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@borrrden sir good morning...would you mind if i ask you something?
@GeraldStojakovic What's up?
[UIView animateWithDuration:.5f delay:15.0f options:UIViewAnimationTransitionNone animations:^{
animationContainer.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Hear 1_27.png"];
}completion:^(BOOL finished){
if(! finished) return;
[UIView animateWithDuration:.5f delay:15.0f options:UIViewAnimationTransitionNone animations:^{
animationContainer.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Hear 1_28.png"];
}completion:^(BOOL finished){
if(! finished) return;



@borrrden what do you think the problem of my code... because.. it shows up quickly even though i have a 15 seconds delay...
@borrrden any problem?
There is a fundamental problem
you can't animate the property "image"
If you just want to perform some logic with a delay, use NSTimer or dispatch_after
@borrrden ah... i see..
@borrrden my concept of my code is... i want to animate a FRAME sequence with 320x480 (full screen of iphone) i have 120 picture... and if try it animate with NSARRAY... the iphone seems to become slow...
@borrrden do you have a suggestion or code you know that you can share to me or suggest??
@GeraldStojakovic UIImage can already handle that
+ (UIImage *)animatedImageNamed:(NSString *)name duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
how can i implement your code into mine? sorry for stupid question.. but this is the first time i will use "+" function... can you make example how will i do that in my code?? @borrrden
@borrrden sir... what code will i input inside this

+ (UIImage *)animatedImageNamed:(NSString *)name duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration??
Take a guess @GeraldStojakovic
@all GM
good morning all
@iHungry morning sir
@iHungry sir
+ (UIImage *)animatedImageNamed:(NSString *)name duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration

can you teach me how can i animate a set of images here?
@GeraldStojakovic, i m not sir......i m just a friend of all here
@iHungry :D
This method loads a series of files by appending a series of numbers to the base file name provided in the name parameter. For example, if the name parameter had ‘image’ as its contents, this method would attempt to load images from files with the names ‘image0’, ‘image1’ and so on all the way up to ‘image1024’. All images included in the animated image should share the same size and scale.
lol @iHungry copied and pasted the docs page
some peoples are not do some hard work to read doc initially
@iHungry I linked to the docs above....
NSMutableArray* arr = [NSMutableArray array];
float w = 18;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSizeMake(w,w), NO, 0);
CGContextRef con = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(con, [UIColor redColor].CGColor);
CGContextAddEllipseInRect(con, CGRectMake(0+i,0+i,w-i*2,w-i*2));
UIImage* im = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
[arr addObject:im];
UIImage* im = [UIImage animatedImageWithImages:arr duration:0.5];
see this sample code
@iHungry @borrrden yep ive read it... but that is not enough for me to digest it.. =( i need some example regarding that code...
@iHungry yes!! thats one :D
@GeraldStojakovic Then you are in trouble as a programmer, you need to be able to read documentation ^^;
I don't like that sample @iHungry
@borrrden, thanks :XD
@borrrden sad to say yeah.... =(
What if there are 100 images?
they will all be loaded into memory
@all I want to apply floodfill algorithm in my app, i have this code: github.com/OgreSwamp/ObjFloodFill/downloads but i'm unable to run this code
@all anyone help me please
@borrrden, we can't do anything about it then if 100 and more than 100 images loading simultaneously in memeory
@iHungry The other method, animatedImageWithBaseName will load them on demand
from the filesystem
I mean, at least I believe so...it says it can support up to 1024 images...I don't think it is possible to have that many images in memory
see other stub @borrrden. @GeraldStojakovic...
UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"refresh-" duration:1.f];
self.button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:image
I like that one @iHungry xD haha
@iHungry help /
@iHungry what is that "refresh-"?
The base name of the image files -____-
im sorry,.. im in ios development for more or less 1 and half months... sorry for my stupidity @borrrden @iHungry
@borrrden, yes application will crash if images burden increase on memory
@iHungry As stated above: "For example, if the name parameter had ‘image’ as its contents, this method would attempt to load images from files with the names ‘image0’, ‘image1’ and so on all the way up to ‘image1024’."
Sorry I didn't mean to tag you @iHungry
I was trying to reply to your message
The above message was for @GeraldStojakovic
@borrrden, actually i m little bit busy in my work so i couldn't be concentrate on ur issues
even ready all sentenace
Don't worry
@iHungry and @borrrden sir... so what is the best in my case? =((
im confused....
+ (UIImage *)animatedImageNamed:(NSString *)name duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration
@borrrden copy that sir... and my only problem is the code inside that function right??
there is no "problem"
just use the base name of your image files
Q: UIBarButton with CustomView and a Border

