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yay! just done my 40 close vote tonight!
now the cv queue is only 4k! it's loosing weight!
2 hours later…
Hey does anyone have more information as to what exactly Python means when it throws "IndexError: string index out of range" at me?
@Orangestar - Presumably, you're trying to index beyond the end of a string. E.g. 'abc'[3]
ok better question
Is there a better way to write this:
while code[currentCharToCheck] not in '#' or '>' or ' ' or '.':
Because that doesn't seem to work
while code[currentCharToCheck] not in '#> .':
Oh it's that simple? I was worried it checked against the entire string.
nope, that simple :)
1 hour later…
@Ffisegydd ping !!!
Does anyone know if there is a best practice for where to define a PyObject error when building a C extension across multiple files?
2 hours later…
any one got cx_Oracle to work with python3.x?
having a hard time with it.. :(
hi @pramod
i have one problem
me too
importing json file into mongodb using pymongo
sorry, i can't help :(
no background on json and mongodb yet
cbg all... TGIF!
cbg me
A life? Cool… Where can I download one of those?
download life?
I like this one: "Software isn’t released, it’s allowed to escape."
Cabbage @Fenikso
@Andy hey.... long time no see - how've you been?
@JonClements Cabbage :)
cbg @JonClements
Interesting post by Pavan on that question
cbg @thefourtheye and @isedev
Two geeks are talking over lunch.
The first guy says, “You wouldn’t believe what happened this morning. A girl rode up to me on her bike, took off all her clothes, and said 'Take whatever you want!’ … So I took the bike”
The second guy says, “Good choice, her clothes probably wouldn’t have fit you.”
(sorry, it's Friday and I'm in one of those silly moods)
@Sword may you live in interesting times
@isedev makes complete logical sense... I don't get it... is that supposed to be a joke? :p
I just might have checked to see if they had a decent mobile phone in their pocket first though... More useful than the bike
ow, ouch... just got bitten by defaultdict :)
@Isedev forgetting that yourdict[key] creates an entry?
yeah, whilst iterating over it
Good job ;)
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration and thinking "but I'm not assigning anything"...
@isedev yup... at least that one was an easy fix and not some unicode issue... :)
@Ffisegydd STEWIE!!!!
@Ffisegydd ha ha ha... He woke you up today also?!? ;)
Cabbage guys!
heya @samrap - how ya been?
Busy with web design stuff these past couple months...finally jumping back into the programming world :) @Jon wbu?
I haven't been in this room at all lately
@samrap all good here mate - hadn't seen you around in ages - the design stuff all working out ?
Yea I actually have a project starting up probably next week! The past month has been getting my website redesign finished and set up and the month before was school stuff @Jon
Idk if you've seen the new site, but check it out sometime :) samrapdev.com
@samrap much nicer than it was :)
Thanks :) I spent a lot of time sampling fonts and layouts in photoshop before I went with it
One slight criticism though... The menu's at the bottom... which requires quite a bit of scrolling to actually get to the offerings.... and then if I go to samrapdev.com/premium-package the menu's now at the top?
The menu is at the top on all of the pages accept for the index page. That's because I wanted the index page to be kind of an intro page that hints at some features and leads into the rest of the website.
Do you think I should have the menu at the top on the index too?
That's definitely been something I wasn't sure about either
@samrap I'm not sure... it just seems odd to me... @Peter would definitely be the man to ask
(I prefer functional over good looking... so I like pages that are consistent... but)
Yea me too, basically I just wanted to smoothly force the reader to actually read through that content before moving on. But I definitely see where you are coming from. I'll have to ask Peter next time he's on if he doesn't see that comment
@samrap apart from that... I like the font, I like the graphics and I like the colour
Thanks that's good to hear @Jon
@JonClements "I prefer functional over good looking..." in all facets of life?
@AshwiniChaudhary Why did you delete that? I thought that is the correct answer (though I can't reason why someone would do that)
hehehe @isedev
Anybody ready for a programming challenge?
hey what kind of way is that of talking to people? I'm a seasoned programmer and have worked for many years on different languages but not on python. If you can't help just don't comment. I can easily beat you in any programming challenge you can think of, you want to try out? — user1746774 4 mins ago
@isedev I'm a little worried where you're going with that one... :)
Hahahahahaha @thefourtheye you're the competition man, have at it
@samrap That wasn't told at me... ;)
Challenge him to a fencing battle ;) @thefourtheye
Great. Now that I heard that name first, I have an advantage over him... I should try that :D
Sadly I can't join it's 1am over here and I have to be up in 5 hours :/
Goodnight/morning/afternoon guys!
