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@Abizern hi
hi @all
hi all
Can we play a YouTube video programmatically without using native YouTube App?
@zink : can we like a app in itunesAPpSTore using coding ?
hello all
i have little bit confusion about the custom cell. can any one help regarding that ?
yes viral
thanks @zink looking for customize the uitableview cell and found multiple ways to do that.
here is the good example i found. but i am not getting which is best and causes less memory.
this example gives two ways. one with add subview and one with xib. which one cause less memory also found one comment here that it is leaking the memory and given its solution.
you can do without using xibs
@zink but i think it will cause a more memory.
if we do without xib
@zink yes you can play youtube videos without using native youtube app
you can manage it using ARC or manual release
@ViralNarshana You are wrong... If you are using arc.. Then don't bother about memory and if you are not using arc then proper release is required.. Things in XIB are by default autorelease So you never bother about releasing it, While programatically allocated stuff requires release
@SPVarma i am not using arc
@ViralNarshana Okay then you need to realise when its the correct time to release the object..
Can we make a phone call, check status of a call, end call, and answer incoming call programmatically?
@SPVarma i looked this example and found
UILabel *charName,*cartoonName,*charCity;
UIImageView *charImage;

but these are not released any where. is it using arc ? i don't think so.
@ViralNarshana Can we send and receive SMS programmatically?
Can we make a phone call, check status of a call, end call, and answer incoming call programmatically?
@ViralNarshana they are autoreleased when cell is allocated cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];
@ViralNarshana what problem u r facing due to memory
@zink @SPVarma what if we add dealloc method in mycustomCell class and release all lables and imageview there ?
can we do that ?
@all: how i can get iOS 6.0 simulator
posted on October 04, 2012 by admin

iphonetuts.org Stanford University – iPhone Programming Tutorial

posted on October 04, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to store settings in your application.

@ViralNarshana Why not go the standard way? dealloc method will never be called in the class subclassing UITableViewCell untill you forcefully calls it with cell object
we can
@SPVarma @zink
cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];

will it release memory for lables and image view also ?
@zink you can do message with MFMessageComposeViewController
here is good example for that
@ViralNarshana can we send sms without using 3rd party api(ike twillo) in iphone ?
@zink yes but i think for using twillo you have to use webservice. twillo is not providing any sdk for iphone.
i am not sure for iphone sdk. but with web service you will defiantly do that.
can i send sms by using code which you gave?
i have a uiview with semi circular image as background , now when i tap a button that view should rotate to 180 degree . can anybody help me ??
@MichaelDautermann Hi , Do you have any idea ?
Q: Rotate UIView iPhone

AndreiHy, I am working on a puzzle game and I need to rotate the puzzle pieces to 90 degrees angle on every double tap. I have tried to do did using two different ways. First method is this one: [UIView beginAnimations:@"rotate" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5]; self.transform = CGAff...

Q: How do you rotate a UIView in an animation?

erotsppaI can animate a UIView with sizes and positions etc. But how do you rotate it?

Q: How to rotate UIViews?

user717452The Twitter app is a tab bar app on the iPhone. Nothing in any of the tabs will rotate, yet, when you click on a link from a tweet, the view controller that is pushed on top of it IS allowed to rotate. The only rotations I have ever doe is from tilting the device, landscape or portrait, but I d...

1 message moved to dev/null
@Bala I know you know that I nuke any code pastes that have a "(see full text)" in it.
it should be put into a pastie or pastebin.
Q: Rotate image in UIImageView

murzynplIs it possible to rotate only image in UIImageView? I'm looking for information about it, but i only found information how rotate UIImageVeiw.

