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posted on February 04, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Development Libraries,Objective-C,Open Source iOS Libraries And Tools Previously I mentioned an excellent library allowing you to create UIView animations with a cleaner blocks based syntax.

3 hours later…
GM @all
posted on February 05, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C With iOS 5 we became able to customize the basic look of the UISegmentedControl. Here’s UISegmentedControl replacement called URBSegmentedControl replace from Nicolas Shipes that all

gud mrng @iHungry
good morning you too
@iHungry gm
when i post my friends facebook wall the error occure - Error: HTTP status code: 403
Gud morning.
Good morning friends :)
Q: Facebook iOS SDK 3.1 post image on friends wall error

user1526725I am using the latest Facebook iOS SDK 3.1.1 while trying to post UIImage on friends wall i`m getting error 5 (Error: HTTP status code: 403). if i try to post the image on MY wall its working well, but not of one of my friends. My Code: 1. before posting i am checking if the user has the right ...

Q: Post a link to Facebook Timeline using Parse

AliI am using Parse mobile platform to post a feed on facebook timeline. This is what they said in their docs : Note that if you already have the Facebook SDK installed in your app, our version of the Facebook SDK will happily work alongside it. Take a look here. The Parse SDK includes the entire F...

@iHungry hey
@iHungrywhen i post my friends facebook wall the error occure - Error: HTTP status code: 403 for this i dnt know what should i do ?
did you read answers from my given links?
gm people :D
@iHungry ya. but it give not proper solution.
it has proper solution but you not read it neatly

Insufficient_scope The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token. The resource server SHOULD respond with the HTTP 403 (Forbidden) status code and MAY include the "scope" attribute with the scope necessary to access the protected resource.
this is your solution
hmm i read.. but give some another. so i way to do..
@AJPatel, @Sang
i have one doubt
i hav implemented photo album photo display in iPhone but here i can able to display only one photo, if i select second one that will replace the existing one.
my requirement is need two display minimum two photo pls give some suggestions
@kbv u simply want to display more than one photo rite ? not save them and ol ?
@Gill-TheIronMan i need to save the path and display two phots
@all give some suggestion.
@kbv vGm :)
hey i don`t think you can do multiple image selection using IPC for that have to look at asset library based sol.
I am using UIimageView for displaying photo
gm all
how to set current date in datepicker .when i nslog its showing 01-01-2001 and current time
@orgami use yourPicker = [NSDate date];
@orgami [NSDate date] is returns todays date.
@kbv thanks
@orgami wc..:)
@kbv when i do it like this .. its giving me sigbart
cause i want timepicker to show between these two time
@orgami you should compare the today date and time picker with your requirement time.
how do i do that ?
@kbv Hi! Why don't use UIImageView inside UICollectionViewCell or PSTCollectionViewCell?
Hello Every one
I have one simple question
@Deepranshu hi!!
hello json
yes whats ur question???
look i have app which directly shows tab bar in starting which is controlled by appdelgate now i want to add two more view before the tab bar so how can i do that.
when i add the view using story board it is crashing
it is giving SIGABRT
i dont have so much idea of storyboard
you just change your new viewController to be the initial View Controller on launch in story board
but without storyboard you can add the view and in that class you call app delegate...
yes i have done that already but it is giving signal SIGABRT
so,the view will come earlier than tab view...
then debug it...
SIGBART is usually followed by an error details in console
-[UIViewController viewControllers]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xa09ada0
2013-02-05 12:19:56.316 Staff Manager[1417:16003] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIViewController viewControllers]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xa09ada0'
this is showing in the console
UINavigationController *personsTVCnav = [[tabBarController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:0];
UINavigationController *rolesTVCnav = [[tabBarController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:1];
UINavigationController *serviceTVCnav = [[tabBarController viewControllers] objectAtIndex:2];
use breakpoints to find out line of crash
the app delegate is having the above code
where do you declare tabbarcontroller ?
What should be added to it to make a view before the tab bar
// The Tab Bar
UITabBarController *tabBarController = (UITabBarController*)self.window.rootViewController;
if you have set new VC to be the initial view controller why are you still using the code when tab Bar controller was the initial one
No i just want to add two welcome pages
you should really study iOS
i am not going to explain everything how to do
- (void)handlePinch:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *)GestureRecognizer {
GestureRecognizer.view.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(GestureRecognizer.view.transform, GestureRecognizer.scale, GestureRecognizer.scale);
GestureRecognizer.scale = 1;
@honey-bunny this is what i am doing to zoom my image view...but its zooming the whole view...i want only image...plz check what wrong i am doing...???
Thanks for feedback. :) can you suggest any good tutorial for ios as i have downloaded many pdf but they are having incomplete information
@Deepranshu if u want screen show them as splash screen...
try to change transform condition to

