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ha ha ha...
I could stare at it all day...
Cabbage btw
Nice gif
Thank you long time no talk @aIKid
sorry, can't be long. Got to go again :)
No worries I'm just reading about PHP right now
Gonna launch my website tonight I think
Cabbage Sam
How's the wedding going?
Wedding went fine and I am back at work. How are you?
I'm good just got back from a job interview :)
Can I get input on my Python question?
I think it's a very good one, and I even offered a bounty on it.
Sure whats the link
Q: Managing Memory with Python Reading Objects of Varying Sizes from OODB's

Aaron HallI'm reading in a collection of objects (tables like sqlite3 tables or dataframes) from an Object Oriented DataBase, most of which are small enough that the Python garbage collector can handle without incident. However, when they get larger in size (less than 10 MB's) the GC doesn't seem to be abl...

Thoughts, feedback... anything?
I voted you up, it is a well asked question but I don't have experience in that area so I wouldn't be of any help
fair enough
@AaronHall Tim Peters answered it and you are not satisfied with that answer? ;)
I'm anxious to learn everything I can. It's certainly not the sort of question everyone jumps on.
I have to pick a winner soon, though... :)
At the NYC Python meetup and heading home now, catch yall later!
@AaronHall Enjoy :) BTW, Tim is one of the core developers of Python and he invented Timsort, which is used by the builtin sort functions in many languages
1 hour later…
I know. :)
3 hours later…
hello, i have a model and i am getting the attributes of that with the following instr

attr = getattr(project, 'id', None)
project is the instance, id == is the field and none is the default return type.
my question is what if i want to get the Forghin keys with this?

e.g. get customer name
project.customer.name with the above condition?
Q: How to get F.K values with getattr from models

Jacki have a model Project and i am getting the attributes of that with the following instr attr = getattr(project, 'id', None) project is the instance, id is the field and None is the default return type. my question is what if i want to get the F.K keys with this? Get customer name project.cus...

hi all.. wanna ask some help about python ;)
Hello @RahimJaafar, ask and I'll see if I can help.
how can I explain? hurm..
can you take a look for my question?
this is the title "Convert text files to excel files using python" please see at my profile.. :)
@Andy please help..
@RahimJaafar That question already has an accepted answer, what is the problem?
lol @InbarRose and good morning room
helo all..if someone know how to solve my problems,please help ya, i had put link for the question.. :)
@RahimJaafar Hello Rahim - the question you linked has already been answered, and months ago. Please ask a new question on the website, or explain here what is different.
thank you for response, i had edited that question this morning, there's only a small problem actually..but i don't know how to solve, i can't ask anymore, block already :(
I asked a serious question.
I wonder if I will get any answers.
cbg all
That dog really loves Cabbage. @JonClements ? :)
It is defacing Brassica Prime!
Our lord shall return
It shall destroy the others, those that are weak. We will gain power over every citizen and let them eat cabbages
@JonClements How dare you let such creature of your race make Brassica look like such a fool. You shall be annihilated first when Brassica returns
Okay goodnight everyone
@Haidro Why did you get angry at @JonClements ?
@thefourtheye nice answer.
However, the if len(machines) == 1: return {k:v.split(".")[0] for k,v in machines.items()} bothers me.
I hate specific conditions like that
Also - Your code doesn't work from the start
machines = {'ace.a.site.info': 'ace.a.site.info',
            'ace.b.site.info': 'ace.b.site.info',}
Results in empty sets.
@MartijnPieters Amazing answer man, thanks.
@InbarRose Its because of this line

