is it possible(should be) to convert a % of something to the size of a capable image? thats how safari/ other apps make a uitextfield with progress is a capable image.
@iHungry busy day and lost, haha ~ I am working on recording audio with core audio.
@iHungry it does record with format : kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC , but not with : kAudioFormatLinearPCM . However, i know how to read the wav (simple) and not m4a
@borrrden @BornSurvivor hi i add Map on my app and i try to locate pin on map so for getting location i set startupdation location..... is it gives contineous location chnage untill i stop updating location ..... ?
@borrrden basically what i want is to send an array from host device and the elements which are in the array should come up in an uitableview in reciever phone and the user has to select say 3rd item from the uitableview and that item should be selected in the host device ..
can this be done using peer to peer communication or game kit ?
@borrrden one more thing .say if i am using gamekit and it uses wifi .. and there is airplay option .. will airplay and connecting to different peer work on same network
or should i connect to other device via bluetooth and select wifi for airplay
@borrrden ok ... is it better to use bluetooth or wifi to communicate .... does the user has to switch on bluetooth or if the app contains bluetooth inbuilt it will switch on automatically right
@iYahoo : Even that will do,but the thing is,when I crop the Image,I get small cropped portion,instead I need to use rest of the image removing cropped portion.Hope you understood. :)
@iHungry i think core audio could support most standard. Actually just wanna record data from core audio and store in wav format and read it to play it.
I know this question has asked many times in SO but i couldn't able to set alarm in my app because i am very new to IOS?
I am following this tutorial to set alarm. But it doesn't seems to be working for me.
I am in need to set alarm daily lets say(5.00 PM) daily. I can't use date picker for ch...
I think you will need to use DatePicker.
Also you can use UILocalNotifications, which could be a great help.
You can pick Alarm date from DatePicker and then set it as fireDate for your UILocalNotification.
For more information you may want to refer to UIDatePicker Class Reference and UILocalN...
@BornSurvivor : after cropping the image u will have a image that is present in the imageview, i hope when we send that imageview.image as the returned object u can get that
@BornSurvivor : i hope this will work for u, sorry for late reply
@hi, any body know how the 'whats app' messaging is working, are they using apples built in push notification or something else. I am not asking for exact answer but just idea
The UICalloutView (those “bubbles” you see in map view) is a control that has been mimicked many different times. with numerous popout type views. There’s some good ones, but none have the same level of versatility as the official UICalloutView which unfortunately is only available for use with map annotations. Nick Farina has created a [...]
@borrrden I could able to for sms. now i want to do it for mms. Keep on trying to add image but i could not. Please could you suggest any link to add image..
@Smith: Just for confirmation are you using this: +(int)floodfillX:(int)x Y:(int)y image:(unsigned char*)image width:(int)w height:(int)h origIntColor:(int)iOrigColor replacementIntColor:(int)iColor
@byte - youre delegate methods tell you when you get new data. Each time it does that you start a timer, and when the next chunk comes down you get the size of the data and a new time. You now know how much data has come down, and how long it took. That should let you estimate the download speed.
@T-X That is the better way to do it. Because it works on the last chunk downloaded speed so is more accurate. However - It's a problem if you suddenly get a slow chunk downloaded, the estimated time will suddenly go up.
@T-x i download new Xcode version and make project universal and add some code in implement file now when i build give me this error "linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"
@T-X So you need to smooth it out. One way would be to use a low-pass filter. There as a the AccelorometerGraph sample code that demonstrates this on the Accelerometer data - I'm sure you can adapt the principles to download rates.
@Abizern i add only 6 framework that is flowing MessageUI.framework Security.framework System Configuration.framework UIKit.framework Foundation.framework Core Graphics.framework