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iPhone Developers Exchange
iOS Development Tutorial – 12 – Editing the Header of a custom class
posted on October 03, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam demonstrates how to handle touch events of the iPhone framework.

posted on October 03, 2012 by admin

Buy Learning iPad Programming: A Hands-on Guide to Building iPad Apps with iOS 5: www.informit.com A universal app is a …Continue reading »

1 hour later…
Anyone know of an example app like the music app on iOS? Something tab based with indexed table lists. I'm looking for a starting point for an app that'll have an interface similar to that of the Music app for iOS.
1 hour later…
@Dharmendra is it possible zoom in and out UIWebView
@Dharmendra how can do ?
Do Google.
anybody familier with NSXMLParser?
posted on October 03, 2012 by admin

Learn how to change the name that appears on the device and simulator. This can be useful if you want …Continue reading »

hello everybody!
and @Leena !
hello @MichaelDautermann
so quiet here. I thought today was a party day?
for what
for some kind of success with iOS development
good morning @sreecharan !
Hi all.. any anyone help me how to play video in full screen in iOS 6??
what kind of video?
locally? remotely? off youtube? or?
video is streamed from server and is played fine in normal view.. but when i press fullscreen it is not playing
are you using MPMoviePlayerController or a web view or?
@MichaelDautermann MPMoviePlayerController
Q: MPMoviePlayerController doesn't play movie in full screen

Tony MobileI have a MPMoviePlayerController on my iPad app that works good when its frame is regular (not fullscreen). When I tap the fullscreen button, the player goes fullscreen, but the movie stops. I perpetually see the title "Loading...", a black background, and the standard controls (back, play and n...

Q: MPMoviePlayerController in full screen issue (showing blank black screen)

FelixI have tabBarViewController which contain few pages, and a loginViewController. I use [window addSubView:] to add the views. When I need to play fullcreen video, I have to remove all the view in window in order to displaying the video, else, it is just a black screen. When the video is stop/fin...

Q: MPMoviePlayerController Fullscreen mode doesn't actually display over the entire screen

bpatrick100I've implemented video play functionality within my app, and everything is working perfectly, except for this one issue. Whenever the fullscreen toggle button is tapped, or if you double-tap the screen, this of course is meant to toggle the video from being played in it's natural wide screen sta...

Q: MPMoviePlayerController fullscreen quirk in iPad

hpiqueI want to show a MPMoviePlayerController in a view controller and let the user toggle full screen with the default controls, like the YouTube app. I'm using the following code in a bare-bones example: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.player = [[MPMoviePlayerController allo...

Q: MPMoviePlayerController fullscreen not working

Amitay MolkoMy code plays the video properly but not in full screen. ----------- |_______ | |XXXXXXX| | |XXXXXXX| | ----------- Its size is about the size of the X filed area. I am running this on an ipad2. NSString *urlStr = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"movie.mp4" ofType:nil]; ...

Q: mpmovieplayercontroller fullscreen issue?

ziadI develop an application that plays video iPad. the problem is that I am in full-screen video and I rotated the splitviewcontroller shift here is a screenshot: http://a.imageshack.us/img9/7660/capturedcran20100907150.png The problem is when I am in full screen MPMovieplayercontroller and I ...

the issue is coming when i run it in iOS 6
and none of those questions have potentially useful answers?
@MichaelDautermann it runs pretty well in iOS 5.. though going through links
if you can't find the answer, you may need to post your own iOS 6 specific question to Stack Overflow.
@MichaelDautermann ok.. thanks for the very quick reply.. :)
@MichaelDautermann : hi, I have code added for face Recoginition, in IOS 5 , Now in IOS 6 thats not Working
posted on October 03, 2012 by Johann

Testing how an application responds to different network responses and conditions can be a real pain. Today I came across a library from Oliver Hannigan that makes this much easier.  This library allows you to intercept http requests made by your app (whether you use NSURLConnection or some other networking framework)  and provide a response [...]

