is a return code that indicates success... but since everything else was prefixed ERROR_ they were pretty much screwed
Easy to debug, difficult to fix.
Disqualifying messages that tell you literally nothing, C++ errors take the cake in my experience.
Particularly ones involving templates.
Can't wait until I can port my code to KevinScript.
All error messages should either be haikus or contain profanity... This would make life more agreeable.
All KevinScript errors are just a Python stack trace of ~200 layers of interpretKevinScriptAst.
@Kevin that's because KevinScript should only be used by those in seek of a challenge though, right?
No, it's because I'm a lazy git.
That's fine, just pretend it's the first though :)
There's a git repo joke somewhere in reply to Kevin...
Ok, entering denial in 3,2,1...
All of my problems are caused by other people!
suggested haiku errors
seems impractical
@Kevin that's the spirit!
Yeah things like NotImplementedError you wouldn't even be able to fit on the 1st/3rd line.
It will make the localization team's work more interesting, surely.
And UnicodeTranslateError will only just fit on the 2nd.
cbg again
how does one remove all newlines from a jinja2 string? Something like blah.strip('\n')
blah.strip('\n') doesn't remove all newlines :P
Cabbage, Martijn. The "because they don't know it yet" line has been saved to my desktop.
replace? Not sure how different jinja2 strings are from ordinary strings.
@Crow is it sensible to be modifying your input values within your template or should you modify them within your view function?
cbg @Martijn
I have some comments to follow up on..
I'm just here for the gold star party. Beats the heck out of working
@Crow use {{- -}}
and same with {%- -%}
@codeMagic: \o
Coming back from lunch I have a few comments to follow up on.
We have a gold star party? Why did no one tell me this? :(
I created a few storms it appears.
I see a gold badge in someone's future. And since I upvoted, I expect an invite to the party — codeMagic 1 hour ago
@codeMagic: Party in the Python chat room, be there or be.. absent. — Martijn Pieters 6 mins ago
Ahhh..... okay - with ya now
First golden badge on Meta on a question about why I don't have golden badges on Meta.
How... Meta!
@Martijn I'll grab the yamazaki and the nibbles then...
brb - actually just gotta pop to the shop (but not for that!)
Want me to bring the Shuriken?
Haha...ok, back to Android. I didn't want to be rude and decline the invite :D
Everything is spiralling out of control!
@Martijn yup - we've definitely gotta play pass the shuriken
I will be back when I start using python
@codeMagic But we need a targe^W another player for Pass the Shuriken!
@Crow Well that's not all new lines. but it strips the first and last. Sorry
As much fun as that sounds...
Haha...glad to see it's not just us in the Android room having fun :D
Though, we don't have a cool game like that
cbg all
@codeMagic: We are covering a language named after the British comedy troupe. What did you expect?
@Ffisegydd I'm working with a macro and want to strip newlines from it so I can do $('#blah').html(html_string);
lol isnt the code in this answer a bit too.. verbose? xD
and if I have a json object and want to pass it to a macro, how does that work?
'if there_is_more_than_one_occurrence'...
@abdellahmansur Which answer?
That post has no answers
@abdellahmansur It has no answers
sorry i meant question xD
it's very hot today.. please understand me :p
It's on the wordy side, but I'm willing to forgive a lot as long as they supply something that can be copied/pasted/run
@abdellahmansur It is quite verbose, but better than using names like a i j k a2 a3
@abdellahmansur I have seen far worse. That's not a bad one, really.
of course.. even a person that doesn't know about Python could understand that :p
But still weird
@MartijnPieters Worse? how so? like the ones being used in Java?
I can't imagine something longer than that
Ahh... popcorn and a bottle of bitter for a film tonight... now - what to watch
@abdellahmansur Don't mention Java. Bad code in python is the programmer's choice; bad code in Java is a design principle.
Code that doesn't even have a vertical scroll bar doesn't qualify as "long" for me, really
@Jon Star Wars Episode II
You can't? I've seen people post whole games with a vague 'find the error' requests.
I had to star that one - someone was going to :)
Really, that code block doesn't even have a scroll bar. How many questions have you seen lately?
@MartijnPieters ahh... there's your first meta gold
be awesome if you can make it 2 from the same question :)
Still better: Posting whole games with the indentation all messed up.
