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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

Good morning!
Gm @BobApple
My applicaion is rejected the reason they say as "Did not include iOS features. For example, it would be appropriate to use native iOS buttons and iOS features other than just web views, Push Notifications, or sharing." Can you please helpo me
@NitinGohel iOS ki spelling to thik krlo:)
@sreerajvr No idea bro:)
@sreerajvr in such cases..you should try adding sharing feature (email/fb/twitter)
wo ho jai gi dost @Barfi
@Barfi thank you :)
good morning
@Barfi ..i need ur help....the image on UITableview disappears if i scroll the UITableview
by default i have kept uiimage to be hidden ..
pastebin.com/RjCeaQQV ..the image should show only if selectedSymptIPArray contains the element which is equal to indexPath
Good Morning!
good morning
hows it going
Very Well @rockrocky
You don't change your code. :)
@Ios10 is it correct ?
I don't know. It's not good code.
hmm ..how to go about it
Don't implement all things in cellForItem
Don't use for... in this.
Hello Good morning
should i add those code in a method and call it in cellforrow ?
Datasource just for layout and display cells content.
Delegate for implement.
hmm how shall i go about it
Study. step by step with UITableView. Understand and apply to your App.
If you have money buy this book. If not, download source and deep one by one.
thanks @Ios10 i will look into it
for (CCSprite *egg in eggArray){
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(panSprite.boundingBox, egg.boundingBox)) {


iProgrammer what problem you have faced in this ?
it is always going in this condition
I am checking for egg and bucket collision
do you remember spider and alien game in cocos2d book?
@dark 2013-03-14 12:10:52.256 EggGame[822:12c03] Collision-----
2013-03-14 12:10:52.272 EggGame[822:12c03] Collision-----
2013-03-14 12:10:52.289 EggGame[822:12c03] Collision-----
2013-03-14 12:10:52.305 EggGame[822:12c03] Collision-----
2013-03-14 12:10:52.321 EggGame[822:12c03] Collision-----
why it is getting in this condition 5 times
yes I have do one thing log its bounding box values
that is CGRectMake
so you can compare values of it frames
update is called usually 60 times per second
so you collision is detected 5 times in that one second
Collision----- 99.470093
2013-03-14 12:15:06.996 EggGame[888:12c03] Collision----- 98.127930
2013-03-14 12:15:07.012 EggGame[888:12c03] Collision----- 96.807007
2013-03-14 12:15:07.030 EggGame[888:12c03] Collision----- 95.383209
2013-03-14 12:15:07.046 EggGame[888:12c03] Collision----- 94.076080
2013-03-14 12:15:07.063 EggGame[888:12c03] Collision----- 92.678680
@Barfi NSMutableArray *eggsToDelete = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

for (CCSprite *egg in eggArray){
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(panSprite.boundingBox, egg.boundingBox)) {

[eggsToDelete addObject:egg];


for (CCSprite *egg in eggsToDelete ) {
[eggArray removeObject:egg];
[self removeChild:egg cleanup:YES];
if I write like this it is working fine... but crashing after some time
and eggs stopped droping
yes..just like collision..eggsToDelete will add the egg multiple times during collision
ok let me modify this
I will tell you if not work
Hi All, I want to display value like 12:00 AM, 12:30 AM, 1:00 AM, … 11:30 AM, 12:00 PM,… 11:30 PM with the use of UISlider, please help, i am new as iphone. value will print on label.
@iProgrammer you need to enable filtering.
if the collision is already taken place one..dont go into the adding object to delete and incrementing score again
@Barfi actually eggs collision is occurred not on buket frame
it is above that bucket.. say 30px above the bucket
need to solved that also
that will be probably alpha pixels collision.
you need to google pixel perfect collision checking
This slider should use times starting at 12:00 AM and run through 11:30 PM with 30 minute increments (i.e. 12:00 AM, 12:30 AM, 1:00 AM, … 11:30 AM, 12:00 PM,… 11:30 PM)
you can google UISlider tutorials..^^ is pretty easy after going through any one of the tutorial
hello All, Good afternoon
what is wrong in this code?
you aint checking CGRectIntersect ?
no it is diff code
@Barfi:I have already created but it's incremented by 1, but i want to with below format
12:00 AM, 12:30 AM, 1:00 AM, … 11:30 AM, 12:00 PM,… 11:30 PM
that you have to implement custom logic :

if(value == 1) - > 12 00 AM
else if (... == 2) -> 12:30 AM
@Barfi : I have to write for all 24 hours, custom logic.correct.
to make it easier..do only for 0 -> 12
and make a UISegment for AM/PM
posted on March 14, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Earlier this year I mentioned a simple library allowing you to easily track the time required to execute an objective-c