@samrap night
@thefourtheye I thought I misread the question.
Hello everyone
I have a question regarding classes. I've defined my class with some variables I want to pass it. (Because init needs to use some variables). However, it claims that these variables are not defined. It's not wrong, I've placed them somewhere below the class. I just thought classes would work like functions, where you don't always have to define everything before you create a function referring to certain variables.
"I can easily beat you in any programming challenge you can think of, you want to try out?" sure, how about answering "Grouping dictionaries by common keys" :)
@thefourtheye no he didn't wake me but he tried to!
@Ffisegydd it's because he misses you!
@Ffisegydd Oh... Don't worry, I ll also help him tomorrow onwards :D
@Owatch you need to provide more information...
I've put quiet hours on as per @Jons advice
Even defining variables before the class is called triggers an error if they are not of the right type.
@Ffisegydd I've not tried that as I have the phone on silent notifications except a couple of numbers during the night anyway... - does it work?
It seems to yes. The notification is still in the bar but I don't think it made any sound etc. So if you check the phone you can see them which is good
What surprises me, is that I seem to get a notification on the phone, a good few seconds before I get a notification in the web browser
Ahh nvm
I class a variable as an object
I don't pass it stuff
I have another question
I have a two functions in a class, one connects to a serve, another sends a query. However, after calling class.function(send a query) it no longer can 'see' S, or my socket. Is there no class-wide scope applied to functions?
As in. Don't classes allow variables in some functions to be seen in other functions within the class?
Do you mean class wide or object wide scope? Maybe better if you post some example code.
*class wide or instance wide
I've classed a class as an object. Within this object, I have two different functions. I cannot see one function's local variable within another function.
Can't edit as I'm on my phone D:
I was asking if the scope was object wide. If that makes sense.
If a variable is local to a method then you won't see it in other methods. That's why you use self, to modify the object itself
Better put: Within class X, why can't a variable in X.function_1() be seen in X.function_2()
It is local to a method. But I don't want to make it global
You can't see them for the same reason you can't in normal functions. They have a local namespace
I have a feeling I'm going to have fun finding out which part of the system is triggering this...
_mysql_exceptions.Warning: Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. Statements writing to a table with an auto-increment column after selecting from another table are unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved determines what (if any) rows will be written. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave.
Is there any way I can make the variable visible to other methods
Without having it become global?
No I don't think so. If you assign it to self it won't become global though, it'll just be within the instance namespace
@JonClements such an error on a Friday... bad karma, mate.
Alright, thank you
@Kris have you tried just pip install cx_Oracle or easy_install cx_Oracle ?
no good with pip/easy_install >> Some packages may not be found!
Then make sure the packages are installed?
rpm said package already installed
@Kris you on a redhat based system?
@JonClements yes. I'm using rhel5
@Kris umm... not sure... just having a look round and it appears a lot of people have issues with it... but it looks like the steps you're following are correct and work for people... so umm.... really not sure
i even tried other 3.x python version and still got no luck
@JonClements et tu ??
@Kris umm...
@Sword errr, brutus?
there's no other way to connect to oracle database in python rather than cx_Oracle right?
have no luck using pyodbc
Never had to connec to oracle... umm.... could you use IronPython and a .NET driver?
or Jython and a JDB ?
heya @crisbeto
then fall Caesar
howdy @shak
hey everyone, i'm a new python user and i need to run some files through the cmd on windows, but instead of running the files they just open up in my text editor, can anybody point me in the right direction?
change ur working directory first
using cd "path to folder"
cbg all, finally in the office.
@crisbeto what do you mean "run some files through the cmd on windows" - what exactly are you doing such they open in your text editor?
@Ffisegydd in the office at 9:20 - what time do you call that!!!! :p
@crisbeto .py files??
@Ffisegydd stewie :)
Ah the vagrant life of a PhD student...
@JonClements example command "django-admin.py makemessages", instead of running the file it just opens up in notepad++
@Ffisegydd no phd , u r a naughty little kid with a man's voice
@Ffisegydd Sorry was offline as I am moving between access points. Can you explain what you mean by 'assign[ing] it to self"? I have not worked with self yet.
@Owatch let me write a simple example and post it for you.
@Sword don't go picking on Stewie or you'll have me to deal with pal! :)
@crisbeto so you're saying that when you run that in cmd it opens up django-admin.py in your editor?
