@Abizern I have issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. In iOS5 moviePlayer.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeOne; does not repeat video always. It works for only one loop and the stop always
Splitview controller <UISplitViewController: 0x71326d0> is expected to have a view controller at index 0 before it's used this error explain itself that, splitviewcontroller seeking viewcontrollers array ...but unfortunately array containing no value at index 0.
@Nikki You're creating times without a time-zone - so as far as NSDate is concerned 19:15 is in the future, so the difference you are getting back is negative.
@Abizern ha ha ha.. Tea comes today go tomorrow.. but issues always be there with out solve
@All I have issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. In iOS5 moviePlayer.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeOne; does not repeat video always. It works for only one loop and the stop always
@Nina @PraviJay @orgami I have issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. In iOS5 moviePlayer.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeOne; does not repeat video always. It works for only one loop and the stop always
@orgami there are two options MPMoviewRepeatModeNone,MPMovieRepeatModeOne None will stop the movie for one loop and ModeOne repeats for ever. It's working fine in simulator but not in device :(
I want to set my xcode for universal apps, so that when i create a new ViewController like VideoVC, it must create two nib files for that like,
Can some one help me out. no guidelines. just the steps. Thanks
i believe you guys aware of switching ios 6 to 5. There is a bug where it says NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationExeption "could not instantiate class named NSLayoutConstraint"
can we use the image with out tapping use button in iphone??? my requirement is have to hide all the camera controllers and have to use the captured video
@honey-bunny @iHungry waiting for your valuble suggestions
I have a doubt about rangeOfString, this [amigos.text rangeOfString:@"Seleccionar..."] with return the first position of that substring? I mean if all "Seleccionar..." was found will return something >= 0 right?
I want to take the image using AVfoundation without any sound..(yes..i have kept in mind..user choice will implement this feature)
2 questions on stack overflow which gave the most info.:
AVFoundation, how to turn off the shutter sound when captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection?
i want to get selected button tag and use it in switch statement .. just like how when segmentedcontrol button is selected using selectedsegmentedindex .
till now I found ALAssetsFilter which filters photos from asset library. This gives all the photos, but I need some efficient approach to know only about modified/added files in photo library ...
Then tell me why, when you already have references to the buttons - you want to create a tag for each button and then compare against the tag instead of just comparing to your button references?
I am using search bar to search and display some data on table view.
On searchBarShouldBeginEditing I have set subviews of view containing searchbar userInteractionEnable to NO.
And on text did change I have set searchbar userInteractionEnable to yes.
And the same thing done on search button clic...
I am using search bar to search and display some data on table view.
On searchBarShouldBeginEditing I have set subviews of view containing searchbar userInteractionEnable to NO.
And on text did change I have set searchbar userInteractionEnable to yes.
And the same thing done on search button clic...
@Abizern I have three btns every btn call webview with diff url. when press first btn no prb its show page. When i press secornd btn webview show prevpage after some sec its show secornd .how to clear this
Pinging is useful if you are having a direct conversation with someone about something and the context makes it hard to know who is being addressed - but that often isn't the case.
I hate being pinged just to get my attention, and I'm not usually inclined to answer questions of those who do.
@honey-bunny: I am having an app in appstore. few people were downloaded that app. Now I want to delete the app from the list. The app contains In app purchase for upgrades. I want to know what problems will get to the people who downloaded the app.
@honey-bunny: At frist does the app works to them?
I tried if ([amigos.text rangeOfString: [listaAmigos objectAtIndex:c]].length > 1) but still doesn't work, but if I do NSNotFound I think is in order to check if not found, but must be only once, not more than one
How can I get the number of times an NSString (for example, @"cake") appears in a larger NSString (for example, @"Cheesecake, apple cake, and cherry pie")?
I need to do this on a lot of strings, so whatever method I use would need to be relatively fast.
@honey-bunny: actually I want to use nother app id of another developer account to the currently submitted app in the appstore. Is there any process without deleting the app I cam make that.