Python is known to be more readable and more maintainable than ruby, because of its simple syntax, its strong exception handling.
Since you're going to be working on the web, you can get quickly started making a mobile app with python's flask web framework.
As for speed, Python is faster than r...
I think we need to come to some arrangement re: this weather thing... I'm sure different weather at certain times would be welcome at certain points for the planet
Ahh... that's what we could do - invent a weather control system...
I actually asked him to make a separate question because the chat was getting too long for my comfort, and I couldn't invite him to chat, since he has only 8 rep! :P
I don't want to give him all the answers. But I feel like he just wants me to write all his code for him.
I tried getting him to read docs, but doesn't seem all that interested.
Damn teacher almost caught my answering questions on SO :P
Ummm You can enter the year until when your system should be protected and see the corresponding key sizes or you can enter a key/hash/group size and see until when you would be protected.
@Colin right... what I mean is - what do you want that xmlrpc etc... don't provide/
@Colin nope - I've got into the paradox of not having had enough tea to feel bothered enough to get up and make myself some tea... (which is only going to lead to chaos - let's face it)
@IntrepidBrit Npower became the third of Britain's "Big Six" to announce an inflation-busting rise that will hit more than three million customers from the beginning of December.
ah, I see ... my project doesn't have any requirements which xmlrpc(lib) can not solve ... but last time I used xmlrpc was (I guess) 2004. Maybe 9 years have changed the standard?
@IntrepidBrit ahh yes... I can see this advice from the PM that we can switch companies is going to be useful since they're all going to jump on the band wagon...
@Haidro there's a perfectly valid delete vote going there...
Ooo... didn't realise the system did: This answer was marked as spam or offensive and is therefore not shown - you can see the revision history for details.
Anyone know a good introduction to using XML in Python/Django? I had a look at SOAPXml (I think), but I just really don't get how APIs using XML work for doing POST commands, that sort of thing. I've never used XML, just JSON...
@jon I want to use the betfair API, but I don't really understand their documentation. There's a python library for it, but it doesn't seem to work/be supported still, and I'd rather understand the guts of what it's doing.
Although I've just noticed that there's now a JSON version, which makes my life a lot easier... not really, none that people are willing to share. Very closed off bunch of applications..
I suppose its like veal, the younger they are the more tender? If that is the case, I would not want to have any massive ones, the babies are already tough.
This is tested with CPython 2.7.3:
$ python
MyErr('bang!',) from ZeroDivisionError('integer division or modulo by zero',)
It works as long as the magic exception is directly created within the scope of an except clause. A little additional code can lift that restric...
Yeah, reading your comment again, I guess you knew that already. I guess depriving the ignorant of undeserved solutions is more satisfactory than getting rep.
In python 3, range supports slicing but I am wondering exactly how that works.
For example: range(100000000000000000000000000)[-1]
I have a basic understanding that the range function actually returns a range object that takes up a limited amount of memory. Does that mean that to get to the las...
It sounds like you object to the question because it's trivially answered by looking at the docs. I usually see "easy" questions closed with the "requires minimal understanding of the problem" reason.
(I don't know whether that's appropriate for this question, however, as I'm not certain that time complexity is generally discussed in the documentation.)
I'm profiling my development, and atm the greatest performance issue is in the draw() call, which is basically the python -> ctypes -> opengl convertion and calling
I was thinking in terms of your typical triple-A video game. So a graphics engine written in C could keep a steady 60 fps while rendering, I dunno, 100k polys
I think the usual solution here is to use vertex lists, which reduces the amount of converting somewhat
> There is a significant overhead in using and due to pyglet interpreting and formatting the vertex data for the video device. Usually the data drawn in each frame (of an animation) is identical or very similar to the previous frame, so this overhead is unnecessarily repeated.
well.. I could only think of more thing: that because I'm not experienced with OpenGL, I don't know exactly how big/small/united/separated should a vertex list be.. maybe I'm doing that part wrong..
maybe I'm pushing too many vertex lists instead of join them into one..
or something..
// or I have to come up with the conclusion, that for graphics the only thing that should work is C.. not Python -- sigh :(
Looks like the stupid OP from the previous question accepted a completely unrelated answer, simply because doing it solved his problem.… how I love noobs.
Want to bet the OP is probably working in a software company in some 3rd world country writing the code to your next handheld device?
@Kevin no, it seems to me the OP is just a nob.
Probably he by mistake made 2 variables called var, one is a dict/list or whatever, the other is an integer. And he wants to replace all the integer ones with something else, and keep the container as it is...
Doing it in the worst possible way
And unable to even explain himself in basic English.
Seems like he means "oh shit I made a huge mistake with my life, I should have been a farmer" ?
Sorry, I am a bit peeved today. All these annoying non-correct-English writing OP's are getting on my nerves, I should stop answering questions for a while.
@Withnail :) Do you know how many times I have seen code pasted into here where the first few minutes someone will comment or answer "you just have a typo.... blah x y z" and then the question is deleted/removed.
Tangentially related: I had a .net developer looking for a visa extension in the UK rock up for an interview with our company and after my first question, he responded with "Wait... which company is this?" Great start. Interview lasted 7 minutes..
Umm... I'm not sure that last one is a dupe now ... it's just somewhat easy to miss what I assume is the main question: "How to replace [...] with a random integer from 0 to 2 in this output?"