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@JonClements: Not enough interns yet. I have one within nerf gun range.
@JonClements: Unfortunately the kid has got talent and is thus producing value other than tea cups.
@JonClements you really replied to this -> stackoverflow.com/questions/17792089/…
i would've replied with a link to "learning python"
I replied with a close vote..
@PaoloCasciello yeah - I'm bored ;)
It would be neat to have a collection of classes representing units of measurement. Like:
distance = Kilometer(5)
time = Minute(1)
if distance/time > Mile(60)/Hour(1):
    print "you have exceeded the speed limit"
@Martijn yeah... I was going to, but then looked for a dupe instead..
IMO, sure beats:
distance_in_kilometers = 5
time_in_minutes = 1
if distance_in_kilometers/time_in_minutes * miles_per_kilometer / hours_per_second > 60:
    print "you have exceeded the speed limit"
it would be more neat not to have to deal with wrong measure units.... :D :D
"one meter to rule them all" ... °_°
stupid question: how would you do string.substring(string.indexOf('\n'), string.length) in python?
Split on \n:
somestr.split('\n', 1)[-1].
That splits once on the \n character, takes the last value of the split. This works even if there is no \n character in the somstr input string.
somestr.partition('\n')[2] ?
'blah'.split('\n', 1)[-1] returns 'blah'.
Or whatever way around we're doing it
excellent, thank you sir
@JonClements for 'blah', str.partition() returns ('blah', '', ''), so you get an empty string instead.
rpartition then -
And what if you wanted to split only on the first newline but there are more than one?
There is that... And I'm sure there's loads of what-ifs we could ping back and forth for a while ;)
please don't split me on newlines
how do you print without a newline?
import sys; sys.stdout.write("Hello world")
In 2.7, you can also do print "Hello world",
note the trailing comma.
That will print with a space at the end instead of a newline
I assume 3.X has something comparable but I can't be bothered to look it up
print(line, end='')
ah okay that's annoying to do
In Python 3, or when using from future import print_function, you can also say print('Hello World', end='').
Sometimes I'll populate a list with things I want to print on one line, and then print them all in one go with print "".join(stuff_to_print)
Or, print(*stuff_to_print, sep='') ?
Or end='' etc.. .etc...
blergh, downvote because the OP realised he needed to actually specify his question some more.
i propose a petition to make jsfiddle accept signups through oauth...
I really should learn regular expression
regexp FTW!
I find myself needing to use them a lot but I'm not familiar with them
Interesting how your lack of familiarity lends you to think that you need them ;)
I'm like "OKAY, I need regular expression, better bother the python room about it!"
r"Regexp are something you (LOVE|HATE)"
Suppose you have a problem. You think, "I will use a regular expression to solve this." Now you have two problems.
The other day I found an online crossword puzzle whose clues were regular expressions. It was pretty fun.
Crossword puzzles make me want to watch cartoons
I like to do puzzles of the "fill in boxes with numbers" variety when I watch TV
Is Captain of the Flying Dutchman a valid career choice?
for each_box in empty_boxes: each_box.number = random.randint(99)
definitely @Crowz!!
Not Sudoku, though. I've done enough of them for one lifetime, thankyouverymuch
There is an employment crisis at the bottom of the ocean. An increase in nautical safety regulations over the last two centuries has reduced the quantity of damned souls in Davy Jones' Locker, causing a shortage of skilled workers.
As such, there won't be much competition when you apply for a captain position, but you'll have to swab your own poop deck.
I already have tentacles on my face, I think that makes me overqualified
you're quaolified also for a Chtulhu position then..
You may want to pivot into the Great Old Ones industry. We're experiencing a boom of mad cultists that wish to bring about the End Of All Things, so there's a lot of demand for tentacle face beings.
high fives Paolo
Noo, they said I didn't warp the minds of my worshippers enough
I have HP Lovecraft's full work in German. I'll know I'm fluent in German when I can read a single page of it...
It's difficult enough to read in English. Took me a couple decades to discover that "squamous" isn't something that H.P. just made up to describe indescribable monsters.
squamous? Isn't that a word in biological terms that means like "squished"?
it means made of squames...
It means "scaly"
Yeah, it's a medical term, ex. squamous-cell carcinoma (warning: there's a picture)
or at least it's nearly identical to a word here in italian (so i think derives from latin) that means made of squames. like the skin of fishes or scales.
