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No. I also think you misunderstand my problem a little bit -> The image does in fact gets loaded high. Works fine. Only thing is that it is really pixelated. Therefore I use Interpolation to depixelate it. However when I call that method, the image does not get shown. Otherwise it works fine :)
ohh okay
sry no idea
No prob.
Ill take a look thanks
Well I actually do it asynchronously, just did not add the code at my question.
@Bobj-C Could you help me with a small issue?
@Blade what ?
@blade should you start like that? CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
@Mr.T If you look closely I do. I packed this line into the next ;)
@Blade ???
@Bobj-C Two view controllers should check for an integer < 3. When its three the one view controller should return NO. It kinda works, but only when I reach 3, then restart the app and click on button again.
I do it with NSUserDefaults.
@Blade you mean that u save the 3 using NSUserDefaults ??
My guess is that NSUserDefaults only gets updated when I start the app. Or it doesn't gets updated as long as I don't update the other vc. So how can I do that? Synchronously I mean.
Yes I save the 3 in NSUserDefaults
@Blade using NSUserDefaults will save a permanent value for you so i think u need to assign ZERO "0" to it before cloasing/restarting
am i right ?
Yes yes, I do that. You misunderstand me. Let me try to explain again.
I have two ViewControllers! In one there is a button. When user clicks on it count goes up by 1. When it hits three the user should get a message "I am on three". The other VC checks for that. Actually, just take a look here and you know what I mean:
Q: How to include restrictions inside an free/premium app?

BladeI was wondering how it is possible, to include certain restrictions inside an app, when the user loaded the free version of it. For example: I have a tableView with around 100 entries. The user can favorite 10 of those, but not more, unless the user buys the premium version! I was thinking of ju...

@Blade u have got very useful answer
Yes, yes. I use it, its very good^^
@Blade so ..
I use it. It works. But I have to restart app in order for NSUserDefaults to work. Wait I show you code.
So this is in my first VC. NSUserDefaults * prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
int premium = [prefs integerForKey:@"premium"];
[prefs synchronize];

_timestamp=[[NSDate alloc] init];
_numberOfcomentary = premium;
And in the other I update the integer. But it only gets updated in the first VC when I restart the app.
I hope its clear what I mean now.
@Blade ok
@Blade try be removing this [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];
So even though it works, it only does when the app is closed and opened again. When I don't close the app I can click on the button as long as I want and don't get restricted.
@Bobj-C Okay, lemme try.
@Bobj-C Problem still persists. mmh
But the way I do it is correct?
@Blade yes
@Blade wait
So why doesn't it work like that? My guess is that it doesn't update the UserDefaults on the first controller where it checks when to set the restriction.
@Blade what about: UIImage *image_ = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:TableText7]]];
CGSize newSize = CGSizeMake(image_.size.width,image_.size.height);


CGContextRef context = CGContextRetain(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext());
CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(context, kCGInterpolationHigh);
CGContextSetShouldAntialias(context, true);

UIImage* scaledImage = [UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() retain];