iProgrammer has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
iProgrammer has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@Leena hi
@iProgrammer @iphonedev23 @Leena @Dharmendra : hi, I have code added for face Recoginition, in IOS 5 , Now in IOS 6 thats not Working any idea???
@iYahoo no idea
hi @iProgrammer
okay @iProgrammer
@Leena this room is empty now
@all Hello!
@iDeveloper hi
@iDeveloper hi
@all anyone will please help me ?
help you to do what?
what feed did you remove @iProgrammer ?
@MichaelDautermann hello
@MichaelDautermann Look at this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12429683/iphone-width-of-path-based-on-velocity-of-touch

I am using exactly this code in UIKit http://www.merowing.info/2012/04/drawing-smooth-lines-with-cocos2d-ios-inspired-by-paper/
@MichaelDautermann I don't remember it has deleted accidently
some apple feed
wow... I remember when I was asked about this question a few weeks ago.
are you the same guy that asked me about this?
yes i'm smith
why do you have multiple Stack Overflow accounts??
it's confusing.
i dont know whatts happening but the main thing is my problem
kindly please help me !!!
@MichaelDautermann u there?
help you to do what? you already had some good pointers in the question you asked on Stack Overflow.... both the answer and the duplicate question.
@MichaelDautermann : in IOS 6 How can i detect the Face ??
@MichaelDautermann sorry but that answers didnt helped me alot
@MichaelDautermann they helped me for something not at all
but i am getting some jumpy ones instead of smooth
maybe try a different, more focused question on Stack Overflow, @iDeveloper ?
there's something in the iOS 6 SDK that you might be able to use, @iYahoo
Q: How to recognize for the same face?

NULLMy app has the ability to store passwords. But these are important passwords, so I do not want the user to be hacked. I thought of being able to use facial recognition, than answering security questions or a passcode to enter. I am fine with the last two options, just stuck on facial recognition....

Okay @MichaelDautermann thought that u might have come accross that ..
nope... haven't done it recently.
but let me know if you figure it out.
posted on October 03, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to utilize the iPad real estate with the help of UISplitViewController and …Continue reading »

@MichaelDautermann ?
@iDeveloper !
hey i found a bug in my code helpme
when i try to add float in ARRAY
I find bugs in my code all the time.
it gives me null
it's amazing.
you're trying to add a float to a NSArray ??
see this: [velocities addObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:final]];
i am trying to add it in NSMutableArray
that looks fine.
what's final?
make sure it is a valid float.
final is floating point number its value is 1.2
I don't see anything wrong with that one line of code.
how to make sure it is a valid floating point values
@MichaelDautermann it is not float it is CGFloat
is CGFloat the same thing as a float?
Have you initiated the array before adding the objects to it?
@sreecharan let me chek
@sreecharan, @MichaelDautermann thanks alottt
@sreecharan i didnt initiated it thanks thanks thanks thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!
welcome welcome welcome welcome !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@sreecharan i am still learning so it was mistakes but both of you guy are awesome awesome awesome thanks !!!! i was looking for it for 2 weeeeeeeeks
two weeeeeks!
I'm never gonna hire you if you bill me for that time.
@MichaelDautermann i said i am learnning,,, if i make mistakes then it is beneficial for me because next time i will know how to solve it
@MichaelDautermann & i am not toooooo experienced in iOS development
we're all learning...
that's why I am here, so I can learn from @hector
@MichaelDautermann, @sreecharan BTW THanks!
Good After noon all .. :)
Good evening midnight @Vikas
@All can any body guide me how to load multiple images in grid view without taking much memory? i am aware of loading images in background and i am also trying to load images from EGOImageLoader also. but its not working good.
@All i have created one scroll view in that scrollview i am loading images and creating grid view from for loop..
@MichaelDautermann @sreecharan @iProgrammer Hi
@Leena hello
hello @ios
@Leena i need your help, could you please do for me?
@MichaelDautermann hello. I have a tableview . I want in every cell of table will be scrolled horizontally
@Leena I submitted my app on app store but app rejected because of We found that your app uses a background mode but does not include functionality that requires that mode to run persistently. This behavior is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
dear @IOSCoder
look at this:
Q: Horizontal UITableView

imranI want implement a layout in my ipad application that has a uitable view that scrolls left and right rather then up and down : So rather than row 1 row 2 row 3 ( scrolling vertically ) It would be : row 1, row2, row 3 (scrolling horizontally ) I've seen that UItableView is designed to onl...

