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Nope... it didn’t fulfill my requirement... @iHungry
Hi there!
@Nina, then u need to create your own control
NSString *dateString = @"2012:09:01T00:03:50Z";
NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[df setDateFormat:@"dd MMM yyyyy, hh:mm:ss a"];
NSDate *myDate = [df dateFromString:dateString];
NSLog(@"%@", myDate);
MMM... may b
@MedetiNaveenKumar Don't paste huge chunks of code here
myDate give me nil value
@Nina Can you wait for a month?
Have you seen the WWDC Cocoa touch video
@sreecharan May b i could... But not sure... I guess if i have a month time, i would create my own subclass!!
Apple has introduced the possibility of the integration of image for UISwitch in iOS 6
Probably not.. I am focusing on iOS5
Then you have to make your own class
You can do it using a slider and a segemented control as well
Well... Mmm... Wish i could get something easy like colorWithPatterImage :)
@iHungry the dateString value seems to be incorrect..
try it
@Nina, actaully this format i got from web api.... i wanna to print it in format 1 Aug 2012 00:03:50 PM
Replace the alphabets with white space
Any Date Formatting Problem ?
@sreecharan ok
@AJPatel @Leena @iHungry @all Hello...
@Leena kab sudharegi?
@sreecharan how can i play a video(url link)?
kabhi nahi
then nice
@MedetiNaveenKumar hello have u use mpmvi player
@Leena hi..
ek issu he
@MedetiNaveenKumar then whats prob, in that?? have u pass ur url in that for play video?
not now @WhitePearl have to test one app
@Leena oh.. good....
@Kartik i pass the link it opened but within seconds it dismissed
@Kartik [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6eSQaD90Sck"]];
[self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated:theMovie];
i wrote this way
@Kartik and also i gave notification also
Usualy I play video like this
@sreecharan please tell me how can i play video?
@sreecharan in my code also player displayed but within seconds it dismissed
@MedetiNaveenKumar I have question for you
Do you know how to play youtube video ?
@sreecharan yes
well, Let me come up in steps
1. Take UIWebView and loadHTMLString to it
2. divert that loading to MPMoviePlayerController
1 message moved to dev/null
1 message moved to dev/null
@sreecharan I do not want show keyboard when click on uitextview
Then resign it
or make a Non-editable text view
@hi all
@sreecharan I do editable text view
@sreecharan what's the mistake in my code?
@sreecharan in webview we must click the video button but i need to play video directly
@MedetiNaveenKumar The problem is not with your code, The problem is with shockwave player
You are trying to play a flash video in MPplayer
@sreecharan I want do editable text view
it wont work there
@UmerShahzad Ok and ?
hi all...
Quick question: How can I change the rowHeight of only the first cell in my tableView?
if anyone knows anything about google voice api for iphone application... plz help me.....
@Nina Hi...
@Kartik ohoo ***************** tu...
Nvm, figured it out!
anyone help me?
i have some problem in my app
@VirjaRahul: yes
Hi @Nitni
@AJPatel ********** ha hu ... su chale 6?
@Nina How u doing?
Fine thank you.. what about you?
@Nina Good thnx :)
so ur problem solved?
@Venkat : i am create multiple UITextField. it is created successfully but problem is there when i am set text on textfield.
@VirjaRahul: did u set Tag for evry textfied....
Which one @Nitni
@VirjaRahul, what problem are you facing ?
is it programatically or ? @VirjaRahul
yes it is programatically
@VirjaRahul: can u pls tell me how u r setting the tag ?
@Venkat : I do not want to show keyboard when click on uitextview
[txtQuestions setTag:i];
@UmerShahzad , just disble editing the textview
@VirjaRahul , hope i is incrementing
@VirjaRahul: How u r creating textFields ? and what problem u r geting on setting text...
@Nina how many problems u have :P
@Venkat : I do want editable textview
A lot :)
int j = 430;
int k = 413;
int RB = 423;
arrTemp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i=0; i<[appDelegate.questions count]; i++) {

imgTxtQue = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"textbox.png"]];
imgTxtQue.frame = CGRectMake(267, k, 490, 60);

ratingButton1 = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(633, RB, 102, 39)];
[ratingButton1 setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"rating_selected.png"] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

