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hi guys
Q: Python Boto: how to run 100 T1 Micro instances?

KJWBasically I have python Selenium tests using Chromedriver. I want to run parallel tests. Would AWS T1 Micro-instances be enough? Say I want to launch 100 parallel test, how can I achieve this with Python Boto? Is this the right tool to begin with?

2 hours later…
what does one genrally do when they get expected an indented block errors if they do have an indented block after the line?
(what are things you don't see that can cause this error?
Mixing tab characters and spaces
already checked that, all indentation is tabs.
@theHeretic If you use IDLE, then you can go to the format menu and click untabify, upon which you will be prompted for the number of columns in a tab, which is easy to figure out.This will get rid of all the tabs and replace them with spaces.
doesn't fix. (did fill and replace with notepad++, not sure if that is the same. copied and pasted tab and replaced with three spaces.)
@theHeretic Do you have any docstrings that might be problematic?
not even sure what that is
@theHeretic Okay don't worry about that then. Can you send me the code so I can take a look?
(strangely, using google, i was making sure i was using the right parameter syntax and it looks like docstrings are strings at the top of a function that do something.)
@ViralShah Cabbage!
would like to discuss regarding Django application execution flow!
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		wiring(x, minz)
		for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):  # nested loops can be slow
how the views.py and settings.py are configured
(I decided to learn the syntax for mcedit filters because then I can do cool python stuff in minecraft, I can play video games by programming instead of playing video games. More programming is always good.)
And what does the for loop does? There are no statements following that...
that is the one that is supposed to do stuff for every selected block. let me add a placeholder text their.
that did change the line. now it is line 52, which is an if.
drop(x, z, wirey)
up(x, z, wirey)

#hopefully I didn't screw up if/else syntax?
@GauravGhosal.. ?
also yes, those function calls are tabbed.
but no colon... solved my own problem.
What do you guys think of when I say "skan"
@theHeretic I'm still investigating
First word in your brain
Ok... and what about "scin"
related to finance...wild guess!
Uh no haha
What about "Skanner"
but think about the spelling
and i got it working. it was lack of colens after if statements, and the empty loops thefourtheye showed.
updated code please
skanner = scanf
Haha I was going to Skin Scanner.... Need to think of a new name for my app haha
@theHeretic Sorry My computer crashed before I could post my answer but it seems you have found the problem.
@GauravGhosal.. peas
yes i did. thank you everyone who helped me, and that is silly that I didn't notice that colen thing before.
5 hours later…
cbg all
@Ffisegydd Cbg
When did self become a keyword?
> A keyword used in instance methods to refer to the object on which they are working.
Click on Show Excerpt button
why is there a tag called self?
Dont know :(
cbg, all, btw.
cbg all
@MartijnPieters Cabbage :) Does Python 3 allow unpacking in the for-loop, with *?
For example,
for first, *, rest in items
mmm, I have to use a variable name after the star...
umm. what exactly are you doing with the *?
@thefourtheye no it doesn't
@Ffisegydd It actually works :)
Oh no wait I'm on Python 2.7 here, herp derp >.<
@Bibhas Check this out
first, *_, last = range(1, 10)
print(first, last)
1 9
Also PEP-3132
And also this wonderful answer
*_ I know
Only * I didn't
In case of *_ you are assiging all the middle items to _, which is a variable name
But you posted this above
for first, *, rest in items
@thefourtheye ^
oh, that's what you meant
(On mobile)
@Bibhas Correct :)
@thefourtheye: the grammar just reuses target_list, so yes, it certainly should support a * target.
@MartijnPieters Yes, it does... I forgot to specify the variable name after the *.
And that's an excellent answer, especially for showing the *(a, b) corner case!
yeah, I would have been clueless, if I had been shown something like this
(*(a, *b), c) = ('t', 'h', 'i', 's')
Hmm. bpython gives syntax error for - first, *_, last = range(1, 10)
@Bibhas Are you using bpython3?
dont think so
It works for me
For python3, you need to use bpython3
erm. same error on ipython. something doesnt seem right
is it not supported in Python2.x?
