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gud mrng :)
good morning @Leena hows it going
everything going well
leena when the app is quit in the background which method is called when the app is reopened ?
basically when notification is fired by clicking on notification bar it should navigate to tableview .. i am able to do that when the app is running background ..but when the app is quit .when i repeat the procedure the app crashes ...
did finishlaunching if application is killed in background
hmm i have added the code in didFinishLaunching the app crashes
no idea @raptor you need to figure out on your own
1 hour later…
posted on May 21, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources     Featured iPhone Development Resources Some time ago I mentioned the excellent free augmented reality framework from Qualcomm called Vuforia. Here’s an interesting example from Vivien Cormier called the iOS tangible detector for detecting objects that are placed on the screen.  The library does this

5 hours later…
hi people
Hi Guys
Can anybody tell me how to get Network Data used by each application
Any one tell me How to set space between two tableviewcell
@Joge What type of Space
need some space between all cells
hi @Joge, how did your problem work out last week?
Q: Checking a null value from Json response in Objective-C

sivakumar[ { "AT" : null, "EA" : null, "AD2" : "", "OP" : null, "AdsLst" : [ ], "EMs" : null, "ND" : { "MN" : null, "FN" : "Sony", "LN" : "J" }, "ZP" : "23456", "CT" : 1, "PP" : 0, "cId" : 161464, "Pos" : null, "WPExt" : null...

@Leena hiu
plz come and solve my problem.
Hi @MichaelDautermann, how are you ?
I'm doing good over here. How is your day?
going good, playing with ipad, to develop an app for it.
well that sounds like fun.
@MichaelDautermann how to make reminder inside the popover??
hi @sandy
I don't understand your question, @json
yeah its fun, hey I was playing with UISplitViewController, and my rightside VC contains a UITableview, which I want to populate with a datasource (Array) passed from leftside VC How to do it. I tried it, but the delegate functions of UiTableview in rightside VC doesnt get called. Whether I am missing something, the array is passed correctly.
@MichaelDautermann i have an ipad application..
i want reminder should come like popover..
did you set your delegate @Ranjit ?
@Leena i m checking wait for 2 min
yes, I have set it,
@json I still don't understand your question. It's like you are asking me: "I have an iPad. How do I turn it on?"
ok saaandy
@json there are many answers to your question. I don't know what you've done so far or the context or anything.
@json maybe @leena can help you? :-) :-)
@MichaelDautermann, you are talking abt tableView delegates right?
I wasn't talking about application delegates,
so yes, I'm talking about your table view delegate.
and your table view data source.
it has been already set and array is correctly passed to rightside VC.
what delegate method isn't being called??
and are your table view data source methods being called at all?
@MichaelDautermann in my application reminder pops out on button click..i want reminder will look a like popover..Now you got my question..
a reminder... um... you mean like an alert?
not like an alert...its like popover..
but what's inside the popover ?
just something that looks like an alert?
some text?
a calendar? custom drawing? santa claus?
Ranjit, if you pass array contain in right side view successfully and you set delegate and you set data-source as well.... then only one thing is remains reloadData method overriding.... .. are you sure you properly reload data after pass your array in right side tableview ?
@MichaelDautermann yes calendar..
Q: Objective-C: Create custom UIPopoverController like in iCalendar App

flexaddictedIs it possible to create a custom UIPopoverController? Can you give me some suggestions (Links, tutorial...)? I would create a sort of popover like the one in iPad calendar application. When the popover appears (in view mode), it has no border (white background). Then, when you enter the modify ...

Q: EKCalendarChooser multiple selection does not work

user826955I'm trying to use EKCalendarChooser to get multiple calendars selected by the user. This is how I present the view: EKCalendarChooser* dvc= [[[EKCalendarChooser alloc] initWithSelectionStyle:EKCalendarChooserSelectionStyleMultiple displayStyle:EKCalendarChooserDisplayAllCalendars eventStore:even...

Q: How to determine date selected from UIDatePicker after dismissing popover?

lemontwistI currently have a popover DatePickerViewController that I created in storyboard which has a UIDatePicker. I want to be able to dismiss the popover and send the date to my original view ViewController but I'm not sure how to do this. I know how to obtain the date from the UIDatePicker, I just don...

hmmm.... might any of these questions help you out, @json ?
@MichaelDautermann thanks a lot..
Q: DatePicker not selecting the correct date

SumiSadiqI have a Button in my view.On tapping the Button you get a datepicker which defaults to today's date, the user can then select the date they want to search for events. The problem is, no matter what date I select, it always returns the current day and adds this to my TextField which i have placed...