if ([GestureRecognizer.view isEqual:self.img])
GestureRecognizer.view.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(GestureRecognizer.view.transform, GestureRecognizer.scale, GestureRecognizer.scale);
*welcome screen
this will tell if pinch is working on img or not
@honey-bunny no,its not working on img...
then you are not adding it to correct view or changing reference of img later
but i have created the img as the image view ...
Splash screen does not allow user interaction thats why i want user to tap start and then move to the next VC
@Deepranshu why dont u make a loading view in the applicationdidbecomeactive method of the appdelegate ?
k...then check out what honey-bunny has said...
ok thanks All
1 message moved to recycle bin
1 message moved to recycle bin
1 message moved to recycle bin
1 message moved to recycle bin
1 message moved to recycle bin
@iHungry @Gill-TheIronMan @honey-bunny PLZ..CHECK THIS....pastebin.com/TKfXSBpj
i am trying to zoom the imageview but its not working...plz help...
replace img with self.img everywhere
Good afternoon you all
May some one please tell me what to do if an application is opening in browser but not in app store in iphone ?
application is displaying in browser but not in app store in iPhone device
Application name is SPC Card
it might be not available in our indian store
@honey-bunny no its not working...i changed all img to self.img...
then how to access that. Do you have any idea ?
you might not be,...you can probably change store in mac/windows iTunes store..but i don't think on device it is possible
@LalitKant You mean can't open this link in iPhone or iOS simulator?
in iPhone device 4s
and iPad too
real device or simulator @LalitKant>
real device
@LalitKant This app just view on Canada Itunes store. You can change store in your account to view it.
posted on February 05, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS Programming Tools And Utilities,Objective-C I’ve mentioned a number of Xcode plugins, most recently KSImageNamed providing UIImage image name auto entry and Xcode colors allowing you to selectively colorize deb

@Sang Thnx a lot
good afternoon
@LalitKant ..how to display time in datepicker i mean when i open datepicker i want it display say 8:00 AM in datepicker
nvm i figured it out :)
hi @MichaelDautermann
hi @orgami
@orgami Done ?
@LalitKant yep
@LalitKant if i do [userTimePicker setDate:morningTime];
morningTime has 10:00AM .. but i am not able to scroll in datepicker ..i want to scroll it b/w 7am to 10 am ..
hello @Everyone
hi @rokimoki
hola !
@MichaelDautermann hii :)
hello @keepsmiling
@MichaelDautermann saw your post in linkedin in iOS developers group..!! :)
yeahhhh, I guess I am a little hyperactive with the social networking.
@MichaelDautermann it's nice...it would let people know about an active developer who can help them in bringing their idea for iOS app to reality..!!
@MichaelDautermann apart from that..help me in a silly thing...I have a tableview,and also the method didselectrowatindexpath, but on selecting a cell in the table the method does not get called, while on selecting the second cell, the same gets called..not getting how did the settings change...??
it sounds like the delegate is not necessarily set correctly or isn't set at the point where the first cell gets touched / selected.
I tries setting the method [tableview setallowsmultipleselection:NO] too..!!..but still nothing.
give me linkdin link , i also want to read it
the table is in the xib, and I have set the delegate and the datasource there...after that I set the table's delegate explicitly in viewdidload too..!!
why do you set it twice? maybe set it once?
but still the didselectrowatindexpath gets called only on clicking the second cell after the first selection..!!
welp... I guess I will have to look at your code then.
since setting it once did not work...so I thought may be doing it again would do the magic..!!
I mean solve the problem :P
@orgami you can yaar please check again
is it "talk like a pirate" day ?
Q: iOS Multithreading Issue

user1394965I'm quite new to iOS development and I'm facing a multithreading issue. I'm using KTPhotobrowser with SDWebImage to create a photo and video gallery. I have to load some external data on each picture, and I don't want to affect the smoothness of the gallery's scroll view. So, I'm trying to do...

