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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

I have used numpy... what OS you using?
can't you just make a virtualenv and pip install numpy?
or, also, pip install git+http://github.com/scipy/scipy/ apparently would work
Cabbage guys
Used the salad language for the first time
I like tuna on my salad. What does tuna mean?
There's some classic ones on the sopython website sopython.com/Salad
tuna isnt a vegetable. it means tuna
Peaches ;D
I'm quite avocado'd that you would say such a thing
oops I mean peas
Do you need Asparagus ?
okay class is seriously stupid
what class>
python class, school or uni class ?
No way anyone could find classes in python stupid
Well nobody seems to be using it
I see so many procedural python code on Github
I don't visit Github often...I find their website very disorganized
I do it just to check out other people's code and to see how I could improve myself
I don't host any of my projects on it
Planning to move to GitLab soon
(which will run on my RaspberryPi haha :D)
I need to start learning how to read other code. I'm terrible at it. Haven't heard about GitLab
It's really neat
Check it out: gitlab.org
They even have a demo page: demo.gitlab.com/users/sign_in
wow seems nice
Didn't check out the demo but I will later
Being able to say, that you've got your own little git server is awesome haha :D
analysis of algorithms it's the dumbest stuff ever
What college if you don't mind? @Crowz
It's a small college you likely don't know at all
Oh I see
yeah but I've been here every day of the semester but the teacher marked me absent for coming in 5 minutes late
Well, assuming your major is generally CS, what are you interested in as work?
so that's -5% on my total grade in the class
haha I have teachers like that
Wow thats a lot
missing 4 means an instant F
wow that's strict...
Damn that's pretty bad
yeah. School is incredibly lame
I think I'm going to take off a year before going to uni and just program. Start like hundred projects and don't finish a single one of them.
Or maybe just a few
yeah that's always fun... I have five classes left so I am thinking about rushing them next semester and getting the hell out
I don't think schools that bad
Well it's kinda bad, when you don't study (for anything) and mostly improvise
School's ok
Argh, sometimes I hate games :P
Well, at least this one game I am playing.
It used to have a good amount of players, now it doesn't, and most of the players are too small for me to attack :P
erm.... Call of duty?
I think school's horrible, as here they can't teach for anything and just suck our money and reprimand students for being bored
No, it's a game called Alien Assault Traders.
There are like six active players :P
Well, I guess twelve, but still.
Hi guys, a quick question, I wanna add 5 if a list item is less than 0, how to do it in a phytonic way for example a=[1,2,3,4,-1,0], should be a=[1,2,3,4,4,0]
for i in a:
if a[i] < 0:
a[i] = a[i]+5
Try that
    a = [item + 5 if item < 0 else item for item in a]
@thefourtheye, that is what i am looking for
Meh, mine worked too ;)
And is a lot less confusing :P
If I want to figure out JavaScript server-side Python where would people suggest starting?
"JavaScript server-side Python" hasn't turned anything up yet...
@NinjaEcho Should I buy an Xbox or a PS4?
@Ernesto I have written the same but with comprehensions. Its better to use comprehensions whenever possible.
My little sourceforge to github script is coming along happily
I want to delete empty dict in a list.How can I check using a comprehension
noEmptyDict = [dict for dict in list if dict != {}]
that will create a new list with no empty dicts. The original list will still be unchanged.
@ArpitSrivastava Did I just do your homework for you? =p
how do I check if an integer is even or not in python?
int%2 == 0
The % will show the remainder after you divide the first argument by the second.
Even numbers should have a remainder of 0 when divided by two.
2 hours later…
Q: Convert Python Code to Use Buttons instead

user1851922I have tried but I am not sure how to make this code work using buttons instead of the canvas. Its for a calculator using tkinter. I need to make this work using Buttons but everything i have tried has failed. If someone could tell me how to do it or even do the whole thing that would be much app...