@Mr.T Sure, let me try that.
@Blade look the synchronize method returns a bool value if it is YES All work properly try to log it ok
and see if YES appears
okay I hope the best ;)
@Bobj-C Okay, I will, two secs. @Mr.T Thnks :)
@Blade it works?
@Mr.T Haven't tried yet.
@Bobj-C How can I log the synchronize method? after all it belongs to NSUserdefaults and isn't a variable.
@Blade NSLog(@"%s", [prefs synchronize] ? "true":"false");
try the above
@Blade probably use [cell setNeedsDisplay]; ?
@Bobj-C thanks
@Blade i edited it ok
ohhh ahh [self.view setNeedsDisplay];
don't know witch could be the best way to set the flag in your way
@Bobj-C Thanks, it returns true.
@Mr.T Its a tableView so the best way would be cell setNeedsLayout imho ;) Tried your code btw, didnt work though, but thanks.
@Blade it is weird can u show me more code plz
@Bobj-C Sure.
Here is where I access the method:
@Blade hm probably then use [self.tableView reloadData]; and [self.tableView setNeedsLayout];
@Mr.T Thanks, but I actually don't think that this is the problem. I rather guess that the image gets passed as nil or something similiar.
@Blade that you could test with NSLog(@"image: %@", scaledimage);
Thanks I did, there is actually something in it, but I still think the new image is empty. Like there is nothing on it.
@Blade it seems ok try to use NSNumber and save object
@Bobj-C okay
@Bobj-C How to I add a number to NSNumber. Only writing "+1" doesn't work in this case.
@Blade probably add CGContextDrawImage();
@Blade int myInt = [NSNumberObject intValue];
[prefs setObject:integer + myInt forKey:@"premium"];
<- get an error here. "NsNumber + NSNumber" invalid
@Mr.T Didnt work, thanks though.
@Blade no
@Blade int myInt = [NSNumberObj intValue];
NSNumber *NSNumberObj =[NSNumber numberWithInt:myInt];
[prefs setObject: NSNumberObj forKey:@"premium"];
mmh it gives me numerours errors. It can't find NSNumberObj.
@Blade you should read NSNumberObj from user default
NSNumber *NSNumberObj = [[NSUserDefaults standarUserDefault] objectForKey:@"Premium"]
mmh still the same issue. I can click on the button as often as I want. But as soon as I close the app and open it up again it tells me the restriction.
But thanks for your help! It is appreciated!
Hmm I have another issue, I would like to add a new object to an nsmutablearray.... but it's not working while program life circly
I did it so: ViewController *element1 = [[ViewController alloc] init];
element1->ID = 2;
element1->NAME = projectName;

[projectsArray addObject:element1];
@Bobj-C This is what NSLog gives me: 2012-08-24 21:58:05.235 app[17927:10703] true
2012-08-24 21:58:05.236 app[17927:10703] 4
So true that it sychronices. And I also clicked 4 times. But no restriction. If I close app and open it up again, then I get restriction...
@Blade where is the if statment when that checks for 3
In the same method as above is: BOOL auth = [[AuthorizeSingleton sharedInstance] shouldDoComentary];
and in shouldDoComentary is: if (_numberOfcomentary > [NSNumber numberWithInt:3]) {
return NO;
@Blade _numberOfcomentary is an nsnumber object ?
try [_numberOfcomentary intValue] >= 3
@Blade ???
any idea?
@Mr.T Sorry, not me.
@Bobj-C No. I think the synchroninzing somehow doesn't work. Otherwise I can't find a reasonable explanation why I have to close and open up app again in order for the restriction to work.
@Blade ???
@Blade omg can u send the code ?
now i want to know why
Still the same code, I send you from the question. And the one I send here in chat. There is no other code.
@Blade as u want
@Abizern could you help me please?
@Bobj-C Well what other code do you mean? :) The one vc is exactly the code as in the question. I don't know which other I could send you. But Ill upload everything on pastebin. two secs.
@Blade ok
@Blade remove everu [prefs synchronize]; after get not set ok
problem persists
@Blade ok
@Blade plz replace this in ur code ok
I can go to bed a happy man ^^
@Blade ok do u know why ?
@Blade and did u know why after restarting it works
I thought because of the synchronizing?
@Blade no
because only 1 time the init called so it reads the correct value
oh lol yes... of course. I think I am awake way too long. Havent thought about that ^^
@Blade also read this duckrowing.com/2010/05/21/… to enhance ur singleton ok
Okay, I will, thanks again :)
Hmmm :P
I love this , My friend has written this and the special reason why i love this is he has chosed BEER as an example
Haha, I will read it.
@sreecharan could you take a look here? Abizern already did, but he didn't have enough time. stackoverflow.com/questions/12113476/…
@Blade I guess it is better to draw the image in a separate method
Because you are using [cell setNeedsLayout]
Oh okay.
It will search for drawRect method after this
And if possible try to use UIBeizerPath to draw the image
@Blade I think you got it
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Sure thanks :)
hm anyone could help me please?
my nsmutable array is clear if i call presentModalViewController
I accessed the array length before and in the presented view
and it get's null while present the view... hm
any idea?
one moment
in der *.h Datei @property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *projectsArray;
NSMutableArray *projectsArray;
in der *.m Datei viewdidload: self.projectsArray = [[NSMutableArray array] init];
@Mr.T Send you a room invite
@sreecharan you still there?
3 hours later…
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