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01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 22:00

is it possible(should be) to convert a % of something to the size of a capable image? thats how safari/ other apps make a uitextfield with progress is a capable image.
@all I found this set of code for recording sound from the RemoteIO input. But anyone have a full set of code? stackoverflow.com/questions/6930609/…
good mornig all
@KenHui, hey how r u?... good to see u after long time here
Is there any way to add views to a subview without them all snapping into the center inside a XIB? -____-;
When I want to assign a new superview it is annoying to reposition them all by hand again
can u check all properties of superview?
What do you mean?
i guess if u assign any view to other view ...then there is no any harm of assign view
I am talking about Interface Builder
i means should not be displace all subviews of view
when I drag some views into a new superview....they all collapse on each other
oh!!! strange problem
not a huge problem, just annoying
have to reposition them
BTW what the value u set property of Autoresize Subviews in IB
nah, I unchecked it
Good morning
good afternoon
i get it...! @borrrden Whr u from???
@borrrden im in india!!!
@Rajesh I guessed that haha
i think u try to enable that property
Autoresize subviews is only useful for when I change the size of a superview
I'm talking about moving new subviews into a superview
as soon as I do, they snap to some arbitrary position
this property also affect on reposition
i faced such issue 1 and half year b4
but this property help me
checked or unchecked, the behavior is the same in IB
When I drag drop views to be subviews of other views
I'm not talking about while running the program
@borrrden LOL
@borrrden Whr could i get common questions to ask to ios dev
@Rajesh @borrrden @iHungry : Hi Everyone Good Morning
@Rajesh @borrrden @iHungry : Have u worked on IOS 5 Twitter Framework?????
@iYahoo @iHungry @borrrden @Rajesh @TimPost : good morning
@PraviJay Good morning. Well, actually just nearing lunch here
@TimPost : cool
@iYahoo, i work on twitter framework
but in iOS 5 inbuilt framework given by apple
BTW i used MGTwitter engine....
GM ALL...........
Good Morning @WhitePearl
@TimPost hello
@BornSurvivor GM
@iHungry : Okay, I want to get the followers and following from my twitter account in IOS 5....can u please say me how can get that ???
@BornSurvivor good moerning :)
Hello ALL Have u any Idea About MyLauncher API ??
@PraviJay : Good Morning
@iPhoneDeveloper : Very Good Morning :)
@BornSurvivor hello..
good morning :) Happy Day
@BornSurvivor how are you?
@WhitePearl : Hello...majama ne?
@iPhoneDeveloper : Fine ,you say...
@iHungry hi
@BornSurvivor hi
@BornSurvivor have u any idea About MyLauncher API ???
@BornSurvivor yes.. moj ma ho..bhai..
@iPhoneDeveloper can you please suggest me how to use custom view in my rootview
@sam : Hello
@WhitePearl : Na,no idea..
@borrrden oky..
@iHungry busy day and lost, haha ~ I am working on recording audio with core audio.
@iHungry it does record with format : kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC , but not with : kAudioFormatLinearPCM . However, i know how to read the wav (simple) and not m4a
@borrrden @BornSurvivor hi i add Map on my app and i try to locate pin on map so for getting location i set startupdation location..... is it gives contineous location chnage untill i stop updating location ..... ?
@iHungry finally record, but still error on reading !!
hi y'all
i want to learn about peer to peer communication through wi fi ,, is there any article to study about from basics
@iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry @sam can you please suggest me how to use custom view in my rootview
@KenHui, u have to convert m4a or .caf file into .wav file if u want
@orgami I think the standard is to watch the Stanford CS lectures on Bonjour
if not reading recorded file then i m sure ur data might be corrupt during writing in sound file
They are getting a bit old, but they are still relevant
sorry "lecture" there is only one :p
@zing, u have to assign ur custom view in loadview method
to root view
@borrrden basically what i want is to send an array from host device and the elements which are in the array should come up in an uitableview in reciever phone and the user has to select say 3rd item from the uitableview and that item should be selected in the host device ..
can this be done using peer to peer communication or game kit ?
good morning to all :)
@iHungry i think it is wav now. but read error, still reading it
what u do exactly @KenHui
u record audio file and its extension must be by default .caf
as per apple standard
@T-X hi
whats the difference between bonjour and game kit ?
Bonjour is a protocol that GameKit uses
It uses it to find connectable peers on a network
bluetooth or wifi
ah ok
did u read my above comment ?
You can also use it directly
yes, it is possible
You can send any arbitrary data that you want
Stanford doesn't use GameKit though
GameKit is kinda annoying sometimes
we fumbled through it for nearly a month before giving up on it for our networking system
hmm so whats the best option ..cause that feature is a must in our app
Well, if you want to choose the user you connect to
then you should use GameKit I think
our app needs to transparently and forcibly connect so GameKit got in the way
There are lots of tutorials on how to use GameKit
just search a bit
yeah i am looking into it
@borrrden one more thing .say if i am using gamekit and it uses wifi .. and there is airplay option .. will airplay and connecting to different peer work on same network
or should i connect to other device via bluetooth and select wifi for airplay
@iPhoneDeveloper : Do you know,how to make selected region of image transparent ?
@borrrden devx.com/wireless/Article/43502 ..check this article . i am working on it .. i want ur opinion on that
@orgami I've never used Airplay, but it probably will since AirPlay will not advertise itself for your service
The article looks normal...and the webpage is ugly
lol yeah the webpage design looks horrible
correct me if i am wrong ,the one in article is using bluetooth to communicate or is it wifi
@borrrden @iHungry how to use enum in iphone
@SKM, what the co-incidence i m also looking for same .... BTW i got good tutorial on it
@orgami Bluetooth
(you can tell because they set the session type to GKPeerPickerConnectionTypeNearby)
@SKM Do you know what an enum is?
an enum? It's a very basic thing....or am I misunderstanding?
@borrrden ok ... is it better to use bluetooth or wifi to communicate .... does the user has to switch on bluetooth or if the app contains bluetooth inbuilt it will switch on automatically right
@orgami I think the picker can prompt the user to turn it on, but it can't be forcibly turned on
@borrrden this is first time to use enum in my app so i dont know about enum
@iHungry thanks
@SKM You mean enum as in the C-language feature?
@borrrden yes
This question is odd to me....did someone tell you to use it?
yeah so many developer not aware basic features of language..... including me also
me too
@T-X Hi. Aaeen Me Too
enum is one of the first topics that was covered in my CS101 classes...hmmm
@borrrden : thank u
@all GM
back in 2003 :p
@all i want to implement floodfill algorithm in my app
@all i found this code
@but it is not workin
@borrrden what did u study ?
@all anyone help me please
anyone help me please
I was a computer science major for 2 years, before I switched
@Smith and?
switched to ... ?
Digital Media
@borrrden what do you mean by and ?
major u mean graduate or undergrad ?
@Smith I don't see a question
I don't have any advanced degrees :p
@orgami @iYahoo : Do you know,how to make selected region of image transparent ?