Nope, it was introduced in Python 3 only
ah. ok.
This is fun stefanom.org/spc
If I have x = None would I check if it is as if (x not None)?
if x is not None
Wait, does Python have !=? I didn't know.
@thefourtheye I was told that I should use == for most cases instead of is.
@cpx There can be one and only instance of NoneType can exist in Python. So, None can be checked with is operator.
For all other data, it is better to use ==, if you checking for equality
@cpx you see "is" is for a different purpose as @thefourtheye says, you can check that an object is exactly the same (in the memory) or not
it can be used to check for singleton objects like True, False or None
Yes, I see. We are checking the type and not value of object.
but you can also use it, for your own object instances
well, you know, when you use == or != that is just a syntactic sugar
Python 3.3
    >>> a = True
    >>> b = False
    >>> a is b
under the hood you are calling in the case: A == B --> A.__eq__(B)
so if you mean "the value" of an object by calling this method, then yes
@cpx It is supposed to be False only :)
is checks if the objects being compared are the same objects, we don't check the types
Aren't both a and b of type boolean?
taht's what I'm trying to say
you don't check the type
you check the reference
>>> a = 1
>>> b = 1
>>> a is b
I guess that is because of 'shared reference' stuff.
class MyClass:

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__class__ == other.__class__

a = MyClass()
b = MyClass()

print(a == b)  # True
print(a is b)  # False
print(a is a)  # True
>>> a = (1, 2)
>>> b = (1, 2)
>>> a is b
>>> a = 10000
>>> b = 10000
>>> a is b
>>> a = b
>>> a is b
So, = not only sets the value but the reference.
imagine as this: when you say a = 10000 you create a box, where you put the integer object which value is 10000 and you put a label on that box and the label says "a"
when you do a = b then you stick another label on that box, so now, you can both say "a" or "b"
that will be the same box with the value of 10000
I think in case of any objects = sets the reference.
heya @Kevin
@cpx yes, you add a new reference to that object
and the reference itself is the variable name (the label on the box)
It doesn't matter if you are mutable or immutable.
>>> a = ['Hello', 'World']
>>> b = ['Hello', 'World']
>>> a is b
>>> a = b
>>> a is b
>>> a = (1, 2)
>>> b = (1, 2)
>>> a is b
>>> a = b
>>> a is b
I don't think it makes sense to make a distinction between "sets the value" and "sets the reference". the assignment operator rebinds the name on the left to the object on the right.
There's no assignment that "sets value" but doesn't "set reference". It's a bit of a non sequitur.
In cases of smaller immutable object it does the shared reference automatically.
12 mins ago, by cpx
>>> a = 1
>>> b = 1
>>> a is b
Small integers are cached, so their ids tend to be equal, yes
@Kevin have you watched the "Submarine" movie?
I will recommend it for you, afaik you like wes anderson like films
I don't think I've ever seen any movie with a submarine in it. Although I intend to see the Bill Murray one about the guy hunting the shark that killed his brother
Okay, now it makes sense. As there can be only one None type object. It is okay to use if x is not None.
Yeah, that's fine.
@Kevin it is absolutely not about a submarine, only the title of the film is (and well, it is a symbol, but you will see that) BUT the Bill MUrray's Steve Zissou is about the underwater, and lots of other things as well ;)
They aren't two different None type objects in memory.
@cpx not only okay, but preferred ;)
Same instance.
That's what they call the Singleton pattern
in general, if you have some sort of data file which is regularly updated, do you need to provide it in a PR or should it be gitignored?
@Crow is it something that is generated by the code? If it is then I don't think it is kept in the repo (i.e. gitignore it)
it's generated by SQL queries
@Crow see the first question, in particular You should not keep any files under version control that are not hand-edited. That means any generated file should be ignored by the version control system.