Hi Apple World
Can anyone please help me in including an icon in the iPhone app (XCode 4.2)
why don't you post the question on site ?
@FahadUddin Just drag and drop icon.png into the summery of project where you will find an app icon
@honey-bunny: Hello
@honey-bunny: one help regarding box 2d.
Do anyone know how to sell a card using iphone sdk ?
like you have a buy button and after some payment that card can be sell to the user
Actually I am having a kinematic body. when a ball collides to that kinematic body the kinematic body moves down 2 pixels and again 2 pixels up.
@LalitKant u hav to use in-app purchase
@Gill-TheIronMan which type ?
If i use pay pall ?
You can't use In-App Purchase to buy physical items. It won't work if you are selling cards.
how do you detect collision between kinematic body ans static? , Monish
@Abizern what to do to sell cards?
@Abizern oh i thought he meant cards thru an app e - cards kind of ..
after that i will manage money in the card
@iHungry: bro I am not using collosion detection .... I am checking if the balls frame is in kinematic bodies frame.
you can't achieve this thing without detecting collision...
in the application i will manage money in the card
@LalitKant Dunno - set up a payment website - use PayPal - maybe even one of the other Payment APIs
@iHungry: I think we cant detect collisions for a kinematic body.
when a ball collides to that kinematic body then what it mean???
moves down 2 pixels and 2 pixels up -> this is requirement or happens currently ?
its means you somewhere detecting collision between ball and body na?
@iHungry: bro the only need is when the ball is in kinematic bodies frame I have to move the kinematic body down to 2 pixels and back to original position.
@honey-bunny: yes bro move up and down is the requirement.
Ok best of luck for find your solution
@Abizern buddy this application is like i will login to the app and ask to user to buy a card through which i will give him some functionality like i will manage his all the deductions from shopping and movies, watching etc .. I am asking which payment Criteria i should use?
@iHungry: can u give me any idea how can achieve this. @honey-bunny...
which is the proper way to print a line route throught streets instead of rect line bewteen MKAnnotation A and current location B or other MKAnnotation
yes i trying to give you solution but my bad luck you are not ready to listen or ready to read
@iHungry: sry bro. I will listen tell me na
ball is which type of body ? dynamic ?
@honey-bunny: ball is dynamic
you can implement the use of sensor in box2d
and detect the collision occurrence..then set custom position or force
check sensors here
@honey-bunny: wt the sensor actually does? my case is I cant say its exactly collision detection. The kinematic body is like a goal having a hole and when the dynamic body enters into the goal I need to make down-up movement and destry the ball. for that I am checking the balls frame is in goals frame and I am destroying it. it works well. the only concern is I hav no idea how to make move down-up animation.
animation isn't to be done in box2d..
@honey-bunny: I mean the transformation or movement.
when ball falls into the goal..set goal user data to something custom..then run animation of up down as CCAction in cocos2d for 2 sec..after that destroy
I tried up with the CCAction. It doesnt worked for me. Is it possible to apply CCAction to a kinematic body??
well any box2d body will be represented by some sprite in cocos2d right ?
@honey-bunny: yes in my case the sprite is of type PhysicsSprite.
then you can run action..
@honey-bunny: let me check n let u know.
the only thing is in your update method..
you will be setting sprite location based on box2d engine location..
you just don't have to do that..when you have set custom data to the goal
@honey-bunny: how can I stop not doing it?
set custom user data to body...then in your update method don't update sprite position to body position if its user data is custom data of yours
hi guys, good day..
just want to ask one question..
i tried inserting a nsdata using fmdb.. every i do that it gives me an error exc_bad_access..
any idea..?
@honey-bunny: got it yar... tanq
you could just convert NSData to string before inserting ?
inserting an image to blob..
in that case..better practice to save image to app directory..and save image path to database...
which you could have find already if you have searched on stack overflow...
why do you think the site has been made for ?
converted the image using this line of code.. NSData *image = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(drawImage.image, 0.8);
@honey-bunny Hello honey-bunny
Can anybody suggest me to how to do this effect virtually-anywhere.com/tours/musc/tourfiles/flash/index_fs.html just tap and move i iphone app ???
@LalitKant @honey-bunny @link @MonishKumar Hi All, I put NSTimer in App delegate did finish lanching. once App crashed again the App not open !! What is the problem. please let me. thanks in advance
@PREMKUMAR there can be some services runnning in background so please check
dont ping people unnecessarily by using @..and did you restart Xcode/simulator or MAC ?
Hello all
Is there anyone who can help on How to Intigrate Bing API in iphone?
@honey-bunny Got any idea?
@PREMKUMAR or use application should not run in background and return this to yes in .plist file.
link didn't opened in my browser..so hooray.. *i have an excuse to not help you further * :)
@honey-bunny: it doesnt worked for me yar. I think I missed something
@honey-bunny: how to paste code here?
Hey @honey-bunny
How can we use uipickerview in place of keypad while selecting a uitextfeild
textField delegate methods are there ?
[_personSurnameTextField setInputView:pickerView]; i am using this in the program
but this is not working
but for uidatepicker it is working fine
how will you input in textField using UIPickerView ?
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)thePickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component {
_personSurnameTextField.text=[Volume objectAtIndex:row];