And the detailed description: It isn't working.
cbg all!
@Hyperboreus in fact Python is another world than Java :) I have seen many but Python code that long not really.. i may have seen something like 'timerseq' instead of 'ts' but 'there_is_more_than_one_occurrence' looks useless because it is already define as 'there_is_more_than_one_occurrence = occurrence > 1'
but well it's everyone choice :)
@abdellahmansur Maybe there are 50 more lines between its definition and its reference...
And Some advice to ya'll from me: Be careful about them error logs you send the devs they might contain confidential stuff
This dude just posted his email and password
@KDawG very kind of you to repost it to another public forum :)
I once saw someone post the credentials to the admin account to their production site here on SO
@JonClements muhahaha BTW He probably changed it though :p
I jokingly logged in to see if that's for real and it worked
Okay so how do we delete / move to trash etc. in here?
flagged the question and got it deleted
@Ahmad WTF??
stop dude forreal
@JonClements Had a specific badge in mind?
Not sure it'll go to 100..
I wasn't intending to do something with it
@Martijn you got the reversal :)
Most probably it is just a testing account
Nope it wasn't
@JonClements Yup, I was wondering about the second gold badge. :-P
Hey, the individual made a self-sacrifice already :)
I reckon you owe that guy a pint :)
True he had it coming
@KDawG This really oughtta go ... @Jon @Martijn @AnyOtherRO I was trying to delete/move to trash something the other day and utterly failed to work out how.
@JonClements hey delete that pic man what I posted
$.get('{{ url_for(c) }}', function(data) {
  $('#{{ chart_id }}').highcharts(data);
}).fail(function(resp) {
  {# I am not sure why this is not working as intended #}
  {% set error_html = error(resp.status. resp.statusText, c)|replace('\n', '\\\n') %}
  $('#{{ chart_id }}').html('{{ error_html }}');
@Zero go to room->move messages
select the message, then type "bin"
why can't I pass javascript variables into my macro?
you're see recycle bin, click on that, and it'll move it from the room
I kinda feel sick for posting it here, gotta post it on reddit and see the response :D
@Zero congrats on your first move... :)
@ZeroPiraeus thanks man I kinda feel alive now :)
I feel so grown up now ...
One day my boy, you'll be a man :)
I'm reading about the broken ergodicity of amorphous materials. My brain is going all melty :(
Will zero go mad with power now? Because I could really use some entertainment.
£1 bet says that Jon is first up against the wall if he does.
@ZeroPiraeus congrats replygif.net/i/775.gif
@Kevin I think I'm more the quiet deadly type ... if you anger me, I will come in at 4am and start randomly deleting other people's posts so that your replies look foolish.
I chose the most responsible people for ROs... I'm so pleased :)
I'm highly irresponsible, but luckily otherwise harmless.
"mostly harmless"
@MartijnPieters the irony of that question about your badges is simply flooring me right now.
@RUJordan: Couldn't have picked a better question to earn me my first gold on Meta!
haha astounding
I've made a commit to a github repo BTW I wanna make another commit for a different issue is this possible?
I love my client: Ever heard of a JSON feed? What is it? Is it difficult to configure?
@KDawG yeah sure, why wouldn't it be?
"I don't know what JSON is or what it does, but I insist that it be incorporated into every facet of this project."
@Ffisegydd How exactly can I do that? any tuts?
^ This is the worst-case follow up to those questions. Steer away from this possibility at any cost.
damn I hate git :(
Scroll down to the relevant part
Though it's simple enough that you should probably read all of it to get a better feeling of what you're doing
@Martijn ahh... wasn't aware of the 125 rep, IP rate limit... interesting to know +1 :)
@Ffisegydd Thanks man yeah better get into it wholesale instead of being hackish :)
Too much AI can be bad : ibtimes.com/…
How to format links in chat? [test](notgonnawork)
I think the url has to look like a url
[test](example). test
I just wrote [test](example). [test](http://www.example.com)
This morning I thought I had a great insight about program design. But thinking back, I don't think I really learned anything new.
I have concluded that my brain is misfiring and creating too much insight feelings.
I don't like the fact that I'm running on such unreliable hardware.
Oh, sure. Blame the hardware. "It's not a bug in my code, it was a cosmic ray."
@Kevin nope, nope... it's just that you're multiprocessing isn't syncing that well, but otherwise you're a perfectly functioning biological machine...
