In [1]: r = range(1000000)
In [2]: s = set(r)
In [3]: %timeit 999999999 in r
10 loops, best of 3: 25 ms per loop
In [4]: %timeit 999999999 in s
10000000 loops, best of 3: 100 ns per loop
Constant time on average, but O(n) in the worst case. Like if the underlying hash only has one bucket, or every member of the set just happens to have the same hashed value
So first case is linear scan for an existent value, the second is where the first value is found, so the linear scan wins compared to the overhead of the hashing
In [7]: %timeit r[-1] in r
10 loops, best of 3: 25.1 ms per loop
In [8]: %timeit r[-1] in s
10000000 loops, best of 3: 121 ns per loop
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I am writing a security system that denies access to unauthorized users.
import sys
print("Hello. Please enter your name:")
name = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
if name == "Kevin" or "Jon" or "Inbar":
print("Access granted.")
print("Access denied.")
It grants access to authorized...
So... we started this SOPython thing in Feb. and after 9 months, we've got around to a page of questions, a description of a made up language and the first CW post
It will be better if we can keep a list of commonly asked questions with good answers there. So that we dont have to bookmark so many answers but a single page
I have a very simple question. I have 4 points plotted on a chart. [0,0] [0,100], [49,0] and [49,100] If a user clicks on [50,0] she is out of bounds. If she clicks on [35,35] she in in bounds. I want to count the clicks that are out of bound and clicks that within bonds. So to detect this, I am writing an if condition.
#returns True if x comes between a and b
def lies_between(x,a,b):
if a > b: a,b = b,a
return x >= a and x <= b
withinBounds = lies_between(click[0], lefttop[0], rightbottom[0]) and lies_between(click[1], lefttop[1], rightbottom[1])
note that you don't even need the variables righttop and leftbottom. You can unambiguously define an axis-aligned rectangle using only two points.
You could also do this without the lies_between function, and just use plain inequalities. But I prefer it this way, because the if a > b line automatically compensates for values passed in the wrong order.
Which is liable to happen if you're not sure whether top has a larger or smaller value than bottom.
Which depends on how your coordinate system is laid out. In Tkinter's Canvas, (0,0) is the upper left hand corner of the screen, so top is smaller than bottom. But in the Bitmap image specification, (0,0) is the lower left hand corner, so top is larger than bottom.
I briefly explained my motivations in the comment. Primarily, I was unsatisfied with existing questions, where the code the OPs provide had more lines than was really necessary to explain the problem
For instance, the question Martijn links to has three conditionals
For me it comes down to this essential question: is it OK to edit a question to the point where it might not even solve the OP's original question any more? As long as it's in the pursuit of making a really good post?
If I deleted the contents of that post and pasted in my own problem statement and code, then the OP would come back and say, where's my original problem with append?