Cabbage all!
Mother of a brute force that question's code! :)
-10 rep cause a user was removed T.T
@AshishNitinPatil nice profile pic
we are Leigion
Expect us! :)
My 1+ upvote accepted answers are increasing...my to-be Unsung badge might not be mine after all... :(
Nope. No match :) It's 12 0 voted vs 30 total accepted :)
PS - Please don't upvote any :P
8 days to a gold badge :) Sorry for being so childish.
It's the exam fever getting over me.
1 hour later…
@Code-Guru @Code-Guru Never use builtin types as your variable names.
hey room
anybody there
No one is here.
It is an empty chasm.
hey @InbarRose
i m trying to create a slider view
right now i got 10 image tags with static images
how can i load images from an array in python
what have you tried @cavallo ?
are you using some kind of framework or library?
@InbarRose the dictionary will only work, if the OP constructs the data
but if this is some kind of a given data
then you can not do anything with the dictionary
Perhaps - that is why it is a secondary suggestion.
Wow... 94k close votes... it just won't end :P
Are close votes new?
When I joined there were like 18k.
When they changed the close reasons there were like 30k. Now it jumped to 94k... wow
but there are a lot of questions that should never have been asked
Strange thing is that there are a lot of imo good questions that are closed
Think a question with many upvotes should be very hard to close
1 message moved to recycle bin
Hello room
did anybody work on Django LFS framework
@PeterVaro @InbarRose
sorry @Jes I didn't :/
you create the question on SO ? @Jes
say the problem but I not perfect programmer (total) on Django! I say part programmer of Django
@MirkoCianfarani i m just starting django to build a website
i am using LFS to add shop
i have created a few products on LFS
now need to get the path the product images to display it in galley?
cbg @Games
@JonClements pats the puppy, who's the cutest puppy in the world? :P
@JonClements How ya been mate?
@InbarRose Hanging in there?
@Games ooo... woof woof!?
@JonClements So, whats been keeping you, and hows you're little niece? I'm sorry I do not inquire about her more often.
Fine as far as I know... I wouldn't worry about updates - I don't receive them daily or anything :)
Ahh, so you still working databases?
Or something interesting?
Got a little bit of time to work on the new sopython
Now in this room they say this:
@JonClements awesome. I wanna start blogging ASAP :)
I got some good ideas and some video tutorials ready :)
Puppy Bowl - fantastic :) @Mirko
@JonClements So, when are you going to launch the blog?
Also, may I help in its development?
Focusing more on the classification and integration bit at the moment for the common questions bit....
So... not sure how that's going to work with the blog, so thanks for offer, but I don't think there's anything that'll need helping with just yet
@JonClements Arrite then. Just as a heads up, I'm good with django, flask. For databases, good with Postgres, Maria, Mongo and Redis.
If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate :)
Just might hold you to that :)
Sure, I've always been a part of Chat :) So, I'm ready to help. I'm as much a part of this as anyone.
Yes... the brotherhood of cabbage is expanding nicely :) /me rubs paws together and chuckles maniacally
Phase 1 of the master plan is complete
Honestly, I think we got a great bunch of people here.
People? We have people... I thought we had cats, dogs, blobs of colours and aliens...
Hexes my dear pup.
Just shows we're open to all species :)
We can all transform back in no time ;)
Oh yes, except vampires
They suck, quite literally.
You're mad.... mad I tell you.... muhahahaha!
bbiab, I need to get something from the corner store
Just curious. Did anyone here face problems reading Registry keys (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) on a Windows 64 bit system using winreg? There is currently an old open question on SO but no answers. I would like to post a duplicate question again but just wondering whether this works at all. (I have tried all WOW flags, 32 bit/64 bit flavors of 2.7.6 python, elevated permissions). Just doesn't work. :(
@Vikas I wouldn't have thought it'd be an issue, but can't help as I'm not on Windows at the moment...
sadly i can't comment on that question due to not having 50 reps. Dang
@VikasBhargava you do now :)
holy moly. thanks a lot!!
I was trying to get my +4 for a long time :P
Hmm Blue Ridge song seems rather sweet :P
@Games I'm a bit of a fan of country.... (well pretty much anything that isn't just noise anyway)
@JonClements I can really appreciate that.
Most hits today are rather ..errr... what can I say?
They're just crap. I mean most of 'em anyways.
Cabbage all :)
Easiest way would to be to put a property on the class that faked it.... finding all the objects and setting the attribute directly would be a bit "ugh"
The author is a professor? No please
@JonClements So, dynamically creating an attribute for all the objects is big NO?
Very little in Python is a "NO"... just more a WTF are you doing that for? :p
@JonClements Very true. Honestly, I find myself slowly attracted to C++ because of C++11 and clang.
Really awesome stuff :)
class Test(object):
	def __init__(self, a, b, c):
		self.a = a
		self.b = b
		self.c = c

a = Test(1, 2, 3)
b = Test(4, 5, 6)

Test.total = property(lambda self: self.a + self.b + self.c)
@thefourtheye that's the easiest way to hack it
I make sure to use lambdas as little as possible
@JonClements Cool :) I had never done that before in Python. In fact I rarely use OOP in python
@thefourtheye You can probably do most things just using a dict.
@GamesBrainiac Yup. Fortunately Javascript objects are more like dicts
Yuck. Me hates JS
I have to use it for work
But yuck!
And why do you hate it?
One word -> this
scoping in js is terrible
Mmmm. I equally like Python and JS. But I always use Python :P
Really? I find JS really inconsistent at times.
A Python class is a dict :) (effectively)
But you know the new super method in 3
is rather strange
Not really, the one in 2.x was the strange one :)
@GamesBrainiac these guys are relatively new... are quite good: youtube.com/watch?v=6drfp_3823I
@JonClements Well there are some rather strange things super does in 3. But yes, for general use, I think 3's super is better.
@JonClements Listening to it now :)
Hmm interesting music.
A: Chat room stars, personal vs. room

Jon ClementsIt's a tricky one due to any standard on what starring should be used for. Short of a minimum reputation requirement which probably should be inline with the requirement to upvote questions/answers on the main site instead of another specific chat limit - perhaps it should be possible to disallow...

