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You know how disgusting that feels?
I’m not a nosebleed person… so, no. ^^
Oh. ..
Productivity is now at about 0.
Then again, it is 2:02 AM
+2 GMT
@poke I have read that question before. and if you knew scrapy, you wouldn't ask if that question is mine. — user2226785 4 mins ago
I really don’t know scrapy, but those two questions look very similar to me.
There is a mirror channel to: Nocopyrightsounds
On youtube,com
It's called Nocopyrightsound
And it's almost identical
what do they do?
It uploads the same content, mirrors the playlists
well, what does one do?
Tries to mirror the channel art. (But it's clearly lower quality). And is mostly distinguishable by the low amount of views it has compared to the original. I think it's someone trying to horde viewers.
I don't know how youtube would view that though
(my question was more what “nocopyrightsounds” does)
Oh, they publish music that is royalty free, I believe
Ah, that’s nice
Mostly electronic, some remixes
It's absolutely massive
In terms of popularity though
Good to know; might come in handy
@poke still around? Want to check my work? stackoverflow.com/questions/22442378/…
I'm gonna crash now
Goodnight everyone
Have no fear, Ol' Reliable is here!
@Owatch Oh! Goodnight Owatch.
@Owatch Thanks! See you tomorrow
@Owatch Sure, you too!
@ Night!
@AaronHall Not sure about that. I’m leaving that to Martijn.
@poke fair enough, I think Martijn actually found the hole
Do you think the next() call is ok?
I can't think of a more straightforward way of getting the list, and .copy() would just use the same list every time, and I don't want that.
I don’t think the lists in your list of lists should be different.
They should be the same each time.
ok, I guess that can be done with seed
Or by shuffling once and copying the list..
but if the theory was that copying makes one function more expensive than the other, copy() would seem to be bad to include in the test
No, in the setup.
lst = list(range(10000))
lists = [lst[:] for _ in range(N)]
ok, I'll do it that way too, but I still have to get the list, do you think next() is ok? I don't know how to iterate through them
But I also think 10k and 1k is not enough.
I think I risk running out of memory
wait, let me test it quick on my big ass machine..
don't forget to seed before shuffle so each run has the same list
Running now.
number=1000000 and list length 100000000
(yes, that thing has a bit memory)
I’ll probably miss this thing..
Done :)
copy will go there tomorrow.
So, he’ll print a copy of that letter for you?
That's right. I hope I didn't badger him too much.
You can poke me too if needed.
Soon we will be friends IRL and we will go shopping together!
Badger Badger Badger
Hi puppy #2
Oh, I love shopping!
(I don’t)
@BadgerGirl Potato?
@poke Cabbage :)
Cabbage fourth :)
Its 2 AM, there, right?
@thefourtheye Bananas, about to submit my application to poke's University.
@BadgerGirl Wow Amazing :)
@poke let me explain. First, scrapy is always working with python2.7 because the version that works with python 3 is still beta so it is normal to see scrapy with python 2.7 always with many users. Second, as I told you, I have seen that question and that is why I wrote forma my question like it. In addition, I am new here, so I don't know how to write questions. I have tried 4 or 5 times and everytime, I got error that the question is not good for the quality of the website. that is why i tried to copy and paste the same format with a question that takes +2. — user2226785 18 mins ago
I didn’t exactly want to know :((((
@BadgerGirl Which degree?
Data Science
Hot topic in the industry :)
@Badg have you heard about Rapid Miner?
No, googling it
Was just wondering since you’re into that topic.
Because were were told it was internationally one of the best tools..
@AaronHall MemoryError Ouch. xD Changing numbers…
Told you! I had to reboot!
I'm doing the copy inside the test, so each run gets the same copy
It'll run, but it'll take forever
thanks for that rimshot thing, I pissed off my wife.
hmmm... still running
at this point I usually ctrl-C and rethink it
FML. Forgot to print the results.
mine just finished one iteration. I'm sure it'll be done in half an hour
The test should work differently..
maybe just a single list that is sorted using a different key each time..
each of mine runs 3 times at just under 600 s, for a total run time of 30 minutes.
so half an hour was a good guess
I've been cashing in on this one today: stackoverflow.com/questions/22439752/…
10000000 100
l = next(it); l.sort()
l = next(it); sorted(l)
setup = '''
import random
lst = list(range({length}))
lists = [lst[:] for _ in range({repeats})]
it = iter(lists)
t1 = 'l = next(it); l.sort()'
t2 = 'l = next(it); sorted(l)'
length = 10 ** 7
repeats = 10 ** 2
print(length, repeats)
for t in t1, t2:
    print(timeit(t, setup=setup.format(length=length, repeats=repeats), number=repeats))
Can I add your results to my answer?
