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03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 17:00

Gud mrning @all
hi @EnricoSusatyo @LargeGlasses
hi @jireh ..
sorry i couldnt get back to u on sat
vGM @orgami
it's k
how was the weekend
ya fine, how was ur's?
yeh, have u send ur code??
@jireh it went fine .. send me a test mail to [email protected]'ll send u my proj
k, but now i can't send coz there is no gmail access inside my company, so once i get home, i will
how shall i send my proj to u ?
just zip ur project and send to my id
ok ..will u able to check it now ?
now m in office.. so i can't
hmm ..or else i'll put the link here ..once u click on the link let me know i'll delete it ..
k fine..
did u get it ?
s, m downloading
ok ..
i am using nsdatecomponents where i am storing default time ..and at that time uilocalnotification is fired
now i am adding datepicker (Time only) so that the user can select a time say in morning from 7 - 10 ..he can select a time ..so when the user selects time in datepicker . it should replace default time. for that time notification should fire
@jireh .. i am adding default time and user selected time in nsuserdefaults .,and i am fetching the nsuserdefaults in viewdidload ..depending upon which time is selected ..that time should fire .. but its not firing
oh!.. i will check it and tell you
will u able to mail the proj to my id ?
wat is ur id
if u want u can send a test mail ..i will reply to that
k,.. may i know ur name
@jireh...karthik ...and urs
nice to meet u.
me too..
were u born in chennai / moved there due to work?
born in chennai, nd did school & college in Trichy and again back for work in chennai
wat abt u?
vGM :) 
Good morning friends
@jireh ..are u able to figure out the problem ?
@orgami - Means you are storing time in nsuserdefaults and save that time to local notification but its not firing
@orgami wats ur issue ? simple alarm kinda implementation
when default time is selected .its get stored in nsuserdefault ..and its firing in schedulenotification method .....when the user selects the time in datepicker that time is not getting overwriting default time ... i have added if statement in viewdidload .
morningtime = [ userselecteddefault objectforkey:"defaultmorningtime];
morningtime = [ userselecteddefault objectforkey:"morningtime];
hehe i had the same issue 2 days ago .. @orgami
have u checkd the value from the date picker ?
is it getting the rite value ?
@orgami please try this and please nslog
NSDictionary *dict=notification.userInfo;
NSTimeZone* currentTimeZone = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone];
NSTimeZone* utcTimeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"UTC"];

NSInteger currentGMTOffset = [currentTimeZone secondsFromGMTForDate:notification.fireDate];
NSInteger gmtOffset = [utcTimeZone secondsFromGMTForDate:notification.fireDate];
NSTimeInterval gmtInterval = gmtOffset - currentGMTOffset;

NSDate* destinationDate = [[[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeInterval:gmtInterval sinceDate:notification.fireDate] autorelease];
@orgami -- Means?
hi @iHungry gud mrng :)
good morning you too
hey @iHungry i implemented bulk query for update
and currently it is working much faster previously it used to take 2 min now it is taking 20 seconds
wow!!!! that too good
how do you optimism it?
@jireh ..were u able to figure it out
hey, where u have placed date picker in your project @orgami
tat's is which page i am sking
@jireh it is in ViewController
k, will check it out
@iHungry i referred this link stackoverflow.com/questions/12133355/…
i have hard coded datepicker its not in xib file ..in settingsbutton method u will find datepicker ..and in datepickervaluechanged u will find datepicker where i have added time slots
Hello Every one
xxx.delegate=self is giving error
can any one help me on this
property delegate not found in the object of
wat is the error report you are getting on ur console @Deepranshu
what type of object is xxx of ?
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIViewController topViewController]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x986a3a0'
@NSStack hi @NSStack u can send me sample code on my id [email protected]
UITableViewController doesn't have a delegate property by itself..did you made any delegate for it ?
yes like this
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <AddFuelDelegate> delegate;
i am working on core data
can you show code in which class you declared the above statement ?
@jireh..if u run the app once u will be able to figure it out
k @orgami
@class AddFuel;