@all i want to implement floodfill algorithm in my app
@all i found this code
@but it is not workin
@Smith I saw what you typed, it is not a question
i want to do graduate courses
well for one thing
a question ends in a question mark
? lolx
are you asking if it is not working then?
Maybe, maybe not....I've never used it
@BornSurvivor : No, but i hope we need to crop that part of the image
it is not working for me !!! if you have another floodfill code/algorithm kindly tell me
This is the algorithm for flood fill -> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flood_fill#The_algorithm
@iYahoo : Even that will do,but the thing is,when I crop the Image,I get small cropped portion,instead I need to use rest of the image removing cropped portion.Hope you understood. :)
@borrrden thanks!!!!
hii everybody... :)
i want some help about setting alarms on random days of week in iphone..
Assigning to 'id<GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate>' from incompatible type 'gameKitView *const__strong' .... what does it mean
It means you didn't declare that class you are assigning to with that protocol
So from the compiler's point of view it is not guaranteed to implement the necessary methods
In my opinion, it should be an error, not a warning
@T-X Its raining here in Ahmedabad.... wow..... :)
my bad i didnt declare GKPeerPickerControllerDelegate ..
@iHungry i think core audio could support most standard. Actually just wanna record data from core audio and store in wav format and read it to play it.
can somebody tell me about setting alarms in iphone
@KenHui, yeah this is the right process u going to implement
Q: How to set Alarm in iOS?