volume is a mutable array with objects
am i going in the right direction?
then just show yourPickerView as a modal when your textField shouldBeginEditing delegate is fired
let me try thanks in advance
Hell all!
can i ask a question?
@honey-bunny this is not working! :(
any other idea on that
what happens ?
it is still showing the keypad
- (void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField
[_personFirstnameTextField resignFirstResponder];
[pickerView setHidden:NO];
i am using this
pickerView = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 480.0f, 320.0f, 270.0f)];
// pickerView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:pickerView];
this in the viewdidload
I have uploaded a gps based app to app store.One of my friend told that ,core location permission is not asking for his device(iPod).So his location is not getting updated...so he misses the functionality..I have tried many devices here(iPhone 4s,5 and iPad) but all get worked nicely....I don't know what is wrong with my app....If any body has idea then please help me....
do you know where 480.0 is in iPhone interface ?
bottom of the iPhone screen
and how you expect the user to see picker view then..?
but if i change the coordinate then also it is showing a keypad not the picker view
collistion is getting detected ?
getting detected or not..that you can only tell
@honey-bunny: Yes
@honey-bunny: yes its getting detected.
       CCSequence *seq = [CCSequence actions:moveDown,moveUp, nil];
        [goal1 runAction:seq];

         [pBody removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];
this gets executed then ?
@honey-bunny: yes
@honey-bunny: yes its getting executed.
goal1 doesn't move ?
Hmm..... goal1 is kinematic body it wont move.
body doesn't matter for cocos2d
@honey-bunnny done but with a diffrent methord
you need to understand..box2d is physics engine.and cocos2d is game/graphics engine
Ohhh.... then goal1 wont move only when the ball inside it I am trying to move down and up but it wont happening :(
try to use better debugging technique..
goal1.color = ccRED;
check if it tints to red or not
@honey-bunny: okay let me give a trail.
@honey-bunny: yeah the goals are becoming red color when the ball passes inside it.
next try to set position = ccp(0,0);
Hi all.. I am new to this objective c. want to create a button which takes me to other view controller. can anyone tell me how to link that button to the second view controller. thanks in advance..
@honey-bunny: okay
hi everbody
i need a little help
@honey-bunny: hello bro
please assist me on one issue
i have a search bar and i want to preload it with some data
@honey-bunny: position is not changing to (0,0)
now i am getting an error as : Exc_bad_access
try to call return after you set the position:

//set position..
[self unshedule:_cmd];
on line : [array removeAllObjects];
@ShanuSingh using storyboard ?
what may be the possible reason>
@honey-bunny no bro.. i am not using storyboard
then just search tutorial on IBOutlets
@honey-bunny: wt unschedule method represents??
try you will understand
ok.. thank you..
@honey-bunny: yeah I tried and I got a warning that the method is not there
no autocomplete ?
@honey-bunny: wt is autocomplete?
face palm
@honey-bunny: bro I am very much new this cocos2d and box2d yar.
ask such question in iOS developer family
why can't he ask it here?
because that room easily tolerate such questions and developers who don't put any effort or do any background check in iOS
@honey-bunny: yes I done with tat.
no unshedule in autocomplete ?
@honey-bunny: its there bro.
@honey-bunny: i kept those two statements where I changed the position of the goals.
@MichaelDautermann how to use dtmf number with call ?
Q: Programatically Dial a Phone number and pass DTMF using the iPhone SDK

L. DPenhaHow do you programatically do the following from the iPhone SDK 1) Programatically Dial a Phone Number through the iPhone SDK 2) Bypass the dial / cancel prompt that the iPhone brings up 3) Send additional DTMF after the number is dialed just like how you would program pauses into a regular ph...