@thefourtheye the OP deleted that question it appears :)
@JonClements Which one? The attribute one?
Oh... That, atleast, educated me :)
@JonClements Great post Jon - I think I will star it ;)
Who was it I was discussing about how the stupid questions get all the attention?
although, looking at it, you can upvote from 15 on the main site... so maybe that wouldn't work...
I just answered a question which was interesting: stackoverflow.com/a/20072009/1561176 and no activity.
But still... you can lock a room to only allowed people to talk... so why not be able to lock stars and bookmarks
I think only allowing room owners to create room-wide stars and bookmarks is great. But what about those created by non-room owners, maybe they would go into a sort of review queue for the room owners?
That'd be nice - but the whole chat system is a kind of ignored ecosphere... I have serious doubts it'd be worth a review queue... it's not worthy of being able to do inline markup in the room title
Q: Markdown in chat "room info"

MerlinGreetings guardians of the unicorns, I noticed that markdown links don't render as expected in the room info. It's only a small thing but thought I would bring it to your attention. UPDATE In response to comments: Raw URLs do link; however, the [description](url) syntax doesn't work

I really hope they give the chat some attention.
cbg @paolo
I love you guys
Don't worry, I'm not going to die or anything.
@GamesBrainiac Love is usually reserved for extreme emotions. Are you sure this is the word you want to use?
Not "I really like you guys" or "I enjoy you guys" or "I gain much pleasure from knowing you guys" ?
really like = love
I miss Kevin
where the heck is that mad genius?
He was active briefly yesterday I think
Q: The star for favourites gives the same tool tip text regardless of state

gerryLowry Regardless the state of a favourite star, the tool tip text is: "Click again to undo". When deselected, the tool tip text should read "Click to mark as a favourite". This follows Steve Krug's "Don't Make me think" principle.

No attention yet :/
Wow - I optimized my answer here even more, now its running in almost no time at all! I love Python! :)
Python meeting this morning. Can't wait. Press Conference Thursday will apparently be live on Sky News. I'll get you the online URL.
Kinda "Python" related :)
have you ever had a chance to use it?
Never had a chance to use it - it's still on my "to try" list
@AshishNitinPatil I didn't downvote it - but what's with the use of range there?
I thought OP wanted in-place sort
My bad
Well, even if it was inplace, for i in l: i[1].sort() would be fine :)
Something's really wrong with me :P
I have that... thankfully only on days ending in "y" though.. :)
lol...the "y" is there in every day :P
Not if you deliberately spell them wrong!
I didn't spell it out right... the "y" is there in everyday
See? :P
Doesn't falsetru hang out in here? This room?
Think they've popped by once or twice... not a regular though
Ok, why does the following not work?
woohoo, I got an accept on that answer I am so happy that I got some nice rep for answering a real question for once.
from pprint import pprint
l = range(55)
for i in range(6):
    pprint (l[10*i:10*(i+1)] + [0]*10)[:10]
What the heck is it supposed to do?
Q: Auto zero-padding an array

BasjLet L be a list of, say, 55 items : L=range(55) for i in range(6): print L[10*i:10*(i+1)] The printed list will have 10 items for i = 0, 1, 2, 3 , 4, but for i = 5, it will have 5 items only. Is there a quick method for auto zero-padding L[50:60] so that it is 10 items-long ?

fixed it
I thought pprint would print it nice & clean. Instead gives a TypeError
Well, you're trying to slice None there by the looks of it
Basically, it extends the list everytime & prints only first 10
I the izip_longest answer is the one I would have gone for anyway
yes, but it works fine with normal print
@AshishNitinPatil Shouldnt the pprint line be like this

pprint ([l[10*i:10*(i+1)] + [0]*10][:10])
oops, checking up
@thefourtheye that's what I was hinting at
Anyway... pprint isn't the answer to this anyway... it doesn't do padding like that... just makes it nicer to read in more general ways if possible
format strings!
Yup, pprint didn't help.
@InbarRose thanks
@JonClements yes, someone just did that with izip_longest
@thefourtheye just another approach for a laugh: new_dict = {k: map(itemgetter(k), (d1, d2)) for k in d1}
@JonClements This is for which question, Jon?
well, the merging dict one
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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