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Hi everyone
Hello Mirko!
how are you?
heya @Mirko
I knows Python from the project and after I try
@MirkoCianfarani you been watching bbc.co.uk/iplayer/… ?
Hey Poke!
@poke cabbage!
Super Cabbage
cbg @poke - have a good Sat. eve. I take it ?
Wow, so many reactions, busy monday, huh? :P
@Jon Yeah, it was okay :)
the site function and I watched BBC on stremaing (other site) @JonClements
@JonClements: Our kids are very happy; we will go see The Day of the Doctor in the cinema, in 3D.
Excuse but what is the variable that contain before **,
**kwargs in the function is a querystring that the client is send
@MartijnPieters I'm thinking of dong that :)
Or there is a other reason?
@JonClements: The tickets were going very fast, you need to get yours now if you are thinking that.
Mind you, do have a larger enough TV here... so could have a few people round and do it that way... but...
@MirkoCianfarani, **kwargs means : expands this dictionary
One cinie in Cambridge was already out of tickets last week, we got semi-ok seats in the other option.
My daughter is already planning creating a Tardis dress.
def (a=1, b=2): print(a, b)
Can someone help me with a stupid logical equation thingy? (!A && B) || (A && C) – can I further simplify that while executing C still only when necessary (lazy evalution)?
stupid control
then you can do something like: bla = {'a': 1, 'b': 3}; a(**bla)
it works the other way around
def upload_demo(self, theFile=None, **kwargs):
how this
does anybody else watch these?
but the name this?
def a(**kargs): print kwargs
@ShannonStrutz yeah I work full-time in the industry as a software engineer and have a 2.97 GPA
a(k=1, d=2)
puntator or pointer? @paco
will print {'k':1, 'd': 2}
There is no such thing as pointers in Python ;)
@Crowz Nice nice. Do you have a github?
@Dan omg, i'm so using that
haha :D
@ShannonStrutz yeah everything in there is super old though github.com/DarkCrowz
@ShannonStrutz :)
@Dan Tweeting that right out! :)
@MirkoCianfarani, is it clearer now ?
@Crowz Do you develop in Java mainly?
I mean now?
nah, almost completely python and javascript
almost @Paco Then :
**kwargs contain the adress of a variable or only is the puntator?
I understand that this print with print kwargs
thx for link
Forget C
or whatever language you're thinking with
That concept does not exist in Python
You pass in names
and you get to play with them in the function, where you can modify them
try to do some tests yourself in the python console
thx for all suggestion
You're welcome
and now I reading the question on Stackoverflow with tutorial
ehehehe I am old from half year :P
C is amazing
@Crowz Nice Python and JS rock. Is it mostly server-side stuff then?
@MirkoCianfarani: treat Python values as balloons
Names in Python (attributes, local, global names, indexes in lists) are all labels.
@ShannonStrutz at work right now, I kinda do both, pretty simple server-side applications rendered by the front end with javascript
Multiple labels can be tied to any balloon, but a label can only be tied to one balloon at a time.
Calling a function means the argument is a label that is tied to the same balloon.
oh... seems i missed the cats/bunnies moment of the day :D
a = 'foo'
@Crowz Nice. I had a hard time moving to server-side javascript. I think I'm personally just gonna stay with everything being client side
here 'foo' is a string object, a balloon. a is a label tied to it.
somefunction() is passed another string to the balloon.
It's okay - there will be more cats/rabbits at some point @paolo... :)
kwargs is just a dictionary object, a hash table in C talk.
I use flask for the server side stuff, it's VERY simple and has pretty good documentation
@paolo I'll keep one aside especially for you :)
lol ok.. :D i'm looking forward to see it :D
@JonClements @JonClements: that presenter is giving me gip. 45 minute episodes with his bad jokes? Nah, I'll pass.
I watched the start of one, and for the others skipped a few minutes in...
Could just use netflix or dig up some discs I guess... but anyway... iPlayer is easier sometimes
@Crowz flask \o/
guys we should make a web app
We totally should.
goes off to make a web app.
see you in a while!
ooo now what you're seeing? and where? @JonClements
BBC one 2 o 3?
Or did you have something more specific in mind? :-P
@Martijn errr.... I want a web app that makes me tea... off you trot :)
@JonClements chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/12983791#12983791 Sorry for being so rude. How are you? Thanks
Why would I want to build that?
I have family that makes me tea.
hollers for more tea.
@Martijn oh... right... I always get those two muddled up - sorry!
You know... thinking about it... that could explain a few things
I wish JSON would just maintain order sometimes...
@Crowz he's too busy making a webapp
then don't use a dictionary.
Use a list of tuples instead.
lists in JSON are ordered just like they are in Python, after all.