Prepare to implement deniability mode again @Kevin!
I'm fine. It's everyone else that needs to change!
@Kevin exactly!
Everything will be so much easier once the planet is annihilated everyone can get along just fine
Peace on earth is achieved when "everyone" is the empty set, then? :-)
Yes, because what you don't know yet is that you're also after the LOTC, the tera-forming of Mars and the KevinScript language for controlling the ICBMs is that you're also going to build a "Void Sphere" so we can hide outside of space and time
Away from the help vampires.
I'm actually a "Silastic Armourpuppy" :)
I did already build a chamber that can completely disconnect from the main spacetime fabric. But, er, I lost it...
@JonClements I can't say I knew, not 100%.
More of a logical conclusion..
WTF - Rik Mayall is dead!!!!?
@JonClements LOTC? I'm guessing not ...
Wow, only 56
Halfway through lunch and I'm still not sure if it's overcooked chicken or overcooked fish... I'm beginning to regret this.
mystery meat and water spouts again...
Well, from my experience @Kevin. The way to tell were it undercooked is that if you're in A&E tomorrow - it was chicken, otherwise it was fish :)
@ZeroPiraeus "Low Orbit Tea Cannon", a side project of mine. Designed to deliver a variety of beverages to any point on the planet, gently warmed by the heat of atmospheric reentry. Tends to misfire and drench whole city blocks, or wipe out aquatic ecosystems.
Ah. Yes, that makes more sense :-)
@Kevin Programmed in KevinScript, I gather.
@Zero never lands in the beautiful china tea cup I have waiting on my desk though.... DOES IT KEVIN!!!
And documented in Russian, yeah
Rather unusual since no-one on the team speaks it.
But sensible, Russia is a big tea nation.
@Kevin admit it - you just got bored and started picking cool looking unicode symbols didn't you :)
With Russian targets, there's a good chance we can say, "at least it landed in the right country"
Just blame Heissenberg
Oh... we can do major land masses now can we?
@JonClements Those backwards Rs do have a hint of exotic mystery...
I disapprove of the use of large surface area as a factor in target selection of countries.
So, I just have a word with Putin - ask if he wouldn't mind turning his entire country into a large mug of tea?
He would make a profit out of it.
Gazprom would become Teaprom
@DSM Canada's next on the candidate list. Although, we've got to keep it below the permafrost line, or it will come down as tea icicle daggers, which probably will cause poor customer feedback.
Does the LOTC have a voice synthesizer? So, y'know, you can have it say "tea minus ten seconds and counting ..."
Thank you, thank you, I'm here all week
@ZeroPiraeus you forgot the "no pun intended"
If it does... I want it to sound like Edd(ie|y) from the "Heart of Gold" :)
Ahh... it's "Eddie"
Apparently, I must restart my computer for the changes to take place
I don't remember authorising any
Why does that make me nervous
"Open the pod bay doors..."
Damn you Linux - why can't you have silverlight support!
Damn you Microsoft, why did you need to add another web plugin we don't need?
My phone upgraded itself recently and now I can't use a Wii controller to play old Super Nintendo games on it any more :-(
I'm still using W8.1 because I've got a not too bad dev setup now... and it also gives me experience on what a PITA Windows is for dev. work.... but I only notice those questions when in linux anyway :)
Could just virtualbox stuff I guess, but wow... that's an overkill approach
My grub has two boot option: one is "toy", the other is "computer"... Guess which is W8...
Being able to play Bioshock Infinite at 27fps on the top quality graphics level is cool though...
Although turn off power saving, disconnect the mains and try it, I don't think the battery will do more than 40 mins :)
@JonClements what do you think about this? Is this an ugly piece of hack? phew?
@Peter I'm not sure if I'm in awe or just very worried
@JonClements this isn't something I want to use -- a guy and I just having a conversation, and he is preaching OO in C -- which I don't like to mimicking in C -- and he mentioned it is a good way to avoid using global namespace (and confrontations)
and I was thinking about it, wrote this small snippet, which is working ofc, but feels dirty
Well, yeah, you can use C to create classes and namespaces... but it's rarely pretty
C++ is the way to do that, and just use it as a better scoped C
I said the same thing, you just create a huge amount of boilerplate
and you do not gain that much
But then, others will shoot you down for not using C++ properly :)
actually you make your life way harder at some point.
