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you should start a project from splitViewController template..
compare your code..or start your project from there
the actual problem is you may not provide array of viewControllers while you creating splitviewcontroller instance
first check your viewcontrollers array which the data source for UISplitviewController
i search for it on google.. i also compre my code with other code ,it exatly same
my code is
@iPatel famous last words :)
where do you create self.detailVC ?
u missed this as well
@iHungry hello
@sandy Try the login password for the account.
@iPatel, trace values in array of [NSArray arrayWithObjects:self.mvcNavCon, self.dvcNavCon, nil];
if it is nil then your viewcontrollers isn't properly setup
@iHungry i m getting this time diffrence in to dates timeDifference : -7897.000000 can you plese tell me how to get right value
1 message moved to recycle bin
Hello nikki
@iHungry can you plese check my code
@iHungry-it is array formate then wt would i need to do for that
@Abizern I have issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. In iOS5 moviePlayer.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeOne; does not repeat video always. It works for only one loop and the stop always
Hello everybody can someone help me out here? stackoverflow.com/questions/14746992/…
@Ganesh I have an issue with people not bringing me tea when I ask for it.
@iPatel, please read again my last sentence for you
@n.by.n You have suggestions on your question - have you tried any of them?
@iHungry- i found that this massege only display when i use this method
-(BOOL)splitViewController:(UISplitViewController *)svc shouldHideViewController:(UIViewController *)vc inOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)orientation
return NO;
i m not working on UISplitViewController yet ... i help you only according to error that you faced ...
@Nikki Your time is in the future.
@Abizern i try it not working, but one thing more, i am surprise if i try other certificate to export i am able to do, except this one.
You can have different passwords on different keychains. But the point of a keychain is to be secure - so you can't really just reset a password.
Splitview controller <UISplitViewController: 0x71326d0> is expected to have a view controller at index 0 before it's used this error explain itself that, splitviewcontroller seeking viewcontrollers array ...but unfortunately array containing no value at index 0.
@Nikki You're creating times without a time-zone - so as far as NSDate is concerned 19:15 is in the future, so the difference you are getting back is negative.
@Abizern yes I did. And now Commented as well. Reported the problem on BugReporter.
@Abizern ok
time difference must be positive value
@Abizern ha ha ha.. Tea comes today go tomorrow.. but issues always be there with out solve
@All I have issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. In iOS5 moviePlayer.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeOne; does not repeat video always. It works for only one loop and the stop always
hi @Abizern
@Abizern .. i need ur help
No, really?
@MOHAN.C did you check the size of .ipa or .app?
@Nina : hello namarata
kaisi ho.... yaar agar meri vajeh se iOS devloper vala room chora hai sorry ... tum aaajao main tumse baat bhi nahi krunga
@PraviJay I don’t know hindi
@Abizern left ?
@Nina @PraviJay @orgami I have issue with MPMoviePlayerViewController. In iOS5 moviePlayer.repeatMode = MPMovieRepeatModeOne; does not repeat video always. It works for only one loop and the stop always
@Nina : sorry i m not trying to tag u
@Ganesh its cause MPMovieRepeatModeOne ..the answer is in ur question :)
I need help
my MacBook is burning
@orgami there are two options MPMoviewRepeatModeNone,MPMovieRepeatModeOne None will stop the movie for one loop and ModeOne repeats for ever. It's working fine in simulator but not in device :(
don't ask again and again same question ... every one seen your question . no one blind here
@iHungry dont' angry..
@iHungry you have any guessing, what might be the problem?
simulator is the same iOS as device iOS?
@rokimoki Yes both are same. Same coding working fine in iOS6 both device as well as simulator
rokimoki, some hardware support doesn't have in simulator
hi @iHungry
how r u
my iAd are showing but not clickable on cocos 2d
hi iHungry
in starting it was clickable but not now ... i don't know
check whether any other non-opaque transparent view on it...
iHungry i want to assign four uibutton tag to nsinteger and use it in switch statement ..
add it to the view at the end..
if you add a lower z level..it will not get clicked
not any view
bring it front of all views using bringSubviewFront method
ok let me check
.app Nina
My app builded Size 4.2mb
why do you want to reduce app size ?
and did you google how to reduce app size
@iHungry : not working
.because memory issue.
size and memory issue are different things!
kucj limits to nahi hoti clicks ki @iHungry : vaise aisa to nahi ho sakta
@MOHAN.C try to find size of .ipa.. It differs for .app and .ipa.. ipa size is much smaller than app
i know old version in 4.2 and 4.3
no limit for sandbox mode
but ios 5. and ios 6 i don't know
its just testing purpose
okay Nina...just min..
.ipa file 1.5 Nina
@iHungry : i don't know what happen sir
i apllied on appdelegate method in cocos2d
I just play a bounty please answer this question
@iHungry is it possible to assign multiple uibutton tag to nsinteger and use it in switch statement
Q: newViewController always with two nibs (iPhone & iPad)