machines[:] = [v[:x] for v in machines]
I am trying to fix it
@InbarRose I fixed it now.. :)
Now, worrying about the specific condition...
Doesn't work for:
machines = {'ace.a.site.info': 'ace.a.site.info',
            'ace.b.site.info': 'ace.b.site.info',}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Python\tester.py", line 73, in <module>
    for k, v in shorten_hostnames(machines).items():
  File "C:\Python\tester.py", line 68, in shorten_hostnames
    if not trim(tl, "head") and not trim(tl, "tail"):
  File "C:\Python\tester.py", line 58, in trim
    if len(set(v[0 if di == "head" else -1] for v in machines)) == 1:
  File "C:\Python\tester.py", line 58, in <genexpr>
    if len(set(v[0 if di == "head" else -1] for v in machines)) == 1:
NameError: global name 'di' is not defined
nvm its a typo
Still - looks like it can be improved upon.
Are you sure? It gives {'ace.b.site.info': 'b', 'ace.a.site.info': 'a'} for me
No - I said there is a typo.
It's okay now.
Well - the answer needs to fix the typo, but I fixed it on my pc.
Oh, which line?
Fixed it :)
I feel that you shouldn't need to make an ordered dict
Actually, I make it only once in the beginning to remember the key/value order
I get that - but you can just zip the items() (like martijn does)
Ya.. But I am not sure which is better
I think it can be removed (then no extra imports required)
Also, the direction can be a bool like (head=True) and then 0 if head else -1
Also - it's kind of a hacky way to use OrderedDict.
OrderedDict is for keeping the order of things added to it, they way you use it is just to keep the keys() in order...
You could just as easily zip(machines.items())
Oh yeah. Thats agreeable :) Updated my answer
I am curious, what is "tl" standing for?
temporary list :P
So, I have this so far:
def trim(hostnames, head):
    if len(set(v[0 if head else -1] for v in hostnames)) == 1:
        hostnames[:] = [v[1:] if head else v[:-1] for v in hostnames]
        return True
    return False

def shorten_hostnames(machines):
    if len(machines) == 1:
        return {k: v.split(".")[0] for k, v in machines.items()}
    keys, values = zip(*machines.items())
    hostnames = [v.split(".") for v in values]
    while all(len(v) > 1 for v in hostnames):
        if not trim(hostnames, True) and not trim(hostnames, False):
@InbarRose Glad you like it. :-)
@MartijnPieters Yeah, thanks.
Sorry for the constant nagging
I know you hate vampires.
Its fine, was a fun challenge.
I've removed the enumerate(), replaced it with another zip().
Cool, I will have to perform some more testing on both answers - I want to make sure they won't break anything.
@InbarRose: You can remove the 'cleaned the comments' comment too, btw.
@MartijnPieters Already did :)
@InbarRose I tried to improve that again and this is what I got now
def trim(machines, di = True):
    if len(set(v[0 if di else -1] for v in machines)) == 1:
        machines[:] = [v[1:] if di else v[:-1] for v in machines]
        return True
    return False

def shorten_hostnames(machines):
    keys, values = zip(*machines.items())
    tl = [v.split(".") for v in values]
    while all(len(v) > 1 for v in tl) and trim(tl, False):
    while all(len(v) > 1 for v in tl) and trim(tl):
    return {k:".".join(v) for k, v in zip(keys, tl)}
I removed that extra condition ;)
Um.... I am not sure I understand why you are using while ... : pass
That can be changed to
while all(len(v) > 1 for v in tl):
    if not trim(tl, False):
You have no updated the answer.
Now, the whole code shrinks down to this
def trim(machines, di = True):
    while all(len(v) > 1 for v in machines) and len(set(v[0 if di else -1] for v in machines)) == 1:
        machines[:] = [v[1:] if di else v[:-1] for v in machines]

def shorten_hostnames(machines):
    keys, values = zip(*machines.items())
    tl = [v.split(".") for v in values]
    trim(tl, False)
    return {k:".".join(v) for k, v in zip(keys, tl)}
I was just thinking that.
Just some cosmetic name changes and It's good to go.
Thanks @InbarRose :)
        def trim(hostnames, head=True):
            while all(len(v) > 1 for v in hostnames) and len(set(v[0 if head else -1] for v in hostnames)) == 1:
                hostnames[:] = [v[1:] if head else v[:-1] for v in hostnames]

