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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

> Please remember: I am using Python 3x
You can use the tag for that
@ThiefMaster Was it you who downvoted, no offence?
no, I just deleted the (rather chatty) "Just having a look at this answer..." comment
thanks :)
Anyone around?
Not showing research effort, and minimum understanding to the problem.
Offhand does anyone know how to query multiple sequences(in the 10s of millions) for non adjacent subsequences with out looping over every sequence, a tree structure of some kind? (i.e. [4,6,7] in [3,4,5,6,7] would be true but [6,4,7] in [3,4,5,6,7] would be false)
@aIKid Done :)
@John The numbers are unique?
@thefourtheye, no. [3,3,4,5,6,7] would also be a valid sequence.
also the number are not in order [7,5,6,4,2] could show up
One straight forward solution is a greedy solution.
Have you tried that?
I am not familiar with what that is... do you have a link?
1) Store the indices of all the original elements as a dict.
2) Then for each number in the query, check if the previous index is smaller than the current index, if not, its not a valid sequence
@thefourtheye, not a bad idea but that won't work for [3,3,4,5,6,7]
Why not? indices should be stored as a list in the dict
You can do binary search in the list to find if the current index is lesser than the next possible index
@thefourtheye, I stand corrected. That will work. Thanks.
@John Thats okay :) Try that, if it is still not upto the mark, post a question in SO. Python gurus ll help you optimize it
How do you run python from a command line again? I remember doing it, but can't figure out how. I just get a syntax error.
If i double click the .py file it works.
not from the python shell
from the normal cmd
Run cmd.exe, or run quit() from the shell
And then, python your/file/path/script.py
Heya sam!
'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command.
also what is python command prompt for?
Spent all day working out a positioning bug on my site only to find out that IE and Firefox don't support Helvetica
@samrap Start writing a blog and put a post there whenever you find things like this :)
That's why I'm learning PHP right now so I can make a blog :)
I don't want to use a plugin I want to learn it myself
@samrap Hahaha
Write something about it, others might need it.
@samrap Stick to a technology for sometime, try and get to the bottom of it.
@samrap By the way.. Why would you need PHP to create a blog?
I want a menu on the side with recent posts and date created and all that kind of stuff
Yea @thefourtheye my main focus is still Python I'm just out of ideas for scripts right now
I think you would need js for that..
Js is client side it wouldn't be able to save the date something was created
I could use JS to grab recent posts, but not not sort by date as far as I know
Oh yeah..
You created your site from scratch?
I'm learning about font faces in CSS right now so I can use helvetica. I don't think it looks as nice with Arial
Hum-hum. /nod
haha you like the design?
That's interesting
link to site?
Yeah, i think so
A bit too much white on the frontpage though..
It's supposed to be simple and clean
Make the white sligthtly transparent
Yea I plan on having recent blog post titles there. Another reason I need PHP
That's a nice idea
And let the bg be seen :)
let me try that in a bit
It's like that when you resize the window small and click on the navigation
Made it look like control panel on ios7
Or i have another idea
Make it a big strip of white
Just for the text
leave space in the bottom for some bg
Make the title a bit trans, too. Along with the text
maybe that's too much XD
I feel like that would take your eyes away from the title if the bottom had a bg
But yea if i made the body say .8 transparency I'd make the title header the same thing
Would be great
I've always wanted to make a site from scratch, but i'm just too lazy to do that :D
It's a nice break from programming because doesn't take much logic
It's like going from calculus to geometry :D
So normal command prompt doesn't recognize python as a command, how do you do that?
It should
just type 'python' and should open interactive mode
What is your OS?
Go to the start menu and type environment variables.
Select the PATH variable, and append C:\Python27; to it.
And bam! You're done.
system or user?
system, i think
I forgot
Restart the shell
then, if you type python it would open the interactive interpreter.
sweet. weird that i had to do it this time but not last time i installed python.
I'm thinking of switching to py3 soon
still have syntax error...
(if i try to actually run the file.)
(atleast python is recognized though.)
YO YO YO @Jovito !!
didn't know there was a python chatroom
It's the winning chatroom on SO
We're missing Jon, Martijn, and a few others though
ok, here's my first question
what uses variables declared in the outer scope of a class serve?
file <stdin> line 1.
I never had to install python so I wouldn't know
I mean, class variables..
Can you rephrase your question Jovito
you a mac/linexer sam?
Mac. When I get my own Mac I'll download Linux as well
yeah, I mean what purpose class variables have?
I use my mom's macbook pro haha I'm always bitching on here about how she's too scared to let me download most things
Structure. It's similar to declaring a variable in a function except you are able to access them by referencing them ie MyClass.myVar
Keeps things organized and also because it forces you to use self, it is easier to keep variables organized and easier to read
but it is possible to access function variables too, isn't it?
No, only if you return them
you're sure about that?
Yes. Not possible to do my_function.my_var
That's what classes and methods are for
and I think you were talking about instance variables. I'm talking about class variables like...
I wasn't aware. Not very pythonic or efficient though. Typically you'd want to stick with OOP
class MyClass(object):

