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ok sooo i have this issue, so my web view has tab mode, like apples safari. if not in tab mode, rotates perfect, if in tab mode, depending on the direction i enter tab mode in i get the perfect mini rotated version. it uses a scale transform when entering, if im landscape and enter tab mode, its perfect mini version in middle of screen landscape web view, but if i rotate IN tab mode to portrait, it will look weird.
and so if in portrait mode and enter tab mode, it looks good portrait, but rotating to landscape it makes it look funky and then it gets all mixed up, currently i use -(void)didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOri‌​entation
and see if its tab mode, and if so it changes the height and width to its tab mode height and width so it can go back to normal mode to interact with that 1 tab correctly, if i change it to the will rotate method it gets messed up, but in the did rotate it loooks wierd, then auto goes to how i want it to look, is there a way to intercept it so it looks like it naturally came out the way i want it without having to call it after it rotated and not using the will?
Noob question: how can I add a static image to the program? I've imported it and I have no clue what to do next. any help?
no one?
@pete uiimageview
@Max yeah but when I add it this is what happens:
whats the code?
uh, what code? Sorry I'm new to Xcode.
for the image
ahh a mac app
yeah lol woo!
whats that error
this main.m file looking for cocoa application
not for iOS application
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

#import "AppDelegate.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
@autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
oh shit yeah. sorry
this code for iOS
darn ok what do I need to do?
BTW, this error showing the application main run loop end due to some reason
make a new app in xcode and change to ios
and @ihungry can you help with rotational issues?
@MaxHasADHD, tell
so basically its a safari clone on tabbing (apple doesnt care if you copy their safari or use their images i guess? a app i have uses all their images and function) anyways, so when rotating in tab mode (viewing all tabs open like safaris, using a transform to "zoom" out), they get into wierd shapes and then if i do go back to the normal shape before clicking to open the tab, then all tabs are messed up
but i got it to work using the did rotate code, will rotate is too early i guess and still messes up, right now i just deleted all code because it was so messy still messing up. so i have to basically rotate 2 labels, a scale transformed webview, another scrollview containing ALL of the web views, and a page object
i will tell u later if it possible for me
so whats a good, easy way i can handle everything? would it be easier to make a nsobject to keep the web view, and both labels so when adding to view or anything i can access each of the objects by using that 1 nsobject?
my TEA time
wierd rotation codes arnt working, right now it returns no to not rotate at all but still will:/ i hate how apple took out the rotate codes in the templates and the #pragma in the template
@All GM
u have to keep fix property of Autosizing programmatically
of all controls
ur all control will anchor as per this property after rotation itself
its all in code
i have gave the web views width and height, the outer scroll view has all of them, the labels have the left flexible and width
but anyways im just making methods checking device rotation and tab mode and returning the correct number
app rejected :(
Unfortunately this has been rejected. Please review the notes below and let
me know what you would like to do:


We found the user interface of your app is not of sufficient quality to be
appropriate for the App Store. Apps that provide a poor user experience are
not in compliance with the App Store Review
what to do next?
make it look better?
show pictures of the app on here
apple doesnt like ugly apps? or if its too much liek theirs(unless you copy safari, they allow that????)
its a tableview and search with segments
once user search something and selects something...we send them to appropriate link in our website
oh, i dont know, needs more
Morning folks
Hi ALL gud M+++ng
@sreecharan is there any way to find track or songs count ? am using the AVAudioplayer for to play the songs now my query is how to find the how many times to played particular song
@iCrazyDev How are you playing those songs, aren't they coming from an array?
@T-X aaeen
@sreecharan ya its coming from array... the songs are statically located in document directory
@iCrazyDev Then get the count of that array
@sreecharan aaeen
@T-X Wassup?
@sreecharan iMessages is nice :-)
@sreecharan will u help with yesterday's issue how to stop song when App deletes from background?
Didn't try dictation. I would like to see what happens when we say aaeen using dictation. I need to buy an ear phone.
@T-X, good morning madam
@iHungry Hi
Hi all
@T-X Hi. Aaeen
@T-X, firefox che free SQLite plugin aahe te foreign key mechanism la support karate ka?
@iHungry ho, even foreign key constraints are supported.
@all, Firefox SQLite plugin support to foreign key mechanism ??
@iHungry SQLite addon, right?
@T-X, then what to do
yes i have addon
@iHungry Yes, it has foreign key support. So what is the issue?
@T-X, nope i was read few months ago it not supporting ... i don't know about latest version
Hi all
may be i m wrong
@T-X Ok
@NikhilBansal still not solved, i need time to solve it, i have to check the docs of iPodMusicPlayer
Ok @T-X I need a small suggestion actually, I have a pdf reader with a pdf book of 300 pages.
@sreecharan ok
@T-X Now my client needs me to show the splash page when ever the user open the app.
even application is in background state?
So, i have made it as single instance app and i am storing the page number which user closed in NSUserDefaults and i need to show that page after splash
Now user defaults is not working well
Any have any sample code u creating foreign key in sqlite firefox addon plugin and used it in objective-C??? ... its not mandatory
either i am not storing well or it is not working well
y u wanting to storing page number inside NSUserdefault
@sreecharan hi good morning
Morning @srinivas
@sreecharan i am facing problem while posting an image in to facebook,through fbgraph can you please help me to solve this issue
No fb questions please
I donno fbgraph though
u have to just show splash screen every time .. even application in background then show his first flash screen but u have to keep ur application alive till splash screen
can you please check this
@iHungry hi
@iHungry can you please guide me to solve this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/12055635/…
@all good afternoon guys! :D
@sreecharan You want to show splash screen when app resumes from background?
guys... how will i know if the view is idle time??? :D
@T-X Yes, I have tried DidBecomeActive also
@GeraldStojakovic idle time?
yeah... i want to know if the user has not make any event or action in the view(touch,pressing button like that)...
@srinivas the image get from bundle or photo library
@iCrazyDev posting from imageview
@sreecharan Yes. That is the way suggested in a post.
@T-X Never mind, solved
Q: iPhone: Detecting user inactivity/idle time since last screen touch