        def shorten_hostnames(machines):
            keys, values = zip(*machines.items())
            hostnames = [v.split('.') for v in values]
            trim(hostnames, False)
            return {k: '.'.join(v) for k, v in zip(keys, hostnames)}
I dont like the while line... 1) It iterates over the list twice 2) It is lengthy. Wish I could shrink that also
I agree.
But you would need to make that check anyway
And it short-circuits
Hah, discovered a small bug in the way I handled 'filtered everything'.
Yes, I returned a list of strings, not a list of tuples of strings.
fixed that.
That's good news.
Also, the edge-case handling at the top of the function is entirely optional.
It's just an optimization, avoid the rest of the function when there is just one value, which we can just split down to the first element.
@MartijnPieters Do you know any tricks with which we can check if a list of lists has more than 1 element and all the first elements in the inner lists are the same?
I am checking the different implementations now.....
Where are you checking?
Well - First I am just checking them with timeit and then I am going to check with with actual data.
Keeping fingers crossed :)
I have to say, it's not looking good :P
def inbar(machines):
    # split items
    d = {k: v.split('.') for k, v in machines.items()}
    # trim end
    while all(d.values()):
        if not len(set([v[-1] for v in d.values()])) == 1:
        if not all(len(v) > 1 for v in d.values()):
        d = {k: v[:-1] for k, v in d.items()}
    # trim start
    while all(d.values()):
        if not len(set([v[0] for v in d.values()])) == 1:
        if not all(len(v) > 1 for v in d.values()):
It reminds me of the times when I wait for the system test results from topcoder and other sites
martijn [29.304897847618037, 29.756402020116784, 29.0370210431889]
thefourtheye [15.903559052460295, 15.7689435478989, 15.999108081384364]
inbar [14.423260327599394, 13.953180326425326, 13.953116853813015]
Looks like mine is faster.... >.>
That was unexpected.
I am dumb. I put the import into the function.
When I setup like this, it fails
from __main__ import *; from itertools import dropwhile, izip_longest
Do this:
def inbar(machines):
    # split items
    d = {k: v.split('.') for k, v in machines.items()}
    # trim end
    while all(d.values()):
        if not len(set([v[-1] for v in d.values()])) == 1:
        if not all(len(v) > 1 for v in d.values()):
        d = {k: v[:-1] for k, v in d.items()}
    # trim start
    while all(d.values()):
        if not len(set([v[0] for v in d.values()])) == 1:
        if not all(len(v) > 1 for v in d.values()):
martijn [25.97588737830594, 26.18597805608704, 25.999953404498484]
thefourtheye [15.382379195658913, 15.570597871649582, 15.604884822891236]
inbar [14.02241683895383, 14.152825907098844, 14.20991933841725]
@MartijnPieters Unexpected?
@InbarRose When I run the code, it says
martijn<timeit-src>:2: SyntaxWarning: import * only allowed at module level
Anyway - speed is not so important here.
Readability, Maintainability, and Accuracy.
@thefourtheye Python 2.7.5 ?
I am running that code in IDLE.
I use sublime :)
Well - maybe that is the problem.
Anyway - change your answer to:
        def shorten_hostnames(machines):
            def trim(hostnames, head=True):
                while all(len(v) > 1 for v in hostnames) and len(set(v[0 if head else -1] for v in hostnames)) == 1:
                    hostnames[:] = [v[1:] if head else v[:-1] for v in hostnames]