@protocol AddFuelDelegate<NSObject>
- (void)theSaveButtonOnTheAddFuelWasTapped:(AddFuel *)controller;
@interface AddFuel : UITableViewController

@property (nonatomic, weak) id <AddFuelDelegate> delegate;
and how do you declare the xxx object ?
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"Add Role Segue"])
NSLog(@"Setting RolesTVC as a delegate of AddRolesTVC");

AddFuel *addFuel = segue.destinationViewController;
i am following this tutorial
you should then just do a clean of your project or restart xcode
is there any issue with the code
has anyone come across this
"ios push notifications certificate has no associated key"
Q: ios push notifications certificate has no associated key

myNameI want to create an iOS app that uses push notifications. The notifications will be triggered by a PHP webservice. To do this I needed to create an iOS push services certificate in the iOS provisioning profile (that needs to be added to the webservice to work). I downloaded the certificate and ad...

you could just recreate it ?
no luck in recreating the certificate
have other mac ?
yes but i am doing the same for the second time
:( failed on two macs...
still it gives this error
one more thing @honey-bunny
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
this is also giving error even if i have already given @synthesize managedObjectContext= _managedObjectContext;
bad luck then....you should probably delete previous certificate and private key you found you found that we're created for the certificate and retry
that is not for you
restarting my MAC can solve the problem do you think so?
probably..since everything is right
ok thanks @honey-bunny I will be back after a while.
maybe i should try deleting things... thanks
how to show big image
when i browse some big image my app is crash
then resize it
can we resize it before download
@All anyone know how to set share via <myAppName> when posting image in facebook using iOS6 social framework
right now it displays like share via iOS
@jireh..ny luck?
@orgami i cn't find the date picker anywhere in the app pages..
u mean in the app ?
s @orgami
go to app ... click on any cell
then u will find remedy tableview .. swipe left on the cell. u will find settings button and on and off switch when u click on settings button u will find segmented control when u tap on segmented control .. the datepicker will adjust according segmented control
uisiwtch is used to switch on and off notification
@jireh was it helpful
yes, fine @orgami
@Leena i have one clarification. can u clear me?
i couldn't update xcode in my mac laptop. i still work in xcode 3.2.5 old version. hw will update my xcode to IOS 6.0 @Leena
download DMG file from developer site
else from mac app store update it
and make sure your mac fulfills the OS requirements
so u mean we can update xcode any mac os? is right. but my friends, cant update xcode. need mac lion.
i am not saying that
1 min ago, by Leena
and make sure your mac fulfills the OS requirements
ok. leena sorry. i didnt understand that mac fulfils os req.
what i actually having? in my mac. and my friends told, need to pay money for updating xcode and change mac os to lion.
which OS you have?
mac os X version 10.6.8 @Leena
then update it to Mountain Lion instead
how i update to mountain lion.? @Leena is any money to pay that?
yes i guess you need to pay $19 for that
ok. then ?
May i need to delete current os and reinstall that. is right. or u mean just update that buying dmg in the current os. is right?
no you don't need to do that
actually i dnt have much knowledge about updating OS
ok ya. let me do that. thx for information. i got clear. @Leena i'm going to pay that
Hello All, how to reset all the data in coreData?
s, the reason why the notification is not fired is, coz, the date is not passing to notification alert
Hello All
Can anyone have any idea on this
Q: how to show CCTV Webcam in our iphone application-CCTV surveillance on iOS

VSNCan anyone help how to show CCTV Webcam in our iphone application. For Example: We have a CC camera at our home, and we need to show the live video camera in our application. i'm googling since one week but there was no luck.

