If anyone replied I didn't see it, so posting again: hey everyone, i need to do research for a speech I will be giving... http://strawpoll.me/1517151 Mostly I need reasons either way that I can attribute as research. (they don't come from my brain.) Clarification on the poll: I mean simple programming, nothing complicated or advanced, or theoretical.
I'm running a web app on Flask. I want to queue commands to be executed every ten minutes. Basically, I have a SQL database that has statistics for tournaments. When the stats are updated, I want a 'recalculate stats for this tournament' command to enter a queue. Every ten minutes, the commands in the queue are run. Whats the best way to do this? Alternatively, the tournament director can also force statistics updates.
I don't know anything networking wise yet, but I can try to talk theory, though if you don't know what I type I will be surprised: have an array in your database that is changed when the stats are updated, and use that for however the 10 minute clock works off of.
I thought about developing a Monty Python and The Holy Grail game. I still consider whether it should be a quest or a really messed up turn based RPG, or perhaps a first person RPG. Of course, it will be written in Python :P
We could develop a mini game where you play a catholic christian woman and you have to give birth to infinite number of children and the ending scene will be the song of "Every sperm is sacred"
actually working on my odata plugin. Haven't had much time, and will to do it, as it is a holiday in here right now. I decided to scrap all my work and start over again, implement this using tokenization, I think it is a better approach
Reminds me of a good day at work. Rewriting an old system. The DB burned my eyes. About 400 stored procedures, that each stored procedures simply calls another one, so you have like 30 stored procedures for every operation, while only the last stored procedure to be called actually does any work. Also, about 200 tables, that in the new system we used only like 30. Funny thing is that a third party company wrote this system. Job security ftw.
Yep... ah not to mention that the old system used ADO.NET and a third party DLL that extends ADO.NET and you have no freaking idea what goes inside it. After using a reflector to get the code, I found out that the guy who wrote this has really bad habits, it seems like he is also the DB designer, as also in here you had like 10 functions that call each other with the last function calling a stored procedure.
Well I don't know, but I can tell you that the client company has a bunch of retards for project managers. They have used that third party company for about 10 years. 10 freaking years. Not once has anyone done any code review to those projects or set any minimal standards
No one has been looking at me like that when I was a barista :( On the other hand, I am a guy and I definitely don't want guys to look at me like that.
btw, if you piss off the barista too much, you may just as well find bleach in your coffee, just saying :P
Questions and answers get answered on the main site... there's no need for you to dump a question in the chat room and ask for help :)
You'll draw attention from 2/3 people this time of day... if it's not answered in a day or so... etc... then maybe come here and raise it... but 10 minutes after you've asked it - no thanks :)
An L-system or Lindenmayer system is a parallel rewriting system and a type of formal grammar. An L-system consists of an alphabet of symbols that can be used to make strings, a collection of production rules that expand each symbol into some larger string of symbols, an initial "axiom" string from which to begin construction, and a mechanism for translating the generated strings into geometric structures. L-systems were introduced and developed in 1968 by Aristid Lindenmayer, a Hungarian theoretical biologist and botanist at the University of Utrecht. Lindenmayer used L-systems to desc...
I'm thinking about buying a small, portable laptop. Don't suppose anyone has bought one lately/could recommend any they like the look of? I'm currently looking through the reviews online and this looks ok
Wow... Django interview questions and Laptop recommendations... no one feel like talking about Cabbage or world domination today? I'm relatively familiar with that at least....
I'm still with an Asus Zenbook Prime and it's ok, though I want to replace it since the SSD is too small, it has 4 gigs of ram and the sound stopped working.
Other than that it's pretty awesome, great build quality, withstood a lot of falls, battery still very good, and the screen is amazing.
@JonClements my wife's sister is looking for a job programming Django/Python (in Israel, for a short term), I have no idea how good she is and I want to tell her "in order to get a junior position doing that, you need to know XYZ"
The thing is, at TipRanks we only hire people who are very very very good, I don't know if she's good or bad because honestly I've never seen her work, but really, the chances we'd hire someone who doesn't know things that people who do web with Django are perfectly OK not knowing are slim.
There's so friggin' much in Django, it's more if they're competent at Python - can read manuals, and at least know how to get something basic going - I'd say that's the best you can tell without prior experience/seeing previous work
@JonClements there is? I used it several times and to be fair I didn't notice any particular complexity or hard concepts (coming from similar frameworks in other languages) although I admit I used Bottle more more recently.
@Benjamin think of it as you want a good Python programmer, as long as they've got enough of the basics, (some itertools, csv, defaultdict etc...) and know how to read a manual, you don't need someone that can remember the entire stdlib off their head (cos there's loads of it)
Then replace Python with Django, insert the ORM, templates and views instead of stdlib modules, adn the same kind of applies
@Sab take a file with text, scamble all the words in the text by replacing in each word all the letters except the first and the last. That's the first exercise in the Python course here. Do it once with regex and once without regex.
from random import shuffle
from re import sub
def shuffle_contents(match, group=1):
word = list(match.group(group))
return "".join(word)
def process_line(line):
inside_word = "(?<=[a-zA-Z])([a-zA-Z]+)(?=[a-zA-Z])"
return sub(inside_word, shuffle_contents, line)
input_file_name = raw_input("Please enter a file name: ")
output_file_name = raw_input("Please enter the output file name: ")
with open(input_file_name) as in_handle, open(output_file_name, "w") as out_handle:
import sys
from random import shuffle
script_name, infile, outfile = sys.argv
with open(infile) as fin, open(outfile, 'w') as fout:
for line in fin:
head, *mid, tail = line.rstrip()
except ValueError:
print(line, file=fout, end='')
print(head, ''.join(mid), tail, file=fout)
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.
This is the example input, it needs to re-scramble that.
@Benjamin I saw that, and I'm signed up to various agencies, and one of 'em sent that at a beginning of an email... I wasn't that impressed coming from an agency
This is the "introductory" exercise we give people who take the Python workshop course. Well, not anymore, since we stopped teaching intro to CS with Java and started teaching it with Python.
so, probably a dumb question, but how exactly does one do something within a separate directory? Eg, in shell it would be like cd directory/; tar -xcf some_stuff; scp some_stuff some_place.
I want to zip all files within a directory, and save it to a different directory, from a script outside of that directory
def open_resource(self, resource, mode='rb'):
"""Opens a resource from the application's resource folder. To see
how this works, consider the following folder structure::
If you want to open the `schema.sql` file you would do the
with app.open_resource('schema.sql') as f:
This is what it simply does. it actually returns a regular file object, it is not that much of significance except it looks locally in the root_path (prolly app's directory)
@Crow At any rate, I think what you suggested, may work, if Flask works like bottle, where app is an instance of Flask, as default_app, or app is instance of Bottle in bottle.