Is it just me or you guys also notice the chat notifications (title #) bug?
what chat notifications (title #) bug?
what bug?
The updates just won't go even when I have the window active
Time to eat... bbl
You have to click the number down in the bottom left.
The title wont update accordingly
to all read
The desktop notifications? or the title count?
I don't see any problems with the title count, no.
are you joined to other rooms?
Neither do I
hrm, you are not.
I have an issue with images, I don't see mine for instance
Looks like a chrome problem then
I assume Ashish is talking about the notifications for when someone says his name?
I use Chrome.
@AshishNitinPatil: or do you mean the blue count?
@Ernesto No, I know that one.
(see what I did there, I incremented the counter) :-)
Shows up at the top, and then you have to actually click the notification number down at the bottom left next to where you type
Lol. Even the title # got reset
You are welcome! :-P
Well if it's not that then I don't know what. I use Chrome and do not have any issues.
I use torch, made by chrome developers. Research it!
@TimTimmy will do, thanks. Not that I am very upset with chrome :)
@AshishNitinPatil This is what I see:
@TimTimmy, I have the same "issue". Also, I can see that the problem with profile images is just for me :-/
@TimTimmy I notice the asterisk & it does go away when I click on the blue notification counter on my profile pic at the bottom left. But, that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the chat updates counter in place of the asterisk
Might be too many tabs causing such issue?
My primary concern was that it shouldn't be a bug. Thanks anyways.
I understand or is it clearer thanks for your (this room) and this docs.python.org/2/tutorial/controlflow.html#keyword-arguments

Unpacking dictionaries:

** do unpack dictionaries.
Also, can anyone really see more than 5 starred chat comments? (when you click the show 5 more link to the right)
I have 6 messages by default, it says: show 4 more
Aren't they hidden behind the bottom bar? And inaccessible thus?
but I click this button, I only 7 of them
@AshishNitinPatil, yes
Isn't that a bug then?
It is for me
Thanks, enough to report it on meta :)
Anyway, talk to you later \o_
goddamn I hate school
Same here :)
And now that tomorrow is an end - semester exam...urghhh
Looks like we already have a question for that - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/117890/…
ARe you guys in college?
depends if you're american :P
i'm at university
oh right, I mean university
lol, I've been trying to change what I say so it is universal
@poke How can I wait several seconds to see if a user responds and if he/she doesn't, restart a while loop. Ma#ny thanks
@TimTimmy I'd suggest threading, although I've never done any of it myself and don't know much about it, but I can't see any other way you can both check the time and try to get user input "at the same time".
import time
zombies = int(input("How many zombies?: "))
health = int(input("What is your health?: "))
while health != 0 or zombies == 0:
    print("You beat the Zombies!")
    health -= 1
    print("Your health is decreasing rapidly!: " + str(health))
    x = input("Quickly! Type in + to save yourself!: ")
    if x == "+":
        health += 1
print("Your current health is: " + str(health) + " and there are currently " + str(zombies) + " alive! ")
if health == 0:
    print("You have died!")
@TimTimmy do you have a SO question?
@ShannonStrutz I am in my final year Engg. :)
@AshishNitinPatil nice!!! what kind of Eng?
@JohnDurrans @poke What about this? Where the ???? are, what should I put? Thanks :)
@ShannonStrutz Civil Engg. (but I've already lost interest)
Should come over to computer engineering
I know :)
But, will pursue big data & applications from now on
rhubarb guys :)
@TimTimmy that won't do it the way you want it too, because input will just wait for the user to hit enter, but you could get the times before and after the input and check whether they're, say, within 3 seconds of each other, and if they're not then do something else, which I think will have the same affect
@JohnDurrans I don't quite understand... Please could you give an example? Thanks
blehh ignore that
forgot to shift-enter :P
So? Thanks
@JohnDurrans Please could you edit the actual code?
x=input("Quickly! Type in + to safe yourself!L ")
if after-before>3:
something like that?
Let me check please...
of course you'll have to sort out the "die()" part, but yeah..
Ok... I give up on that idea! Thanks anyway!! :)
I'm guessing you don't have a die() function, I just used that instead of whatever you'd put if they didn't press it in time
I give you this in return!:
why, thank you :)
And it is chocolate :)
@JohnDurrans a die function is so silly :)
dinner time
sys.exit.. but seriously. Die is a pretty outdated and bad idea - raise an exception.
@everyone I have a problem...
PyCharm has a bug!!
If I do "break" inside a loop,
... it says to do it outside of the loop....
And when I do it outside...
....It says to do it in the inside of the loop...
@JohnDurrans Any ideas? Thanks :)
what's your code?
and what's pycharm?
search it (pycharm is a software to edit python files and other stuff)....