I'll cite you! :)
That’s why I posted everything here
Not sure how useful that exactly is though
I think there's something about the small sort that makes the in-place more expensive
but on the larger sort, the copying dominates
dominates the difference
that is
I think it’s the method call that makes it more expensive
those should be more expensive than built-in function calls
yep, dotted calls are more expensive, aren't they, I recall that from the optimization page
nah, the dotted name makes no diff
2 hours later…
Dots do matter, at least in CPython. It doesn't cache the implied getattr call.
>>> import timeit
>>> timeit.timeit("for _ in xrange(10000): random.random()", "import random", number=10000)
>>> timeit.timeit("for _ in xrange(10000): random()", "from random import random", number=10000)
Though maybe not enough for you to care about. PyPy does optimize that, though.
/me actually scrolls back a few lines
Oh, the sorting. Yeah, not going to make much difference there.
Good Morning
Hello All,
Q: Pluggable authentication module for windows

PilotIs there any python (strictly in 2.6 version) authentication module available for windows like PAM in ubuntu. I just want to authenticate user exactly how PAM does. I found: NTLM module. // but It authenticate user for a url . Any good way to do this?

Can we discuss this question here
I already posted it a day ago
But it went to RB
Does anyone know why the "Extending Python with C or C++" doc suggests that new exceptions should be static variables defined at the beginning of a file with a module?
two more
@user1876508 you mean this line?
> You can also define a new exception that is unique to your module. For this, you usually declare a static object variable at the beginning of your file
wb @jon
melon @bibhas
3.4 released it seems.
@Bibhas yes, that line
We had someone read the chat guide lines yesterday: [16/Mar/2014:17:11:16 +0000] "GET /chatroom HTTP/1.1" 200 1791 "http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/6/python" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_1) AppleWebKit/537.73.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0.1 Safari/537.73.11"
And not long after, also from the android room!?: [16/Mar/2014:17:12:24 +0000] "GET /chatroom HTTP/1.1" 200 1760 "http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/15/android" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.16 Safari/534.30"
@user1876508 it says you usually do that. That means it's not mandatory. My guess is that it's done so that the variable is available to all the code in the file
Maybe they are using our chatroom etiquette.
someone posted a link to android room?
cbg @Inbar
Damn, you caught me.
I was lurking :P
I'm afraid it appears you're unaware of the number one rule for successful lurking :p
in Android, 15 hours ago, by Ahmad
The python room has: http://sopython.com/chatroom
oh, I have to request access to Android room? o_O
@Ahhh... that's cool
@Bibhas good call on the link and then finding it!
thanks. but I'm curious. What qualifies me to join the Android room? Loving Java? I'm good here then.
@Inbar I filtered out bots and actual sopython usage, and the rest was just 5/6 IPs trying to signup to the previous MoinMoin wiki or otherwise request common pages from it... of course it's still 404'ing, but very odd... wonder when they'll give up :)
@Bibhas I think they approve you if you're not a complete n00b (based on questions/answers) on the site, and then if you're a complete twat remove the access if needs be
@JonClements No such rules here. no wonder people love Python.
I think we're lucky... we've got fantastic people here... we've not ended up being inundated by complete idiots... (we've had a couple of trolls - but even they were actually more amusing than troll like)
hmm. rbrb
That "hmm" sounds disbelieving :)
I haven't been here much long to witness the part in brackets
I agree completely with the first part. :)
congrats to python 3.4
Umm.... @Ffisegydd not sure that's allowed
1 message moved to recycle bin
@Ffisegydd STEWIE!!!!!!!
/me whistles innocently
@Ffisegydd meant to ask you, what do you think we /main wiki page should have on it? ie the root of the wiki
I was thinking maybe some guidelines and a TOC
wb @Kris... yep... 3.4 is finally here... woo hoo!... puts balloons up in the room and cracks out the party poppers and stuff
\m/ i hope that someday i could help python community. :)
@Kris glad to see you have a passion community :)
when i became a better python coder... :)
Maybe for now, I'll help by promoting python.
Python advocacy is always good :)
@Jon as you seem to have dismissed my preemptive strike, all I can say is...BRIIIIIAN!
@Ffisegydd I have no idea what you're talking about cough
As for the wiki main page? Guidelines and a TOC would be good. Also make sure that there is something that says how access to the whitelist can be sought after.