    ATTR1 = 'a'
    ATTR2 = 'b'
    ATTR2 = 'c'

    def __init__(self):
They're global within the scope of the Class but from what I understand you cannot reference them outside of the class right>
you're still thinking about instance variables
No I'm not I know what you're talking about
I've never tried to reference a class var
self.var is a instance variable, each instance has its own copy of it and only instances of the class can reference their own copies
the reason Im asking is because the only use I have found for them is to store 'constants' related to the class
class Ball(object):

    DIAMETER = 10
    SPEED = 5
was wondering what else shoud I leave in the class outer scope
1 hour later…
What are you guys talking about?
@Jovito @samrap
About that class variables, and stuff?
@aIKid you didn't understand what I was asking about?
Mind to tell it to me?
tell me what you didn't understand
All the things in the world except a small part of it :)
Are you asking when to use class variables?
so... ? @aIKid
Well, you're right
it's usually used to declare constants that all instances will use.
Or a property that if one instance changes, all other instances will be affected.
could you give an example of that second case?
For example.. a game! An RPG game.
class Enemy:
    boss_health = 50
    def __init__(self):
        self.health = 10 + boss_health/2
The boss will be an instance of the Enemy class
yeah, that's the same thing
When the boss is attacked, boss_health will be reduced, and thus all enemy health will be reduced as well.
Maybe __init__ isn't right for this case..
Let's change it:
class Enemy:
    boss_health = 50
    def update_health(self, damage):
        self.health -= damage
        self.health = self.health * boss_health/25
Well.. something like that
I get what you're saying.
But syntactically still looks pretty much the same.
I thought we refer to instance variables with a pointer to the instance.. such as self.
I meant between the two cases you mentioned.
In both, variables in the class outer scope look like regular constants.
class variables are basically variables that are decared in the class. Not much difference with a normal constants
but they can be changed after they've been declared right?
In Python, variables can always be changed..
>>> ABCD = 10
>>> ABCD = 15
>>> ABCD
You're right, stupid question.
related question
sometimes I need a variable to retain its value for repetead use inside a method
declaring an instance variable is the only way to do this?
if only inside a method, just make it local to the function
what do you mean?
def __init__(self, number):
     divisor = 3
     self.resut = number/divisor
For example, the divisor variable
You only need it inside the function, right?
no... say I want to increase that variable by one everytime I run the function
so that its value will always be last_value + 1
Yeah, use an instance var, except you want it to be a class var.
those are my only options?
isn't it possible to do func1.attr1 = 3?
Those are your only options
if not, what would be best? instance var or class var?
As sam said, python can't get function variables
Depends on your need.
But i think what you need is an instance var.
I just did it
def func1(x, y):
    return x + y

foo = func1
foo.attr1 = 'z'
foo.attr1 returned 'z'
Yeah, since you refer to the function object, not func1().
But that's pretty much useless, since you can't use it in the function itself. Am i correct?
but of course!
And you can't access the one defined inside the function as well..
What's the best way to unit test that an iterator returns the correct sequence?
I'm using pytest for writing my test code.
2 hours later…
@aIKid Hey - I see you answered that user input question, and then deleted your answer - why ?
cbg @InbarRose
and cbg for all
I am special :)
@MirkoCianfarani Potato?
excuse me, I'm fine!!!!! or better BANANA
now I understand how to use this room...
hey guys
please vote to reopen
Q: How to implement push notifications in android?

Armance WissalI'd like to implement push notifications in android ? I prefer not to use an existing plugins would someone give me an example of code on how to send a message have been struggling since a week none of my tries have been successfull This is my last try: gcm.py import requests import jso...

cbg all
@ArmanceWissal You should ask a new question, take your time to format it nicely, make sure to include all relevant information.
I not can because i not have the possibility @ArmanceWissal
@MirkoCianfarani Did you accidentally swallow your grammar?
I not can open you question because I not have the reputation for reopen the question @InbarRose now it's correct :p
I saw, It's best to ask a new question at this point.
woohoo - doing my part to clean up the close review queue.... I just cast 50 close votes.
Only 97.4k more to go..... T_T
@ArmanceWissal For contact the moderators, you can create open the question in Meta.stackoverflow and you can explain the reasons of reopen.
@MirkoCianfarani No - there is really no neeed.
Reopening the question is not a difficult thing to do - it's just not needed. Best to just ask the question anew, but with a more refined approach. (ie: better formatting, clearer question, better examples etc)
ok thanks
how to know, a query is hitting database foo many times?
with django framework
this cant be happening
ruby 2 is faster than python3
talking about the general implementations people
this totally sucks
go use ruby2 then :D
well I've been experimenting with ruby these past few days
the syntax is absolutely horrible :(
from Tkinter import *

class Application(Frame):
def say_hi(self):
print "hi there, everyone!"

def createWidgets(self):
self.QUIT = Button(self)
self.QUIT["text"] = "QUIT"
self.QUIT["fg"] = "red"
self.QUIT["command"] = self.quit

self.QUIT.pack({"side": "left"})

self.hi_there = Button(self)
self.hi_there["text"] = "Hello",
self.hi_there["command"] = self.say_hi

self.hi_there.pack({"side": "left"})

def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
I need some help in changing the default background color
i dont want to change the color of buttons
but the color which appears @ bg .. grey
can someone help me plz
Q: How to create push notifications in django?