VinoI know this question has asked many times in SO but i couldn't able to set alarm in my app because i am very new to IOS? I am following this tutorial to set alarm. But it doesn't seems to be working for me. I am in need to set alarm daily lets say(5.00 PM) daily. I can't use date picker for ch...

@KuldeepSinghDhariwal Please search SO
A: simple alarm application iPhone sdk?

Parth BhattI think you will need to use DatePicker. Also you can use UILocalNotifications, which could be a great help. You can pick Alarm date from DatePicker and then set it as fireDate for your UILocalNotification. For more information you may want to refer to UIDatePicker Class Reference and UILocalN...

i have searched a lot but they all are telling about using local notifications
is there any other way ?
@Bobj-C aaeen
@KuldeepSinghDhariwal Probably not..why?
actually i want to show three buttons on the screen when alarm will ring and want to apply custom action on that
so how could i do that
@BornSurvivor : after cropping the image u will have a image that is present in the imageview, i hope when we send that imageview.image as the returned object u can get that
@BornSurvivor : i hope this will work for u, sorry for late reply
@Bobj-C .
@KenHui, actully i m also follow same way... that u following nw
@borrrden : can we provide custom view to the local notifications in iphone
@hi, any body know how the 'whats app' messaging is working, are they using apples built in push notification or something else. I am not asking for exact answer but just idea
@KuldeepSinghDhariwal No
This is "how it is working"
Can any one please tell me how to add text and image in textview like mms feature in iMessages app ?
@ram You need a custom view, which will render an image and then render the text on top of it
i'll be back later
posted on August 23, 2012 by Johann

The UICalloutView (those “bubbles” you see in map view) is a control that has been mimicked many different times. with numerous popout type views.  There’s some good ones, but none have the same level of versatility as the official UICalloutView which unfortunately is only available for use with map annotations. Nick Farina has created a [...]

@iYahoo : No problem...:)
pointer to unsigned char or char array? or just unsigned char not array or pointer
@ram you need to use Core Text
@Armaan Just unsigned char
@Armaan no array, no pointer
@Hector ;)
@Smith:As far as I know you can't express image as a single unsigned character
@Armaan basicallyi have a function in which i have to pass image as unsigned char, but i dont know how to do this
@Armaan I am using this code: github.com/OgreSwamp/ObjFloodFill/downloads
@Armaan will you please check this code and tell me what should i do to pass image in unsined char
@Smith:Let me take a look
@Armaan thanks
@BornSurvivor : will that work???
@BornSurvivor : worked on ios 5 Twitter ???
@Smith:which method you are using
@borrrden I could able to for sms. now i want to do it for mms. Keep on trying to add image but i could not. Please could you suggest any link to add image..
@Armaan I am using 1st method * Flood Fill 4 algorythm, stack based
@iYahoo : No not worked on it,btw my issue solved
@Armaan i am using this code in my project and i have an iage in ehich i want to do add floodfill algorithm
@Armaan : worked on ios 5 Twitter ???
@BornSurvivor : is it How ?
can u give that piece of code
@iYahoo : But Wats your issue?
Code for image cropping?
@BornSurvivor : yes
@BornSurvivor : i need to get followers and following from Twitter account
@hector thanks for your suggestion...
using iOS 5 twitetr framework
@Smith: Just for confirmation are you using this: +(int)floodfillX:(int)x Y:(int)y image:(unsigned char*)image width:(int)w height:(int)h origIntColor:(int)iOrigColor replacementIntColor:(int)iColor
@Armaan YUP!
@Smith:Check method signature properly. It is a pointer to unsigned character
k fast, ho can i reload uiappearance codes?
@Armaan oppssssss sorry !!! BTW how do i pass UIImage in unsigned char
@Armaan pointer to unsigned chart
meaning if i set it by pressing a button, but then select a another and only messes with uiappearance it will change that
@Armaan How to pass UIImage in this
@Smith:Convert image into NSdata and after that use Bytes method of nsdata. you will get what you wnat
@Armaan any code ?
@Smith:All are just for idea. might not be exact.
@Armaan thanks alot
@KuldeepSinghDhariwal refer these tutorial
@Hector thanks..
@sreecharan Hi
@borrrden @sreecharan hi..
@KuldeepSinghDhariwal :)
@borrrden in multitasking how could i know tht my application is terminated... ( stop executing) .....
Hello @Hector @sam
@borrrden my applicationwillterminate method is not called in multitasking system....
@sam That is normal
instead you will get applicationDidEnterBackground
for 90% of the time
@borrrden yes okk i got it ....
@borrrden thanks
@BornSurvivor : OKay Thank u
@Smith yes
@Smith kitani bar repeat karon ge ?
@Smith wo to thik he code to do
@iHungry saved files have frame size : 0 only. i donno write / read wrongly ~
    NSDictionary *audioSetting = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                                  [ NSNumber numberWithFloat:44100.0], AVSampleRateKey,
                                  [ NSNumber numberWithInt:2], AVNumberOfChannelsKey,
                                  [ NSNumber numberWithInt:16], AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey,
                                  [ NSNumber numberWithInt:kAudioFormatLinearPCM], AVFormatIDKey,
                                  [ NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], AVLinearPCMIsFloatKey,
ur setting of sound asset should have be like this
@BornSurvivor: no idea ..may be by using colorBlend..did you solve it??
@iPhoneDeveloper hello
Yeah ,done : @iPhoneDeveloper
@all hello
@dark : Hello
@BornSurvivor have you worked with downloading files . I just want to calcualte remaining downloading time of files
@dark : Not exactly,if I get anything ,will let you know!
@all, I am using this code to apply floodfill in my app, but i cannot successfully implement this in my code. Kindly help me

