ok sooo i have this issue, so my web view has tab mode, like apples safari. if not in tab mode, rotates perfect, if in tab mode, depending on the direction i enter tab mode in i get the perfect mini rotated version. it uses a scale transform when entering, if im landscape and enter tab mode, its perfect mini version in middle of screen landscape web view, but if i rotate IN tab mode to portrait, it will look weird.
and so if in portrait mode and enter tab mode, it looks good portrait, but rotating to landscape it makes it look funky and then it gets all mixed up, currently i use -(void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation
and see if its tab mode, and if so it changes the height and width to its tab mode height and width so it can go back to normal mode to interact with that 1 tab correctly, if i change it to the will rotate method it gets messed up, but in the did rotate it loooks wierd, then auto goes to how i want it to look, is there a way to intercept it so it looks like it naturally came out the way i want it without having to call it after it rotated and not using the will?
so basically its a safari clone on tabbing (apple doesnt care if you copy their safari or use their images i guess? a app i have uses all their images and function) anyways, so when rotating in tab mode (viewing all tabs open like safaris, using a transform to "zoom" out), they get into wierd shapes and then if i do go back to the normal shape before clicking to open the tab, then all tabs are messed up
but i got it to work using the did rotate code, will rotate is too early i guess and still messes up, right now i just deleted all code because it was so messy still messing up. so i have to basically rotate 2 labels, a scale transformed webview, another scrollview containing ALL of the web views, and a page object
so whats a good, easy way i can handle everything? would it be easier to make a nsobject to keep the web view, and both labels so when adding to view or anything i can access each of the objects by using that 1 nsobject?
wierd rotation codes arnt working, right now it returns no to not rotate at all but still will:/ i hate how apple took out the rotate codes in the templates and the #pragma in the template
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We found the user interface of your app is not of sufficient quality to be appropriate for the App Store. Apps that provide a poor user experience are not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines<https://developer.apple.com/appstore/resources/approval/guidelines.html>
@sreecharan is there any way to find track or songs count ? am using the AVAudioplayer for to play the songs now my query is how to find the how many times to played particular song
So, i have made it as single instance app and i am storing the page number which user closed in NSUserDefaults and i need to show that page after splash
u have to just show splash screen every time .. even application in background then show his first flash screen but u have to keep ur application alive till splash screen
Has anybody implemented a feature where if the user has not touched the screen for a certain time period, you take a certain action? I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that.
There's this somewhat-related method in UIApplication:
[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled;
Previously I mentioned the Bwoken library that provides a Coffeescript based UIAutomation test runner. The Robot Framework is a popular test automation framework available on a number of platforms. Recently I came across a Python project inspired by the Robot Framework that is a popular automation framework on a number of platforms. This library provides an [...]
@user923370 You have specified maximum number of touches to be 1. So the max touch index you can query is 0. You are trying to access touch/finger index 1, which goes out of bounds. The crash log explains everything itself.
@all one small logical query... : a rather simple one : I have a string with 00:00 AM format...it can also take values 00:30 AM or 00:15 AM ; now I just want to replace the first 00 of this string with 12.....how to do that..??
I have to create a Custom Shaped (Inverted T) Bordered Uiview iOS.
I am attaching the screen shot below.
I have researched lot and i found a way using UIBezierPath from here
But i didn't get any idea to shape my view as Inverted T shaped.
Any help on this issue is appreciated
@Ramshad am using uipangesture for uiview animation to move the view its working fine but now am going to draw the free hand lines that's y i want to get the x, y position on the view do u know any idea
@T-X @iCrazyDev i am trying to get images in background from this code. [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadImageInBackground:) withObject:arr];
@Hrushikesh Take a look at + (id)blockOperationWithBlock:(void (^)(void))block method. We instantiate the block operation with that method specifying the block to execute asynchronously. Then after that, call [yourBlockOperationObject start];. It will start executing.
@Abizern @Hector @EngravingMoorthy @Hector @T-X @Bobj-C @Rajesh @sreecharan @ilis @iYahoo @dark : I have problem with transformation or rotation of ViewController........ here is my code codeviewer.org/view/code:2910 it is the face detection by capturing the file. it work perfectly but it show inverted image in ViewController.
@WarrenFaith That's the worry - There are only a double handful in here that are serious. The locked Android rooms work well because you have a core of owners with a common purpose. Around the outside you have dozens of other Android Rooms that are fairly noisy.
What he means is read the chats to see my "insulting" behaviour.
yes and the room is guarded to keep it that way. Nonetheless new users are granted access if their SO/Chat history shows that they can behave them self and that they work with and for the community even if they ask for help
I just recommend it, if you do it is your choice
I wouldn't like to participate in a chat that drives me nuts
I dont know android rooms are good or not i want to learn android and I have sent request to room owner and still they have not approved that its more then couple of months
@dark well I can ask an owner if they want to give you access. You have low reputation and currently no android Q or A, so not sure how they will react to your request
@Hrushikesh, ah! You need to put your labels into "proxy" subview of scrolview, not directly to it. And return that "proxy" in viewForZooming method (named smething like that) in delegate
Hey guys. Got a question. I fill my NSArray with names in random order from the web. I just can't figure out how to still have a numbering on the left side. Like "1. Name1 2. Name2 3. Name3" or "1.Name2 2.Name1 3.Name3" - Could anyone help me with that?