@jireh..yeah ..in viewdidload i am passing that key which has datepicker time to nsuserdefault
@Leena u mean this - OS X Mountain Lion ?
@jireh..idk why the date isnt passing to notifictation alert ..
coz, when the date picker value changes, u haven't assign the changed value to the fire date for notification alert
posted on February 04, 2013 by Johann

    Featured iPhone Development Resources,News     Featured iPhone Development Resources,News Welcome back to the weekly feature of the most popular new resources mentioned on the site in the past week. This weeks most popular resources include a tool for finding unused images within an Xcode project, a custom UI Control for alert views that includes

yes @akk
thks @Leena
@jireh.... i have assigned it to nsuserdefault ..
@orgami please post code on pastebin.org and give us the link. i have worked on this
@Abizern - Hi is there any way to get current date of iOS device without using NSDate *date = [NSDate date]; because user can modify iPad date....
[NSDate date] is how you get the date of iOS Device. If you want the actual date, independent of the device, you need to query a time server. If the iPad isn't on the network, then you'll have to do something else.
@Abizern Cool
Has anyone here developed a newsstand app?
I'm interested to know the meaning of Apple's vague rule of "newsstand app has to deliver an issue regularly". I've heard people got their newsstand apps rejected because there's "not enough content" according to them.
Does anyone know how to implement google map api in ios 6 ?
Gud noon @all
hi frnds! i am facing a trouble under inapp purchase, Please do help me
I am not getting the product list from the response object
@LalitKant why don't just the MapKit from apple?
@LalitKant are u here
@Leena: Hello Leena
hello @all
got error like this ' duplicate defination for the class' can any 1 help me out of this
do you have any idea one mjpeg.cgu video streamng
Q: IP camera streaming to iOS(iPhone or iPad)

VSNI recently bought a dlink 930L IP Camera, but found out that it does not have a traditional mjpeg stream. I'm looking for an IP camera that will stream to a webview on an iPad, first off, will mjpeg stream work? and if so, does anyone know of an IP camera that has that stream that works with the ...

Q: clang failed exit with code 1

iDevI am just copying application in xcode 4.2.App was created in xcode 4.5 . I got this error when i compile it on my older mac machine. Please Help Me. Thanks.