EchilonI've subclassed UIBarButtonItem and am trying to make a button which dispays a refresh image normally, but an activity spinner when loading. The problem I have is I can't get the bordered style to display a custom view inside. It just doesn't appear. This is my code (from my UIBarButtonItem subc...

see this link @GeraldStojakovic,..... i take code from this linl
is that basename = filename of my image?
@iHungry ok sir! :D thanks
filename without the numbers on the end
@GeraldStojakovic, don't tell Sir to anyone.....
@iHungry :D i said that for my giving my gratitude.. ;D and for helping me:D
@GeraldStojakovic, all are friends urs
@all help me please
@Smith, sorry no idea about this algo
@iHungry I still can't play the custom record files @@~~
@iHungry the frame number still 0 , i sure file does exist and something in it ~
@KenHui, can u show ur code in pastbin
@iHungry hold on ~
@Smith As I've said before, you need to be more specific than "I can't run it"
@borrrden OK i cant run it !
@borrrden you know how to run it ?
@iHungry pastebin.com/2Wab84FX thx a lot :-)
@KenHui u know how to run this algorithm ? github.com/OgreSwamp/ObjFloodFill/downloads
@KenHui, did u successfully create .caf file?
@iHungry i created the audio.wav file. I used the NSFileManager and see the file size does increase . so i can assume it does exist ~
@Smith never see it before, sry mate.
Hello iOs developers, I am Daniel, I have almost 4k reputation and I would love to help people on the chat for 20 minutes
Problems anyone ?
@Daniel very great. I am facing core audio problem. Any ideas on this field?
@Daniel ?
@Daniel I have a problem !
I have less experience with Core audio then other Core services but I would be glad to try my best
Hi Smith, talk to me
@Daniel i want to implement floodfill algorithm in my app
@KenHui, nope i guess u misunderstand.... i experienced file show some amount of memory even though its corrupt from reading yeah other issue
@Daniel i am using this code : github.com/OgreSwamp/ObjFloodFill/downloads
Okay, I'm looking at the gitbub repo now
@Daniel but i dont know how to run this code or how to implement this code in my app
@Daniel pastebin.com/2Wab84FX <--- my code..... I am trying to record data with core audio. However, file does create and something put into it. But i cannot read it because the frame length always 0 ~~~
@Daniel i am searching from previous week and still i am at the same position
@iHungry so you think the file is corrupted in someway ?~
@KenHui okay I'll check that out in a sex
@Daniel btw what bring you here?
sorry. In a sec
@KenHui, see my code pastebin.com/dr3KJ6Qx
its working perfect
@Daniel you solved my problem or not ?
@Daniel no worries, Harry is great in sex and you will be great after a sec :-)
@Smith give @Daniel a sec
I am a software engineer, and I love to learn and help people. I'm trying to get lots of earned rep on stack overflow. stackoverflow.com/users/662605/daniel check me out if you like
@smith, I'm looking, 2 seconds
@Daniel ok thank
@KenHui, u need to just pass ur recorded file path.... u will get converted .wav file in directory
@smith, can you tell me a little bit about what you're trying to do with this code ?
@Daniel i am trying to implement floodfill algorithm in which a user taps a portion of image and it will change the color of that portion with the selected color
@iHungry yours is AVAssert ~~ does it similar to the Remote IO?
is there a way to get the title of a website without uiwebview? jusrt the url
@KenHui, my code working only for iOS ... and operations of local iOS I/O
@iHungry yes, working on ipad . Let me check ~~
@smith, I'm here
I'm still checking this out
I've not done that before
so I'm trying to familiarise myself
@Daniel thank you so much plxplx help me !!! I'll be really thankful to u
So what have you tried ?
You've imported this code into your project
and how are you trying to use it ?
@Daniel YES
@Daniel I am importing these classes in my project
@Daniel you did it ???? i mean it worked on your side or not ?
no I didn't do it. I just need to know what you want (ok) and how you're trying to do it.
@Daniel what i want is to run this code !
@Daniel i dont know how to execute it !
So you've got a UIImageView and you're trying to let the user tap somewhere on it and have this code sample the colour the user is tapping on top of and change it ?
@Daniel YES! absolutely
@Smith You execute it the same way you execute any obj-c code, by calling its methods.....in this case the topmost one
+(int)floodfillX:(int)x Y:(int)y image:(unsigned char*)image width:(int)w height:(int)h origIntColor:(int)iOrigColor replacementIntColor:(int)iColor;
@borrrden OK i know but when i am doing this on touchbegan OR on touch end nothing happens
@Smith Then you have to show people that
show your code
put it in pastebin.com
@borrrden wait!!!
Don't paste it here
whatever you do ><
hey @borrrden how you doing ?
see you've got the unsung hero badge
Hahaha, yeah....for a question that didn't even relate to programming ><
I just had the luck of catching a new question about Xcode 4.4 early ^^
really ?
@borrrden, @Daniel if i use this method in touchBegan/ touchEnd then what values should i pass to (unsigned char*)image, origIntColor:(int)iOrigColor replacementIntColor:(int)iColor;
what is unsigned char image ?
image will be the pixels of your image, iOrigColor is the color you want to replace, and iColor is the color to replaceit with
I did my first wiki Q&A today. check it out. hopefully it'll be good for some people
but look these are int values
A: What is the max size of an In-App package you can host with Apple?

