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class ElectricCar( Car ):
    def __init__(self, battery_type, *args, **kwargs):
        Car.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        self.battery_type = battery_type
and then instantiate it:
I gtg now -- good luck @JebediahKerman
1 message moved to recycle bin
my_car = ElectricCar( model='DeLorean',
                      battery_type='molten slat' )
@PeterVaro thanks
2 hours later…
Cabbage @aIKid
Cabbage bro
This chatroom is empty recently
Ah, i just know that games is 18
So we do have a lot of youngsters here.
I know I've been gone the past few days how's it been? looks like you've been killin it with the rep points!
Not reallyhaha
Just increased a little last week
Weren't you below 2500 just a few days ago?
I think so
Last monday i was less then 2300 i think
Yea that's a pretty good increase
Well, there's just a lot of easy questions haha XD
Nowhere near the likes of games or haidro though
I know and EVERY time I see one it already has like 5 answers
They can easily reach 200 everyday.
Oh well yea they're dedicated haha
its crazy
I think the most dedicated is martijn..
He keeps answering everything
No less than 300 reps each day!
Tell me about it. When I first joined SO back in like June, I remember seeing him everywhere
He eats rep for breakfast
I need some easy questions to answer ;)
start crawling the pages @Ernesto
I don't know the answer to anything, though, so I can't find any :P
Maybe I should write a script that crawls the python tag and alerts my via text if any question title contains the words 'return', 'for, 'while', 'print' or 'loop' :)
Keep working on learning, Haidro gave me some good advice. Read questions, read answers, answer the questions you know, learn from the ones you don't.
It helps a lot
Good idea? ;) @aIKid
Nice idea.
I'll send it to you when I'm done. I'm having a writers block with the storyline of my Wargames game anyway, so this should be an interesting side project
Check it for every two minutes.
Perfect. This is gonna be awesome
Not every two minutes
Wouldn't that be too much?
But i do think that's possible
Advice: use the stackexchange api
I'll adjust the time ratio based on time of day. It seems that the late afternoon and night have the most questions
Yea I was just looking through the HTML it's pretty basic. But there's no simple way to get the title because it's saved in a link. I'll have to look at the APO
Once you're done, send it to me :p
will do
Gonna get some breakfast
see ya
yea I gotta get to reading some good ol documentation :p
damn I need to wait until my mom gets home for her admin password. I don't have my own computer how embarrassing
Can't wait to explain to her what the sudo command is from the command line without her thinking I'm destroying her laptop :p
nevermind about that admin password I found a different way to install
there's actually an extremely simple python api that eliminates the need to write requests and what not. I should be able to get this done in 30 lines or less
Sweet, I found a question I could answer, even if not very pretty.
Do it!
Now to just convince everyone the ugly way is the correct answer ;)
Send the link when you're done
A: how can we riffle shuffle the elements of a list in python?

ErnestolistA = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] listLen = len(listA)/2 listB = listA[:listLen] listC = listA[listLen:] listD = [] num = 0 while num < listLen: if len(listB) >= num: listD.append(listB[num]) listD.append(listC[num]) num += 1 if len(listA)%2 != 0: listD.append(listC[num]) pr...

THink correct?
You probably have nice way to do it, if so post so I can learn ;)
I may be able to write something with a few less lines but I'm working on a script right now. Your solution looks good
Thanks ;)
No problem. Keep on learning. I've only been working with Python since mid-September
Time + dedication = success
And believe me, I still have A LOT to learn
I am just learning too :D
Trying to be good
Is this your first computer language?
I start on EdX free online course, Intro to Programming.
When you're feeling discouraged or annoyed with python, learn HTML. Even if you don't want to be a web developer, at some point you're going to have to be able to read HTML and probably even write it. And it's not a programming language so it is extremely easy to learn. You'll understand it in probably just a few hours, to a few days.
I learned python on codecademy, its interactive and they have an interpreter online so its a great environment. Just incase you want another source to learn from!
Anyone who has worked with Py-StackExchange:
Q: Py-StackExchange filter by tag

samrapI'm using Py-StackExchange to get a list of recent questions from Stack Overflow. I know there is a way to get just a constant list of questions: import stackexchange so = stackexchange.Site(stackexchange.StackOverflow) for question in so.questions(pagesize=10): print question But this r...