@iProgrammer why aren't you using CGRectIntersect ?
@All Anyone know how to open encrypted sqlite database in iphone.I have below code but it display incorrect password and if i open database manually and give same password then it opens database.
sqlite3_key(db, "1234", 4);
if (sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT count(*) FROM testTBL;", NULL, NULL, NULL) == SQLITE_OK)
// key is correct.
} else
// key is incorrect
using radius collision checking is complicated..
any one cane help me issue for gps in map
@Barfi It is not colliding on exact frame
libsystem_c.dylib 0x3613dd3a _sigtramp + 42 got this issus in testflight while dealing with addressbook importing
any one came up such kind of error
that's a backtrace error..something only experts can decode correctly.
@Barfi Collision----- pan0.000000 and egg 99.516449
@rahulraj in iOS6 or greater version you need to display user prompt for addressbook access permission
@Barfi CCLOG(@"Collision----- pan%f and egg %f",panSprite.boundingBox.origin.y,egg.boundingBox.origin.y);
you are making eggs flash game in iOS ?
not exactly
hello please look i am noot getting path tracing in my map
it is not this one
@Barfi : I have to do for 24 hours.
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBookRef, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) {
// First time access has been granted, add the contact

this is how we hav to do it right?
@rahulraj yes
Q: iOS 6 Address Book not working?

KellerMy method of programmatically retrieving e-mail addresses from the Address Book no longer seems to work on iOS 6 devices. It worked in iOS 5 and oddly, still works in the iOS 6 Simulator. Is there a new way to programmatically retrieve contacts from a users' Address Book? ABAddressBookRef addres...

yea i did that
but then too its not wrking
@iProgrammer try to log the actualDistance and see what it comes
pan0.000000 and egg 99.515961
egg disappears when its y pos goes to 99 @Barfi
did you log the actual distance between them ?
actual distance code is different, I have not write in intersect method
float actualDistance =  ccpDistance(panSprite.position, egg.position);
        if (actualDistance < maxCollisionDistance) {
            CCLOG(@"Collision occurs %i",score+10);
@iProgrammer @Barfi ...i am displaying data in uitableview . The data is fetched from sql db ...if i scroll tableview multiple times .. the data gets hidden ....pastebin.com/hV6SGMyH
my puzzle is when i scroll why data is getting hidden
@Barfi Actual distance 235.296677
2013-03-14 13:08:38.810 EggGame[4823:707] Collision----- pan0.000000 and egg 99.516724
and max collision distance ?
and why is pan always 0.000 ?
pan's x position is changinh
but y is constant
236.651001 and max collision 54.000000
max collision is always 54
ok..so issue is collision not detecting correctly ?
suppose pan y position is on 100 and egg is dropping from top
it should collide on 95-100 y pos
but it is disappering 150 y
are there anchor point different ?
something like this
i don't set anchor point
collision detection code ?
@Barfi I mean ki jab bounding box se check kar rahe hai. to egg uper hi collide kyo ho raha hai jaha pan hai hi nai
change the log to this
    NSLog(@" Collision ");
    NSLog(@" pan frame %@",NSStringFromCGRect(panSprite.boundingBox));
    NSLog(@" egge frame %@",NSStringFromCGRect(egg.boundingBox));
    NSLog(@" intersection %@",NSStringFromCGRect(CGRectIntersection(egg.boundingBox, panSprite.boundingBox)));
and tell the result
2013-03-14 13:27:42.476 EggGame[4993:707] pan frame {{220, 0}, {100, 100}}
2013-03-14 13:27:42.478 EggGame[4993:707] egge frame {{245, 99.517}, {35, 41}}
2013-03-14 13:27:42.480 EggGame[4993:707] intersection {{245, 99.517}, {35, 0.483032}}
saw the intersection ?
{{245, 99.517}, {35, 0.483032}}
what is issue?
@Barfi is it because of image size?
they contact and i think that is because of alpha pixels colliding
what should I do
1 hour ago, by Barfi
you need to google pixel perfect collision checking
@iProgrammer hi :-)
hello, can somebody help me with this problem
Q: PageviewController is not showing the viewcontrollers in correct order

Stef GeelenI am trying to work with a PageviewController. I have 4 ViewControllers but they are all different. In one I have an image, in the second I have a tableview,... I want to scroll through it with a pageviewController. So what I did is the following. I've added them to a modelArray. ViewOneViewCo...

Q: App is not installing in iphone via itunes in windows 7

VinodhWhen am trying to install my iphone app in iphone 5 via itunes in windows 7 am getting error like "app was not compatible with this iphone". This happens via itunes only . But am able to install via iphone configuration utility in windows 7. In mac it's perfect .Please guide me to fix this issue...