@MichaelDautermann My google is broken. Please can you send me the link of my local weather service
I don't watch the weather, I watch Frankie
@honey-bunny thanx for your quick replies......! :)
how can I make this compatible with new iOS?
NSString *apiResponse = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:apiUrl];
NSString* encodedPoints = [apiResponse stringByMatching:@"points:\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\"" capture:1L];
that format (?) string looks bizzare...
I'll try that again
                   _ ,___,-'",-=-.
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    _,'  __ |,' ,-' __)  ,-     /. |
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   /        (____)(----. )       ,'
  /         (      `.__,     /\ /,
 :           ;-.___         /__\/|
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 :        /            \    .__/
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nice !
lifsavers i've question
I've 2 Xcodes 4.5 and 4.3.2. I need to remove Xcode 4.3.2 from my computer. How do i do?
Can I open a modal view from another modal view?
probably remove both Xcode's using command line
and just later download 4.6
how can i remove?
throw them in the trash.
i've did.
I wish all answers could be that easy.
@honey-bunny: I placed those two statements. even though the positions not changed.
show updated code ?
A: iOS Multithreading Issue

Michael ChinenInstead of relying on a scheduling-based cancel, which can leave you in an uncertain state, have a cancelling instance variable that has atomic access (either via an atomic property or a BOOL ivar with a mutex). Then, instead of [loadingQueue_cancelAllOperations], you simply set the canceling fl...

@MonishKumar did you solved it yet ?
Can I open a modal view from another modal view?
@honey-bunny: No bro :(
Thanks. I thought I couldn't do it.
yes... no...
how many goals do you have ?
@honey-bunny: 3 goals
can you try with having only 1 goal..
and in that keep reference to goal body
posted on February 05, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C     Featured iPhone Development Resources,iOS UI Controls,iPad,iPhone,Objective-C It’s very unlikely that you’ll use the stock UIButtons without a custom image or some sort of color customization done with UIAppearance. Here’s a UIButton called LDGradi

okay let me try it honey
 [pBody removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];
what is pBody here?
I am having issue regarding significant-change location service. Anybody has any inputs?
Apple documentation says "Whether you use the standard location service or the significant-change location service to get location events, the way you receive those events is the same." but in case of "significant-change location service" I am not able to get any callbacks which I get in case of "standard location service" Please let me know if anybody has any inputs
@honey-bunny: pBody represents balls body.
you should remove goal body also
@honey-bunny: y to remove goalbody??
so that position doesn't update in next step
@honey-bunny: Ohh is it. But I have to add it na?
i am saying to remove the goal body for debugging..
you can later comment the removing body part
I am using
- (void) locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation
for callback
which iOS you testing in ?
then you should use the updated method..
the one you posted has been depreciated from iOS 6
locationManager:didUpdateLocations: ???
how do i get new location and old location in this method ???
@honey-bunny: how to get the body from a sprite?
read the documentation of the method
make an iVar and just use that for the goal body
@honey-bunny: yes but I am not having the property for a goal to get the goal body.
use the same way you had for pbody
@honey-bunny: if I try to destroy the goalbody my app is getting crashed.
what is this error: ?
Feb 5 14:13:03 alejandro.upes.itccanarias.org GPSTestMap[2838] <Error>: CGContextSetLineWidth: invalid context 0x0
you overriding drawRect ?
or using CoreGraphics ?
you need to check and setLineWidth.
debug using breakpoints
Mmmh I got more than one kind of CGContext error
@honey-bunny:but what if I am using version below 6.0
For significant change method documentation says version should be more than 4.0 then why do i have to implement callback that is supported above 6.0 ?
you need to implement previous method if you are targeting older device..
but newer method also needs to be implemented for iOS 6 devices
@honey-bunny I fixed I have a daydream today
lol..i dont remember if i even helped you :)
so much issues i looked into today!
The breakpoints etc..
k..cool enjoy
how can I dump an array? because I do NSLog("%@",array); and says null, or I'm wrong or the array is completly null
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