Mike McMasterHas anybody implemented a feature where if the user has not touched the screen for a certain time period, you take a certain action? I'm trying to figure out the best way to do that. There's this somewhat-related method in UIApplication: [UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled; It...

@sreecharan i'll check that :D thanks
posted on August 22, 2012 by Johann

Previously  I mentioned the Bwoken library that provides a Coffeescript based UIAutomation test runner. The Robot Framework is a popular test automation framework available on a number of platforms. Recently I came across a Python project inspired by the Robot Framework that is a popular automation framework on a number of platforms. This library provides an [...]

@T-X Do you know How to use UIAutomation to create iPhone UI tests ?
@sreecharan No, sorry.
@T-X Just looking at this feed, Automation Library i got this doubt about UIAutomation, lol
@srinivas check my post
@iCrazyDev I will check that
@sreecharan lol
@sreecharan hi
@sreecharan you worked on PAN gesture?
Hi TO All
@user923370 May be
@orgami Is your uislider problem solved?
@sandy Hi
@Hector hello
@sreecharan can you please have a look at this question
@user923370 where is minimumNumberOfTouches ??
@sreecharan When I use panGestureRecognizer.maximumNumberOfTouches = 1; panGestureRecognizer.minimumNumberOfTouches =1; still it is crashing.
@sreecharan this is me code
@sreecharan can you please kindly look at it?
@sreecharan you there ?
why are you asking me @user923370 ? ask @Hector. He's the man!
@Hector hi
@Hector can you please help me?
@Hector you her?
@user923370 You have specified maximum number of touches to be 1. So the max touch index you can query is 0. You are trying to access touch/finger index 1, which goes out of bounds. The crash log explains everything itself.
@Hector When I use panGestureRecognizer.maximumNumberOfTouches = 2; panGestureRecognizer.minimumNumberOfTouches = 2; then it is not entering into the

- (void)panGestureHandler:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)sender method.
@Hector this is the problem im facing
@user923370 In this case, with how many fingers you are trying to pan?
@Hector im testing in simulator.
@T-X He needs tuna, he dont want to learn fishing, Just give him a tuna, he will be very happy...
I am on brb :-)
brb means?
Be right Back
thanks :)
@T-X hii
@iHungry hi
@sreecharan hi
@orgami hi
@SJS hi
@DimplePanchal hi
@Leena hi
@keepsmiling hello
@all one small logical query... : a rather simple one : I have a string with 00:00 AM format...it can also take values 00:30 AM or 00:15 AM ; now I just want to replace the first 00 of this string with 12.....how to do that..??
@keepsmiling replace string by occuramce
@all using methods like stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString
@keepsmiling Just tell your Date formatter to show time in 12 hour format
but then what would happen is : if the string has 00:00 AM then both of the 00 get replaced by 12.
then go for NSDateformater
@sreecharan the time I am getting is obtained as a string from server and have to put on a view .
@keepsmiling Yes, while showing in the view , format it
what's difficult init?
i searches but isn't there a method like string by replacing first occurence of string..??
eh? @keepsmiling why do you want stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString ??
who has asked you to use it?
@sreecharan you mean to say use method : formatter datefromstring:@"string" ......is it..??
@sreecharan nobody asked me...I am just going for hit and trial...and trying to get a solution from that method too..if possible..!!
@keepsmiling When
I told you to use 12 hour Date Format
Aug 13 at 9:07, by sree charan
Check these 2 links
@sreecharan ok ok...I get it...it is possible...there's a method in java...so I thought there might be one in objective C too...!!
Good aft noon... how to pass my whole html content in a string to webview....
can we uploade .ipa on Google Play appstore ?
Very Good Question @Tauseef
But I think Google use apk files
Not ipa
hmmm yes
@Bobj-C aaeen
@T-X Hello
@T-X have u watched the 212 session of WWDC ??it is awesome
@Bobj-C What is the title of that session?
Q: Custom Shaped (Inverted T) Bordered Uiview iOS

