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Does anyone have a idea - how to delete a file form Dropbox by using DropboxAPI?
hello @sreecharan how are you ?
@AshishChauhan Hi Sorry I was eating ShreeKhand. Yes directly ask your question here.
ShreeKhand ?
just want to draw route on map between two locations
@AshishChauhan Hello
I am excellent
@AshishChauhan Did you take a look at Google's Distance Matrix API?
so I have to use Google's Distance Matrix API right ?
@AshishChauhan It gives route for Walking, Driving or Bicycling.
ShreeKhand = Yogurt
Google's Distance Matrix API right is only way to draw route
between two location
Oh Wait. It's called Directions API. Not Distance Matrix.
ok Laddu let me check this Direction API
Have you used it ?
@AshishChauhan After you get the route, draw the route on Map using MKPolyLine and MKPolyLineView. Something like that the classes are named.
@AshishChauhan First you would need the route between two points, right? Directly drawing a straight line as route will look funny. So to get the route (route via driving, walking or bicycling) between two coordinates, we use Google's Direction API. It will give you a series of coordinates from start coordinate to end coordinate.
@AshishChauhan Then you can create MKPolyLine using those coordinates. Then make MKPolyLineView and draw it on map as overlay.
you are right. Its just draw a straight line
Now need to follow your other statement
@AshishChauhan If you just draw a straight line, the line might pass over an ocean, so user will have to swim and go.
no its not moving over ocean :)
Thats why we should use Driving, Walking or Bicycling parameters to get route.
just following you
Anyone knows why a link would not open on iPhone (safari or likewise)?
when it works on iPad and safari on mac
and no, not just my iphone, any iphone for that matter.
check your iPhone internet connection
"any iphone"
for reference, this was what I'm referring to : webdeveloper.com/forum/showthread.php?t=241058
i like bicycle riding
hi @iHungry
@Byte Solved ?
@sreecharan nah, not my problem to begin with. My back end dev gave up.
He has many bigger fishes to fry
so to speak
lolz, I swear he will find a tuna one day
@skytz evening
anyone know any good antivirus for mac..preferably free :)
except avast...it was leeching my ram
<a little bit funny but not enough : hence removed>
it actually was...a bit
I am looking for iphone/ios expert to help me with a programming issue
@dotnet-practitioner go ahead, @sreecharan is the best overhere and willing to help you whether it is day or night
Not Really @Byte
@dotnet-practitioner just say your problem...if we know..we'll answer
ok.. let me gather my list of questions and get back to you guys.. thanks..
@skytz Is your Mac affected by a virus
no..i just installed 10.8
@sreecharan he could be Tim Cook in disguised, looking for the next dev of the year. You should never sell yourself short! :)
i only use internet on mac for dropbox and uploading apps to itunes connect
Gather questions? :-S
Disgusting, Now a days, Are virus attacking the unix kernal machines also ?
@Byte deal
call from my dad, he talks forever, brb
@skytz lies! everyone knows what people use internet for!
i use my windows pc for that:P
well you can also use mac for facebook. dont need a pc
i dont have a fb account
i dont see the point of social networking..
I quit Facebook to face books.
:( that joke just kinda fall flat.. dont worry about it. I quit facebook too
i didnt quit...i never registered
nor twitter..myspace or anything else
@AshishChauhan in order to get the direction btween 2 line u need to decode "overview_polyline": {
"points": "....."} from google response
except google +..but that comes with the google account..so what can you do
are you older than 30? @skytz
i'm 22
@AshishChauhan i can give u the decoder class
hmm weird
Why weird
I thought kid these days come with facebook/ social networking.. then some of them dropped out of it
i won like 4 months of my life back in 5 years w/o fb & such
not having gone through any is weird
I was in Facebook and I only see stupid people wandering here and there
Agree with Laddu
@Bobj-C waiting
lol, that is a sign that you need to change your friends circle lol
One of my school friend posted on his wall - I am waiting on a Bus stop. And he got 10 likes. lol
yep, start looking for new friends
yea..what byte said
My friends circle consisted of my School and College friends. Can't change that.
best way to make friends >> MMORPG games..imo
Even when any girl just post "Hi" she got more that 100 like share and coments
at the time i was on facebook, there were minimal number of those status update and more of intelligent status update. I quit because I don't like time line o.O
@T-X added u as a freind on fb
@Bobj-C you was going to give me decoder class.
@T-X it is easy, step one go to your friend, step two tell them you think they are immature, step three make new friends, step four profit.
@Bobj-C I am mostly not there.
@Bobj-C Instead all in one step - Delete FB Account. :D
@T-X lol
you can't even do that permanently..it still keeps the data
yes about 30 days
there is an easy way to remove your data
just 30?
after that its delete
i knew it was something like 6 months
just make a lot of money, buy facebook... then delete it.
if within 30 days you dont change your mind
@sreecharan still in kubait ?
