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hi @all how r u
@Coder all are easing :)
1 hour later…
Q: Nested MGSplitViewController

MaulikI am using MGSplitViewController. I am trying to use MGSplitViewController(as sub spilt view) inside another MGSplitViewController(main split view). What I've done is, 1) I've added MGSplitViewController in appDelegate as [self.window addSubview:mainSplitView.view]; (Main Split view) 2) Now ...

I added UITextField in UITableViewCell. My TableView have 8 rows. when i tapped on UITextField then keyboard is display and clicked on `done` button then keyboard is remove , here my problem is that when i click on rows number 6 or 7 or 8 then value of this tapped row is display one time and one time not .

please help me , how can i solve my problem
can you make a screenshot and show me what you mean by this?
@AmitPatel u need to check values of ur textfield while reloading cells
@MichaelDautermann I believe the burden's on him as the person writing the message. If he doesn't want to put adequate care into his words, it's really not something I need to concern myself with.
I have read that thrice, but still no use
I figure he fell asleep over there...
May be, but i guess he is in hangover
Vanitha! so great to hear from you.
I trying to add navigation controller in xcode 4.3.2.. Previously i worked with earlier versions.. Now struggling with this .. Can help me?
what kind of trouble are you having?
Where is your question?
it's over there...
I dragged Navigation Controller.. i dont know how to instruct the navigation controller to push to another controller
I mean I dragged NavCont from library .. What is the Next?
isn't there a RayWenderlich tutorial for this? :-)
Michel you suggesting for me?
@sreecharan He's saying the the person who is asking the question has the responsibility to make themselves clear. If the person asking doesn't put any care into asking the question, then it's not his responsibility to try and understand the question.
@MichaelDautermann Ray ?? I hate you
:-) I was just trying to see if you or Abizern would razz me first....
@Abizern I hate the people who ask meaning less questions as well
I've given up. He's a force of nature. I thought I'd found a reasonable tut for doing custom table cells with storyboards on his site, then realised that he was identifying subviews by adding tags to them instead of creating references to in the custom class.
And the proliferation of tags continues.
people always go for what's easy, not necessarily what's right.
Yeah! Mike is his follower
People needs to know about the efficiency as well
But that's what eats me - it isn't easier to use tags. You have to get all the subviews and query their tags to get an object you want.
It's lazy because someone learned how to do it that way and just couldn't be bothered to learn a better way of doing it. And yet they want to write a tutorial about it.
Aaaaanyway. Enough ranting.
@Vanitha Try this room - there are a lot of friendly developers who will hold your hand and explain the solution to you step by step.
Drop it, waste of energy
@sreecharan One day, maybe, I'll stop hearing my words coming out of your mouth.
lol, you will be afraid if i use my own words
You need to tell me "dont copy my assets else I will tell u copy cat"
I usually try to cover my assets.
try hard!
Are you still messing in that room?
I wish everybody were friends again and there was just one single room...
we shouldn't be as fractured and pissy as the Android morons.
and their half dozen chat rooms.
yup, i am not frustated
tell them to chat here, i will close NSChat, then we will be united
Hi!!! can u explain me the steps .. Its not Working!
Q: transparency on uiimageview should show image

pammuI have a uiimage view on that a transparent layer is there if we make touch on that transparent layer that touched part transparent layer should be erased and should show the image back of it.. how can i do this....? thanks in advance

Dumb Question
helloo :)
hello @sreecharan @MichaelDautermann @Abizern stackoverflow.com/questions/12330057/…
1 message moved to dev/null
can anybody tell how to navigate to a detailviewcontroller in Xcode 4.3.2
Is there anybody?
@Vanitha Hi...
Can u pls explain ur problem little more?
How can i display all Values of UITableViewCell as normal?
I added UITextField in UITableViewCell. My TableView have 8 rows. when i tapped on UITextField then keyboard is display and clicked on done button then keyboard is remove , here my problem is that when i click on rows number 6 or 7 or 8 then value of this tapped row is display one time and one time not.
@Nitni I created a separate xib to show the selected row of tableview.. I m getting the following error when i trying to select the row:'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: '-[UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed:bundle:] loaded the "SecondViewController" nib but the view outlet was not set.'
@Nitni I connected the view to the viewcontroller .. Though im getting this error
@Nitni You there?
Anybody can clear me the Problem which im facing? (question posted above)
6 hours later…
any one have idea how to reset wwan and wifi datausage of iphone
2 hours later…
Anyone know of a good tutorial for tableview pull down to refresh for storyboard? :)
Q: Loading some records to tableview - pull down to refresh

IllepIn a tableview we usually load like a few records (example: 10 records), and then if the user wants more he goes and clicks on the next button, where we load another 10 records. Instead of clicking on a button to load the next 10 records, i want the user to push down the last record and then loa...

I thank thee. :)

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