RamshadI have to create a Custom Shaped (Inverted T) Bordered Uiview iOS. I am attaching the screen shot below. I have researched lot and i found a way using UIBezierPath from here But i didn't get any idea to shape my view as Inverted T shaped. Any help on this issue is appreciated Thanks

@T-X Session 212 - Basics+Habits_ Building Your Software Projects To Last
@Ramshad I have already told you to make it by using Core Graphics- BeizerPath and Core Animation- CAShapeLayer, right ?
@Bobj-C Nope. I will watch it tonight :-)
@T-X recommended Video from u
@sreecharan @Ramshad gud morning...is there any way to find the x,y position am using uipangesture
@T-X also this is great Session 200 - What's New in Cocoa Touch
@iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry Do you know how to record video only from UIImagepickerController
@iCrazyDev: sender object frame ?
@Bobj-C I will watch it :-) Thanks
@Ramshad am using uipangesture for uiview animation to move the view its working fine but now am going to draw the free hand lines that's y i want to get the x, y position on the view do u know any idea
@T-X what you have seen for now ?
@iCrazyDev You could use the gesture recognizer its locationInView: function
@Ramshad ya i used this code but it crashed- (void)move:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gesture
NSLog(@"%d", [gesture locationInView:self].x);
@Bobj-C Autolayout, Modern Objective C, Adopting Modern Objective C, Collection views, Whats new with maps.
@T-X @iCrazyDev hello how can i stop my background task in iphone sdk
@T-X : hi
u have changed ur name
@Ramshad : Hi
@T-X @iCrazyDev i am trying to get images in background from this code.
[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadImageInBackground:) withObject:arr];
@Ramshad: have u worked on FBGraphAPI, if so can u say me how can i share image to facebook
@iCrazyDev: use this in your move method
float originX = (UIView *)sender.view.frame.origin.x;
@Hrushikesh There is no way. Better make use of NSOperation or NSBlockOperation to perform asynchronously with capability to cancel it anytime.
@T-X GCD is also better, i guess :P
@iYahoo: hi
@iYahoo: not worked
@iCrazyDev: worked ??
@Ramshad : Okay
@T-X thnx can you give me some sample on NSOperation or NSBlockOperation?
@T-X Really the room IOS Developers is meant for Dogs, I should not dare to go there from now
@iCrazyDev: sender.view will return the sender object, It may be ur View, button etc.. so just convert and acess the properrties
whoa! @ilis is here?
wassup? after long time
@T-X ok thnx
@Hrushikesh Take a look at + (id)blockOperationWithBlock:(void (^)(void))block method. We instantiate the block operation with that method specifying the block to execute asynchronously. Then after that, call [yourBlockOperationObject start];. It will start executing.
@sreecharan true good one. he he he really appreciate.
@T-X Lol, he asked you Tuna, you've given him a Fishing pad
Non-sense MP
@DimplePanchal @Leena : worked on FBGRaph API
@All Hi
@sreecharan is it possible to find given location is airport or not in apple geocoder
Morning everyone
Good Aphtarnoon
It's morning.
@iYahoo no
No, It ij aphtarnoon.
@Abizern If you are nearer to me now, I would have told you to slap me
It's still morning for me.
@sreecharan Not all of them.
Lunch time
Breakfast time.
Hello all, i have been back for a very long time. @sreecharan pinged me so i came to say hello
novadays i'm working on a web page project, so i dont have so much time to come to ios room
@sreecharan how are you man?
@sreecharan @Abizern just now finished lunch
Still having my first breakfast.
@sreecharan I've put everyone who is in that room on my ignore list.
@sreecharan :(
@Rajesh tamil ?
@Abizern any reason ?
@EngravingMoorthy YEah..... U???
@EngravingMoorthy Hi
yup me too @Rajesh :) entha ooru ?
hi @Hector how r u mate ?
@EngravingMoorthy 5n & u ?
@EngravingMoorthy Coimbatore.... now in bangalore
@Hector i'm fine :)
@Rajesh ohh iOS ?
@Abizern - WHY SO SERIOUS ...... Just think what you do.
@iPhoneDeveloper : Hello
@Abizern @Hector @EngravingMoorthy @Hector @T-X @Bobj-C @Rajesh @sreecharan @ilis @iYahoo @dark : I have problem with transformation or rotation of ViewController........ here is my code codeviewer.org/view/code:2910 it is the face detection by capturing the file. it work perfectly but it show inverted image in ViewController.
@Abizern what happened ?
@PraviJay I would nuke you for random pinging... Who ever owns this place should clean up!
@dark this is for those images which flipped left to right....bu my image flipped up to down
@WarrenFaith: oops... sorry