txtQuestions = [[UITextField alloc] init];
txtQuestions.frame = CGRectMake(296, j, 429, 24);
bas have jalsa ;) @Kartik
so want to display something else instead ,right ? @UmerShahzad
plz check my code
@Nina :D :D :D bdw im talking abt that image overlapping problem
@AJPatel kem muki didhu?
@UmerShahzad, set inputview property
time thaee gayo aetle :P pa6i vaat...@Kartik
@VirjaRahul: okay... did u set Tag 0 for any object...
@HarshIT : what is setting?
@AJPatel ohhk... rois nai ...
@AJPatel wats up dude
can u pls get the error log @VirjaRahul
Oh i see.. @Nitni
I dropped the idea :)
@UmerShahzad .inputView property
BTW, where are you from?
hi m fine @sam kem 6o dave bhai
i have not get any error it is create successfully. but when i set text on text field the text set on last textfield
@AJPatel jalsa saheb
@VirjaRahul , can you show some code ?
@VirjaRahul: problem is tag.. just check once..
@AJPatel badhani pol khol betho betho .. santi thi @sam reh 6 ene dave kahi didho
@AJPatel google voice api nu kai idea kharo
i dont get Tag correctly outside the method
@Nina Im from baroda n u?
@Kartik my surname is dave
@sam ohk.. just kidding bro..
@Kartik its ok dude........
@AJPatel koi idea google voice api no
@VirjaRahul , can you show the code of generation of the textview
here i couldn't find the tagging
here you are comparing the objects of UITextfields @VirjaRahul
i generate the multiple textfields. and load the answers from popupview
@sam no idea... sirji
@AJPatel ok bro ......
ok tagging is perfect @VirjaRahul
i got your mistake
just a min
@Nina u there?
please paste the previous code again , of comparing the textfields and assigning and all
@HarshIT : I want do not show keyboard when click on uitextview butt i want do edatable textview in property.Plz tell me
just a min @UmerShahzad
ok @HarshIT
@VirjaRahul , see you are comparing the txtcategory , similarly somewhere you were comparing the code
so the last time in the loop the txt
the txtQuestion or txtCategory was the textfield with the tag 5
so you are gettgng the 5th one or while comparing , the compiler doesn't know which textfield you intend to compare actually so ... its assiging the last object...
what can i do?
@UmerShahzad , actually by default UItextView has inputView property is the keyboard
@HarshIT : what i do?
@VirjaRahul , i think comparision by tagging will be better than directly comparesion with the object name itself
@UmerShahzad ,
let me know one thign
@HarshIT : but i can not assign tag on txtCategory..i just assign a tag on txtQuestions
how do you want the textview to be editable @UmerShahzad
@VirjaRahul , yes so its taking the txtCategory as 0 tag
and while comparing with the txtQuestion , it is comparing with the last txtQuestion object ( that's having the tag 5 ), you know ! @VirjaRahul
@HarshIT: I want hide keyboard throgh code
@UmerShahzad , simply hiding needs to resignFirstResponder
[txtView resignFirstResponder];
@HarshIT: Plz give me some suggession of this.. what can i do for solution
do as much as possible from IB
@HarshIT : I do it But no problem solve
@VirjaRahul , get rid of generation by code
@HarshIT: I am only dynamically load txtQuestions.
@UmerShahzad , it will be switching to the new line , right ?
@HarshIT :yes
@VirjaRahul , in your textFieldShouldBeginEditing method , make comperision by tags , instead of obejct names
@UmerShahzad ,wait a min , i have made code for that
@HarshIT: plz give me example?
@HarshIT: txtCategory is a static textfield
@UmerShahzad , in your didChange delegate method , just compare the char, if its @"\n" , then resign first responder
@VirjaRahul , I don't have example but , if its not used dynamically then use IBOutlets
@HarshIT : what is delegate change/
@harshIT: ok, Thanks
@UmerShahzad , this is the delegate method , -(void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView
@VirjaRahul , welcome
@UmerShahzad , in this method check if the newly entered char is @"\n" , and if so , then resign first repsonder
because by pressing return button it will pass @"\n" char , that's new line character...
@HarshIT:Ok i do
@HarshIT: Thanks
@HarshIT: not solve my problem
@HarshIT: hello
hello there
8 hours later…
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