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'iteritems' :|
Python 2/3 it changes from iteritems to items IIRC
awesome, good catch
Python 2 has both
iteritems returns an iterator, most probably a generator
items returns a list
@PeterVaro In Python 2, we can do only None, True and False are not keywords.
@thefourtheye you can, they are also singleton objects
@PeterVaro Try this, in Python 2.x
True = 1000
I'm struggling to think of an instance where you would want to do if x is True: instead of just if x:, anyway.
The simple response being, "what if you only want to accept booleans, not objects that are True when run through bool()?"
To which I reply, why would you want to do that?
@Kevin What if I want to make sure that x is True and not just Truthy?
ofc, probably that's the reason why I never faced this "is it a keyword only or a full blown singleton object" issue
It's basically an implicit type check, which I feel violates the principle of duck typing
@Kevin most of the time you are right, but there are situation when you want to accept one and only one type of object, you don't care about the bool value of it
Actually in Python 2, you can simply do True = False, wherever you use True and False, you cannot determine the actual value... Sounds evil? ;) BTW, this was that yellow Puppy's idea :)
oh @thefourtheye:
Python 2.x:
>>> True.__class__
<type 'int'>
Python 3.x:
>>> True.__class__
<class 'bool'>
strange, but thanks for your suggestion/correction then
True = "Welcome"
SyntaxError: can't assign to keyword
Is this after you did True = 10000? Because I get True in both :-)
oh.. yes.. sorry ;)
Hmm, True == 1 evaluates to True, but True == object() doesn't. Even though both 1 and object() are truthy.
sometimes I forget how things were before Python 3
I didn't use 2.x for at 9 months or so
@Kevin Kevin, because True and False are objects of bool class, which is derived from int
@Kevin well, you didn't asked for True == bool(object()), did you?
Ah, ok
why else would it be equal?
I was more confused by the first half than the second
True == object() is False, which makes sense; True == 1 is True, which does not make sense (at the time)
in that case this also doesn't make any sense, does it?
>>> True + 1
@PeterVaro I often use Booleans like this, too bad of me... :(
@thefourtheye math.sin(True), right? :P
Time to fork Python and alter Bool so you can't do weird integer tricks with it.
I like the way you can, it makes it more "C-ish" ;)
@Kevin In Python 3.x, you can't do any of that :)
you can
Oh. Well, too late, I already forked it. Please join me in my new chat room, Kython...
True + 1 == 2 # True in Python 3.4
@PeterVaro That is possible, but we cannot change the value of it. That is the worst part. Program becomes unpredictable. :(
@thefourtheye oh, yeah we can't, I thought we were talking about weird integer stuffs
@PeterVaro We can live that, I guess...
sure we can, as I said, I actually like that, it really makes it more C-ish
it would be nice to answer once like this (as code-trolling) for a trivial bool question:
if bool(True.__class__.__call__(1) == True + 1):
    # do something
Hmm, I wonder if this is noteworthy enough to put in my dirty tricks file:
>>> 2 is not None
>>> 2 is (not None)
actually this is very evident..
@Kevin I would be very interesting in seeing your "dirty tricks file" :P you should make it into a wiki article on sopython
>>> False * 100
>>> (not 2) is not (not None)
Have a laugh
@Kevin How about this one?
>>> False is not True
>>> False is (not True)
@Ffisegydd Well, I don't mind sharing: pastebin.com/Q40dTCgP
Although now I'm a bit self conscious about whether they're truly dirty...
@Kevin The first one is brilliant.
I just added that to my list of questions for prospective candidates.
You could start a blog about Thinking in Python
My fav is
def single_true(iterable):
    i = iter(iterable)
    return any(i) and not any(i)
@Kevin what exactly are you doing at line 56 ?
@thefourtheye I think I nicked that from one of Jon's answers :-)
I must remember to add an attribution
nvm I got it.