I edited my answer after looking at someone else's, I basically still have the iterative version I originally posted, but I changed up the other guy's recursive function to be more user friendly. Is that a bad thing? I was trying to figure out how to add a comment to HIS answer with an update, but I don't have a comment button on other people's answers, why is that?
Could someone explain the cabbage greeting?
@AaronHall Hahaha
Oh there's actually a link to it!
Hello Friends
Good Morning
@aIKid @samrap @AaronHall @Ernesto
How are you all?
Yam didn't you read any of the above, Tomato?
Doing great!
@BadgerGirl Watch your salad
I'm good thanks!
I started learing python two months back and now want do learn Django
what is the best way to learn Django
Potato all?
@Jes Check this out
Learn by doing
Well, gotta get my cabbage right now
did anyof youwork here on Django?
@aIKid have u worked with django
Hello @aIKid
Thanks, @aIKid, goodnight everybody!
Just posted an answer to the riffle shuffle question, feedback is appreciated:
A: how can we riffle shuffle the elements of a list in python?

Aaron HallLooking through the other responses, I was unsatisfied with both clarity and style (they are not easy to understand at all, in my opinion), so I attempted to provide the clearest and most straightforward implementation of the algorithm that I could using pythonic style. def riffle(deck): ''...

It looks like it gets the job done. And it has a fancy description that tells what is expected of it.
I gave you a +1 even though you are the competition ;)
@aIKid Still have a few methods to add and some code to clean up but it has the core functionality bpaste.net/show/a3iiPYjg09h8ExkD6Scl
Here's another I don't feel like I've gotten enough kudos for:
A: For Kasiski Test,How to implement 26x26 table in Python

Aaron HallI like to use the standard library where possible to avoid rolling my own code and inadvertently leaving things out (like accidentally misplacing or forgetting a letter.) import string import collections def vigsquare(printable=False): ''' Returns a string like a vigenere square, pr...

I'm aiming for elegant, well-factored solutions with good pythonic style
I know the best answers are supposed to bubble to the top, but it's frustrating when I come in behind others who earned points quickly for being fast. I suppose I keep doing this and I'll get faster too. But who has the time to sit around and wait for answers to pounce on?
@Ernesto, thanks for the support, too!
@AaronHall I know you're new and all, and just trying to get some recognition, but at some point in time you will have to stop posting your answers, intending for some reputation. Please try not to do this so often.
@Haidro, ok, I expect to be busy at work soon, just trying to get in some starter stuff so I can start offering bounties and whatnot. I feel like I've neglected getting started here for too long and I need to catch up.
I don't want to over-self-promote, that's for sure. I'll annoy the moderators and get kicked off or something nearly as bad. I've been a user of SOF for a long time, and it's time for me to contribute back.
Hmmmm, I answered a question and then realized it was two years old. How did I get on a two year old question? Lol.
guys, need ur help again
Q: Context Menu for Local Files using Google Drive Python API SDK in Mac OS X

user2927391I need your help again. I want to write a code for context menu. I have written a code which uploads files from my local machine to the associated Google Drive Account. It also copies the links of the files which are being uploaded. Now, what I am looking for is to write a code for Context Me...