What does assoc .py show?
class Puppy(object):

    def __init__(self, name_input):
        self.name = name_input

    def print_name_in_caps(self):

Jon = Puppy('JonClements')

# JonClements

@Owatch if you're working with classes then you need to read a tutorial on self, it is equivalent to this in other languages I believe.
I work with no other languages
I think I got it
@Crisbeto umm... on Windows it's generally easier to make sure the Python intepreter is in your PATH and explicitly do python django-admin.py ...
So if, in your method to get and serve a variable, you could assign that variable to self.variable and then you'll be able to use it in both methods.
@JonClements i'll take a look around, thanks
Not only that but if you need to print it, or work on it, outside of the class definition then you can just called it obj.variable where obg is the name of your instance.
Ooo... Changed profile pics and get a url for it: plus.google.com/+JonClementsPythonDev
added u in my circles
@Ffisegydd Must I refer to the variable as self.variable
For the remainder of it's use in the program, if it is assigned to self ?
Inside the class definition? Yes if you want to use it. But once you create an instance of that class, say 'pretzel = OwatchsClass()', then the variable becomes pretzel.variable
Similarly if you created another instance of the class, coffee = OwatchsClass(), then it could have it's own variable called coffee.variable
I think you need to read a tutorial on this, they would explain it far better than I ever could.
So if I have self.socket
I could say
Incidentally, yes I am having coffee and a pretzel for breakfast :D
Within another method: socket = self.socket
There seems to be a trend for using me in text examples for regular expressions and as an example class... I'm not sure if this is good or bad.... confused
And create a duplicate without having to repeat self.socket everywhere?
wb @markcial
cbg Jon
Why do we not have Salad for "welcome back" ?
yay friday!
which one could be?
i want to match 29th block , (any double digit followed by 2 alphabets) without using
\w+\sblock , so would it be'\d\d\w\w\sblock' ??
@Jerry cbg - good timing :)
cbg Jerry
uh... I guess? :)
@Jerry cbg pokemon
what's that 29th block?
Hi guys
cbg all
@Owatch I'm going to post another example, the way I've made this class is VERY UNPYTHONIC but I'm using it to help show you (I think) what you mean.
Sword: \d{2}[a-z]{2} or something
just an example
thanks johnny
@JonClements Got it
@Owatch take a look at pastebin.com/dgv6bK8h but remember that the way I've built that class is very bad practice, I'm just trying to show you how self works
Is there a way to know what's left in/peek inside a (finite) generator?
@greendiod not any builtin way... but there's ways to emulate that behaviour - what's your use case?
@JonClements stackoverflow.com/questions/22149799/… I'd like to control the consuming while loop by the number of left-over items in the consumer
sorry the producer
@JonClements hey
@greendiod that's probably worthy of a new SO question explaining the difference from your previous question
@shaktimaan hi again
@JonClements its Alok btw
@JonClements ok, I'm going to write up a new one
/me racks brains... Alok.... Alok.... hmmmm
@JonClements hahaha....actually its the name of a superhero tv series i used to watch as a kid
Ahhh fair enough :)
@JonClements hey i'm new to python (& programming also)...cud you tell me where to begin?
@Shak the officlal Python tutorial?
@Owatch you could also have a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/475871/…. I really think you should search around for a tutorial though if you're still confused, unfortunately I have to go teach labs in a bit so will only be around intermittently on my phone if you need me.
i see a lot of terminologies here that go over my head
Have a look at the programming books section under sopython.com/wiki/tag/python
@Ffisegydd thank you
@JonClements ohhkk thnksss
@shak it'd be nice if you didn't @ me with no text :)
@JonClements is there a way to set priorities in regex.. if i have 3 expressions in an OR "|" is there a way to decide the priority?
new to chat too :P
@Sword first come first served :)
o_O you opened my eyes @Jerry
I was 2 years old on SO yesterday... yay me
u mean first occurrence in a string or 1st occurrence in regex?
@Jon that's 14 years in dog years. You teenager you.
he'll stop counting after the next year (21 dog years)
@Sword that's a good point... :)
i have an unanswered questio
@Sword you seem to have an unfinished questio too.
the questio is finished but the statement that brings light to the unanswered questio is unfinished.. ;)
if you have re.sub(r'(a|ab)', '', 'ab'), you get b as result. This means a matched, not ab.
if you have re.sub(r'(ab|a)', '', 'ab'), you get '' as result. This means ab matched, not a.
ohh cool,..
heya @Dipendu
so if 1 matches, rest all go home?
i'm using re.search btw
as long as there's a match, the regex is happy and gets tea
the name of regex must be jon clements
how do i add a condition that if "block" is preceded by a number (pure number) extract the word after "block"?? @Jerry
@Ashwini somewhat different than telegraph.co.uk/history/9653497/…
@JonClements You guys ruled us for around 200 years. :)
For a "civilised country" we have a rather dark history
History is written by the victors :P
East india company
have u guys seen the movie called Lagaan?
