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05:00 - 14:0014:00 - 18:00

@Barfi: Can you also give me your email address please?
@Barfi i got a UITableView as a Subview and i only want to take it as much as space as it needs so no scrolling except if the UITableview exceeds the maximum size.
@Ranjit Oh,my ghost change @"Category" to a NSString and get it in didSelect.
OK. @Barfi
Is it real one?
@Nina, i could go for traditional way using NSURLConnection async methods ...
@JuliusZint you can set the height of your table view based on : rowHeight *rowCount;
but i create once separate class for managing all those thing ....
mail sending failed: @Sang
and create batches to send data on server ..@Nina
@iHungry NSURLConnection Async + thread in a class?
@Sang, here @"Category", is my entity name and not entity object name.So you are saying that replace that with ?
@Sang: Added you on facebook. please accept.
no Async method running on separate thread ... and it all manage automatically by default run loop ....
How many entity do you have in your DataModel? @Ranjit
Two Entities
How many cells in your tableView?
@iHungry confusing me a lot... need learn these things before implementing...
@Barfi: Are you on FB ?
@Barfi i know how to set the size of my TableView and i also know the ContentSize Property of the TableView :) but the Superview has to decide whether the tableView can be so high or not here is a thread i created: stackoverflow.com/questions/15383555/…
@Sang, depends on the user, user can create as many entity objects he wants
So what do you want to do when select a Cell?
Thanks to all
See you later.
Good night.
I want o pass that entity object to ViewController B and from their to ViewController C @Sang
@Nina, yup... yes this is the main thing in software development.. you need to draw 1st model diagram or class diagram of application/ particular task then work on actual code
@AppAspect Good Night!
create proper MVC
@Sang: Will be in touch with you. You are a master.
@iHungry yea thats right.. Would try my level best... :) Thanks for helping out :)
your welcome
@Ranjit Why don't you understand? Just fetch entity Name at select Row to an fetchResult Controller. That's all man. Try and check.
@Sang, can you show me a sample code?
Sorry! It's in my customer project. Confidential! I'll make sample later. But so busy now. @Ranjit Try what I said.
@iHungry Something like this??
[self willChangeValueForKey:@"isExecuting"];
_isExecuting = YES;
[self didChangeValueForKey:@"isExecuting"];
NSURL* url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"http://url.to/feed.xml"];
NSMutableURLRequest* request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url cachePolicy:NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval:20];
_connection = [[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self startImmediately:NO]; // ivar
[request release];
[url release];
// Here is the trick
@JuliusZint sorry can't help in mono touch. up voted ques. though
:) Another test user. I mess up. Sorry All!
oops :)
@Barfi thx, if you know some good example about this in objective c just let me know, mono touch pretty much just a wrapper around the native objective c api if it comes to the userinterface
@Sang, But tell me one thing, the code I shown you is correct right?
@iHungry :: i have same doublt
Maybe OK. But careful with CoreData.
Best way is drag fetch block from Utility @Ranjit
Just modify a little.
what Utility are you talking about
Drag fetch Basic block. Do you see it?
can you please send me the link
In bottom Right of Utility, choose {}, filter :fetch?
@Ranjit Do you see anything?
Code Snippet Library. Do you know that?
@JuliusZint sorry can't help..i do believe that the info i gave will be the best to solve..you should set the height based on row height *row count .. to check for validation ask from superview if it is allowed that much height..and in superview you can code to find the layout of all view and their heights
@Sang, where shall I see
Drag basic fetch to your .m file and modify it.
how to add two UILabel there?
@BobApple I hate to check paste bin :)
hahaha then where i show you code?
:) don't know. What do you want to do with your label?
i want to add one more label in row?
tableView row?
but using paste code
Hic:) long way..:P
Drink coffee and check my github :) @BobApple
Only way!
Nothing easy. Imagine.
hi is any IOS guys here ,,, i need a small help in UIbutton want to toggle color when i press
@Sang, Okay
@Dian007 RoundRect or Custom Button!
Default highlight is blue and you want to change it. Right?
@sang yes
Just change Highlight Tint in property. @Dian007
@Nina, yes something like that.
wow.. you starred that iHungry..lol
@iHungry Could you request Nina don't wear hat in this room? :)
Hi @BobApple
hi sang
I've sold my profile. This is new account. :)
who? :) i Don't know you:D
Your friend. :)
really? but i like ios6:)
iOS10 will come soon.
ye kia hu raha hy bahi?
I'm confused:(
where is your rep?
and member for 15 days
I've sold my profile to another :) This is new one. @BobApple
how much dollars you get :)
Sell stack account is a new Job. :)
Not so much!
really it looks interesting !
$1 per no of membership days :P very cheap :)
$1/rep :)
Bed time soon today! Good Night! Happy Coding!
good night
Good night
thanks for Such interesting Browser
working very fast
lol @$1/rep
1 hour later…
HI ..can some one tell me how to check facebook sdk version in my project
no way i think
iam new to iphone dev ... my project is showing that i have missing addsupport.framwork and social framework
my xcode version is 4.2 ..
any idea @Barfi
xcode 4.2 can't download iOS 6.0 sdk i suppose.
iOS 6.0 sdk has those frameworks
A: How to share or post by mail from the current application?

The Tiger1. For Facebook. FBGraph is a much better way to use the Facebook API in your application. Download the FBGraph API documents folder and then add it to in your folder. Read the instructions on the Facebook developer site. This is the sample code and let me know if you have any query about it. ...

simple way try it
Good night!
good night
ok ..so how can i build this project in xcode 4.2 @Barfi
any idea
you probably have to download older fb sdk
so ..which sdk version?
2.0 sdk
and i should remove the framework which is in red (means missing) ?
ok let me check ..thanx
05:00 - 14:0014:00 - 18:00

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