Please stop posting your questions here. The chat is NOT the place to bring more attention to your question, it is a place to discuss other things, or more complex questions. If you have already asked a question on the main site - leave it there - don't bring it here!
@InbarRose It should be closed anyway
Doesn't matter.
This chat room co-exists with the main site. Posting a question there is enough. Also posting it here is 2 things; obnoxious, needy. And not many people want to help those kinds of people. Wait like everyone else for your question to be seen by the users of the site. Else - it's like a child putting up a lemonade stand outside, and then going around knocking on everyone's door to let them know he put one outside. Don't do it!
Inbar racks the stars
Whatev ;)
I would go knock on doors, though. And hand out fliers. It's advertising, and advertising increases profits, right? ;)
Hell yea, but it's annoying
And SO has other methods (bounty, improving question, etc)
I'm not concerned with my neighbors being annoyed, though, just my profits, right? ;)
For every neighbor that is annoyed, there will be another applauding my child's entrepreneurship and buying lemonade :P
It's not that I think you are wrong, just playing devil's advocate.
Same as how it was a bit annoying with the other guy earlier begging for upvotes, and complaining that he was late to the party and was getting overlooked.
@samrap Awesome!
I'll mix it with my own code later
I think I figured out how to raise my own rep, though ;) Just lurk on SO and look for my fellow students asking questions when we have exam and problem sets ;)
@Ernesto Lol
Awesome idea
When exams come, you'll be harvesting reps.
I have been looking through the questions on here tonight, and see like 50 people asking the same things, and it's the problems from the last two or three weeks in class.
Cool! I'd like to see yours when you're done. Mine is about to get a lot better. I'm adding a lot of conditionals to help minimize printing and maximize the amount of info that is being displayed. And hopefully there is a module to connect to some sort of text messaging server
Not sure what exactly you are talking about, but for a quick solution could you have it send an e-mail to you? Android phones will connect to your gmail account automatically and tell you when you have an e-mail, while oftentimes a cell phone provider will also have an e-mail to text address so you can generally e-mail your phone number @ whatever their address is and it shows as a text message on your phone.
@Ernesto Just make sure that your instructor is not also monitoring the site. If you think he (or she) is unaware of SO - you are probably wrong.
Hey, I'm not the one asking for help on SO ;)
But if you are answering / helping all your fellow students.. Would that not be against the policy?
@InbarRose Nah.
That would be right
I won't be the only one helping them ;)
Still, against the policy.
I admit, I did ask a question pertaining to our midterm. But I had already solved it and been graded, but our forums are shut down for duration of midterm, and I had a question about the actual logic of it.
Anyway, about the text thing I was talking about, I know at least a few years ago, I had Verizon phone service, and people could send an e-mail to [email protected], and it would send it to my phone as a text message.
Hey guys, just wanted to share an awesome TED talk I'm watching
What is a TED talk?
cbg all
Hello Jon
heya @Ernesto
@Ernesto Unfortunate that you do now know. What is Ted Talk
I see, why are the conferences moving from Palm Springs and Long Beach to Canada next year?
@IgnacioVazquez-Abrams What?
Have I ever mentioned how good I used to be at Balderdash?
@IgnacioVazquez-Abrams they use to do a TV show of it here called "Call My Bluff"
@Ignacio a favourite of mine is a TV show called "Would I Lie To You"? Where a team member has to offer a truth or a lie about theirselves, and the other team can question them on aspects of it, and have to guess its veracity
Heh, I love that game.
But what is the game? like - they have to guess if its a truth or a lie? Wouldn't it be easy/obvious to "cheat"? Where is the challenge?
I never tried it, but looks fun
@InbarRose Well... the contestants know which ones are truths as they've had to tell a researcher... The researchers then either use them, or write something that could be plausible for the contestant to pretend is real
But if my goal is to have my team win - would I not make it obvious when I am lying so my team can guess that?
The contestant doesn't know what they're going to get before the show, and have to run with it
No - the opposite team get points for guessing correctly
So the teams are a completely superfluous aspect of the game. Since they never interact with themselves.
I guess so...
I'm off to bed now, I have just been sitting here refreshing screen to see if I have new rep, so getting tired ;)
@Ernesto sleep well
@Ernesto Sleep nicely!
And wake ;0
@InbarRose Lee Mack losing a tent for instant: youtube.com/watch?v=is0TdTLrvyA
Actually ignore that one: youtube.com/watch?v=pXEYEsCZXPs is a better example
Mornin' y'all
@IntrepidBrit word up
@JonClements All quiet in the Cabbage hood?
aye blud
@Haidro caabbbbaaaaaaaage
@Haidro cbg
Always fun when one of your bosses leans over your shoulder and says: "why are you doing that? That's what I do."
@IntrepidBrit I'd be worried if my boss chatted in this room and looked at cat pictures all day
@JonClements Perfect management material tbh ;)
I think the management is perfect anyway... but I'll pass it on and hope I can get my head out of the office later this morning :)
What happens to the body?
Well - that's pretty useless anyway... how you seen how undersized it is already for my head... :(
Heck - my tongue's bigger than one of my legs
Were you born in Chernobyl?
@IntrepidBrit No... but that could be a good excuse for a lot of things... I'll go with that...
Especially the talking/typing bit
@IntrepidBrit yes... it was a horrible upbringing - all my youth I struggled against the ravages of radiation wrecking my DNA and development prospects... then one day...
"What, I *said* bark?"
"Oh bugger"
You were the real life inspiration!
So, we need a troll, a human dwarf, a werewolf, a zombie....
anyone know about it
Q: Python ldap DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

Ashish JainWhen I run sample.exe file then it give me below error Traceback (most recent call last): File "sample.py", line 8, in <module> File "ldap\__init__.pyo", line 22, in <module> File "ldap\_ldap.pyo", line 12, in <module> File "ldap\_ldap.pyo", line 10, in __load ImportError: DLL load faile...

