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do you expect to have an 'os' symbol in the global (module) scope?
if the answer is no-yes-no, then import at the module level and "don't worry about it"(tm).
really, in a real world application, you've got far more pressing issues to worry about it... scan the sources of the standard python library... you'll see (or should see) what I mean
and you use those modules without worrying about it :)
another way to put it is "focus on getting your program to work, not on 'potential future requirements'. If indeed in the future, some new requirement comes up: deal with it / implement it / change your code as required when it is required"
believe me, if you try to deal with every possibility from day one, you'll never get a working program out of the door by the time it is needed.
Meh I just want to do cool things
@ThiefMaster Happy birthday bestie.
@Crow fair enough :)
try this:
class Shell:
  def __init__(self):
    self.os = __import__('os',globals(),locals(),[],-1)
  def pwd(self):
     print self.os.listdir('/tmp')
it should do the cool stuff you're looking for.
ooh okay. Now I am trying to do something a little weirder
Don’t import in an initializer.
That’s just wrong.
import os
class Shell:
    def pwd(self):
Use instance variables only for stuff that’s actually relevant to the instance.
Unless you have a number of other os modules, and want to use different onces for each instance, you don’t have a module as an instance variable.
And if you had different ones, you still wouldn’t import them inside of the class. You would maybe pass and store a reference; but not do the import.
I want to be able to instantiate the class and have it be self contained. Example:
>>> import my_file
>>> s = my_file.my_class()
>>> s.pwd()
@poke it posted all disclaimers beforehand
Yeah, and I wanted to repeat it since:
25 mins ago, by Crow
Meh I just want to do cool things
It is not cool.
@Crow You can totally do that if you import os elsewhere in my_file.
cool is a very subjective concept
That’s how literally nearly every module in the library works.
except when you're stuck in a walk-in freezer...
@poke ohhh okay now THAT changes things
E.g. You don’t have to import sockets or httplib to use urllib.
I am currently working to implement this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_control_block
And it would be super ridiculous if you had to fulfill all the imports a particular module needs—how would you even know which it needs?!
@isedev lol…
mee got to learn to express meeself more simple... @poke took you two lines to achieve what I failed to convey in 10 :(
Which two lines? “Don’t” and “Not cool”? :D
ok, stickler, three then including "super ridiculous" :)
Also, as for "cool things", I'm just curious to see the limits and capabilities of python.
I think I am getting a little too adjusted to javascript-esque syntax and abilities
@crow cool things wasn't ironic or disparaging... simply an impression of my "don't see the point". that said, most learning curves involve "don't see the point"'s of those who've been there before... so keep going.
okay this is actually really cool... help(class instantiation)
do we have python-devel for 3.x?
you mean a mailing list?
Python 2 is in support-only mode, so all new features are for 3 anyway.
i mean, the development headers
or is it built-in on 3.x?
w-... what even is this program doing? He says three things are empty lists, but then apparently decides to use them as indexes into a list...?
thanks poke.. though the site looks down on my side
uhh, well, the package is called python3-dev
or python<version>-dev in general
i see
i hope thats the thing i need to get cx_Oracle to work
cx_Oracle? There's some annoying bash_profile things to do to get that installed
it's giving me a headache for real
did you download the sdk?
yup.. basic + sdk + odbc + sqlplus
I found these instructions got me through it quickly. Not sure what your dev environment is though. gist.github.com/tomstrummer/6011715
I’m out, rhubarb!
im on rhel5
another question here, how can i completely remove python3.2.. i now have python3.3
personal workstation or server?
not that it makes much of a difference
leave the system version alone, just setup your environment as you need it
server.. actually, i have 3.1, 3.2, 3.3... just want to complete remove the older pythons for space
what's the default system python version? that one, you have to keep as system scripts, etc..., will depend on it.
all other versions that you installed can be deleted... yum erase or rpm -e the versions you installed (or if you installed into PYTHONUSERBASE e.g. python setup.py install --user, remove files directly there).
once you have only the system version and the version you want left, you can alias the version you want in your environment...
e.g. alias python = /path/to/your/preferred/version in your .bashrc or .cshrc
so, i need to delete files manually
btw, default is 2.6
i will retain that
thanks @isedev
Q: Did planes crash into the WTC on 9-11?