Armance WissalI'd like to implement push notifications in android ? I prefer not to use an existing plugins would someone give me an example of code on how to send a message have been struggling since a week none of my tries have been successfull This is my last try: gcm.py import requests import jso...

@GamesBrainiac yeah i don't like it too
@ArmanceWissal please stop dumping questions in here.
We can all see the question quite clearly on the site itself.
@InbarRose Nothing :) Yours is better, i'll just avoid competition and upvote yours XD
Heya @Games
hey @aIKid!
@Ahmad cabbage!
what's up?
Yo, i'm fine as always. What about ya?
How's school, and stuff?
Fine as well :) Got 3 free hours atm, so of course I came home and am programming lol
@Ahmad Hahaha
By the way, have you created a real android application and published it?
Actually I wanted to go to the gym like always on thursdays in the free hours, but didn't feel like it
Nah not yet
but soon!
Are you currently making something? :D
Yup :)
Whatwhatwhat? Can i know?
What error response do you get?
Are you certain that your server IP is authorized?
@Ahmad can you cv this? It's dupe, as martijn said. stackoverflow.com/questions/20264677/…
@aIKid: Depends; what is the error message that @ArmanceWissal gets?
yup just did
@MartijnPieters Oh not that one, the other one
the app is a secret for now
The x or y or z == blah one
But I'll let you know when it's finished :)
I'll wait till then, be sure to tell me
@Ahmad native android or using a crossplatform framework?
@alkid don't worry I won't forget haha
@Paolo are you doing Android development as well?
Oh, that one.
Threre, just one more vote to go.
@Ahmad yup.. but i need to support also that ** ios and wp... ;_;
@MartijnPieters Solved
Haha, How did I miss this 2 hours ago?:
@InbarRose you are a better man that I am ^^ — e-satis 3 hours ago
That guy's sure cool
I'm scared of python.
@Suhosin Me too, it bites, it can kill you, you know.
I know, and it doesn't like me either
But it's such a cuddly snake!
If you let it, it'll wrap right round you and snuggle and sequeeze and ...
I've actually play with snakes.. They aren't as scary as they look. And i love both kinds of python :)
Tell that to the alligator..
Not that the Python won that one either. That's a Python that took on a 'gator one step too large.
Magnificent pic
I think the photographer isn't a normal person...
@InbarRose Holy sh*t...
That's scary
I mean, look at that picture
@InbarRose that is a HOAX look at the later comments
@MartijnPieters Field "data" must be a JSON array: test www
@ArmanceWissal Is that the error message? I've never used that API, but your data is defined as data={'msg': msg}, so it's a JSON object.
@PeterVaro Nah, thanks
OTOH, your JSON structure looks sane and the same as the other question used.
I use json.dump on my field
this is the result
{"collapse_key": "message", "registration_ids": ["APA91bGZTLuCHvRoznz8eXJF-tweN0Nov7ryk9ku1Gu0-dtFmnD2UYKRSAdh372MPsjP5jaS7RB7k8‌​b4DdivzBMmxbSZniyEvqaVnTgGqdncyZbJlZEIjbROln9yPRIFUBb3lfXIcWc55eLOZo51WiDD83CR536‌​Xag"], "data": "\"vous avez recu ce msg wissal\""}
isn't that a valid json?
Don't show us your registration ids. :-P
That is not correct JSON, btw.
not for the API call.
You want "data": {"message": "...."} there.
so make data point to a dictionary, with keys.
Grr, I do dislike being downvoted without a comment telling me what I missed or did wrong.
How can I help the OP if I don't get feedback?
I've done that
now I have
JSON_PARSING_ERROR: Unexpected character (c) at position 0
..., 'data': {'message': '"vous avez recu ce msg wissal"'}}
Why are there extra quotes around the message?
@ArmanceWissal: BTW, your posted code suggested that you were already building the data key as a nested dictionary, {'msg': message} in the call to your function. Did you change that from the code you posted in your question?
I removed it and still the same error
.., 'data': {'message': 'test1'}}
What is the JSON string you are sending to the API now?
{'collapse_key': 'message', 'registration_ids': ['APA91bGZTLuCHvRoznz8eXJF-tweN0Nov7ryk9ku1Gu0'], 'data': {'message': 'test1'}}
That is the Python dictionary. What is values after dumping it to JSON?
Still no idea why I got a downvote on that answer; the OP upvoted and accepted it. Perhaps it was a tactical downvote from the competing answer.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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