JayDI want to set my xcode for universal apps, so that when i create a new ViewController like VideoVC, it must create two nib files for that like, VideoVC_iPhone VideoVC_iPad Can some one help me out. no guidelines. just the steps. Thanks

debug your iAd library after click event
honey my client told reduce apps size ..ha? so only
@JayD you cant edit Xcode inner code
did you found how big is .ipa size ?
@honey-bunny you mean to say its impossible
i believe you guys aware of switching ios 6 to 5. There is a bug where it says NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationExeption "could not instantiate class named NSLayoutConstraint"
@MOHAN.C .app size?
but i change ios 5 to ios 6 then only it's size increase i think
i believe you first search it on google, arkmon
possible/not possible ..both can be,
if it is possible..it can be only through one way
google how to create Xcode templates..
i did, could not understand what exactly to change, i can try again
just like you can create template..see if you can do something to change coding to create two xib
@arkmon disable Autolayout
I just wanted to ask professionals
@iHungry : i have just added button on same height ... that button is clickable but not i adds
sorry how you add UIbutton on iAd view
ok ok i got it what you did
you need to debug you iAd code otherwise check all hierarchy of views... otherwise check user interaction of iAd view
iHungry you made any game in cocos2d ?
i damm sure you misplace views hierarchy... it always occur
thank you @honey-bunny
@honey-bunny, i did one small game for my practice in cocos2d-x
and you know how to add UIKit objects in cocos2d game ?
@honey-bunny : i know sir
can we use the image with out tapping use button in iphone??? my requirement is have to hide all the camera controllers and have to use the captured video
@honey-bunny @iHungry waiting for your valuble suggestions
yup.. i know you know.. :) i want to know the one who is helping you know that ?
how many know did i just wrote :P
you can't add UIkit object on cocos2d layer
layer based class is CALayer
and CALayer based class UIView or openGL view
you can add UIKit object on rootviewcontroller view
I have a doubt about rangeOfString, this [amigos.text rangeOfString:@"Seleccionar..."] with return the first position of that substring? I mean if all "Seleccionar..." was found will return something >= 0 right?
@iHungry : yeah but director added on viewcontroller
@SatyaSwaroopBasangi my variable suggestion requires you to upvote my answer..will you do that :P
@iHungry : yeah that what i m saying
rangeOfString has length and location property..
so you can retrieve both
yeah sure...y not @honey-bunny
up vote this then
ccdirector is a singleton class
Q: How can I mute the capture sound in AVFoundation?

honey-bunnyI want to take the image using AVfoundation without any sound..(yes..i have kept in mind..user choice will implement this feature) 2 questions on stack overflow which gave the most info.: AVFoundation, how to turn off the shutter sound when captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection? Muting...