@AshishJain What does you're py2exe script look like
@IntrepidBrit wow... have you heard the latest idea some genius has had to reduce the congestion on the Northern tube line ?
@ChristianCareaga I m using Py2exe module for creating exe file of any script but pbm is after creating i run exe file then it gives me ldap dll file load failed
(sorry, got various people around the office today. Will be popping in and out)
@JonClements Nope, what's the craic?
@IntrepidBrit brace yourself - someone's suggested that people are asked to not use it
@JonClements .. a Vimes...
@JonClements .. genius
They're trailing something for 5 stops, and you're now going to be harassed in some way about the fact you could probably walk it
or take a bike, or get a bus
And then they're going to see how that's received and what impact it has
I think I can already tell them...
But heck... with that genius level of thinking... they might already know the answer... :P
@ChristianCareaga you have any idea for resolving it
@IntrepidBrit we don't really have someone for Sybil do we?
Oh, and an Igor
@JonClements In fact, all we probably have is nobby nobbses and Colons
@JonClements @IntrepidBrit can you check my problem stackoverflow.com/questions/19903441/…
@AshishJain well.... Have you seen Inbar's post on the right --------->
@AshishJain have a look at stackoverflow.com/questions/220777/…
Sorry for that but no one is giving ans. of my question that's why i posted here
It's been an hour :)
It just so happens not every question is answerable in 2 minutes
Besides, what DLL isn't found... have you found that much out?
Have you tried amending the program to catch that exception so you can narrow it down?
Or, in the hour, have you been sitting waiting?
The best anyone can help you with (unless they just so happen to have had exactly the same problem and have seen your question is)... is asking you what the DLL is that' failing... after that, you should be able to use the question I linked you to to advise py2exe on how to include DLLs...
okie i am just trying
Quick question - are there any other SciPy users in here?
Don't think so
@IntrepidBrit do you know multiprocessing?
I've dabbled - but I'm far from an expert
@IntrepidBrit when i call process.start, do i run the target function? Or should i use process.run?
Does anyone know Bob?
There's a lot of Bobs in this world..
the Bob
Bob the builder?
I have no idea what're you talking about hahaha
(I suspect that's his point ;))
@IntrepidBrit spoil spoilt ;)
@aIKid Working from memory - don't you use process.start, because process.run is the function that you want the worker to run?
@IntrepidBrit Is that an advice, or a question?
heya @istepaniuk
@aIKid Hypothetical advice
@IntrepidBrit Hum.. -__-
@aIKid Aye- pretty sure I'm right docs.python.org/dev/library/…
@IntrepidBrit Ahh
So if i want to run multiple functions on parallel
What should i do?
After starting and joining the functions
i call run for each process?
I'm pretty sure you don't actually use run
That just represents the task that the process has to do
I'm not sure i'm getting it
Then how should i run the functions, at the same time?
You mean.. p1.start()?
But it doesn't run the function..
I have a weird problem with "re.sub"... I'm trying to replace all occurrences of a string with the following pattern: r"[[ort:([\d+):([^]]+)]]" (i.e: "[[ort:1234:some text]]") with a string that references the two captures groups. However, the "re.sub" call will also try to replace strings that only contain the first group, i.e. "[[ort:1234]]", resulting in an "invalid group reference" exception when performing the substitution
oops, seems the formatting messed up the regex...
that's the one
re.sub(r"\[\[ort:([\d+):([^\]]+)\]\]", r"<span rel=\"place\" resource=\"\1\">\2</span>", "asdf [[ort:1234]] asdf")
Umm... so a wiki kinda parser thingy
yep, kind of
At first glance it looks okay... ummm....
@aIKid Have you specified which function to run
@jbaiter think you've got an excess [.... ([\d+)
damn, you're right
Umm... and then maybe on hte other wide... as well
Anyway... that bit needn't be a character class
Hm, I put it that way since I'd have to double-escape the group-references otherwise
Well the (\d+) needn't be inside a class - that's what I mean
Easiest method is to normally not use re.sub :)
what would be a better way?
Anyway... this is the sub i'd use...
Just makes it easier on the eyes to not have "real" []s in there for the second match