@AshishChauhan I thought facebook owns your pictures
as in, even when you delete it, they can keep it and use it as they want when they want with no legal consequences.
it owns your face
@AshishChauhan see how can u use the decoder gist.github.com/3491329
@skytz really ?
well if you have uploaded enough pictures..it has data of your face...for the face recognition thinghy
that doesn't get deleted
@AshishChauhan ur welcome
where did mister @dotnet-practitioner go? he must have a lot of questions :)
is it bad practice to use game framework to do a basic app?:\
@skytz if it makes your life harder, yes.
it doesn't...quite the contrary
it requires some rather complicated animations..and i don't know how to do them with UIView animate
then, use it :) program gets complex by itself. Dont need to make it hard on you.
ugh, my dad is a philosopher
yes @Ashish i am in kuwait
where is this @dotnet-practitioner gone, he didn't get back his list ?
He is gathering questions. I should leave before he arrives.
Good night all. See you tomorrow. Bye.
@T-X gn
if he doesn't have some existential questions in that list...he's wasting his time
@T-X Later
lol @T-X bye bye
What resources do you fine sirs and madams recommend for a budding iPhone dev?
resources as in?
i found the best way to learn is to try to do something and learn on the fly...it may be a little slower but what you learn it'll stick with you
No sirs and madams here, every one should be equally treated @jornak either it may be the 60 year old @Byte or a young @sreecharan
Young sirs/madams, old sirs/madams... apparently you've never been to the UK. When I was 7 I was called a sir; when I was 20 I was called a sir as well :P
Eh? @Byte Just now i thought that the chat room is clean with out any idiot name and you have added that idiotic name, ugh
in india, people use "uncle" and "aunty"
@Byte Thanks a ton :)
@jornak btw I was kidding, @sreecharan does not like the website.
@Byte When I was younger I had a "Grandpa Harry" that wasn't a grandpa, and all my mother's friends were "Auntie"
@sreecharan I got banned from the opposing site that shall not be named, so I decided to come here. Much better atmosphere, lol.
wait for it :)
I'm tempted to take a video of me burning all my shirts/certs
well @jornak Take a look at the 5th section in this
there are a lot of trolls here so pick and choose
@byte In Chat or in SO overall?
@Byte *
mostly chat, since SO doesnt really provide trolls their meals.
@jornak although first 4 sections are useful rules about this room
@sreecharan Eh, I'm bored at work. I'll bite most of the time.
Waiting for my smoke break.
@all bye
best way to learn iOS from my experience @jornak pick a project. design what you want to make and start making it head first. Every question you encounter and overcome using Google/ or else will stick to you forever.
1 message moved to dev/null
:P sorry, I am unable to watch it for more time
BAM! Im going to star it! :)
@Byte stop stealing my idea -.-
@skytz that is like Apple suing Samsung for Pinch and Zoom...
and yet it did
makes me sad though
Are you sad about Apple or shamesung ?
Im not iOS nor Droid fan but when it comes to something so obvious, you should not be able to patent it in the first place.
both system helps make each other better. They should stop fighting and make better phones
well, they have better phones
and trying to make it more better
they -> apple? i really dont care.. the fact that there are phones to rival with, makes the market better for consumers. Now Apple is going to have monopoly on this.
@Byte well, I'm going to bed... you should definitely continue being the man, bye
That, makes me sad.
@sreecharan good night, im working :) just talk with you guys for fun.
@Byte which country do you belongs ?
@Byte Go and do the work before your boss comes to you and say "You are fired", bye
gn nt to all :) swt drms :)
haha, alright
Hey devs, I have an odd question if any of you might know the answer
I have a project and somewhere inside it, it's gotten muddled up about where it should be looking for its AppDelegate file. Where do I go to right that?
can you be more clear?
It thinks it's in ProjectRootFolder/ProjectRootFolder
Somehow it's doubled the folder's name, so it's looking for AppDelegate.h in an embedded folder
That folder existed for whatever reason with a handful of files in it and I have moved them back into the root, however it is still stubbornly looking for AppDelegate.h in that double path
I am trying to figure out where it has that path stated so that I can alter the path accordingly
deleting the derived data should do the trick
do you know how to do that?
In Library?
in project actually
but yea..there
is 3 * 3 still 9?
Oh, is there a way to do it from Xcode? I've always gone in manually.
As far as I know, haha
organizer >project> delete derived data
That seems to have fixed the issues with the AppDelegate, thanks
Can I ask what you all think of the site ios-blog.co.uk as a resource for iOS Developers?
Can labels recognize taps?
@skytz thank you...
but the detection is not on the text itself...but on the rect in which the text is drawn
One more Q: is it "ok" to do it that way? I just got an app rejected because the UI was too crowded... I have a label, button and another label... bounced because of that and the text size was too small.
well it all depends on how your app looks..
yep, I guess it does... thanks again... bye
I want to place a "red_ball.png" image on my UIView... I don't see how to do it... any suggestions?
Let me re-phrase this: I want to be able to change the image from red, to green, to yellow. I have the images (32x32).. all I need is something to put them in on the UIView. Can this be done?

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