this is also solution to your problem
So I better use localizedCompate I just want to know if @"Seleccionar..." is inside the string, true or false
rangeOfString will work great,,
hi @Aman
but... I don't udnerstand why will return lenght
why will return length ?
@honey-bunny this
what length it returns ?
js voted...dude does the sample contain how to hide the animation of camera shutter? @honey-bunny
I don't know, wait a minute let me read xD if you say that rangeOfString will work I will investigate
it is of AVFoundation..
which you have to use to solve your issue
it won't show shutter/camera controls..
all you will have to provide custom
ok..I think you worked on it..i would ping u soon if i would have doubts..please clarify them..@honey-bunny
wow..sounds great..i will try it then
AVFoundation framework is smart ... it did almost all video editing and music editing functionality
but its very vast theory... boring
i am going to leave..
will be back later
wow finally resolved my mac wifi connection problems!!!! who would have thought that changing the channel to 9 resolved it
guys is it possible to assign multiple uibutton tag to nsinteger ?
i want to get selected button tag and use it in switch statement .. just like how when segmentedcontrol button is selected using selectedsegmentedindex .
is there any way we can get callback for any changes in photo gallery in iphone?
Like when the photo/image is added, my application should know about it ...
@All is it possible to read message from push notification?
what you want actually???
APNS is just like general notification
I would like to read the text in notification
then read text while notification arrived
the APNS payload is simple JSON text .. so parse that json grab text from it and show it on your alertview
any sample?
I am sorry.. I never did push notification.. Can you provide a sample?
if you just take some hardwork and type on google search text field "tutorial on APNS" then see magic in result of search
Oh APNS is the keyword... I am so sorry.. I will try that... I am not that lazy who doesn’t do google though ;)
@honey-bunny i found this way to do what i want =) else if ([amigos.text rangeOfString:@"Seleccionar..."].length == 0) ty
till now I found ALAssetsFilter which filters photos from asset library. This gives all the photos, but I need some efficient approach to know only about modified/added files in photo library ...
Nina you can use local notification also
If you are going to ask me about tags - don't bother. I think they are overused, and not even needed for what you are doing.
tags are overvalorated
and it's cheating
@orgami Tell me what you see wrong with this:
actually you can assign to an object a void value? xD
Then tell me why, when you already have references to the buttons - you want to create a tag for each button and then compare against the tag instead of just comparing to your button references?
because he probabbly doesn't know that you can compare the pointers of an object to know if it's the same same object or not
i did this pastebin.com/tR8Z8gHZ to know wich object was invoked as same object type
But tell me what you think is in-elegant about this

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [listaDisponibles objectAtIndex:row]];
hello everyone
hi @Abizern
would u pls see this q?
Q: userInteractionEnable not working properly for UISearchBar?

HerculesI am using search bar to search and display some data on table view. On searchBarShouldBeginEditing I have set subviews of view containing searchbar userInteractionEnable to NO. And on text did change I have set searchbar userInteractionEnable to yes. And the same thing done on search button clic...

@iHungry have a look at above q?
Nah - can't be bothered.
why this question for me and Abizern, 20 peoples here also online ....
don't ping specific person, everyone watching your question, if anyone know solution then tell you, friend don't ping again
lol @abizern
hey @Abizern
do a favour for me
can you give this q? close votes
votes to close
Q: userInteractionEnable not working properly for UISearchBar?

HerculesI am using search bar to search and display some data on table view. On searchBarShouldBeginEditing I have set subviews of view containing searchbar userInteractionEnable to NO. And on text did change I have set searchbar userInteractionEnable to yes. And the same thing done on search button clic...

