@AshishChauhan First you would need the route between two points, right? Directly drawing a straight line as route will look funny. So to get the route (route via driving, walking or bicycling) between two coordinates, we use Google's Direction API. It will give you a series of coordinates from start coordinate to end coordinate.
@AshishChauhan Then you can create MKPolyLine using those coordinates. Then make MKPolyLineView and draw it on map as overlay.
at the time i was on facebook, there were minimal number of those status update and more of intelligent status update. I quit because I don't like time line o.O
Young sirs/madams, old sirs/madams... apparently you've never been to the UK. When I was 7 I was called a sir; when I was 20 I was called a sir as well :P
best way to learn iOS from my experience @jornak pick a project. design what you want to make and start making it head first. Every question you encounter and overcome using Google/ or else will stick to you forever.
they -> apple? i really dont care.. the fact that there are phones to rival with, makes the market better for consumers. Now Apple is going to have monopoly on this.
Hey devs, I have an odd question if any of you might know the answer
I have a project and somewhere inside it, it's gotten muddled up about where it should be looking for its AppDelegate file. Where do I go to right that?
It thinks it's in ProjectRootFolder/ProjectRootFolder
Somehow it's doubled the folder's name, so it's looking for AppDelegate.h in an embedded folder
That folder existed for whatever reason with a handful of files in it and I have moved them back into the root, however it is still stubbornly looking for AppDelegate.h in that double path
I am trying to figure out where it has that path stated so that I can alter the path accordingly
One more Q: is it "ok" to do it that way? I just got an app rejected because the UI was too crowded... I have a label, button and another label... bounced because of that and the text size was too small.
I want to place a "red_ball.png" image on my UIView... I don't see how to do it... any suggestions?
Let me re-phrase this: I want to be able to change the image from red, to green, to yellow. I have the images (32x32).. all I need is something to put them in on the UIView. Can this be done?