Nasty cough you've got there, you should go to the vet.
@Ffisegydd after what they tried to do to me last time.... no way!
Oooooooohhhhhh 3.4!
pathlib looks very nice
@Ffisegydd I was looking at that yesterday :)
I'm quite keen about asyncio and selectors
Whenever I see asyncio it just sounds like a spell from Harry Potter.
"And then, with his defeated foe lying before him, Voldemort cast that most terrible of curses "ASYNCIO!!!""
(kinda like wingardium leviosa but handier for programming?)
Exactly. Though in my mind it's a-sync-ee-oh, which isn't correct of course, but it fits my Harry-Potter-python-spell-fantasy better.
Kinda kinda crucio
i started a blog on my learning on python.. ^^
@Kris awesome...
@Kris I've often thought of starting a blog but I know I wouldn't update it ever :(
heya @kwatford
The next best thing, which I'm currently working on, is having a personal website that has some examples of stuff I do.
why? @Ffisegydd maybe you could share some of your expertise.
yah! you should.
@Kris I'd start it, post for maybe 2-3 weeks, then spend my time writing code rather than writing the blog :P
@Ffisegydd so it's going to be a website of failed attempts of dispatching Lois ?
Exactly. I'm hoping to kickstart my ideas, raise some funding, then finally rid the world of that infernal woman.
you should explain how things work.
@Ffisegydd, coz some just copy and paste then run.
Kickstart fund raising style, aka:
@Kris comes up as unavailable
Yeah :(
ffisegydd.com Has zero content (apart from a <h1></h1> title :P)
Still nothing @Kris
maybe it's just up on my part
no worries
it's not yet for launching
@Kris might be waiting for DNS to propagate or something?
nope.. i already setup it 2weeks ago.. i just don't know why because i am seeing it now.. it's ok..
umm, goes to OpenDNS guide or something
@JonClements lol.... Imagining @Ffisegydd doing that to @Sword :D
oops.. maybe it downed right after i post the latest.. hmmmm
@thefourtheye "YOU WOKE ME UP AGAIN...!!!"
heya @Christian - how goes it?
howdy @LhAcKg
It goes well
How bout you?
bananas here... melon for asking...
yes bro I am a Christian
cbg cbg
@Ahmad cbg :)
Banana, you?
Just came back from school
and back to programming
banana also... ahhh... well what else is one to do but program? :p
right? haha
First stab at a TOC going up in a moment
cbg again!
@Abhishek cbg!
@Jon potato?
@Abhishek banana, melon... yourself ?
@Jon bananas, too much work forbid me to chat here :(
aww.... tell them you have priorities and chatting is more important than working :p
Yes thats it, exactly puppy always solves problem :)
@JonClements Mission accomplished :D
BTW, what makes that loud noise? Mobile App?
@isedev cbg!
@poke don't get me started on the review queue you know my opinion of it already :p
I have a rule... if I see something with an (edit) - I'll take a look... otherwise, I stay away from the queue as it makes me want to smash heads together
“Why image from X dont disappear and dont appear in Y”… *SIGH*
Also, why do people like us get a big fat notice “This post has been edited since you started editing” preventing us from submitting our edits, but those guys just can submit any crap?
At that point, I copy stuff, close the edit window, then look at new edit, and decide if I want to nuke it
Well, yeah, I do avoid the queue too, but when my edits are overridden by something, and then it was such a suggested edit, I get mad :(
(in which case I edit, then paste back my edit)
It's probably not good practice, but sometimes if it's a disastrous edit, then instead of rejecting, I "improve", untick the box, then immediately roll it back
(shows how much faith I have in reviewers)
I was about to complain about this:
I have a function def x(a, b, c). how can I create a cache key (in string) from a, b, c? parameters can be complex
<Grid Grid.ColumnSpan="2" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="58" Margin="2,0,0,0" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100"> <Image Name="BartenderX1X1Image" Source="/Images/KelnerZTaca.gif" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="58" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="100"/> <Image Name="BartenderX1X2Image" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="58" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="100"/> </Grid> It's inside the grid — Carlos28 3 mins ago
Code in comments.
But then this happened as an answer to that comment:
try this, <StackPanel Grid.ColumnSpan="2" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="58" Margin="2,0,0,0" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100"> <Image Name="BartenderX1X1Image" Source="/Images/KelnerZTaca.gif" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="58" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="100"/> <Image Name="BartenderX1X2Image" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="58" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="100"/> </StackPanel> — Arun Selva Kumar 1 min ago
–I have no words.