It is amazing though when you consider the size of Britain how we managed to have so much klout, and how we somehow still manage to hold onto an influential position now...
sorry brits , its in hindi ;)
stewie could get his hands on an english subtitled version
@JonClements Many time also luck ... The Zulus neartly defeated Britain .. The US got rid of Britain
@Sword Something like this? re.search(r'\b[0-9]+\b block (\S+)', yourString) (where I'm defining a word as being a series of consecutive non-space characters)
yes @Jerry thats the case
but i'm using it in a function
@greendiod ironically, in the US War, it was the Germans that beat Britain :)
def block(str):
    p = re.compile(r'(block\sno\d+)|(block[^a-z]\s\d*)|(\w+\sblock[^a-z])|')
    q = p.search(str)
    if q is None:
        out = ''
        out = q.group()
    return out
\S would match "anything but a space" ,right?
@JonClements Yeah ... there are so many examples where some small event could entirely change History
@greendiod you remember seeing a TV show called "Sliders" ?
@JonClements The French also sent some troops .. but on the beginning, it wasn't thagt clea
clear that there was any chance for the >US
@JonClements like for the two Vietnam wars ..
@JonClements no, i did't see that oone
@Sword Yup
rhubarb, going to have lunch
@Jerry enjoy
@JonClements aahhh the TV series .. yeah I saw a few episodes
@JonClements back to Britain, what if the Spanish Armada made it to Britain ....
But no one expects the Spanish inquisition!
not married then...
@isedev not that I'm aware of :)
heya @pramod
cbg @Martijn - potato?
No close vote? :)
No close vote as of yet.
how to import json file into mongodb using pymongo
@Martijn @greendiod has a follow up to a question you answered...
how to import json file into mongodb using pymongo
ah, look-ahead in a generator.
@MartijnPieters Yep
@Ffisegydd already suggested the more-itertools library up there
I've linked you to one of the generator peek questions.
@Martijn what did you think of the answer on that one ?
One that uses itertools.chain() to re-insert the retrieved element; you can use it for 3 elements too.
@JonClements proof that I voted to close correctly..
That's a terrible answer.
Well, I left a comment and a downvote
Yup, I piled right on top of that.
Is that your delvote?
@JonClements That's mine.
@JonClements closed now
also cabbage
@MartijnPieters Wow, I also saw an interesting link fro @AndrewHare about an unget() like behavior for generators. I was about to post that very question as if I have a way to unget I can simulate (albeit in a ugly way) the peek question
You can always build a wrapper iterator class that adds an unget method.
Can a question be temporarily closed until I research all the leads?
@greendiod ?
My peek question. I want it close and maybe re-open it if need be,
@greendiod If it ends up on hold you can later edit it and it'll end up in the reopen queue.
at which point people will review and vote to reopen if the post is indeed not a duplicate anymore.
hi.. i have python3.2 and python3.3.. can i make python3.2 default?
@Martijn I believe @greendiod might be asking if they can put it on hold now (deliberately?)
Not by yourself you can't.
You could flag for moderator attention and ask a mod to close it for you.
@Kris if I was you, I would make 3.3 the default... 3.2 was a bit of a freak
But if you don't do this to often (especially not with downvoted questions), you could just delete the post.
@KrisEdison You really want to use Python 3.3 as the default.
3.3 is the first really solid Python 3.x release, in my opinion.
@Martijn except that answer has an upvote now, so self deletion isn't possible
ah, right.
@Kris if you're going to use 3.x, use 3.3... getting to that stage was just... sighs... really painful
it's still because of cx_Oracle that I can't get to work
What with the io system, the faffing about with stirng prefixes, removing and then re-introducing builtins etc...... the 3.x imho didn't go that smoothly
@JonClements Exactly. @MartijnPieters ok, so let it dust for now. I'm going to research the other post answers for now.
The 'why not turn it into a list' comment in that answer is not that insightful.
This answer is also interesting but it does not use the generator machinery
Sure it does; iterator.tee is a generator too.
it just stores elements you read from one of the teed-off iterators in a buffer for you.
So you don't have to push them back in.
I meant, it alleviates the problem by duplicating it

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