i have used this way to rotate the view, but its not rotating as i expect ..
that doesn't look like any of the other routines I've found in other Stack Overflow questions I just posted here.
i have to rotate the semi circle from its CGPoint(width/2,height) ..@MichaelDautermann
@MichaelDautermann ei
@zink yes you can
@bala so none of the answers I provided up there helped you out?
do you have this idea?? youtube.com/watch?v=oM7_utCuCHI
the body of the snake is following the head of it
that's a nice idea. that looks a lot like the flash game you were showing off yesterday, @Gerald
yep... @MichaelDautermann
@MichaelDautermann do you have an idea with that?
yeah, it's probably been done before and is already on the store.
that's my idea.
i need a reference =( with codes
a reference for what?
i have seen them already .. @MichaelDautermann . yep they helped a lot..
for a snake effect...
is there a code for it?
there's code for it, but I don't know if it's public.
here's some open source Cocos2D code for you @gerald
@MichaelDautermann thanks... if you find some other open source code... just post it to me ;))
animateView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(.5, 1); ya now its working ...@MichaelDautermann Thank you
@MichaelDautermann do you have an idea about this.
how will i detect a uiimage using CGRectIntersectsRect(<#CGRect rect1#>, <#CGRect rect2#>)
is it posible to intersect same uiimageview because i have dynamic created a uiimage..
anyone knows?
do I have an idea about what?
oh... bleh
@zink @SPVarma thanks for the nice help.
have a good day ahead.
I'm not going to touch that question, @guh
@MichaelDautermann why?
I thought I would give somebody else a chance to think about it.
;)) @MichaelDautermann its ok ;))
@Gerald Do you know the return type for it, it is bool and it returns true if the two specified rectangles intersect; otherwise, false. The first rectangle intersects the second if the intersection of the rectangles is not equal to the null rectangle.
How do you think that you can detect a particular uiimageview rect using this?
I need a justification!
I need a beer!
I need a Jonnie Walker!
@sreecharan touches began... im making a dynamic uiimage... and i dont want it to overlapped
Okay and ?
what do you mean by a dynamic uiimage
Hey guys anybody know much about the letterboxing on iOS6?
dynamic means specific it does not have identity for that uiimageview
I give up! I can't help you.
And i'm off.
but but but but sir!
:)) hahah
@sreecharan but thanks by the way :)\
geez @Gerald... it sounds like you really need to think your idea through better.
my key to sucess is the logic behind the body of the snake...
Oh! well, @GeraldStojakovic I hate half questions and your justification is not matching your question anyway
anyone here work on coco2dx?
@sreecharan im having a hard time to explain it... darn it
your key to success is being able to explain your problems in such a way that it makes sense to not only you, but the people reading what you are saying.
You need to get your self clear before asking it.
Any way to FORCE letterboxing on iOS 6?
wait... im gonna construct my question and be back.. for more clarification...
@Asheh, does this question help you out?
Q: How iPhone 5 + iOS6 will decide if an app must be run in letterbox mode

jptsetungHow the iOS6 decides if the app must be run in letterbox/compatibility mode on iPhone 5? Is this a build settings parameter (like the "Targeted device family")? Or all apps build against the latest SDK MUST support iPhone 5 screen size? Or the app will be run in letterbox mode is there is not a 1...

NO not really :) look at the answer, its ludicrous!
plus it was before the sdk was released
I dunno... it looks like it makes sense to me. No 1136x640 splash screen
Hi michael
I m chatting through iPad device
cool story robo
I think it must be based ont he view size
Hi All!
hello Mr. Hungry... they cut off Stack Overflow from your office network, eh?
what a ridiculous thing to take away
Nope michale ..... Actually Internet connection problem in my office nw from 5-6 day going on....
I'm very scared about my working...... I sitting here only static state doing nothing
might be time to find a new job!
Yeah I start .... Searching new
Scheduling some interviews
Actually I m selected on Mnc company .... But my senior friends says.....don't go there....becoz project quality is very in that company ...that y I reject that offer
well I hope you find something good!
Donno what life want from me......
it wants you to make income, pay taxes, and help the economy
33% tax
That expectation from country .... Not from life
Yeah it's too much tax
30% tax eats politician in corruption only useful is 3 percent
how to get default cam like instagram app
Check the hooks there and use camera hook
@sreecharan hi
@sreecharan I have a doubt in AdColony, Can you please guide me
Not me! I haven't used it yet.
@sreecharan ok
Try with Mike
who me?
what's an "Ad Colony"?
is it something like "Ad Established City or Country"?
hey! look, there's @ios.michael
maybe he knows.
greatings everyone, what´s up!
@MichaelDautermann hello, have you ever experience rotation problems with a modalviewcontroller inside another view?
probably... but it's been a long time.
@MichaelDautermann man...i´m stuck with it...if i show you some code, could you help me?
is it not rotating at all?
Q: ModalViewController rotation issues within TabBarController

JulesI cant quite see why Im having this issue but I am..... Basically I have a Tabr bar controller with a navigationController in one of the tabs. In this particular tab I want the user to be able to rotate the device and see a completely different view, not the original view rotated! In order to ach...

when i´m in portrait mode, everything is ok...but when i rotate to landscape the problem appears....i have search and ther´s some people experiencing the same problems...
and what is your problem?
i have a splitview app...when you are in portrait the screen it´s filled with the view (you know this) but when we rotate to landscape, the masterview controller appears on the left...know, imagine i´m in portrait and i click on a + button and then a modalviewcontroller appears....then, when you rotate to landscape, the background view doesn´t transform to split view...and...the modal stays with lay down...and it should rotate also...
it sounds like you are missing a "shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation" method implementation somewhere in your view hierarchy.
no....could you please see this: stackoverflow.com/questions/12718491/…
ther´s a lot of people experincing this...some people say it has to do with Xcode...and some say i have to do something with my rootviewcontroller (master view in this case)
hmmm... the question might be more helpful if you include some screenshots
because right now I'm only thinking of it in fuzzy terms in my head. I want to make sure what I'm thinking is the same thing as what you are seeing.
ok...how can i send you some photos?
meanwhile please see this: stackoverflow.com/questions/8891789/…
edit / add to your original question
@MichaelDautermann ok ..i´m gonna do that..
don´t go away..:)
why? it's 2:30 a.m.
because I'm about to fall asleep
Q: iPhone App crashing in beta/ adhoc test. But works fine on Debug mode

