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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

hey everyone
heya @alecxe
@JonClements I'm a bit confused on how SO works, hope you can explain me :) I've tried to listen and answer in Scrapy tag for a while, but now I can make a conclusion that the amount of "contribution" to SO and the feedback is too small because the tag is not popular - comparing to "python" tag especially.
@JonClements nope sorry -- the bug is not there -- the bug is tkinter doesn't throw an exception, although it has to -- umm.. it throw the exception, but doesn't print it, and the program is still running...
so it is a freakin disaster
@alecxe Right.... I'm afraid I don't quite get what you're asking...
@JonClements on the other hand, answering on "python" or "django" questions gives more feedback, more value usually. And I've decided to stay on these popular tags. Now I'm thinking was it correct or not.
@alecxe do what you want... if you want to go for popular tags, if you just want to specialise / spend time on a couple of specific frameworks / libraries, just do those
No one's forcing/requiring you to do anything anyway... I wouldn't worry about it... Just do what you enjoy
@JonClements yeah :)
I like to keep an eye on the tags that are related to python, whether or not I choose to answer them is completely different
I sometimes answer numpy questions, sometimes I don't
@JonClements sure, I understand. Also, speaking about "Scrapy" questions: they are usually more difficult to answer, it's required to created a spider, go to the target website and check xpath using browser dev tools...agh
Yup - there are questions that I can answer, and I make a note to come back to if there's no answer there, but if it takes me 30 minutes to write and test an answer, I'm less likely to do it, then something I can type out in 1 minute
@JonClements could you please share with how you track questions in different tags? Just several browser tabs with "or" filters there?
Err, I just have my favourite tags listed on the main page
Sure, you are just switching beetween them manually?
I mean, for example, filters like stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/…
On the right .... you've got that section... I just list those, and on the main page, it highlights questions that have one of those tags...
Well, yes, thanks, are you sure you are getting new questions there loaded automatically without refreshing the page?
Nope - but I'm a constant page refresher anyway
btw, here's why I've started to think about all of that stuff :) youtube.com/watch?v=CSULRDoF8-g
great talk :)
Cool, shall have a look at that
I do have a bot that constantly takes the question/new user/new answer feeds from the site, and does stuff with those... I was thinking of adapting that to provide life Python updates on sopython.com
In fact - had you seen PythonCabbage? (The old copy that kind of works)
@JonClements great idea! PythonCabbage - haven't seen, but I've seen keyword "cabbage" in the chat very often. :)
Umm... let's see if the old copy still wants to come online, you can say hi or something ;)
I keep meaning to fix bits, but always end up doing something else... one of these days!
@alecxe there it is
!!recent 771848
[20:46:50 (answered)]: Python - Regex How to replace characters in a string?
[19:34:57 (badge)]: Enlightened
[19:28:54 (answered)]: Need to open text file, print random word with over 5 characters python
[19:25:37 (commented)]: interesting way! Great talk about SO, btw :)
[19:14:47 (answered)]: Identifying the string in front of a given sequence of a word
[19:11:36 (commented)]: @AshwiniChaudhary and TimPietzcker +1 I like your solution more. :)
[19:06:01 (commented)]: @TimPietzcker good point, thank you!
heya @r_black
wow, so, it's like a live feed of anything happening in the python tag, right?
@alecxe at the moment, no, that's being built in, to supplement our plan on sopython.com
!!8ball do you think a live feed would be good?
@JonClements Cannot predict now
Also a magic 8 ball, and errrr, an interpreter I need to work on
!!py [i ** 2 for i in range(1,20)]
>>> [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289, 324, 361]
@JonClements :D
!!tag python
: Python is a dynamically and strongly typed programming language whose design philosophy emphasizes code readability. Two significantly different versions of Python (2 and 3) are in use. Please mention the version that you are using when asking a question about Python.
@JonClements is it using SO API or smth?
Yup, using what it can of the SO api
!!py import this
>>> The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
!!user 771848
That's alecxe with a rep of 11747 and {u'bronze': 39, u'silver': 17, u'gold': 11} badges
yeah, that's cool! :)
I mean, cabbage, not user 771848
Hello @PythonCabbage how are you today?
@JonClements 17 years.
@PythonCabbage how are you - not how old are you... stupid bot
@JonClements Sorry, GOD.