looks like they put a datepicker in a popover there
In leftside VC, I have an button which when clicked, I pass the array to rightsideVC. Now when my application is loaded for first time, the delegate functions like, numberofsectionsinTable and noofrowsinSection is being called. But later when I click on that button to pass that array, I call a custom function from rightside VC called "PassArray:(NSMutableArray*)array" and pass the array, here the tableView is not loaded with the array @MichaelDautermann
is the array successfully passed?
@MichaelDautermann thanks..
also, when you pass the array, do you reload the table data to display the new array?
yes, I have checked the array count and its correct. Also in customFunction , I call. [tableView reloaData].
show me your "PassArray" function code
and put it into a pastie or pastebin. I only want to see the link, not the code here in this chat room.
@sivakumar, you have already many answers on your question. have you check those is properly working or not?
1 hobo moved to Trash can
that doesn't look like a "PassArray: (NSMutableArray *) array" function
Ahh, that was just to explain the problem.
show me the "loadTableWithArray" code.
@iAmbitious those answer are not working...
you should respond to each of those answers and say how each of those answers is not working.
don't just post here and say "I have 5 answers to my question and I want more".
their should be at-least one of the asnwer should have to work... because those 5 answer fulfill all conditions weather your object value nil, Nil or Null @sivakumar
ew... the way you're creating a new array from another array passed in is yucky.
its complete problem looking like your side about debugging skill. yes i doubt on it... try to debug your code line by line and check all conditions @sivakumar
but anyways Ranjit... it looks like that code should work. Does your "numberOfRowsInSection:" method get called when "reloadData" is called?
why its is Yucky, bcoz, I am using for loop? and "numberOfRowsIn Section" method is not called
yes... you should use a bridge transfer or some other way to tell the compiler to increase the retain count by 1, so the underlying array will stay in memory.
the numberOfRowsInSection method is not called? you set a breakpoint there and it never got called?
okay, I will come to bridge transfer later, for now, I tried by setting a break point and its not getting called.
give me a moment, I'm typing in NEW code for you
okay @Ranjit try this -> pastebin.com/yyWfZXLE
Nope, Not working
that's nice. what does your console log say?
either one line or two.
"why is m_tableView NULL here"
well isn't that interesting. :-)
now why could your m_tableView be null, @Ranjit ?
boz it is not initialised properly
if you can get m_tableView to be loaded, your table will magically start working.
its a silly mistake
noooo, I don't think it's a silly mistake. I've made it a few times.
and he still has to solve it. That's going to take a bit of time.
I am not getting what mistake I have done.
m_tableView object got nil on run time ....
it having no memory allocation and no any reference
my guess is that "self.calNotesView " is not really that right side view controller. Or maybe you're alloc & init'ing (a second copy of) it.
second copy?
but then how that function is getting called?
if you have two copies of your Second View Controller (one is created from your storyboard or XIB file, the other -- mistake one -- is created via an alloc & init), then you can call that function... but the tableView doesn't exist yet.
or... maybe you just have one Second View Controller and the view for that view controller hasn't loaded yet and that's why your m_tableView is still NULL.
ok, I will check it and get back to you
thank yew very much.
please don't star unwanted message
awww... my message isn't unwanted. it's just trivial.
and didn't deserve a star.
well now i star your important points
I don't think I make many important points.
eek... don't star all those things. I was actually wrong about the bridge transfer.
that's only needed when casting to non Objective C objects, IIRC
yeah so many informative. but i give star selective form those
the actual point. he need to just assign method parametrize array with local array... but he create new array and increase memory footprint
lot of people here from long time who still struggling with memory management. :(
even they don't know what is the meaning of line of code that are they write
@iAmbitious fully struggling my issue
@MichaelDautermann, its working now, I had to delete the VC and create it once again.
I just knew you would solve your problem, @Ranjit !
thanks :) for boosting
I have few basic and imp doubts, which I want to ask you, Can I mail you?
ummmm... errrr... I don't know if I would respond. I have enough junk mail from my bosses and clients.
then when can I ask you, I am preparing a list of questions.
or tell me best way to contact you later
a LIST of questions? geez...
dont worry. very few questions
what's in it for me?
for you its just another help to me, like you do in SO :)
phew, I think I finally got subversion to work
I thought it was supposed to never work?
MichaelDautermann, congrats about you got WWDC 2013 ticket
who me what how when where?
yeah i heard.
bye @MichaelDautermann, I am leaving now
woops, I was being too optimistic
you're leaving you just got here
Can anyone help me with this...
Q: Reading CGImageRef in a background thread crashes the app

AkademiksQci have a big jpeg image that i want to load in tiles asynchronously in my opengl engine. Everything works well if its done on the main thread but its slow. When i try to put the tile loading on an NSOperationBlock, it always crashes when trying to access the shared image data pointer that i prev...

1 hour later…
Q: App crashes when didFinishLaunchingWithOptions is called

raptorI have an the app when notification is fired i get a notification bar when the app is in background ,when i tap on that bar it navigates into tableview of the notification set . When i quit the app from background i am receiving notification but when tap on the notification bar the app is getting...

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