need help in solving this issue
itunes is upgraded to latest version ?
yes version is 11.0.2
but it is installing perfect via iphone configuration utility
personal app installing or something for client ?
my client and myself getting same error
in windows 7 only
then you should switch to testflight
No way to solve this issue ?
there might be..but looking at your current question..it might get closed before anyone who knows the solution visits it :)
Hi Guys
I m facing a horrible issue
can anyone help me please
turn your face around..you won't be facing it anymore :)
My app is crashing some times(not all the time so strange) In app purchase->on Restore button click-> on Cancel
wah barfi :)
error log isn't there ?
Nothing is show in Log Cat
HI!! all
i have a scroll view of images...is it possible to lock few images at their position andscroll others...???
log cat :D haha
Lock image? Not understand @json
support my community please , i am having problem of tracing path in ios6 over map
@Ios10 i want the image which get locked..be in its same position...
not change the position on scrolling..
shoul i required GeoJason to show path over map in iOS6
@Ios10 plz help..
@RameshRajput which community??
@json UIScrollView and your lockImageView as subview of another UIView. Overlay ImageView instead of UIScrollView.
@Ios10 please guide me for path tracing concept if you know
@Ios10 tnx..but my question is to how to lock image view??/
What's path tracing? I don't know @RameshRajput
i am implimenting GPS functionality in my project
@RameshRajput u r dealing with map...and trying to locate places between 2 points...is it??
can you explain ur exact problem??
wanna trace path from starting point where i start my running till end
like run keeper
@json That's easy way. If not you must setFrame in scrollDidScroll.
@Ios10 then how to move selected image to that frame???
@RameshRajput r u using apple map or google map??
i goo throug apple documentation but it was confusing for me.
i tried one by one both ..but not understanding which is good
i think apple map alredy having many functionality
it means u have not tried anyone..
i tried
if u have tried google map there are the api to call...what u need...
i treid apple map and implimented method after this the new view coming with in built functionality
pease undersatand
@json UIImageView.frame = change x or y by refer to a Poit (0,0) in window and translate to UIScrollView.
right now i am having google map in my view
@Ios10 sorry but confused...plz elaborate..
what api i shoul use to show tracing in google map
@json When UIScrollView scroll, what do you think about Point(0,0) in UIScrollContentView?
i have added current location, also add functionality to give distance calculation as position changes.
@Ios10 but not getting path tracing blue line
@RameshRajput read this..
@RameshRajput did you check Google Maps Sdk..the new version they have released..and do they provide any sample apps with it ?
if u will not get ..i have a sample code mail you...
@RameshRajput Sorry! I don't know your path( line in Map? )
please mail the sample code
@Ios10 first position...x & y =0.
@Ios10 please mail any sample code
i am new to this apple development,
MapKit. I don't try yet @RameshRajput
i am using ios^ version, and i added map from xib to view ..is it goofgle or apple map confuse
@json I mean you compare Root point(content) and RootPoin(ScrollFrame)
Then shift your UIImageView.center to it. by translation.
yes got it..
tnx a lot..
@RameshRajput ios 6 apple map..
than how to go to present the path of tracing on apple map
search map in this site, and try all maps @RameshRajput
thanks i will try it
@Ios10 i am new to iphone development please suggest good sites for tutorials and discussion thanks in advance
@RameshRajput Read some in this room: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19284/ios-beginners
Dinner ! Bye!
check starred messages on right by Sang..he is master of iOS
Hi everyone, I've one doubt. I have around 30 UIButton which are created in loop & each button has a tag to uniquely identify them. I have 2 images btnClicked.png & btnUnClicked.png. The problem is I am able to set the clicked image as a background image when a button is clicked, but I am not able to release the button clicked background image & replace it with the UnClicked b/g image for the previous button.
bring subviews and then check weather it is type uibutton or not then check with tag then create refernce for it and change backgroung image @Akshay
I am storing the tag of the previous button but when I initialize in the IBAction, it does not work
in ibaction get all subviews in a array then each view with type if type equal to uibutton type thn check with tag([sender tag]) if its equal create instance for it and replace image
how are you storing previous button tag?
@Barfi I am storing button tag in int variable on IBAction which is same 4 all 30 buttons
@Akshay check this..may help you..stackoverflow.com/questions/1072698/…
1st answer..
Can anybody assist me on using MKNetworkKit???
@Nina what is the problem in MKNetworkKit??
@json I couldn’t understand how to post JSON
and if need demo then...
@json the 1st answer will not be helpful (acc to me) as these buttons are in a subview & onclick I am reloading the content of the tableview beneath them. you can consider ical as an example. So When I am clicking on any date then that date should look highlighted and the rest should be normal, but when I select another date the previous date highlight should change back to normal & the new date b/g should be highlighted
@json I did some code work, but it returns empty response..
@Nina then u have to show the code...
@json how would you post a json to variable?
No issues..
@Akshay show ur code too...
@json @Barfi this is my code
in ibaction
i need to post json object for the variable ‘score’ @json
dont post code here..
use pastie..
@Nina @Akshay wait for some time..i am checking it..
@Nina k..
@Akshay what link i have given you is also useful here...
'r u here??
here is proper code
@Akshay When the button is clicked you need to set it to selected state when again tapped you need to set it to normal state
and you try the code ..for which i have given u the link..too..and let me know...
@Nina i think ur code is correct..
sometimes responses comes null...if session expires...
@json how would i extend the session?
@json @Nina Here is the code I am using for button creation
1 message moved to recycle bin
you are storing button or tag in oldbutton??
@Barfi tag in oldbutton
@Nina u can't extend the session..
the backend team will extend it..
@Akshay u have newcount: method in selector...
how are you setting image for old button then..give code
u go to that method and change image..
bcoz once it is clicked it calls that method..
@json its working fine using nsurlconnection
got it or not.??
@Nina u can also use http method to post..its very easy...
@Akshay newCount method?
and gud to hear that it works..
@json no i want it on mkkit..
to do background task
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

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