@Kevin I was typing the same ;) But I wasn't sure if it was Puppy's or Tim's
valu E
#todo: be more evil. You sir are my hero.
which reminds me: never work with a russian coder ;)
I don't know if that one looks the same in all locales. But on my machine, the letters are indistinguishable:
on mine too
but it took me a while to realise you are talking about the variable names there..
probably I have to drink my third coffee today :D
are people actually using C interpreters?
(I just found some, like Ch, PicoC or TCC)
I didn't know such a thing existed
C compiles to machine code in a pretty straightforward fashion, doesn't it?
Hey everyone :D
@Kevin I thought so..
heya @user3092506
Oh crap. Is it not showing as Iplodman?
Yeah, I'm not clear on the motivation here... Maybe people are sick of having to type two commands to compile and then run?
Personaly, I see "Iplodman"
Ah, good :P
But then, it's easy to write a tiny script to consolidate those two commands into one...
Assuming we're still on the C++ compiler thing, would Microsoft C++ Visual count as one?
Maybe they're jealous of our REPL.
@Kevin I was just searching for it, to show you this: codepad.org/4j31zjqm
as I was talking about the grouping and 'not's
Ooh, codepad is going on my "online IDE" list
Dayum, that's a nice IDE.
@Iplodman I'm leaning towards "no"
Ahaha xD I meant for an online one :P
Ok :-)
My reputation is currently a palindrome. :)
My reputation is pants on head retarded ._.
Anyway, I think Visual C++ is more of an IDE than a compiler. I bet it uses gcc or something under the hood
or whatever is microsoft's version of gcc
GCC being...? #CodingScrub
Gnu C Compiler IIRC
In this context, "gnu C compiler"
@Iplodman 3**3 is a cool number
Er, I guess I meant "g++", the gnu C++ compiler
(mustn't confuse C with C++, oh how they hate that)
I only know a little C++.
@Kevin what do you know about teh differences between Clang and GCC ?
Goes over my head #CodingScrub
@Iplodman I think c++ goes over everyones head :P
I know very little about Clang
"Clang /ˈklæŋ/[2] is a compiler front end for the C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ programming languages." Front end, huh. So, it's a GUI???
If anyone here can do any imaplib stuff in python - codepad.org/z0mr3E1M. The issue is that when I run it in the Python IDE (3.3) it prints a bunch of HTML. Any ideas?
Is that not what you want? :-)
Nah, I just want the actual BODY of the email, rather than a block of HTML.
(Also, if anyone's interested; this is what I'm working on - dropbox.com/s/74iv4sk4r1r46wq/GUIPicture.jpg)
Bah, dropbox always forbids me from viewing people's images
I could probably get it on Imgur for you.
That would work.
Anyway. I know a lot of email clients will send emails that are formatted with HTML tags.
why good morning, friends!
So it makes sense that the body of an email would look like HTML.
Hey Crow :D
- Ignore this.
BeautifulSoup would probably be helpful in extracting the plain text from a piece of HTML.
I'll check that out.
I also suspect there's a good bit of questions on SO asking how to do that. Although I'm too lazy to check at the moment
SO has already been checked, and none of them were helpful ._.
@Kevin I have used that idea in my most upvoted answer :-)
Hmm, Google suggests html2text
All I need is to get the body of an email, I don't need any formatting, etc.
m.imgur.com/uXqwXa7 < Should work.
Heh almost just caught myself out from earlier when I redefined True=2 >.<
It shouldn't make much difference as 2 is truthy but damn you Python...
Hey Fis :)
Python is buggy as. I'll make a program, it'll run fine. The I run it again and it stops. I reload Python and it works.
Yes, lots of PEBCAK-class bugs :-D
It's not buggy at all (well for the most part). What it is is it accepts that we're all consenting adults :P
@Ffisegydd You meant, damn you Python 2, right? ;)
All tools have their bugs, but that doesn't stop a good workman from building things. :-)
@thefourtheye of course :P I really should upgrade my work computer to 3.4 like my home computer :)
@abhi Ditto that.
@Ffisegydd I don't have home computer, so I took the source code and compiled it :D
Reload Python... Not sure what you mean by that. After a script finishes executing, the interpreter should terminate too. There is no "reload", only "load"
I meant restart, as in close and open the IDE.