> In anatomy, squamous epithelium (from Latin squama, "scale") is an epithelium characterised by its most superficial layer consisting of flat, scale-like cells called squamous epithelial cells.
yup. we use squama
and 'squamoso' is 'squamous'
when i grow up I'm gonna be scaley
i can't say enough how much I LOVE the multiprocessing module!
is @dirk here?
Does anyone here know if this chat interface of stackoverflow can be access via IRC?
The FAQ says,
> "Why don't you guys just use IRC, man?" We're trying to build a system better and easier to use than IRC, that is native to modern web browsers. Will we support XMPP? We're not sure yet. In the meantime, there is a nascent community project to create an IRC interface to our chat.
Last updated 3 years ago. Stable, or dead? You decide.
yet another stupid question: say you have a dictionary of grades, for example, and in that dictionary is student objects (with generic things like name, grade, blah)... how do you reference a grade in the dictionary then an attribute of the object?
Ie, something like print GradeBook['A'].NAME
why oh why these people do this work?? stackoverflow.com/questions/17793861/…
@Crowz, What output did you get when you tried that? :-)
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'NAME'
kind of figured
Funny, works on my machine.
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.NAME = name

GradeBook = {"A": Student("Fred"), "B": Student("Barney")}
print GradeBook['A'].NAME
Output: Fred
I did something like this:
gradeDict=collections.OrderedDict([('A',[]), ('B', []), ('C', []), ('D', []), ('F', [])])
     for key, value in students.iteritems():
         for obj in value:
     print rating['A'].NAME
I guess 'A' refers to a list though
You got it. gradeDict isn't a dictionary of Students, it's a dictionary of lists of students.
Sweet got it, I always find iteration through dictionaries to be weird
I have a list of strings and another list of tokens whose elements I have to search in the previous list.
Suppose an element in list1 is 'there is the damaged car' and in list2 is 'the'.
now `'the' in ''there is the damaged car''` always returns `true` but it should not as 'the' is not on the string!
What should I do ?
hmmm this one has some confusion.... stackoverflow.com/questions/17794168/…
Sorry @AnimeshPandey, I don't understand your problem. The word "the" does appear in the sentence, "there is the damaged car"
@AnimeshPandey if you need a full string match use == insteand of in... or i don't get your question..
Oh! I am sorry,I copied the wrong statement
"there are other bugs over there"
was the one!
why's it such a pain to copy and paste in vim?
@PaoloCasciello I think you are right!
pain? y and p?
Want to yank 150 lines and it won't let me
Yeah it only gets as many are as on the screen
that's really strange.... never happened to me O_O
It shouldn't happen, it's incredibly annoying
unless the lines are not ready in the buffer... but i've seen this only on huge files (hundreds of mb)
try with a visual approach... shift+v and then scroll down until you've selected all the lines and then y
oh crap it's 20.08 here.... maybe it's time to go home and LIVE.... O_O
cya guys! :)
is there multiline comments in python? like /** * */
well hello there beautiful
Good morning/afternoonish ladies and sirs :D
hey guys who I can run my script with admins permission?
Do you mean "how?"
AFAIK, The script inherits the permissions of the user that runs it. So, log in as administrator.
yes how, sorry
I not have access to C:\Program Files but, I need execute a program there.
people putting commas in excel spreadsheet cells then exporting them as CSVs. Why.
Shouldn't be a problem if you use Python's csv module :-)
Only madmen try to parse CSVs themselves. Or rather, any man that tries, becomes mad.
I've been doing it for 5 hours
Ding! You have reached your destination, MADNESS, on left.
Maybe I should apply for that Cthulhu job again...
Cthulhu job? LOL
We were talking about it earlier because I have a squid face like the Captain of the Flying Dutchman!
ye wish to reckon wit the true beast of the seas, do ye?
I don't read this tale of H.P Lovecraft
anyone home?
@Kefka: Hey i got a little file trouble
actually, nvm
well, say the trouble
Actually, Kevin, your question led me to a solution... — user2136314 1 min ago
On one hand, it's nice to give the OP an "ah ha" moment. On the other hand, I don't like depriving other users of the chance to get rep.
@Kevin: Got a second?