ikeI was looking through the questions tagged 9-11 and noticed the no-planes theory isn't on here. So: Were there planes that crashed into the WTC? Some examples of notable claims asserting otherwise are here , here, and here. Another article elaborates, and claims the following: (note: these are ...

no, it fell down by itself.
no, it was a "military complex" hedge fund operation
no, it was badly written python code that unintentionally subverted NY ILS and Guido pulled strings to make it "all disappear"
oh, I should mention I am seriously inebriated
anybody here playing on euler's?
2 hours later…
Does anybody know of some (good, free, online) resources for learning Python decorators? They're currently confusing me.
The first google result should point you to a stackoverflow answer.... Thats the best you could ever find :)
Q: Conditioning on Regex,Python

Swordi have several strings from which i need to extract the block numbers. The block numbers are of the format type "3rd block" , "pine block" ,"block 2" and "block no 4". Please note that is just the format type and the numbers could change . I have added them in OR conditions . The problem is t...

By popular request, I'm now in the Python chat room.
def getBlockMatch(string):
    regex = re.compile(r'''
           (?:\d{1,2}\s)(block\s\w*) # rule 1
             |   # or
           (?:(phase|apartment|building).*?block\s)(\w+) # rule 2
             ''', re.X)

     found = regex.finditer(string)
File "<ipython-input-10-f1195f1ffad0>", line 8
    found = regex.finditer(string)
IndentationError: unexpected indent
i edited your code a bit
delete a single space before found and return.
Python is very white-space sensitive.
you mean the last line?
Best practice, make all your indents in multiples of four. Check your indents carefully.
"found" doesn't line up with "regex"
indents problem solved.. but i guess i cant use .groups()
If it's same scope level, you need to make sure it has exactly the same level of indentation.
<ipython-input-14-60b4abb44527> in getBlockMatch(string)
      8     found = regex.finditer(string)
----> 9     return(found.groups())
     10 BLR_data['extracted_block2']= BLR_data['correction4'].apply(getBlockMatch)
     11 BLR_data[:2000]

AttributeError: 'callable-iterator' object has no attribute 'groups'
finditer returns an iterator of match objects
@pramod hi
i have problem
using pymongo
could u edit ur code on SO to return "block 3" only and so?? so that i can accept the answer
sorry bro
@Sword, have you looked at my code?
i dont know anything about pymongo
i want to use it as a function @AaronHall . i know it works on strings
I'll work on a defintion, ok if it's a generator?
generator meaning?
because that makes the most sense.
as you wish.. you know better than me :)
You materialize the whole thing with list() around it, if you want that. Otherwise I'll just return a list to keep it simple. That's what I'll do, I'll keep it simple.
is it possible to return just a couple of words?
only "block 1" for a string?
i will be using this function with df.apply(function_name)
so each string will return like('block1 ' block2 ) and so on..
hey, do you get with rule 2 you only specified you wanted the number, not the word block?
ohh sorry 2nd typo :'(
my bad
#extract "block 2" and not "apartments block"
this was written there
ok, I'm just reviewing DataFrame.apply
def block(str):
    p = re.compile(r'(block[^a-z]\s\d*)|(\w+\sblock[^a-z])|(block\sno\s\d+)')
    q = p.search(str)
    if q is None:
        out = ''
        out = q.group()
    return out
here's how i used it without the conditions
just need to add the 2 conditions (max priority) to this
guys, what does wt means on csv.writer(open("out.csv", "wt"))
why some is using "wb?"
@Sword check it out, what do you think?
@AaronHall hold on, i'll execute and see
def block(str):
    regex = re.compile(r'''
               (?:\d{1,2}\s)(block\s\w*) # rule 1
                 |   # or
               (?:(phase|apartment|building).*?)(block\s\w+) # rule 2
                 ''', re.X)

    match = regex.search(str)
    result = match.group(1) or match.group(3)
    return result or ''
BLR_data['extracted_block2']= BLR_data['correction4'].apply(getBlockMatch)
my code
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-56eb9dc2425a> in <module>()
      9     result = match.group(1) or match.group(3)
     10     return result or ''
---> 11 BLR_data['extracted_block2']= BLR_data['correction4'].apply(getBlockMatch)
     12 BLR_data[:2000]

C:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\series.pyc in apply(self, func, convert_dtype, args, **kwds)
   2021             values = lib.map_infer(values, lib.Timestamp)
forgot to edit
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
i guess there are certain strings where there's no match
wait, I'll address
@AaronHall thanks!
p = re.compile(r'(block[^a-z]\s\d*)|(\w+\sblock[^a-z])|(block\sno\s\d+)')
  is it possible to combine your code with this??? the conditions will be at a higher priority
@Sword, I updated the code, but I don't really get what you mean. I'm making another edit really quick.
I had forgotten that search returns None when no match...
ok done editing try it now
hold on @AaronHall
it works fine... i'll accept the answer as it answers what i have asked on SO . but it need to be combined with my original code for best results
what i want to do is , if both conditions arent satisified , use
p = re.compile(r'(block[^a-z]\s\d*)|(\w+\sblock[^a-z])|(block\sno\s\d+)')
Why do you have [^a-z]?
are you trying to catch the boundary of the word?
\b is a word boundary
that isnt necessary..i'll remove it
\d* means 0 or more, is that what you want, or do you want one or more?
\d+ would be one or more
yeah ... mistake
i'm modifying ur code a bit :)
def block(str):
    regex = re.compile(r'''
               (?:\d{1,2}\s)(block\s\w*) # rule 1
                 |   # or
               (?:(phase|apartment|building).*?)(block\s\w+) # rule 2
                 ''', re.X)

    match = regex.search(str)
    if not match:
        p = re.compile(r'(block\s\d+)|(\w+\sblock)|(block\sno\s\d+)')
        return p
        return match.group(1) or match.group(3) or ''
That's why I didn't really bother with your regex, I didn't think you were getting what you wanted when I compared your "rules" with your regex.
you have to do the match on p
return p.search(str).group()
Best practice: try to use complete words that semantically spell out what things are
the conditions have higher priority.. my regex would simply ovveride the exceptional cases'
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
error after using returnp.search(str).group()
Ah, do this:
return p.search(str).group() or ''
still the same..tried that before
results = p.search(str)
if results is None:
    return ''
    return p.search(str).group() or ''
That should do it, but you should be able to just include your search strings in the search strings I already gave you.
but I have to go to bed, I can't think anymore
as expected
where is the option to upvote in chats??
@AaronHall thanx man , love u
you can star it. Or just look at my profile on stackoverflow and find some things I'm proud of
starred it , but this one is only for my case :)
have a good sleep
good night
So I'm not telling you to upvote my stuff. I am telling you to vote on my stuff. :) If you have time. :)
You can vote down a stupid print in a list comprehension one, for example... :)
ok, good night
yeah .. i also gtg.. will surely do it :)
cbg @Jon , Potato?
@Abhi bananas, potato ?
Awesome, Thanks
Heya @pramod
@abhi i have one problem
cbg @pramod
Another silent saturday :)
i have problem in pymongo
@pramod Sure, what is that?
i have connected mongodatabase using pymongo but import json file into database then error occure
i am used free database mongolab
@pramod ahhh... so you got a little bit closer then ?
ok @JonClements
can you share your code or error value @pramod
import os
import sys
import envoy
from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient

client = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://user:[email protected]:33499/enron')
r = pymongo.MongoClient('mongoimport -h ds033499.mongolab.com:33499 -p 33499 -d enron -c spectrumplus -u user -p user123 --file C:/Users/sachin/Documents/IPython /ch06-mailboxes/data/enron.mbox.json')
print 'json import sucessfully'
@JonClements Cabbage :)
cbg all.
@AshwiniChaudhary Cabbage :)
@Ashwini cbg
cbg @thefourtheye
@pramod you can't execute shell tools as part of the connection :)
@pramod yes exactly, i don't think you can do that using pymongo, Use mongodb command line tools to do that.
it is possible to import json file using pymongo
@pramod you've spent 2 days on this now and this is as far as you've got?
i new in python
You are going to really need to improve your searching skills if you're to stand a chance of even using Mongo effectively when you've got your data loaded
@Jon @the Puppy fail He's falling every time. :P
@thefourtheye Did you get a notification for the last message?
@JonClements how to import json in mongodb using pymongo please help
@ashwini oh thanks... now I'm going through the whole lot... ;) this one's cool
@pramod do you know how to load json in python ?
Have a look for how to use json in Python, that's a good starting point
@Ffisegydd STEWIE!!!!
@samrap cbg!
How goes it @Ashwini
@pramod if you want you can use os.system command in python to run that mongoimport command or read json file using python and insert to collection.
@samrap I'm fine. :)
cbg @AshwiniChaudhary
How does that puppy manage to do that!?
@JonClements Perhaps he watched too many Jean claude van damme movies.
@Abhishek cbg!
cabbage all :)
i think we should all read this
@Games was there meant to be a link there to something?
@JonClements Sorry, my internet sucks :(
But yea, read this, Guido answers your questions :)
@Games I saw that yonks ago :)
It is interesting what he thinks of reduce and functools though :)
@AshwiniChaudhary Yes, I got :)
@JonClements Yea, I thought so too. To be honest, most of the Python code I write happens to be functional, and I try to avoid objects because they're bulky.
@JonClements I was thinking about adding islice answer and then I saw your name ;)
@the Ah!, so a simple "the" is enough, unless a user with same first three letters joins the room.
"which is a dumping ground for stuff I don't really care about :-)" I love that haha @Games
@samrap Yea :P I've used it in some mathematical contexts, but most of the time I don't use it.
@GamesBrainiac You are here too ;)
@thefourtheye yup :)
It's a reunion :')
@samrap I wish it is more fun like American reunion ;)
HAHA that's what's up! :) @thefourtheye
Just had chappatis for lunch.. You tell
I'll admit I had to google what that was bc we just call it "Pita" in America
@thefourtheye Oh, for the nth occurrence thing?
That sounds really good right now @thefourtheye
That with some good pesto
Guys, Stewie would be sleeping now. If we ping him, he gets an alert... Anybody in a little evilish mood?!? ;)
@JonClements Yup, I was wondering if anyone mentioned islice :)
hey guys I need some ideas on a little visualization problem
@thefourtheye I pinged him earlier... :)
(besides, I think he's using the silent hours option in the app.)
shoot @Sudh
I have twitter data coming as stream in the form of [timestamp], and youtube data as [timestamp, value]
@JonClements You mean if I ping @Ffisegydd now, he won't be disturbed?!? :D
@thefourtheye don't ping @Ffisegydd!!!! :)
now I am thinking how do I plot them
Hahahaha you guys :)
twitter plot should show the tweets i got in intervals
If I knew who that was I'd join you
@JonClements I ll never ping @Ffisegydd :)
@samrap You still don't know who we are talking about?
youtube is easy to plot.... but in the third plot I should show the correlation b/w youtube and twitter
I just don't know who it is obviously I can see the ping @thefourtheye
@samrap you've met Stewie :)
So take the timestamp from youtube data and the timestamp from twitter data and make a list of twitter/youtube tuple timestamps @Sudh
Have I? @jon
@samrap I think so... I think he was about the other day when you popped in
The lord just answered a question in the 33rd second :(
but I may not get exact matches.. twitter data is streamed
Is that a record or something?
Oh...well then in that case, I do know who @Ffisegydd is ;) @Jon
Oh I see @Sudh
I'm still not sure what you're trying to compare
@samrap cool... we'd better be careful or we'll fill up @Ffisegydd's inbox
Wouldn't want to do that! @Ffisegydd inbox is already full of the other pings!!
twitter timestamps represent the time some particular words were tweeted..one timestamp means one tweet
@JonClements Yup we would never want to do to @Ffisegydd.
in youtube's case we check viewcounts on particula intervals
How does martijn answer so quickly????
It's like he predicts questions 3 minutes into the future
Already answered once today with an enumerate - here's one with a yucky alternate solution :p
Wouldn't a comprehension have been better?
I just see two many parenthesis :///
@thefourtheye yeah... I'll add that... just haven't used filter in ages :)
Goodnight guys!
@samrap rhurb
@samrap night dude
Umm... How I can despise the second part?
@AshwiniChaudhary awww
that poor kid
Wow... /** i just want to edit items on database when i click on it's ID the value should be inside the form TAG and then will edit some content and click update button but it failed. i badly need help please. thanks **/
Darn, I should have flagged that as NAA before deleting :)
weekend cbg!
@PaoloCasciello cbg cbg cbg good sir - potato?
banana. you?
banana also... melon :)
Hello, all!
greetings @puffin
@JonClements Thanks for your help with my regex Q. Much appreciated.
@puffin no problem... hope it helps... you're doing something involving airports I take it? :)
yep. For work. Was battling with it all of yesterday. Kept getting close with the regex, but not quite there.
I have used literal_eval in the past and it has worked. I thought the regex alone would be a faster solution than creating a dict.
We parse a lot of javascript
You didn't ask for a dict but I figured ultimately that was probably what you were going to end up needing, and using literal_eval on the bit in the Array made sense...
@puffin if you're parsing a lot of javascript you may wish to either consider using a proper parser, or you could use something like v8 and execute the code, and retrieve information afterwards...
It's a stellar answer and to be honest, I found using literal eval in the past, a good solution.
@AshwiniChaudhary What does the second line, the one which starts with duniya, mean in the baby doll song? :)
@thefourtheye baby doll song?
@AshwiniChaudhary yup, not heard yet? :p
@thefourtheye Just googled it, I haven't seen a Bollywood movie in last 3 years. :D
@puffin been using Python long?
@AshwiniChaudhary Man, this heroine is world popular... :D
@thefourtheye Yes, for all wrong reasons.
You can say that :)
But what is the meaning of that line?
Just a sec.
@Ffisegydd Good morning :) Had a good sleep? ;)
@thefourtheye Ye duniya peetal di: This world is made of brass. eh!
@JonClements I'll look into V8. Never used it before. I'm kinda constrained in what i can use as there's an in house lib to do most of the parsing and whatnot.
@AshwiniChaudhary She is made of gold and the world is made of brass? hmmm
@puffin ahhh okies... that would make sense if you're doing a lot of it... Just thought I'd mention it as an option though