If you're building the next amazon or google or salesforce, it matters a lot. If we are building our business application or a hobby application, the bugs in the tool don't really matter.
I blame the IDE then :-D Python is forever blameless in my eyes
@Kevin I will forever remain a Python fan boy.
(not counting the Global Interpreter Lock, or mutable default arguments, or having datetime be both a module and class, or weird rules about tabbed indentation, or...)
Or NOT HAVING LINE NUMBERS >:( That's always rubbed me up the wrong way.
I blame the IDE :-D
Python itself doesn't have any kind of source code viewing mechanism, so any lack of line numbers must be the fault of the GUI that it's been wrapped in
or this entire spacing thingie.
isn't that a bit silly?
I don't consider significant whitespace bad or good, only different
I consider it silly
@Kevin datetime is fixed in Py3.x, right?
and I love mutable default arguments ;)
datetime.datetime still exists in 3.X AFAIK
That's wierd.
How do threads pass data between each other other than global variables?
Just circling back to this, any opinions on the atheistic of the TigaMail? (m.imgur.com/uXqwXa7)
You can use any mutable object to share data between threads, IIRC
Just send them through the args parameter when you create the thread
@Kevin You are correct, sir
@Iplodman Any chance of displaying the password as stars? I think Tkinter has a widget specifically for that, if that's what you're using
Yep, Tkinter. Also, I don't believe there is.
Although I could easily set up a function for it.
Ah, Entry widgets have a show parameter which you can set as "*"
You beat me to it!
> show=
Controls how to display the contents of the widget. If non-empty, the widget displays a string of characters instead of the actual contents. To get a password entry widget, set this option to “*”. (show/Show)
I'll try that now,
Although if I used a function I could enable/disable it at command, so I could have a 'show password' check *box.
Ahah! The show = ""' argument does, in fact, work.
Thanks @KEv
Oh, and thanks for the suggestion @Kevin, as well as the help.
Hey Trisan.
(Referencing the email conversation) In theory, 'stat, data = inboxServer.fetch(mailID[0], "(UID BODY[TEXT])"' should grab the main text anyway.
Hey @Iplodman
that is so unfair -- I always thought brainfuck compiles down to assembly without first converting it to C
Say whah now?
Brainf**k is an esoteric programming language with a very small syntax. You could theoretically write a simple compiler that translates it into assembly, but most just translate it into C instead.
Probably because just using pure assembly increases the likelihood that something will go wrong and overwrite your hard drive with zeroes, or whatever
At least in C you'll eventually get an access violation error and it will crash without bricking your operating system
@Kevin yes but that is a cheat for me, because it is only a substitution not a compiler
if it will be a real compiler it won't be that small !
Yeah, I suppose. Compiling into an exe is a pain, since there are so many necessary headers and blocks etc
I'm incapable ._.
Why it no work ;-;
This imaplib is giving me a really hard time.
@Iplodman do you have your code anywhere?
I'll upload it now.
@Tristan (Python 3.3)
anyone here familiar with flask? Got a weird question
Actually, "stat, data = inboxServer.fetch(mailID[0], '(UID BODY)') " should be "stat, data = inboxServer.fetch(mailID[0], '(UID BODY[TEXT])')
And not me :P
In the call syntax‌​, what is the rationale for allowing an optional comma after argument_list?
Could you put it in laymans terms for me? #CodingScrub
Why did the language developers decide that f(1,2,) should be legal?
No idea. I'm assuming to make it easier to allow changes afterwards.
yay I have three screens at work now!
That's my guess as well
Crow, I envy you ;-;
My two screens bow down to your majestic thresesome.
@Tristan You there?
Le sigh ._.
He might have been frustrated by the dropbox link (if he is denied access the way I always am)
Ahaha xD
I prefer pastebin for programs with 12 to 300 lines.
Pastebin gives no advantages to me anyways.

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