Q: Horizontal scrolling UITableView

DilshanI need to make a UITableView horizontally scrollable. I have a custom table with width of 600 and as this is too larger. That table needs to be scrollable. How do I do this?

@Leena r u there>
If my project based on coordinate system in iphone 4 is it work in iphone 5 with the same coordinate system?
Anybody can help me
Q: Hyperlink,email address detection using camera

sini want to build an app that recognizes hyperlinks and email addresses when i point out the camera at a paper or board which consists of lot of information along with hyperlinks and email addresses..anyway has anybody built such an app before or is it feasible? should i use augmented reality for t...

yes @ios
@Leena did you get my point?
posted on October 03, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam demonstrates how to use blocks in Objective-C language.

what s goin on in background @ios
I am showing my code on pastebin@Leena
@ios why you are using location services in your app
you just need to get lat and long of the user
@Leena need to get lat and long of the user and send their postion to server and sever will send push notification if ur friends' current postion change.
give me 5 min
@Leena why ?
@Strider ??
@Leena ??
hmm i am confused
becoz u need to check everytime what is your current location
in background
in order to find which friends are nearby you
@Leena so simple...
what so simple
apple has rejected his app becoz they think his app doesnt need to be in the background
@Leena ohh then i thing you are not only ios dev.. there are so many there..
then dont have problem ...
if i m not wrong
@Leena hi i want to increment a bedges of the push notification can you tell me how can i do this ?>
@Leena why you can not asyn request send using timer and and get the response every min using timer
@parag never worked with push notification
@MichaelDautermann hi i want to increment a push notification bedges
Q: How can i change badge number of my iphone app increasingly with push notification?

UlviI have an app. I build the push notification system, and i can set the badge number also when i pushed a notification, but if i want to send another push notification, i cannot increase the badge number of application. Can i do that ?

@Leena hi
Q: Push-Notification Badge auto increment

natanavraI've been implementing the push service to my application, and I've been thinking about the application's badge. My app is a mail app (sorta) and I want to notify the user via push for new messages added to the inbox, I want the badge = number of new messages in the inbox. I thought of doing it ...

hi @ios
Hellow everybody
hi @iHungry
Using iPad for accessing chat account :(
Company Mai Internet nahi hai .....I m so much upset
@iHungry hi
@Abizern hi
@all hi
iads are not opening in portrait mode only
@VenkatManohar there?
@PratyushaTerli: Yes...
@Abizern do you have idea about iads
iad is showing in landscape mode but when I clicked on it opens in portrait
@PratyushaTerli: did u get any invite ?
@iProgrammer Nope. But I know that there are some changes in iOS6 that require some changes with the view hierarchy. Have you looked in the release notes?
@venkatManohar no
@Abizern not only in ios6 , same behavior is for ios 5 and 4.3
Q: iAd Landscape Strange View Behavior

wasabiI have an iAd which displays at the top of a fullscreen subview of the main view. The iAd works normally in portrait mode, and I have handled rotation of the iAd banner view into landscape mode. The issue occurs when the iAd is tapped by the user in landscape mode. The test advertisement displ...

@iProgrammer As I said - I haven't done any direct work with iAds.
this post telling that test ads has this behavior
@MichaelDautermann do you any idea about this?
nope... I've never seen it before. And the answers there don't help you?
it is saying that original ads will show in landscape
but I am thinking if It won't work then
Q: iAd on iPad: Landscape iAd not Oriented Correctly

foreyezThis is still a relatively new topic so not sure how many people have got to implement iAd on iPad (iOS4.2.1). But basically, I get the iAd banner to appear in landscape mode (and it appears correctly). The only problem is when I click the "Test Advertisement" it shows the test advertisement in ...