This is currently the code:
import time
zombies = int(input("How many zombies?: "))
health = int(input("What is your health?: "))
if health == 0:
    print("You have died!")
if zombies == 0:
    print("You got eaten!")
while health != 0 or zombies == 0:
    print("You beat the Zombies!")
    health -= 1
    print("Your health is decreasing rapidly!: " + str(health))
print("Your current health is: " + str(health) + " and there are currently " + str(zombies) + " alive! ")
if health == 0:
oh right, thought it was a module
and it's because "if" isn't a loop
you don't need the breaks, just stop indenting there
I mean if statement!
You can't break an if statement
you can only break loops
I want to kill the program - how?
the syntax for the "if" is right, just break is wrong
(inside an if statement)
"for" or "while" are loops
use exit() or quit()
I know :)
@AshishNitinPatil Unsolved reference sys???
import sys; sys.exit()
sys is system module
but you should go with John's recommendation
I'll do exit()
And look at this strange bug:
what bug? where?
it's called a praying mantis :P
tehe :D
No, It's coming..
lol...slow mantis :P
That's correct right?
Your code says so.
change it to
if zombies == 0: print("you got eaten")?
Look here:
Thanks :)
import time
zombies = int(input("How many zombies?: "))
health = int(input("What is your health?: "))
if health == 0:
    print("You have died!")
if zombies == 0:
    print("You got eaten!")
while health != 0 or zombies == 0:
    print("You beat the Zombies!")
    health -= 1
    print("Your health is decreasing rapidly!: " + str(health))
print("Your current health is: " + str(health) + " and there are currently " + str(zombies) + " alive! ")
if health == 0:
it does exactly what you told it to
Oh yeah..
Remove the first 2 if statements
@TimTimmy don't do sys.exit.. instead use methods and write clean code.
okay, how about you just run through what you want it to do...
ignore the code for now.. just what do you want it to do?
@BenjaminGruenbaum What methods? Thanks
@JohnDurrans That is the bugging matter!
@Tim How come you always ask me directly? There are plenty other people here willing to help :)
@TimTimmy which is why none of it does what you want it to...
@TimTimmy you have logic in your program, the simplest way to separate logic into parts is to place them in functions - functions have a clear way to indicate they're done with what they were doing by returning and they're great at managing flow control.
@poke Because you are famous!! google.co.uk/…
@TimTimmy I have mentioned about pinging people before - please refrain from doing so where it's not necessary
Cabbage Earthlings
@JonClements Yes I know.... I thought the others wouldn't know what to do...
cabbage zod... - how goes it?
And I've spoke to poke quite a lot already
pats the puppy how was the weekend? @JonClements
@JonClements And I have not pinged you
Wasn't too bad... fairly uneventful thanks - yourself ?
@JonClements Sorry I thought you were talking to me
not bad myself.....nothing spectacular to see :)
@JohnDurrans The problem is I've removed the two if statements...
import time
zombies = int(input("How many zombies?: "))
health = int(input("What is your health?: "))
while health != 0 or zombies == 0:
    print("You beat the Zombies!")
    health -= 1
    print("Your health is decreasing rapidly!: " + str(health))
print("Your current health is: " + str(health) + " and there are currently " + str(zombies) + " alive! ")
if health == 0:
    print("You have died!")
if zombies == 0:
    print("You got eaten!")
@TimTimmy is the logic clear in your head? then only the code can be made clear.
import time

def game(zombies, health):
    if not health:
        print("You have died!")
    if not zombies:
        print("You got eaten - though this bit makes no sense")
    while health or not zombies:
        print("You beat the Zombies!")
        time.sleep(1)  # probably not a good idea
        health -= 1   #maybe remove zombies?
        print("Your health..." + str(health))
    print("something something")
    return health == 0

zombies = int(input("How many zombies?: "))
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
stop writing code and decide what you want it to do
seriously.. don't write ANY code until you know
Yes, I know I was only given incomprehensible instructions which I still don't understand...
e.g. This:
#Change the code so it asks the user to enter an amount of Zombies
#Change the WHILE loop to that it terminates when health is zero or number
#of Zombies is zero. It should then tell the user is they lived or got eaten
And I still don't understand...
My attempts don't seem to satisfy it either...
So, the part where it tells you to change, it seems you now know where to make the changes. So make them there only?!
what was the original code? and are there any more conditions?
No, you don't quite get it.... Doesn't matter :) Thanks
@JonClements have you seen the 'The Night of the Doctor'? Did you know that the 'The Day of the Doctor' will be 75 mins???!!!!!!!!! :):):)
yes and yes!!!! even though i'm the wrong john spelling it differently but yes
Look here...
I don't get this either..
#incourperating a WHILE loop, write a program that asks for the amount
#of zombies each player killed and then works out an average
#HINT: Use a "look-out" value in you WHILE loop
@JohnDurrans :):):)
@TimTimmy I think you should make that a SO question now. :)
What do you mean?