DanielApple will allow you to upload package files up to 2GB in size. This is also the same size limit for your application. To upload your Apple hosted In-App purchase you must use the Application Loader. For more details you can check out the following guide by Apple: Using Application Loader Page...

it is an array of unsigned chars (aka pixels)
I mean
pixel parts....R G B A are each 1-byte (i.e. unsigned char)
OK ,,, but look colors values are int ??? what does it means ?
it means they combined all of the pixel parts into one value
how can i do this ?
R G B A = 1 byte x 4 = 4 bytes = iOS int
what values should i pass here
what values should i pass here!
i am near to the answer
You are going to have to study about bit shifting
OK thanks !!!
and changing a UIColor value to int
@Daniel, @borrrden Thank you both
can i create return type method inside preprocessor?
@iHungry Type is meaningless inside the preprocessor
What exactly are you doing?
oh!!!!!!! sorry
its really then complecated
thanks @borrrden
preprocessor commands are strictly replacements
it sounds more like you want a helper function
@iHungry @borrrden pastebin.com/D1xvhD2n is my code corrrect now?
I don't answer questions like that
if it works it is correct :)
@borrrden ;D okies..
@borrrden @iHungry do you think... my code will turn iphone slow down?? even if i put 120+ images??
I think it will crash with 120+ images hehe
oh my GOD!!!!
@all hello
@borrrden any idea how can i have it without crashing iphone??
Why didn't you use the method that iHungry and I both mentioned?
@GeraldStojakovic, only one way...... optimize ur all images in animation.... reduce its count.....
remoce unused images from animations
Although I did hear somewhere once that just making a UIImage doesn't load its pixels into memory
just parses the header and prepares it to be read
then when it gets displayed, it will read if necessary
also remove similar types of images
somewhere = WWDC 2012 sessions
I don't know if I am remembering that correctly though
@borrrden ive consult it to @iHungry but he said that he havent use that function so he doesnt have an idea it will work... plus the fact i dont know where to input the name of my file there.. =(
your base name is "Hear"
i don't know about WWDC 2012.... but i know imageNamed method of UIimage class cache the image before loading
@borrrden hello I have submitted my app on 14 aug and other app update on 18 aug my updated app is in review and the app which I have submitted on 14 aug is still waiting for review :P what can i do I have email apple couple of times but no reply come from apple
caching is ok, it will get purged automatically
you can't do anything
be patient
it has always taken my apps and updates at least 7 days
@borrrden yes but this time it is 10th day and its status is same
Sometimes it takes longer
probably now Apple is busy finalizing iOS 6
yeah but why such time come to my app :).... then its a lucky app :P
the last app my company submitted took 2 weeks
because it was right before Mountain Lion was released
UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"refresh-" duration:1.f];
self.button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:image

is this the one your talking about?
yeah right and i think they have working on IOS6 thats why it will take long
@DimplePanchal hello..
the only problem might be that you have to rename Hear01 to Hear1
@borrrden ok wait i'll try it.
no i didn't rename my app
not you @dark lol
lolz :P ok :D
@borrrden then specify the person it will make confusion some times ....like apple upload app some later ....:)
I thought that response only made sense to the previous question ^^
yeah but sometimes ....... got it :)
@borrrden so that code... i will put that in another function right?
@borrrden ! i need your help
@GeraldStojakovic not sure what u mean by that
@Smith The entire world does ^^
@borrrden what ?
The entire world needs my help p:
I guess you have a question?
@BornSurvivor: gm..
@iPhoneDeveloper : Very Good Morning :)
@borrrden what is that UIBarButtonItem? and style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered... never done that before
i think borrden is confused that smith need her or her help...:P
@borrrden, Lol.... i want also help :P
u r rock
@GeraldStojakovic Ignore that part
@GeraldStojakovic You only need to use the first line
UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"Hear-" duration:1.f];

