leena when the app is quit in the background which method is called when the app is reopened ?
basically when notification is fired by clicking on notification bar it should navigate to tableview .. i am able to do that when the app is running background ..but when the app is quit .when i repeat the procedure the app crashes ...
Featured iPhone Development Resources Featured iPhone Development Resources Some time ago I mentioned the excellent free augmented reality framework from Qualcomm called Vuforia. Here’s an interesting example from Vivien Cormier called the iOS tangible detector for detecting objects that are placed on the screen. The library does this …
yeah its fun, hey I was playing with UISplitViewController, and my rightside VC contains a UITableview, which I want to populate with a datasource (Array) passed from leftside VC How to do it. I tried it, but the delegate functions of UiTableview in rightside VC doesnt get called. Whether I am missing something, the array is passed correctly.
Ranjit, if you pass array contain in right side view successfully and you set delegate and you set data-source as well.... then only one thing is remains reloadData method overriding.... .. are you sure you properly reload data after pass your array in right side tableview ?
Is it possible to create a custom UIPopoverController? Can you give me some suggestions (Links, tutorial...)?
I would create a sort of popover like the one in iPad calendar application. When the popover appears (in view mode), it has no border (white background). Then, when you enter the modify ...
I'm trying to use EKCalendarChooser to get multiple calendars selected by the user. This is how I present the view:
EKCalendarChooser* dvc= [[[EKCalendarChooser alloc] initWithSelectionStyle:EKCalendarChooserSelectionStyleMultiple displayStyle:EKCalendarChooserDisplayAllCalendars eventStore:even...
I currently have a popover DatePickerViewController that I created in storyboard which has a UIDatePicker. I want to be able to dismiss the popover and send the date to my original view ViewController but I'm not sure how to do this. I know how to obtain the date from the UIDatePicker, I just don...
I have a Button in my view.On tapping the Button you get a datepicker which defaults to today's date, the user can then select the date they want to search for events.
The problem is, no matter what date I select, it always returns the current day and adds this to my TextField which i have placed...
In leftside VC, I have an button which when clicked, I pass the array to rightsideVC. Now when my application is loaded for first time, the delegate functions like, numberofsectionsinTable and noofrowsinSection is being called. But later when I click on that button to pass that array, I call a custom function from rightside VC called "PassArray:(NSMutableArray*)array" and pass the array, here the tableView is not loaded with the array @MichaelDautermann
their should be at-least one of the asnwer should have to work... because those 5 answer fulfill all conditions weather your object value nil, Nil or Null @sivakumar
its complete problem looking like your side about debugging skill. yes i doubt on it... try to debug your code line by line and check all conditions @sivakumar
yes... you should use a bridge transfer or some other way to tell the compiler to increase the retain count by 1, so the underlying array will stay in memory.
the numberOfRowsInSection method is not called? you set a breakpoint there and it never got called?
if you have two copies of your Second View Controller (one is created from your storyboard or XIB file, the other -- mistake one -- is created via an alloc & init), then you can call that function... but the tableView doesn't exist yet.
or... maybe you just have one Second View Controller and the view for that view controller hasn't loaded yet and that's why your m_tableView is still NULL.
i have a big jpeg image that i want to load in tiles asynchronously in my opengl engine.
Everything works well if its done on the main thread but its slow.
When i try to put the tile loading on an NSOperationBlock, it always crashes when trying to access the shared image data pointer that i prev...
I have an the app when notification is fired i get a notification bar when the app is in background ,when i tap on that bar it navigates into tableview of the notification set . When i quit the app from background i am receiving notification but when tap on the notification bar the app is getting...