@PythonCabbage where are you from?
@alecxe Holland.
@PythonCabbage do you know @JonClements?
@alecxe Yes.
@PythonCabbage are you the one that's been hanging outside my house?
@JonClements I am The One.
@PythonCabbage have you ever been to Russia?
@alecxe No, but I want to.
@PythonCabbage are you afraid of bears hanging outside of your house?
@alecxe Everything and also nothing.
@PythonCabbage are you afraid of bears hanging outside of your house and drinking vodka?
@alecxe No, are you?
@PythonCabbage nope, those are my friends
@alecxe Oh you have friends?
So yeah - it's got some silly features in for a laugh... but mostly, it's meant to be a tool around Python on SO.... (and also help out in chat from time to time maybe - welcoming new users and such)
yeah, those SO features could be pretty useful, right. Thank you!
No problem... It's a great site SO :)
Okay, and the bot will vanish in a minute... maybe
that's better
what if you give !!py a while True loop?
It timeouts
For the moment, it sends it to a testbed on gae
(wasn't going to use my own machine for it... you just know what the first thing people are going to do is... :))
ok, that was interesting, thanks, see ya!
See ya around ;)
@JonClements the power of constraints: -- this is why I made all of this layout manager -> in this video each widget is built with the exact same constraint system!
They decide if they want to grow, or shrink, break a rule or keep it..
oh and they try to keep the widget as small as possible
@alecxe weird that the guy giving the talk does not know who Nick Coghlan is
@JonClements what's the most useful functional language :|
@EiyrioüvonKauyf basic? :)
How useful is useful.... How functional is functional....
Python has functions :-)
purely functional, or is multi-paradigm... or... or...
most useful purely or close to purely functional language that is used in industry with a focus on the West Coast
West coast of where?
Haskell is typically the most advertised I guess... have never checked out F#
but I quite like Haskell
silicon valley
Wow - it never use to be this quiet on weekends....
I just read somewhere, that the number of the real, paid haskell jobs in the world is under 50...
Functional programming strikes me as much more academic/research than real world
yeah.. probably that is the reason... it is mind-blowing..
Useful, but painfully non practical for IO and other stuff that most things need to do
so what can i use hmmm
i'm thinking i should go for Scheme atm
or Clojure
How about erlang?
yeah but does anyone use Erlang?
also you have to write things in that module sort of way so it can have concurrency baked in
Yeah.... but that's easy cough
seems annoying
:| seems like no one uses functional languages tbh
They're good for use "inside" other more GP languages
So, have haskell stuff do some cool analysis on data, but glue it into a C++/Python whatever... program
y not just python then?
i like my dynamic languages :<
even though they're slow as shit -.-
I don't get why Python can't compile to C better
actually nvm i mean why it can't automatically infer types
through following the brick road lol
Well, with the right incantations and sacrifices... anything's possible ;)
just use descriptive variable names to keep track of your types. Like, ltdsWidgets is a list of tuples of dictionaries whose keys are strings and whose values are Widgets. Couldn't be more clear.
@Kevin a really obfuscated version of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_notation ?
No more obfuscated than normal :-)
Yup - those weird Hungarians :) @PeterVaro
Naming conventions ;)
I can't tell how much I hate this convention... why_cant_everybody_use_this?
much more readable -> and easier to separate, to convert, etc... anything exactly.
My touch typing ability is limited only to the letter rows. I can't reliably find the underscore button without looking.
Use that really long underscore button at the bottom of your keyboard
It's a flawless plan
Anyway. That doesn't justify my flagrant violation of the recommended style. But it at least explains it.
I want a keyboard with letters on it, similar to one seen in the film "Big" that I can jump about on
Haven't quite worked out how the holding down shift button and stuff will work.... (don't think it should really turn into a game of twister), but it'd be funky
off-ski - rhubarb for a bit guys
@JonClements looks like a good way to write a faster python compiler >:D
also a pain in the butt
Hey all
@JonClements what about a keyboard with selected digraphs >:D
@Cygwinnian hey
@JonClements And then use tabs for whitespace?
is there a way, to follow if an instance has been garbage collected or not?
@PeterVaro yes i think
well, I'm curious..
more importantly you can use references :P
Ol' Reliable here!
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