only this... right?
Hi All
good morning
@all Good Morning
can any one provide me some very gud tutorial on view animation
Without the dash (there is no dash in your filenames)
Hi friends.... Good morning to all..! And I'm finally moving to MUMBAI...ON THIS SEPT ..!
i mean i want to use the power of almighty iOS
@iHungry finally got it work, donno why, ahha
@Tarun raywenderlich.com/5478/… kindly look this tutorial
@borrrden : thanks.. i was reading the same stuff

UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"Hear" duration:2.f];

Yes, that will make an animated image @GeraldStojakovic
one more thing guys..
i am facing a problem in Navigation bar
it doesnt show... =( @borrrden
like it is appearing after extra 20 pixels below the status bar
Try changing your first filename to Hear1 instead of Hear01 @GeraldStojakovic
leena yesterday suggested to concern with iHungry
@Tarun Too vague, need to see how you are doing things
ok.. do you want me to have a small snippet to Paste
still nothing @borrrden
Then either A) Those images are not added to your app or they are corrupt, B) You are never calling that function or C) You are not adding that image to any ImageView @GeraldStojakovic
@all is it possible to only have like 10 character showing in utextfield? i googled but everthing i found makes it so u cant type more, but i just want to show the ... lines at a certain space so i cant see the rest
@borrrden there is a warning... it say Unused variable 'image'

UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"Hear" duration:2.f];
has anybody here used socialize sdk
@Tarun hi dere
have u ever used socialize sdk
@KenHui, ur code yeah my code?
anyways many many congratulation for its achievement....
@borrrden done! :DDD
thank!! :D
@GeraldStojakovic use the image to add the subview to targeted view
@SKM yep :D thanks

animationContainer = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480)];
UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"Hear" duration:1.5f];
animationContainer.image = image;
[self.view addSubview:animationContainer];
can i have a delegate like didFinishAnimation??
@borrrden I want to assign some integer as some string values like this 1 = info when i pass the integer as parameter i want to print the string values.. it is possiple ?how can do it
@BornSurvivor wassup?
@iPhoneDeveloper : nothing much,still wondering why video gets rotated by 90 degree !!!
Wat abt you?
hello all
@borrrden any idea
@borrrden : Please help,I capture video through iPhone,when exported ,video rotates by 90 degree ?
@BornSurvivor doing same project..have completed yesterday's... i dint find any answer for your query..i searched alot..
i have 8 buttons,i want to every time show 5 buttons, and i can slide so that 8 buttons may appear,can you give me some clue?
Hi all, somebody please look into my issue? Please check the link stackoverflow.com/questions/12091608/…
@madLokesh: No buddy.. not yet
@iPhoneDeveloper : I think ,I found something,just gonna check it...
@all... does animation have delegate??

MotherView.alpha = 0;
[animationContainer removeFromSuperview];
animationContainer = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 480)];
UIImage *image = [UIImage animatedImageNamed:@"Hear" duration:1.f];
animationContainer.image = image;
[self.view addSubview:animationContainer];

@DimplePanchal kese tume link send karu ?? i dont have idea .. bcoz i m new for stackoverflow..
posted on August 24, 2012 by Johann

Some time ago I mentioned GPUImage that greatly simplifies the creation of OpenGL ES video filters on the iOS platform. I’ve also pointed out a tutorial on how to create video filters with GPUImage, and today came across a very interesting open source control that contains a collection of different live video filters and a nice [...]

@DimplePanchal pastebin.com/4LBxXGNK
@DimplePanchal got it ??
I am back
@SKM You mean you want to use an integer as a string?
i m back
@T-X @dark Hello :) @all
@BornSurvivor I dont know much about video capture
@Bobj-C aaeen
I am back.
Why are all copying my dialogue ! ;-)
@T-X i dont feel like working today
so what should i do
@Bobj-C I felt the same 1 week ago and now i don't work at all.
@iProgrammer Hi
@T-X but i have tasks
@T-X for today
@iHungry i think i locked the file ~~ so i need ExtAudioFileDispose(extAudioFileRef); before reading it.
i need to finish a newsstand App
@Bobj-C May be take some rest then you may like to work :-)

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