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3 hours later…
@jordan you know how to use bezierPath with CGPath ?
@jordan & you know how to use addCurveToPoint in UIBezierpath /
i m newbie :((
Morning snap on the top of my office
good morning all
Wow! Great! Hello @iHungry
@borrrden, hello Good morning
its another one
Lets move to on work ... Have a nice day of all
@iHungry hi GM..
heloww,, goodmorning... anyone know how to NSString of xml data to send it as a web service request
i have created one
NSString *ab=[NSString stringWithString:@"<request><ProductName>Document Management Software<\ProductName><\request>"];
but it have some backslash issues i think
For string literals you will need to escape the backslashes -> \\
@borrrden good morning!
@Leena good morning!
gud mrng @GeraldStojakovic
@borrrden can u please see my thread
I'm no good with web services
@borrrden :(
@VishnuRaj---Hello sir
How we can get current controller index in iphone sdk
Hi To All
@Tauseef, hi
@iHungry hiiii, how are you ?
do u seen today morning on saki naka photos
i uploaded here morning snaps
no just now came
ohhh Nice Photo
it's of Sakinaka's ?
nope i actually near saki naka.... chandivali
hw i convert date in string 2012:08:23T00:03:50Z in to again date in string 23 Aug 2012, 00:03:50 PM
Hi Friends....
Someone please help me to find a better way to handle orientation changes in Ios.
do anyone here knows how to input a introduction clip? in iphone... i mean like a cinematics before the apps start? @all
Good morning All Friends :)
@GeraldStojakovic yes you can add movie clip view(using MPMoviePlayer or else) or set GIF Animation view as First view of your app....
@all gm any one worked with gdata service?
@iHungry: just change the format of [NSDate datewithformat]
@AJPatel can you link me an example of code or project?
Q: XMLParser error in objective c, Start tag expected, '<' not found?

Vishnu Rajin my application i tried to send a web service request in the NSString format. i used sudzc to generate web service . but, when i send the request, i got an error showing Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found Bad Request Error Domain=CXMLErrorDomain Code=1 "The ...

@all how to create the voice recogination
With a well funded R&D department
@Nina: hello
How to add badge number for showing unread mails
You mean in a tab?
yes in tablecell
in table cell i have views like mails, messages tec
@borrden i need to show badge number for mails
I don't think there is a specific property for that
UITabBarItem has the property badgeNumber
I think what you want to do is make a custom view, and set it as the accessoryView of your cell
accessoryView will show up on the right side of the cell
@borrrden how to create the voice recogination in iphone
With a well funded R&D department
voice recogination is the very much big thing....
still on one in the world can able to recognize complete and clear voice....
so Mr. borrrden right ... its well funded R&D department
Hello guys.
GM....Allll... M I come In this room ?????
@iPhoneDeveloper hi
can any tell me that, How to add swipe gesture and touchup inside even on same button
@all anyone know how to use addCurveToPoint in UIBezierPath
@NiravLimbasiya you can add it but everytime touch up is also going to be called..why do yo uneed it?
i want to have twitter account button
when i tap it, it should add the account
and when i swipe on it it should ask for deletion of account
@iPhoneDeveloper is there any suggesion
@iPhoneDeveloper when i add touchup inside, only touch up inside works
swipe doent get recognize
hi Akhildas....
@NiravLimbasiya why don't you use same type of functionality which is used to unlock iphone
@SunilTarge Hi
@NiravLimbasiya the swipe will move the button..but not work on button and touch up inside will also work
@Akhildas i have problem to make ipa file in iTune..
please can u help me??
@SunilTarge: happy to help........
when i am going to drag app file in iTunes the i am getting this Error: The app "ActivMate.app" could not be added to your iTunes library because it is not valid app.
@iPhoneDeveloper i found the solution
i have added , swipe and tap getsture both :D
it works perfect now :)
@Akhildas:do you have any solution for this???
@SunilTarge: did you see this link stackoverflow.com/questions/7570644/…
@iPhoneDeveloper hello..
posted on September 07, 2012 by Johann

Just over a month ago I mentioned the excellent Cheddar to do list app had its source code released and added to our open source apps listing. This is a very high quality app with a beautiful interface with sliding views that can be of great help especially  if you are creating a content based [...]