I need a little help
@Kevin: Well my directory looks something like this github/github-get/config.json
now, I made a file inside github-get, called parser.py
config.json is in the same directory as parser.py
The question is, when I go to open a file, like this open('config.py) from parser.py
I get an error
It tells me that I need to append github-get before it
Why do I need to do this?
Even though parser.py lives in github-get, the current working directory is still wherever the main script is.
Main script?
I'm assuming you have a .py file in a different directory, that imports parser.py
I am working on parser.py
@Kevin: Thats the situation of the directory
and I'm calling from parser.py
Are you running it from the command line? If so, what directory are you in when you run it?
no, just from IDE
Well, I'm out of ideas.
I guess you could try open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'parser.py'))
so if there's a flask application, how can others from the network connect to it?
Works on my machine!
:o what is it?
a recreation of @GamesBrainiac's problem
@Kevin: Try putting it inside a package
Although it doesn't work unless my working directory is github-get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\github-get\parser.py", line 1, in <module>
    with open("config.json") as file:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'config.json'
Everything works on your machine, give me your mystical machine of magical wonders and mad metaphorical consonance
Ah, I see! :P
I think its actually better practice getting used to the os module
what's the easiest way to delete a key and its values from a dictionary?
del d[key]
it doesn't seem to like that
for key in megaDictionary:
      del megaDictionary[key]
the third line needs to be indented more
for key in megaDictionary:
            del megaDictionary[key]
Also, iterating through a collection and deleting items from that collection at the same time can lead to unexpected outcomes.
Oh yeah that's right, but
@Kevin I just want to delete that one entry but it seems to complain every time I try to
Goddammit how do I paste code?
I usually do a two-pass approach:
keys_to_delete = []
for key in d:
    if key[0] == 0:
for key in keys_to_delete:
    del d[key]
TypeError: list indices must be integers, not tuple
Say, when would key[0] ever equal the empty string?
I made a dictionary of counters, like ('hello': [1, 40])
Not sure how an empty string snuck in there
ok, but key[0] doesn't equal '' even when key equals ''
If you just want to delete the key that equals the empty string, just do del d['']. No loops needed.
It still complains
>>> d = {4:18, '':16}
>>> del d['']
>>> d
{4: 18}
I don't know why you'd get a TypeError since there aren't any tuples in the code you posted.
Unless key is a tuple, but then there's no list.
Its amazing how short that is! :D
Yes, it's astounding. The few other languages I've tried to do web connectivity in, requires your ip address, one hundred configuration options with mutually exclusive settings, PO box, mother's maiden name...
looking up an index of a list is constant time right?
i.e list[25]
ooh sweet didn't know such a page existed!
@GamesBrainiac that's what she said ;_;
Hi all!
What to raise if end of a function is reached which never should have been reached?
I can't find anything on Google nor SO but I am lacking the right keywords
raise RuntimeError?
I know there's a string.whitespace, but is there a way to get all the characters that ARE NOT white space?
@TheoretiCAL RuntimeError is what i am doing now. But a thing like AlgorithmError doesn't exist, does it?
Or why is it a Runtime Error? It would clearly show a faulty implementation
well realistically
your code should not be set up
so that it could reach a point its not supposed to
I don't think theres a specific built in exception for what your looking for
you can define your own exception
I know that
like AlgorithmError
and raise that
@Unapiedra how about:
hmm, maybe RuntimeError is right. Because it would only happen (if ever) on input that I did not intend or at least didn't test
@Zero: Still listening
assert False, "We should never get here"
Since getting there is a bug, and assert is specifically for that.
Thanks! 1) I didn't know assert existed in Python, 2) your reasons seems good
@JonClements just hit the "you can perform this action again in 3 seconds" limit migrating to . I think I'll take that as a hint to leave the rest of the cleanup to someone else :-)
A: Retracting close vote does not refresh tally

m0saFixed in revision 2013.7.22.1253 (meta) and 2013.7.22.877 (sites), the count is now updated after the close vote is retracted.

can you dynamically append stuff to an orderedDict?
@Crowz not sure what you mean ... are you asking whether it's mutable?
nevermind I figured it out, just had to make the value of the key into a list (duh)
@zeropiraeus wow... nice work retagging ;-)
Ta :-) Feel free to finish the job if you like; if not I might go back tomorrow (wary of flooding the front page too much with this stuff).
True... I am in bed... so errr... not doing anything that takes ages without a keyboard
Fair enough :-)
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