i need get list of all applications programmatically in iphone not jailbroken device
Anyone knows how to make a UIView draggable with the finger? is a small UIView inside the mainViewController
@rokimoki use UIGestureRecognizers
@Leena hie...
@Leena dnt you have guys have got any work to do :P
@Leena :D :D :D lol
@Leena wel I bet u might be doing something useful... :P
:D :D :D
@orgami - Yes
@rokimoki - because I want to implement Google places in my project
@Marine - Which type of in app u are using?
so @LalitKant you have this: developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios/start then which is the problem?
lalit .. i can mail my proj ..if that helps
@orgami if you have an example with google maps can u mail me? xd
in ios ?
@orgami Yes
i did
hmm i think there is mapkit
@rokimoki - ok, i will use that
@LalitKant .. i just mailed my proj
google maps in iOS I'm currently using MKMapKit, but googles provides another, did you use that? or MKMapKit @orgami?
i am not sure .. my collegue has worked on map ..i will ask him when he gets back
hey guys, got any suggestions for games like draw something, angry words/wordfeus for iPhone? Some sort of online multiplayer game round-based and fun to play. I am kinda researching into this field in order to see what is available out there.
@orgami ok let me check
@orgami - Are u talking about quick Cure app
which class you are talking about and which line also please ping me
did u get the idea which i am talking about
in viewdidload
let me check
have this app build in ios6?
how much exp. you have?
i have added u in gmail app
almost an year
and from where you are?
mumbai....what about u
i am building app it is taking some time so wait
how long u been working on ios
2 years
app is taking time to build
you want time to be displayed in date picker?
or you want to pass date to notification?
pass the time to notification
pass the time taken in datepicker to notification so that it fires at that time ..
i have added datepicker time and default time in nsuserdefaults and it is fetched in viewdidload
plz tell me flow to reach to datepicker
tap on first tableview cell it will navigate to second tableview .. swipe to left there u will find settings button and UISwitch ..
got it ?
@LalitKant were u able to open it ?
i am getting its flow first
tell me its coding flow to get this work finish faster
step by step method flow and value to be passed in oobjects
and where exactly you are facing problem
so that i can help you
see when u tap on first tableview u will navigated to another tableview (remedy)... when u swipe left .. u will find settings and uiswitch .. when u switch on ..notification is set and it is fetched from schedulenotification
-(NSArray *)fireDatesForFrequency:(int)freq..consits of default time set to fire notification
depending upon the frequency each remedy has .. notification is fired ..
Now i want to user to select the time thats where datepicker comes into picture ..when the user selects a time ..that time should replace default time and notification should fire
your default time also give wrong value ?
no default time is giving correct value .. the time selected in datepicker is not getting fired
so first of all pass [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",notif.fireDate] to defaults
and pass return value in this format to date
where should i add this ?
whenever you are passing date to userdefaults pass that time in string format like [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",notif.fireDate]
if u can modify my proj ..and mail it ..it should be fine
and pass return value in this format to date as i did in pastebin.com/xqaSziGr
sorry i cannot as i am in offica now
if i get time then i will try
both pastebin are same
HEllo ALl
is anyone used mapandroute lib for iphone app..?
@LalitKant both pastebin has same code
i just explained you steps again
hi All
@LalitKant @iphonedev23 @orgami @JDev when i am calling the showimages method in viewwillappear...it shows images but when trying to call it in viewdidload...not showing images...any idea y???
need help in msn Chat
@LalitKant, @orgami, @JDev, @json
@orgami i am working on it
@LalitKant working on in my proj ..r in pastebin
@json Do you have global method or local?
@LalitKant global...
need to implement msn Chat in iPhone anyone can help me
@orgami - project
@LalitKant...thanks dude
but there are so many changes to do in you project
change 0001-01-01 02:06:32 +0000 time string
to today's date format
2013-02-04 02:06:32 +0000
using date code
then that will fire
@json then delete your app from device and rebuild you app as this should work fine and place break point at each jump in methods
i am using repeatinterval then 0001-01-01 02:06:32 +0000 time string doesnt matter
@orgami dude i tried but your issue need time to resolve. So you should try yourself as i told you
@orgami this matter
as notification fired on the bases of your current time
and then time will repeat
so i should use nsdateformatter code which u have provided ?
whats arraydict ?
diff betn iphone &ipad.
hi guys, good day..
is it possible to display a UIViewController on a uipopviewcontrol..?
here's my code in display it ESigPopupViewController *pop = [[ESigPopupViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ESigPopupViewController" bundle:nil];

[self.navigationController pushViewController:pop animated:YES];
now, i want to display as popupmodal
What is the based class of ESigPopupViewController?
navigation controller is the stack of viewControllers...
base class is ESigViewController..
if you trying to insert UIpopviewController in navigationcontroller then it is not valid according to definition and working of navigation controller hierarchy
@All how to refresh a view automatically in every 2 minute....
@Abizern tnx..plz elaborate it...
got it..
Use an NSTimer that fires every two minutes. When it fires, refresh your view.
please ignore my question..
Q: Refreshing subview of uiview?

RenyaI want to refresh the uiview which has uiimageview and uilabel as a subview of uiview. I don't know how to do this.Plz help me out to do. Thank u... Renya

@Abizern @iHungry tnx a lot...
here's my solutions..
thanks guys..
hey are u fromn?
how to go one view to another with animation in iphone
any one know about splitview???????
help me........
is this iphone room????
help me friends......
help me yarr
help me yarr
i didn't see any effort from your way of asking ... i suggest you to spend some time on googling and reading apple docs
already read but give me demo........
03:00 - 12:0012:00 - 17:00

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