@JonClements :):)
well, all righty, I had the same thoughts, so thanks for the confirmation :D
heya @Scis
Just always use the most appropriate language for the task :)
@PeterVaro Hey :)
Looks like I've failed my IT exam :D
@JonClements or the one the boss forces you to ^^
@frostnational and we are happy about it?
@Scis thankfully haven't had that situation for quite a few years now :)
That is indeed fortunate :)
I can't change the results, I did everything I could, so now it's just funny :) @Peter
sooo... who's familiar with flask-script and coverage.py? I am attempting to make a multiple configuration startup to my flask app, with developer views included
@Martijn your work load full up?
@JonClements Yeah, more coming too.
Why? Have something lucrative I should hold someone off for?
No... something I don't want, but it's based in Cambridge
Django dev for 3-6 months... not my cup of tea
don't think it's yours either
Interesting might also work; I can't say the prospective client is filling me with vim and vigour.
@JonClements Nah, that's probably not for me indeed.
@Martijn probably don't even want that experienced a developer... but I can't tie myself down for 3-6 months, and they want someone able to work in the UK, so can't even outsource to @tristan were he interested
I'd quite like mid-July to mid-August off (apart from SLAs regarding existing commitments of course) off anyway to spend more time with family and maybe even go on holiday (how radical an idea!)
Wow! A holiday? Haven't seen one of those in.. eons.
I haven't had one in 9 years
Sorry for saying holiday - it's obviously an expletive! :)
Wash your mouth out with soap!
SOAP - not sure there's a working Python module for that I can use is there!?
Surprising my str.translate() is faster proof is not getting more attention. shrug.
@Martijn link ?
@JonClements Okay, touché. That's a wash-my-mouth-worthy remark too.
A: Replace lowercase ASCII characters with X in Python

Martijn PietersI'd use str.translate() for that; easily the fastest method. A regular expression cannot touch this for speed. Python 2 version: import string map = string.maketrans(string.ascii_lowercase, 'X' * len(string.ascii_lowercase)) mapped = inputstring.translate(map) Python 3 version: import strin...

@Martin on the plus side, you did get some nice upvotes on a really obscure str.translate I suggested inverting certain characters for the delete argument :)
I think you said, "I am so going to borrow that!" :)
nitpick, you did call your variable map :)
trans is more traditional I believe :)
I don't use translate because it's not robust for the kinds of text manipulations I usually find myself doing.
@Martijn where does ''.join(['X' if ch.islower() else ch for ch in 'ABCDEFGhijklmnopQRSTUVwxyz']) come? I'd expect between the str.translate adn the re.sub...
Still got function call overhead, but don't have to produce a FSM, but never as simple as a simple byte replace op
@JonClements about 50% slower than the regex.
@Martijn ahh.. my SWAGs are still on form then :)
Oh having seen that... I just noticed Steve Jessop posted that as an answer and deleted it :)
I feel somewhat deflated about that one now :(
Umm... that's a bit of a dodgy ad...
Just watching a link a friend's daughter has sent me (she's 13)... A Selena Gomez video...
The ad was for Smirnoff vodka...
Complete git:
Hope that's because youtube/google have a load of info about me as I'm logged in, and it's not the "sponsor" of the video
does it works for this input DEA98C18 C56E53AB 46E715A9 03C8AC9E 01E6A760 3B8C3E77 5F60DF29 719F0E71 7BA656EE 8500D7FA D8FED2FE B4C8C527 F0CD50B1 2AA200DD 0F07E4B1 54C73A4B 5C0AB6FF 54F3A4CE 72272FE6 111EECFD 719F0E71 7BA656EE 8500D7FA DEA98C18 C56E53AB 46E715A9 03C8AC9E 01E6A760 3B8C3E77 5F60DF29 KF60DF29 719F0E71 7BA656EE 8500D7FA ? — Avinash Raj 26 mins ago
I just spent fifteen minutes scratching my head over that before spotting what they did.
Brb.. just gonna reboot
if you merge a branch on github to master, does the merged branch continue to exist?
Well it continues to exist "in the past"
that's fine, just not sure how their pull request feature works... on other tools I've used there's usually a checkbox to either delete or keep source branch

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