@Akhildas: Thanks ..!!! that link helps me
@All any idea on how to customize UINavigationBar’ back button? Like subclassing UINavigationBar and modifying the back button there!!
hi guys
@Nina hey.. i have some idea..
@Nina : How to customize the back button?
@Nina what u want exact ????
using game kit how many devices can be connected and it should connect thro wifi
@nina: how u need ur back button in which way ?
@Nina : please have a look at this stackoverflow.com/questions/10240660/…
@Nina, hi
@All good afternoon
Not using image... By customizing -drawRect method or anything similar to that
@Nina: Have you tried my answer...?
That uses image
I know that would work
@HigneshHirani hello sir
Here I got the solution :) foobarpig.com/iphone/…
@oragmi U can check out Ray Wendrlich’ tutorial..
@NiravLimbasiya how?
@WhitePearl hello
@iPhoneDeveloper i have added swipe nd tap gesture both, nd removed the touch up inside
@NiravLimbasiya :) nice idea
hey anyone now hack for ie9 only
@Leena @iPhoneDeveloper Can you please help me how to use performselectorinbackgroundthread ??
I want to use this for sending forgot password e mail for my iPhone app
would suggest to use GCD instead
@Leena Please give some idea, as I dnt hv enough time ... :( hv to deliver build
that means you want to call web service in background
[self performSelector:@selector(yourFunction) withObject:nil afterDelay:0];
[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(YouFunction) withObject:nil];
@Leena Yes , But i want display activity indicator till response come ..
i think second one will be useful to you
@Leena hi
hello @McMillan
Please help me on this question stackoverflow.com/questions/12314178/…
tht too add in thread
no experience with facebook @McMillan
hi there!
Hello @Leena
hello @sreecharan SIR :D
@sreecharan vanakkam :)
@McMillan: Have a look at this stackoverflow.com/questions/5571648/…
Somebody Here familiar with CCSprite
My CCRepeatForever is not working
Vanakkam @EngravingMoorthy
@Leena Worked with Cocoas2d ?
@sreecharan ask @iHungry he is familiar with cocos2D
Never Mind, Solved it
@Leena hmm... tum ne start kar diya cocos2D ??
@sreecharan did you worked before in NSFileHandle ?
no @WhitePearl
@all anyone know how to use addCurveToPoint OR addQuadCurveToPoint in UIBezierPath
That is used in OS X, right @EngravingMoorthy
@Smith u still with them ???
@CrazyCreator yes !!! i dont know how to calculate the control points
@Smith u just want control points?
@Smith Go there, you are not allowed to ask questions in other rooms
@CrazyCreator ye i want only control points
@sreecharan sorry bro, next time i will not do it
@sreecharan not only mac its available iPhone too
@EngravingMoorthy well, i have a very tiny knowledge about it though. It is a file descriptor and asynchronously monitor the device process data in sockets, pipes, and devices
what do you to do with it?
@CrazyCreator, @sreecharan I want only control points
anyone here ?
@sreecharan i'm downloading video file from server(ex 40mb). server return that file as a multiple split(2mb). so want to append data which is download earlier. i need to get file length of that particular file. if that file is lesser than video size i have download again
@Smith Not like that, i was just telling you that you have a freedom to ask anywhere
@EngravingMoorthy So, what have you tried to achieve this
What is your approach?
@iHungry ?
@iHungry will you please tell me how to get control points of UIBezierPath???
@Smith adding control points for Bézier gives you Quadratic curves
@sreecharan yeah i know this & i also want this2
CGContextAddQuadCurveToPoint(context, [[currentPath objectAtIndex:i+1] CGPointValue].x, [[currentPath objectAtIndex:i+1] CGPointValue].y, mid2.x, mid2.y);
@Smith I used like this
@CrazyCreator again,,,,, its on CG
u can use with uibezier
@Smith I love CG
@Smith this method which @CrazyCreator given you appends a quadratic Bézier curve from the current point to the end point specified by the endPoint parameter.
ok @CrazyCreator i am trying
@Smith, better way u need to read every word from this link en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve
You can use addCurveToPoint:controlPoint1:controlPoint2: method as well
@Smith I just gave u how to calculate control points,
@sreecharan ok i am trying
apply formula's control point will automatically generated whenever u implementing those formula
Else is upto u @Smith
Hi Im vanitha.. currently Im working with AVAudioPlayer.. I have a doubt.. Anyone can me?
@sreecharan now i download my first split of file. now 2mb download is done. if download again that file should be append my previous 2mb file. in that we used RandomAccessFile file in java. like wise is there any option in objective c.
Well, can you come up with your real question please @Vanitha
s.. I want to show the progressView in accordance with the Song length..
How should i do it?
@sreecharan i searched in google i got this book books.google.co.in/… but in that no length() in objective c
@CrazyCreator, @sreecharan there is no object at index in uibezierpath
@Vanitha, yes u can
@Smith It is not an array to have an ObjectAtIndex though
How can i do it?
@sreecharan but crazyCreator gave me !!! OBJECTATINDEX
@sreecharan hahaha it was my array of points
@EngravingMoorthy So, the splitting is done and you have append it, right
@sreecharan ya mate
@iHungry How to use the ProgressView to indicate the progress of the song playing(AVAudioPlayer) in iphone
@CrazyCreator Cool, i was thinking that smith is expecting object at index for beizer
@EngravingMoorthy I donno really, but let me search for you
@sreecharan How can i use the ProgressView to show the progress of the song playing In AVAudioPlayer in iphone
hehehe, I found that @sreecharan
@sreecharan thanks :)
@sreecharan why terminator won't be here ? please tell her to come here. :)
Im Hardly trying.. Can any one help me?
Q: Updating the progress bar in iOS 5

nemesisI am developing an iOS audio player, and I want to implement a progress bar that will indicate the progress of the current song which is playing. In my ViewController class, I have 2 double instances - time and duration, and a AVAudioPlayer instance called background. - (IBAction)play:(id)...