I think you'll be okay
@MichaelDautermann hii
@iProgrammer hii
@Tauseef hi
how are you ?
n u?
@all hello. We cant send Device's UDID right? Can we modify it and then send to server to recognise device? or any other unique string specific to device?
use something different than UDID...
something from this question, perhaps?
Q: UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now?

HaggleLadIt has just come to light that the UIDevice uniqueIdentifier property is deprecated in iOS 5 and above. No alternative method or property appears to be available or forthcoming. Many of our existing apps are tightly dependent on this property for uniquely identifying a particular device. Can a...

how about keychain access
@MichaelDautermann it does make sense. Thanks
@Leena dont know about it. i think above solution will work
@mann There are some new solutions with iOS6 that let you generate a unique identifier for your apps
But it's only unique for an app, you can't use it to track usage across apps, and I'm not sure that you get the same one if you delete the app and reinstall it.
hello all
good evening
@Abizern oh i see. But app user can use any version of ios. So i think previous solution will work for me
hello @Abizern I have a little problem , I have downloaded a sample app to run and it is using libz.1.2.3.dylib and in xcode 4.3 it is upgraded to libz.1.2.5 because of this it is giving error . would u tell me how can I sovle it.
@Khoool Just use the libz framework without the version number. It'll use the latest one available.
thanks @Abizern
@Abizern hi
@iProgrammer hi
@satish hi
@iProgrammer I have an issue regarding to PhotoGallery, Can you please guide me?
what is issue?
@iProgrammer I have to save the image in PhotoGallery, it is saving fine in simulator
@iProgrammer but for ios6 device it is not saving
@iProgrammer I am getting blackimage in PhotoGallary
@satish dont know about ios6
@iProgrammer ok, can you please tell me, If I face the same problem for previous versions, what i have to do to solve?
@iProgrammer means..can I write any extra stuff for device and simulator
how you are saving?
@iProgrammer I write the code in stackoverflow, can you please check that link, if any problem i will paste the code here
have you tried that solution
@iProgrammer yes
what it printed
@iProgrammer I didn't get any error,I got "SavedImage" in console
@iProgrammer I will test it,give me a min
Q: ios6 Roatation issue from landscape to portrait mode

iProgrammerI am using New orientation methods of ios 6 and it is working fine. My view is presenting in portrait mode and when I presentviewcotrnoller and rotate it to landscape , dismiss that viewcontroller it reverts orientations. means it should remain in landscape but it becomes to portrait. Here is my...

@iProgrammer kya chal rha he
@Nikki nothing
@iProgrammer oh hoo fir yaha kya kar rahe he apn
@Nikki nothing
@iProgrammer no use
no idea
@iProgrammer ok, I will check
@sreecharan do you have any idea about my issue, If you have please guide me
@satish try this
- (void)writeImageToSavedPhotosAlbum:(CGImageRef)imageRef metadata:(NSDictionary *)metadata completionBlock:(ALAssetsLibraryWriteImageCompletionBlock)completionBlock
@Leena okay, I wil try it
@All can any body create application like `instagram` and `picyou` in just 70 days???? :-\ :-( :-|
@All in not team work just 1-2 person....
3 hours later…
@iHungry helow
@iProgrammer helow
@iphonedev23 helow
@All I have this doubt stackoverflow.com/questions/12712416/… Does anyone have idea on this?
1 hour later…
posted on October 03, 2012 by admin

A look at using Storyboards in Xcode 4.2 to make a UITableViewController-driven Todo List app. This video was made for …Continue reading »

5 hours later…
posted on October 03, 2012 by admin

I know it’s a long video but I’m sure it will be extremely beneficial. This tutorial goes over the basic …Continue reading »

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