            keys, values = zip(*machines.items())
            hostnames = [v.split('.') for v in values]
            trim(hostnames, False)
            return {k: '.'.join(v) for k, v in zip(keys, hostnames)}
And I will accept it.
Or make it:
def inbar(machines):
    keys, values = zip(*machines.items())
    values = [v.split('.') for v in values]
    for i in (-1, 0):
        while all(values):
            if not len(set(v[index] for v in values)) == 1:
            if any(len(v) <= 1 for v in values):
            values = [v[:index] v in values]
    d = {k: '.'.join(v) for k, v in zip(keys, values)}
    return d
@MartijnPieters When i is 0, v[:index] will return nothing
erm, I meant that to be 1.
But, then, set(v[index]..., we will be checking the second element, not the first element
And the slicing notation won't work.
There are other problems.. fixing
Actually, this looks elegant
What does?
values = [v[:-1] if index else v[1:] v in values]
with this change, the latest code Martijn gave looks more meaningful and elegant, I believe
you forgot the for
I did, but that was already fixed
Oops, it should have been i
I used slice() objects now.
@MartijnPieters That's what I have been missing!
Why do we even need slice? Can't that just be (-1, -1), (0, 1)?
The first slice slices from 0 to -1, the other from 1 to end.
so you'd have to specify start and end points, but a slice() is easier here.
@MartijnPieters Yes, that's brilliant. I knew there must be a way to do that.
(-1, None, -1) and (0, 1, None) could do too, with for i, start, stop as the loop vars and v[start:stop] in the last list comp.
for i, start, stop in ((-1, None, -1), (0, 1, None)):
    # ...
    values = [v[start:stop] for v in values]
but I am partial to slice() objects; like range() one argument means you specified stop, two arguments means you specified start and stop.
and the missing arguments default to None.
I like the slice object too.
Awesome :) :) :)
Also - this is exactly what I was hoping for.
It's just strange the way you pass the slice object
I wonder if more complex slicing could be done
Like, by overriding the slice object and being able to step 1,2,1,2,1,2 ... for instance
Look at numpy, they accept a tuple of indices or slices.
array[:-1, 0] means all rows but the last one, first column.
Yeah, numpy is crazy.
here the ..:...:... slice notation is part of a tuple, after the comma is an integer index.
If I ever need to get into advanced stuff like numpy... I will know that there is a whole bunch of info on SO for me to read about.
It's just so far out of what I need to do, that I never learned it at all
Anyway - You have both been awesome.
Nope. Martijn is awesome. Hands down :)
Martijn is more experienced, granted, and has a heck of a lot more knowledge about Python than both of us combined probably, but - you have still both been awesome.
Oh look - our friend is back: stackoverflow.com/questions/20244228/…
Do you know him?
That is an exact duplicate question stackoverflow.com/questions/20240239/python-re-search
I just raised a flag
I don't know him. Look when I answered him, it was earlier today
And I told him to ask a new question, since the original one made no sense.
Oops :(
No worries.
Hah. I love it when people bring problems from proj. eurler or hackerrank. It really defeats the purpose of the whole exercise.
On indexing and slicing: you can support this in your own custom objects too; __getitem__ is basically passed what you enter in the square brackets.
The askers are always the most indignant when told that their question doesn't make sense or that they're thinking about a problem in the wrong way.
so [1] is an integer, [1:5] is a slice() object, and [1, 3] is a tuple of integers, etc.
This is what numpy uses, it's standard Python notation, but the built-in types only use integers, strings and slice objects.
I see.
This is also where Ellipsis comes in, you can use object[...] and the __getitem__ method is called with Ellipsis.
That's a literal three dots. Can't recall what numpy uses that for, but it is a rarely used Python notation outside of numpyp.
wait, really? any python object I do object[...] calls` __getitem__` ?
>>> class test():
	def __getitem__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		print 'woohoo', args, kwargs

>>> a = test()
>>> a[...]
woohoo (Ellipsis,) {}
There is a separate type called <type 'ellipsis'>
stackoverflow.com/questions/772124/… I did not know about that either
You learn something new every day! :)
I learned about slice and Ellipsis :)
cbg all
What've I missed out on?
>>> test = [1,2]
>>> test.insert(0,test)
>>> test
[[...], 1, 2]
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> pp(test)
[<Recursion on list with id=4343188080>, 1, 2]
>>> len(test)
@tristan that's to be expected... :)
thanks @thefourtheye. and sure @JonClements, that was just my first time really paying attention to the [...]
@thefourtheye salad?
Oh - he asked about cbg
I didn't understand why you linked that to him.
I asked that question - maybe you want to weigh in?
CBG is in the salad link.
@InbarRose perhaps - when I've caught up :)
hey guys. Guys. Srsly guys.
Hey Crowz. Srsly Crowz
@Crowz whassup?
Holy crap. bitcoin just hit $1000
I'm bored at work.
@InbarRose Your bitcoin?
@Crowz Lol
no no... all bitcoins.
The price of a bitcoin is now over $1000
That is crazy.
That's so crazy. What's impressive is the guy who bought $27 worth of bitcoin... in 2009
I wonder what that trough was on November 20th
What's also crazy is that people change in ubitcoins now
What is crazy is that when bitcoins were at around $30 and rising I had the chance to buy 10,000 of them from a co-worker... I didnt.... now he has 10,000 bitcoins worth $1000 USD each..... T_T
@InbarRose Woohoo that's something
Oops. :|
See if he'll accept $30 for each of 'em ;)
I remember when bitcoins were cents... I was like "I should buy some just for the hell of it" but never did....
I also remember when they passed $100 and I was like.. "no way, it will just drop..."

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