yeah, you're right :-)
@IntrepidBrit Since doing it this way is a bit difficult.. let me speak in Python:
def start(func1, func2):
	p1 = Process(target=func1)
	p2 = Process(target=func2)
@aIKid sssss, ssshssshshs, ssssss, hshshhshss
@JonClements I didn't realise you could speak parseltongue
Why can't a dog be multi-lingual hey? :P
@aIKid If you call join, the program won't be running simultaneously
@JonClements Peasants with flaming torches and pitchforks, that's why
(although these days, they seem to be armed to the teeth with Twitter)
What on earth are you doing to end up on that site?
Looking up "Multicultural London English"
Bbiab - company pub lunch
Have fun... laters
conch blad ;)
(think that's relax mate)... might have been "I hope seagulls swoop down and peck your eyes out and string you up by your balls with cheesewire"... if so, I apologise in advance :)
Take a look at scrapy.org
oh, sorry, I thought that was your question
The is "close vote please" Which is asking other users here to help close the question.
@InbarRose Ahh just realized it
Of course, web scraping and text classification with no experience - that's taking the deep end approach :)
It's so deep... I... Nevermind.... (No jokes coming to mind)
wow... it's so deep that it's not funny?
I just... stackoverflow.com/questions/19907143/… No idea how to close this, but it needs closing.
@InbarRose went for must demonstrate a minimal understanding
Who upvoted him? Are they serious?
That stupid question got more attention and more up votes than some of the questions I have asked. This ridiculous attitude where SO is turning into a support page and a tutorial site is very annoying.... What happened to the real programming?
@InbarRose You don't have to be very upset
Yes I do.
You don't have to care though.
@InbarRose Ah yeah? Thanks for mentioning that. I almost forgot.
And you certainly don't have to be cynical, or sarcastic.
Umm. 2 upvotes, 4 downvotes... interesting
Gotta go.
what's with all the self similar pics? :P seen at least 5 people with them
also, cabbage to you all
I'm so very sick today.
I was sleeping the whole day, and coughing my guts out.
Lucky you can't catch real viruses over the internet.
How are you all?
I am banana. (Salad Language)
@InbarRose Pissed I see. FWIW, I voted to close :P
@JohnDurrans similar pics?
cbg @Games
self similar, with all the rotational symmetry
@JohnDurrans That's the automatic avatar, called a gravatar. It is generated from your email using a hash or something.
The same as "No Avatar" pretty much.
ah okay
how do i paste code (and make it look like code?)
well, output
@JohnDurrans Paste it here and then press ctrl-k before enter.
okay thanks
say Hello, World!
Hello, World!
say 3 over 4
find 3 over 4
Hello, Jarvis
Good day to you, sir
A little ostentatious, don't you think?
What was I thinking? You're usually so discreet.
my Jarvis is alive! :D
Not sure what that is.
anyone here know Django and tastypie?
you know Jarvis from iron man? kinda making a very very basic version of that (very basic) :P did i say very?
the responses at the bottom are just from a dict, but it does the maths and returning text at the top for pretty much anything valid :)
Why "find 3 over 4"?
coz it's shorter than calculate :P
no better reason than that
it accepts plus, minus, times and over in place of +, -, * and / other than that it's a basic python
Oh okay...
It's a fun experiment. But I hope you aren't planning on doing anything else with it.
like what?
Like releasing it to the general public or something, eval is a very dangerous thing to use.
but yeah it's just for fun, i know expecting it to be a fully function AI with a sense of humour and sarcasm isn't gonna happen :P just seeing how far i can reasonably take it :)
Just use CleverBot. :)
yeah, it does crash a lot with any unexpected input
cleverbot annoys me :P it "thinks" it's human and i'm a bot...
Are you sure it's wrong?
and there are so many people that just talk **** to it so you'll be having a conversation and it'll announce that you're a unicorn...
@John how do you know you're not a bot meant to think you're human?
also it's not very good at distinguishing between conversations, it'll argue for 10 minutes that it already asked me a question 5 minutes ago that it didn't (the sad thing is i'll argue back) and i guess that teaches it how to argue better hmm..
i have love! :P
anyways i have a lecture, see ya'll
@paolo cbg

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