can't you do that by NSTimer @vanitha
Q: Music progress bar

Mert DümenciI am currently writing a music app based on Apple's one, and I want to add a progress bar to it. How can I make a progress bar to show the progress of a music that is playing in the default iOS's iPod app on my app?

I did by Timer oly.. But i dont get the lOgic
@iHungry Let me try
yes NSTimer i guess very bad practice to update progress bar for sound
Let me try and catch u
@Vanitha Take a UIProgressView and just allot the progress for it with a timer like this
yeah my 1st link denoting same thing...
@CrazyCreator it is giving me error that passing CGFloat to CGPoint
anyways i trying to find other ways
@EngravingMoorthy She is angry with this room, she has resigned as owner
Any way, I am off, Resuming back to my real work and @EngravingMoorthy i will get back to you, if i found something interesting and useful for you, Gotta go
Good luck guys, Have a nice evening rest of you
@Smith u need to create CGPoints with that float :)
ok @sreecharan
@iHungry Thank U So Much.. My Problem get Solved in Single Minute. U people Doing Great Job... Amazing!!!
@Vanitha, welcome....
@borrrden : is it possible to post places reviews(comment) via google api's
hey @iHungry worked before in NSFileHandle?
hi guys hows it going
Hi.. Is there any way to keep the playlist and play it?
Hi Anybody is there?
how to connect multiple like 20 peers to a host iphone . i tried using gamekit but its not working properly is there any other framekit which allows multiple connections
vanitha what r u looking for
Im Working with AVAudioPlayer.. currently i can play a single song.. Is there any way to have a playlist and play it?
how are u fetching song ?? from ipod library or are you adding into ur project
added in my project
working in iphone
add the songs in an array and display it on uitableview
and call avaudioplayer delegate method to play the song one after the other
Do u have any sample?
no sorry .. why dont u check out apple's Add Music project
that might help u out
Let me try.. Thank u
@sreecharan how to get the path for iphone gallery image .
any one knows how to get the path of gallery image
@iosDev just use UIImagePickerController
@sreecharan i want the actual path of image where that is stored
No, you cant
hey sree
how to connect multiple like 20 peers to a host iphone . i tried using gamekit but its not working properly is there any other framekit which allows multiple connections
I have expected
I really don't know the answer orgami, are you talking about Multi Player ??
@sreecharan ok...i want to use that path in html to display that image
any other way to do that
you can't unless and untill you have the image in your bundle resources
well there will one host which will be connected to multiple clients
@sreecharan and storing image in bundle after launching app that is also not possible
yup, i have heard of it but i donno how people achieve it orgami
@iosDev It is possible but you dont know the particular image, right
there will be lot of images there
@sreecharan if i know the paritcular image name then how can i add it in to bundle
if i know how to store image into bundle dynamically then i can do that
images wont have names in native photos app @iosDev
That app just display the images in a chornical order
@sreecharan i know the way i can use the image before storing in to iphone gallery i just want to know how can i copy that in to bundle
@sreecharan check this link -stackoverflow.com/questions/1269119/…
@sreecharan just let me know how can i copy image from document directory to main bundle
It is already written in that answer @iosDev
He is writing the file to path
by converting it to data
Well, I am off to lunch, brb
@sreecharan ok ...cya
@sreecharan hi friend
@sreecharan the above code is not working.Please tell me how will i get ?
Hello.. Does anyone know how to customize uiswitch using images?
@Nina: yes
Q: How to customize UISwitch button in iphone?

RajkanthI created a UISwitch using this code... UISwitch *switch = [[UISwitch alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(110, 230, 60, 60)]; [window addSubview:switchView]; [switchView release]; The created button will be.... The default properties are, It contains "ON" & "OFF" states The OFF button is w...

Please let me know
@iHungry can i change the width also?
@Nina, i think u would
[[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:yourFrame];
pass your frame that you want
Actually.. I am using DCRoundSwitch... I got everything I want... other than images...
No we can’t modify the frame of UISwitch..
@Nina, if [[UISwitch alloc] initWithFrame:yourFrame]; line can not change height and width of switch then i think u have to create your custom switch control
Yep.. I know.. I am asking is there any open source available already :)
oh!! no idea
Will check it
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 23:00

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