Just delete it yourself.
Hi 2 ALL
UIScroll view paging is not working in ios 6 . Anyone have idea ******************
i m still working on iOS 5 so i have no idea ********************************
@Abizern I have three btns every btn call webview with diff url. when press first btn no prb its show page. When i press secornd btn webview show prevpage after some sec its show secornd .how to clear this
@iHungry Its Ok Thanx
Dunno ***************************
Vassan you have to read first UIWebview and UIWebviewDelegate apple documents...
i m sure your doubt will clear immediately
@iHungry i will
@iHungry yes
i tell you just reason of it.... i assume you used one webview and trying to load 3 urls of clicking 3 button
@iHungry yes i one web view
the 1st url request not loading completely on webview before that you tab on second button and try to load second url
so first remove whatever url request and load new one
i hope you will getting required methods and properties everything in apple docs
@iHungry ill try this...............
don't ping personally anyone ... every one here reading our chat and try to help you
Pinging is useful if you are having a direct conversation with someone about something and the context makes it hard to know who is being addressed - but that often isn't the case.
I hate being pinged just to get my attention, and I'm not usually inclined to answer questions of those who do.
anybody hear
plz help me
lol..why should we help you
bye i leaving see you all happy week-end
no answer *
@honey-bunny in my app i can display map heading any idea??????
you want idea ?
r u joking yar
you asked for idea. ?
i have ask for no sim card
plz answer yar
then ask a better question..other wise i might confuse it with something else and give another sim card to you
@iHungry why isn't room Faq working ?
i get heading in mapview
how to get???????
did you google ?
yes i will try it
Wait - you needed to be told to use Google? You want to fix that problem quickly or you'll not go very far in this business.
@honey-bunny: One claification needed.
our business is 50% googling
@MonishKumar ask
anyone can take a look of this ? -> pastebin.com/1z1rGfr2 thank
@honey-bunny: I am having an app in appstore. few people were downloaded that app. Now I want to delete the app from the list. The app contains In app purchase for upgrades. I want to know what problems will get to the people who downloaded the app.
@honey-bunny: At frist does the app works to them?
@rokimoki why should it be false? the array contain Pepe and Amigos...
length > 0 should be .location != NSNotFound
I want to check if duplicated
for example
two Pepe
app will work..
@honey-bunny: wt about the upgrading and In App purchases?
purchase will probably stuck in retrieving the details once app is deleted
what happens in case of invalid product id in the code ?
I tried if ([amigos.text rangeOfString: [listaAmigos objectAtIndex:c]].length > 1) but still doesn't work, but if I do NSNotFound I think is in order to check if not found, but must be only once, not more than one
@honey-bunny: The products wont come na
Q: Number of occurrences of a substring in an NSString?

igul222How can I get the number of times an NSString (for example, @"cake") appears in a larger NSString (for example, @"Cheesecake, apple cake, and cherry pie")? I need to do this on a lot of strings, so whatever method I use would need to be relatively fast. Thanks!

how any people i have to tell the Google lecture :)
yes..they won't come..invalid product id
@honey-bunny: actually I want to use nother app id of another developer account to the currently submitted app in the appstore. Is there any process without deleting the app I cam make that.
contact apple support
they can guide you best
@honey-bunny: Okay tanq
I didn't want to check google because I suppously knows how to do it, but I think it's too complicated that code in order to be a super easy task
Hello all. I'm trying to avoid the existing record that insert insert into Core-data with this But, its not working. Any idea on this?
ask question on site ?
ask question in NSChat
both are good options for you
NSChat is restricted
not for Praveen
No. For me there is no access there.
If you have enough karma and behave well you should get access.
i see you have chat history there Praveen
:P i've already lose access 2 times there.
Asking the first instance for question they think
I feel insecure now
They could revoke my access anytime...
don't talk when nil is near..and you will be fine :)
you don't have access either @honey-bunny?
i haven't asked
anyway, i've just wasted 2 hours pondering why a push notification didn't get to my phone.
turns out when I go to settings -> newsstand, my app didn't have permission
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
All this time I thought I spelled something wrong in my project or my payload from the server.
Pretty sure I answered yes when they asked "do you wanna allow push for this app?"
let this be a lesson to you guys..
yeah..you should open push notification tutorial blog
Something that I've been wondering: stackoverflow.com/q/14775169/361247
tricky situation
in that case you will have to pass on user country in the iPhone code too to the server
Anyone here
This is free chatroom
iOS Developer Family is privated as NSChat
they didn't give me access to NSChat xD
@rokimoki Sometimes its happend
@Praveen no idea sorry, I'm just using Objective-C for 1 month
Okay fine
@Abizern I didn't ping you. I just tried to contact her. Then, what?
What's that meaning?
in NSChat, Nov 6 '12 at 11:51, by SpK
I shouldn't come here. I don't have the qualities to chat here :( Bye all
You yourself don't want to be there. Stop pinging me for access.
@Abizern Yes i'd post like that. But, after onwards i learned somethings in iPhone and i need access there.
There are other rooms you can ask in. There is a whole site you can post your question on.
I know it. You don't need to teach me. Good bye.
lol..Ego clash..
Then, what to do? :)
story of chat.stackoverflow.com
everyday ego clash occurs...and that is how new room are mades :)
Yes. 100% right.
i set my project theme to Holo.light.NoactionBar..
still action bar visible. ?

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