Words or phrases that read the same backward and forward.

E.g : A respectful addressing word for a lady.--MADAM.

1. A male parent or father of a child.
2. A part of face.
3. A word of exclamation.
4. A type of music.
5. Past tense of do.
6. Your parent not your father
7. A very young child.
8. A weight on a pendulum.
9. Feat or action
10. Middle of the day.
11. Look quickly or secretely.
12. A slang of madam.
13. Uniform or horizontal.
14. Narratives of heroic deeds.
15. An Indian language.
@thefourtheye May be, I'll listen it properly at home. The video is kinds NSFW, and all other employees are peeking into my system. :D
@AshwiniChaudhary lol, for obvious reasons ;)
DAD, EYE, HAH? That kind of thing ?
@JonClements You already solved three... Go puppy Go :)
err.. MOM?
I'm going with the British (and therefore correct) spelling :)
Oh, I thought people simply started saying Mum instead of Mom
not sure about feat or action, but then NOON, PEEP, MAAM
Oh hang on, DEED and then LEVEL
Actually 15 is MALAYALAM
and maybe SAGAS... although it seems a bit of a cheat
and I knew 15 from a quiz night... knew it began with M, but couldn't remember it fully :)
You are amazing :)
My vocabulary is very weak...
HAH could also be WOW I guess
or "OOO"
or HUH...
I think that one's quite flexible depending on one's interpretation of exclamation
lol Do OOO, HAH, HUH count as words? ;)
I was wrong about "ooo" though, I was taking a punt it was a variant of "ooh", but apparently it's not
two outta three ain't bad :)
that too for a Puppista :)
wb @Johan
ty ty :)
@JonClements are you sure with the five-stars-rule ? I'm asking, because since the day I switched from the three-stars-rule (feb 13) as you suggested the star-board has slowed down. I mean, we still have feb 1x posts..
maybe it's not a problem, I'm just asking :)
Might even be able to prune the current lot to just 10+
but why?
Just feel free to exercise your judgement - I'm not overly fussed... as long as the useful comments link and probably that devdocs.io remain handy...
I'm sure there was a link to something else that was useful...
Is today the "tidy up starred posts" day then? :)
I did that all week -- but just realised the remaining posts are so old

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