BigAppleBumpI have implemented In-App purchase in my iPhone app and its working fine on debug Mode. But once i do an adhoc test via Testflight/iTunes it crashing at the purchasing process. I am using test users credentials to purchase.I have posted my crash log here. Thanks in advance.

hi guys please help me.
but @BigAppleBump can help you, @Japa!
ok...thanks michael...i´m sorry, in my country it´s 10:37 am..
@MichaelDautermann please help me
your crash log does very little for me.
most everything says "<redacted>"
and the line in the crashed thread that means anything:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x331755aa objc_msgSend + 10
1 GoodNightStar 0x00013cac 0x1000 + 76972
I have no idea where that's coming from.
it looks like a message is being sent to NULL object or?
okie what are the other information you need ?
it working fine on Debugging via xcode
but crashes on Adhoc test
yep.. you have to figure out what line of code that crash is happening on.
smells like a memory leak
@MichaelDautermann you won´t believe what did just happen
how to find that when you are doing a beta test
i was making a xcode upgrade
know i have 4.5.1
You won't believe
you need to believe mike
why are you doing like this?
and know the modal rotates after my upgrade...
doing like what?
@MichaelDautermann is that beacuse of iOS 6 ? its worked fine before
You are not believing Japa
I like Japa
@MichaelDautermann thanks...lolololl
last night...i was facing problems with the modal rotation to landscape...this morning i made an upgrade...
Eww, That sounds homo and romantic.
time for bed for me.
and know it rotates with no problem...
I am back
thanks for your help anyway michael...
is this crash because of iOS 6 ?
It is a perfect Memory Leak
@BigAppleBump : Can we check whether a app is installed or not
@sreecharan Can we check whether a app is installed or not
You need to know the scheme's of the app, or you can return an array which have the installed appnames init, you can search about it in parent site.
There are many questions on this.
@sreecharan thanks
@sreecharan but how thats works on Debug mode and not working on adhoc test ?
I am checking in-app purchase on this app
please have a look at my question , if you have doubts
Q: iPhone App crashing in beta/ adhoc test. But works fine on Debug mode

BigAppleBumpI have implemented In-App purchase in my iPhone app and its working fine on debug Mode. But once i do an adhoc test via Testflight/iTunes it crashing at the purchasing process. I am using test users credentials to purchase.I have posted my crash log here. Thanks in advance. http://pastebin.com...

Better to use Instruments
@sreecharan..hi sree
hw r u?..after a long time!!!
Yea i will check it now
I'm Excellent Puneeth.
@sreecharan...need some favour on pageviewcontroller...


==>the abve code works fine is iOS5.1...bt when i run the same code in iOS6,its crashing
when i try to turn the page to left at index 0,its crashing
@sreecharan..u der?
What does the crash report says?
@sreecharanIn my button Action i need to check whether a particular App is present or not(installed or not)
how can i check that ?
8 mins ago, by sree charan
You need to know the scheme's of the app, or you can return an array which have the installed appnames init, you can search about it in parent site.
@sreecharan hi
2012-10-04 14:38:33.507 SUPERFIGHTERS[2735:1d603] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'The number of view controllers provided (0) doesn't match the number required (1) for the requested transition'
@sreecharan did you any Oauth library for iphone
@sreecharan : Okay
what i mean when i am in page with index=0,it shouldnt allow me to turn the page to left
so i am returning nil when index =0...
bt the same code is not working in iOS6
Sounds funny!
Q: In ios6, setting your pageViewController's gestureRecognizers delegate to a viewController causes a crash

noRemaThis has only started happening with ios6, but if you start a new project using the page view controller template. Then in PCRootViewControlle::viewDidLoad() add the lines to the bottom of the method. for (UIGestureRecognizer *gR in self.pageViewController.gestureRecognizers) { gR.delega...

m reading it now
any one here integrated tumblr in to their app
1 hour later…
@sreecharan sree?
@sreecharan can you help me with something?
@sreecharan here?
anyone knows how to show a view made in storyboard BUT rezised?
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
posted on October 04, 2012 by admin

In this screencast Mohammad Azam will demonstrate how to communicate between an iOS application and a .NET Web Service.

2 hours later…
nice room
somebody here?
hello?? ello? llo? o?
Please can somebody take a look at my situation? Please check:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12731007/facebook-sdk-in-combination-with-json-help-please
2 hours later…
Hello guys please ans my question..
Hi guys i have made a register page which is on scroll view initially my scroll works fine but after clicking on any text field >> and resigning the keyboard scroll disabled ..why ???
please tell me if any one know..

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