@PeterVaro yes :)
@TimTimmy we can't understand this either as you're not giving us all the information, or the original code if there is any, in what you've shown us so far there hasn't yet been anything mentioning killing the zombies... seems like you're just getting us to do your homework atm
1. I am not getting you to do my HW
@TimTimmy SO == StackOverflow
@PeterVaro :D :D :D
@JohnDurrans I have made an attempt at each exercise
@JonClements okay then :) finally I did make my brother to start watching it. In the morning he texted to me: fantastic! :)
@JohnDurrans Yet when I have difficulties, I ask
@Peter awesome :)
@TimTimmy you should post your attempt on Stack Overflow as a question.
with the relevant complete question too
2. I was not given any original code:
**#incourperating a WHILE loop, write a program that asks for the amount**
**#of zombies each player killed and then works out an average**
**#HINT: Use a "look-out" value in you WHILE loop**
I just put in python so that you guys could read it
Put it as a question on Stack Overflow & it will be better for you.
@AshishNitinPatil I'm not ignoring you...
I am sorry, but you made me repeat :)
Yes... :)
hello everyone :)
@JonClements -- we have to wait another year before the 8th season started? I thought we waited enough from the end of the 7th and the specials :( It is so unfair! What did they do in the last few months?
@fanti Cabbage!
thanks you too
@AshishNitinPatil @JohnDurrans @BenjaminGruenbaum Bye everyone! Cabbage!
The present:
@TimTimmy rhubarb!
In 3 seconds I will leave...
can't resist. That was quite dramatic, especially the delay in the 3 seconds :P
ok rhubarb peaches & pears! time for me to doze off...
Hope to see more of me here :)
People irritate me some times >.<
why's that?
I don't even remember
cbg everyone
cbg MiKenning
I just wanted to thank everyone who did help me with my code, as my coursework has been submitted and it's all in working order :)
@JonClements and everyone else who suffered my nooby nature
@MiKenning no worries - hope it all goes well for ya :)
Me too ><
Not to boast, but my class mates were impressed by my GUI. Hopefully that'll reflect my marks ><
Fingers crossed... so, you can unwind a bit now it's all down then I take it? Until the next assignment that is anyway... :)
Precisely. I haven't quite got used to the fact that I can wind down, but I will. I have an assessment on logic gates tomorrow for architecture, but hopefully that won't be as arduous as all the programming I did!
Hopefully Java won't be as finicky as Python—as much as I like Python.
Umm... well... I suspect you may have different difficulties with Java :)
I was in the lab today, and since the python file came from eclipse, there were a bunch of spaces in the programming. The interpreter didn't like it one bit.
That's relieving in some ways.
Right... best of luck again, I'm gonna get back to old Jonathan Creek episodes...
Haha righto! Thank you :)
guys why is school such a waste of my time?
Because you sleep through it?
@Crowz because you're not in uni yet
Nah I am in uni, bigger waste of my time because they actually count homework for grades
Seriously? Wtf.
Your homework counts for your grades?
So does mine …
My lab work counts towards my grade very, very slightly
yeah, it counts for well over 50% of the grades (which is dumb)... best part is the answers are usually right there in the book if you control-f around a bit
I'm hoping that isn't the case for mine … but you can get 10/10 very easily in Bath
requiring you to do homework to be allowed to take the exam... that wouldn't be such a rare thing
but grading homework? wtf again
Maybe it's common for universities in <insert Crowz country>?
hello guy
any one knows about wpa-supplicant dbus
meta-style questions are usually a bad idea. ask a specific question related to your problem instead.
How long do laptops last these days? I've had mine for ~4 years now.
mine 6 :)
Maybe I can keep mine for 2 more years …
I don't know
it's getting really sluggish
it's a core 2 duo computer
@MiKenning A core 2 duo? You can survive one more year, i think.
@MiKenning The upgrade cycle is getting faster
@aIKid 2.53GHz Core 2 Duo. I have a terrible graphics set—which is mobile. I feel like I need to upgrade soon. I was thinking of buying an iMac (not because I'm an Apple fag, but because I just prefer Mac OS X; I like windows 7, but I prefer Mac OS X) in the near future.
And yes, I know that PCs are considerably cheaper if you build them yourselves.
And can be considerably more powerful.
And be more worth the money.
I'm selling myself into buying a PC here.
I guess that since the new macs have the ivy bridge architecture they would last much longer.
@MiKenning Haha
Yeah, i like macs too.
They're expensive, but worth the money.
Damn right they are. My original plan was to buy one so I had a slow 4 year old laptop near—or at least seemingly near—failure, and a desktop computer for my personal hobby: writing.

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