@Abizern how to get a string value assigned inside a block
@Abizern here nslog prints null
Abizern, you should make this room private and handle access requests... I am sorry for you...
@WarrenFaith I'm just ignoring them and hopefully they'll migrate to a room with their own level. I'm sorry if you get pinged.
@dark : thnx sir
Well if you can do that, you are lucky but no serious dev will stay longer than 5 minutes here
just think about whats best for this room...
the android room works great with restricted access
@WarrenFaith - If you dont mind I would like to suggest you read the all chats.
not sure what you mean with "read the all chats"
@WarrenFaith That's the worry - There are only a double handful in here that are serious. The locked Android rooms work well because you have a core of owners with a common purpose. Around the outside you have dozens of other Android Rooms that are fairly noisy.
What he means is read the chats to see my "insulting" behaviour.
yes and the room is guarded to keep it that way. Nonetheless new users are granted access if their SO/Chat history shows that they can behave them self and that they work with and for the community even if they ask for help
I just recommend it, if you do it is your choice
I wouldn't like to participate in a chat that drives me nuts
I dont know android rooms are good or not i want to learn android and I have sent request to room owner and still they have not approved that its more then couple of months
and I have read all flagged posts from this room
there are multiple restricted android rooms around, which one do you mean?
@dark : they are selfish people sir
@WarrenFaith - see this..... The well educated people.
Almost all of them apart from yours - which is the one that everyone wants to get into.
@Abizern I need to make a list to ignore them now
@sreecharan - From which school you have read.
@sreecharan I just went in and ignored everyone who is in there.
@VakulSaini : lol
@WarrenFaith what is the purpose of such room then if I have some question in my mind and am not able to ask my question it seems nonsense
@dark well I can ask an owner if they want to give you access. You have low reputation and currently no android Q or A, so not sure how they will react to your request
how to pinch zoom scrollview?
@Abizern I agree with @WarrenFaith we need to make this room private, All the dogs are creeping in here
scrollview contain multiple lables?
@WarrenFaith that time I have 131 and we need 25 for chat i think if am not wrong
IS this the way he talks like
@Dark you have 81 reputation
@dark : Your mirror image issue solves?
@WarrenFaith sir @Abizern always ignore me
@WarrenFaith yes that is now becuase I have bounty one question for 50 points it goes to 81 one week before not couple of months before :)
@DimplePanchal your link doesn't work
@BornSurvivor i didn't face this issue
check now
still not working
@dark : Okay,I just saw that link,so asked..
how come that is working
I always get a "page not found"
that messages has been deleted I think
@BornSurvivor its ok :)
@WarrenFaith see this I hope this will work
Is this any way to pinch zoom uiscrollview?
@DimplePanchal I guess the general surrounding results in such a behaviour
@WarrenFaith : Dimple Panchal @DimplePanchal or @dark are so nice make him/her owner of this room
Like if someone bites you, you bites back
@Hrushikesh, check minimum/maximumZoomValue properties?
@WarrenFaith we never bite, and this was not the way to bite
I dont want that @PraviJay
its not working.
in a conversation you don't need to constantly ping...
using min and max value i can zoom only 1 sub item of scrollview.
@Hrushikesh "its not working" is not a description, same as "it is working on my machine" would not be an answer )
i want to zoom multiple lable within scrolview.
Whoa - WTH -> Let's all come into the room and slag me off.
@Hrushikesh, ah! You need to put your labels into "proxy" subview of scrolview, not directly to it. And return that "proxy" in viewForZooming method (named smething like that) in delegate
@Abizern ohhh my foot r u here......uuuuuuuuch
I always tells you @Abizern Dont be trapped by a drogma
@Abizern :(
@Abizern what the hell is going on with this room ? why are you so angry ?
I am out, too. cya!
bye sir
Hey guys. Got a question. I fill my NSArray with names in random order from the web. I just can't figure out how to still have a numbering on the left side. Like "1. Name1 2. Name2 3. Name3" or "1.Name2 2.Name1 3.Name3" - Could anyone help me with that?
@Blade XML Parsing

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