@shiplu.mokadd.im do you know if your parameters are hashable?
@JonClements No.
are they serializable in some way?
Yes. I am caching them using pickle
@shiplu.mokadd.im then if you're using pickle, why aren't you using a pickle string already?
pickle string as cache key?
Why not?
wont they be bigger?
I dont have idea
I think I can generate a hash from a pickle of those arguments.
right, but then you'll have to check it's actually correct... and don't risk weird results of getting wrong results
@shiplu.mokadd.im To a non-programmer, that sentence must seem really strange.
May I ask what the “cache key” will be used for?
@poke caching obviously :p
(pre-emptive possible answer!)
@poke for caching surely. I am right now caching in file system. But it will be something else in near future
@poke I called it ;)
@shiplu are you using any sort of framework? memcache etc... to do this?
Or have you done your own custom pickle implementation?
Umm, can watch man of steel on blinkbox for 99p if I wanted... Is it worth 99p to see how rubbish it is?
… when did I close my chat window?
@poke errr... pass?
@JonClements If you don’t mind terrible plot holes and logic errors?
heya @J.F.Sebastian
morning friends
@Crow in your world is it always morning?
morning == whenever I wake up
@JonClements Its a utility script I am working with.Dont want to use memcache. Basically the script look up ec2 instances and save it locally.
Not sure what else can be suggested. You've got something that presumably works, but want it as a string, but are worried it's too big, and don't want to use established solutions... not sure what else can be said really
@Crow same.
What is with me and exception questions?
so... query string parameters. I think I am doing them wrong
@poke moth to flame?
(or should that be rabbit to carrot?)
@poke the expression: "like a moth to a flame"
(didn’t know that saying)
try starting a fire and releasing swarms of moths and see what happens
(can't believe I just posted a Y! Answers link)
well, YOLO
@Jon I’m not clicking that.
Umm.. I should salad-ify that to be tomatoes
Even better :)
ha ha ha I saw that I saw that :D
who’s the one on the bottom?
Need help
@Poke Rory - Amy Pond's boyfriend/husband
import boto
from boto.s3.key import Key import boto.s3.connection
Ah, that’s why that face was familiar.
sorry by mistake
host ='s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com',
is_secure=True, # uncommmnt if you are not using ssl
calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat(),
bucket = conn.get_bucket(Bucketname)
i'm not able to figure whats wrong in this code
this defaultdict thing is AWESOME!
How to get lots of rep: Ask a question about something that is mentioned but not explained in the documentation.
hrrrmph. Can you tell json how to serialize something if it doesn't know how? Eg, a datetime object, make it into epoch time and then send it
the documentation mentions it but I'm not sure how to apply it to this specific case.
@Crow default parameter
Basically, create a subtype of json.JSONEncoder.
if param_name in params_dict: vs if params_dict.get(param_name, ''):
Easiest for encoding is:
def defaults(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, datetime):
        return some_useful_value_here
    return None

json.dumps(your_obj, default=defaults)
@JonClements it assumes that obj is in UTC
@J.F.Sebastian it does... it's a demonstration... the exact encoding is left to @Crow
ah that's perfect! Thank you Jon
hrmph. The only problem is it is a single attribute within a larger set.
Why does that matter?
it's just returning the datetime.
Make sure datetime is the actual datetime class.... and/or that your code branch to return an alternate value is executing and returning a useful value
yep yep it's printing that
Circular reference detected ?
Why is nothing simple with you? What are you actually doing? :p
This isn't a bad question
Q: sorting error in python

user3234828def merge_lists(all_lst): def merge(left,right): results = [] while left and right: if min(left) < min(right): results.append(min(left)) left.remove(min(left)) else: results.append(min(right)) ...

Not in the mood to work out an answer though.
Someone want to do it?
def default(obj):
    if isinstance(getattr(obj, 'TIME_CREATED'), datetime.datetime):
        obj.TIME_CREATED = int((obj.TIME_CREATED - datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)).total_seconds())
        return obj
@aIKid not really... list(heapq.merge(*all_lst)) works fine for me
Seems it's part of some course/class; stackoverflow.com/questions/22440361/…
@Crow: you should return a json-serializable version of obj i.e., you should not return obj itself if it is an argument of default() function meaning that json doesn't know how to serialize it.
Well I want to change a single field to make it serializable
@Crow you must return an object of the type known to json. Changing attributes won't help
also default() function must raise TypeError for unknown objects
oh wait... I think I got it.

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