@EngravingMoorthy +1
@BornSurvivor have you worked with downloading files . I just want to calcualte remaining downloading time of files
@Bobj-C :)
@dark Are you using NSURLConnection?
hey guys any one know that when will be the new mac mini 2012 release?
Jul 26 at 18:52, by Abizern
@byte - youre delegate methods tell you when you get new data. Each time it does that you start a timer, and when the next chunk comes down you get the size of the data and a new time. You now know how much data has come down, and how long it took. That should let you estimate the download speed.
@dark I think that would be helpful :-)
@T-X I'd forgotten I'd even written that.
@Abizern I learned it from you, so i remember :-)
@NikhilBansal: hi
@BornSurvivor: ok good :)
@iPhoneDeveloper : Busy ???
@T-X Meh - I think you're the only person who listens to me anyway.
@Abizern It's been a while ^^
@borrrden What? Since yesterday?
Did we talk yesterday? o,0
@borrrden Oh - a while in that sense.
Oh, yes, in that sense ^^;
@T-X kindly explain me retain and id in objective c ?
@Abizern I just thought we can possibly make use of difference between the time stamps (instead of timers) to do the same something in this way !?
hello friends.
@T-X That is the better way to do it. Because it works on the last chunk downloaded speed so is more accurate. However - It's a problem if you suddenly get a slow chunk downloaded, the estimated time will suddenly go up.
Im back
@T-x i download new Xcode version and make project universal and add some code in implement file now when i build give me this error "linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)"
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_Story", referenced from:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CustomURLConnection", referenced from:
i want set recording sound as notification alarm sound it's possible or not?
@AliRaza Looks like some framework is missing. See if you forgot to include some framework.
@T-X i added all framework
but give same error
@T-X So you need to smooth it out. One way would be to use a low-pass filter. There as a the AccelorometerGraph sample code that demonstrates this on the Accelerometer data - I'm sure you can adapt the principles to download rates.
@T-X Hey...Whats up ?
@Abizern Thanks. Will look into it :-)
@SJS I am phantashtic
@AliRaza Have you added the imports for the Story class and the CustomURLConnection class
@T-X you are always.... :-)
@Abizern yes brother i Import both class
pls help me.
@BornSurvivor ha a bit..:(
one of my apps got rejected so i am working on that..
what about you?
@BornSurvivor hi
@Abizern i add only 6 framework that is flowing MessageUI.framework Security.framework System Configuration.framework UIKit.framework Foundation.framework Core Graphics.framework
now you tell me what is messing in those framework
01:00 - 10:0010:00 - 22:00

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