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I am back.
@Armaan can you send me the link of demo app for that functionality
Mhanatat na!!!!!! bolanarachi kapashi vikali jate........ ani na bolanarya-che gavran gahu pan vikale jat nahi
@JaspreetSingh: You can check this raywenderlich.com/1980/…
Hii to All
@Terminator tumahri marriage wali konsi app thi?
iMarriage :)
@iProgrammer kya marriage
@Terminator 1 app banayi thi na tumne
@iProgrammer yaha mat bolo
@Terminator y
hi room...Pls answer this question stackoverflow.com/questions/12004640/…
@iProgrammer log copy karke resume me likh dete hai
@Terminator oh
@iProgrammer i will sms you
@Terminator ok
Terminator were u able to run the proj ... .did u read my mail?
posted on August 17, 2012 by marie

Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news! Twitter Starts Clamping Down On Third-Party Apps With New Rules - Twitter has announced some new changes that make it significantly more difficult and tedious to develop third-party software around the social network. Horn Brings [...]

@orgami I am in office. I saw your code at home but it can't run on Simulator. I tried to understand the code and modified it.
@orgami If you can upload your project to git, i can run it now in office on device. Else wait for me to reach home.
@VSN check my post
@Terminator Aaeen
@VidyaMurthy whats up
@Terminator Nothing much.. Hows work?
@VidyaMurthy Last day today :-)
@Terminator how can i check the mpmediaplayer has song or not
@Terminator is there any solution to check the mediaitem in mpmediaplayer
@JaspreetSingh Whats MPMediaPlayer? I can't find any such thing.
@Terminator Really?? Nice!!
@Terminator its okey
@Terminator do u have device in ur office
@orgami Yes
@Terminator i have mailed u the project .. u can use that in ur office
@orgami Mails are all blocked, that is the problem.
oh k
@orgami Forget it, I have modified the code without actually running the project and most probably it will work. I will send you once i reach home after 3.5 hours from now.
hmm let me put it in dropbox how about that
@ALL hi
CLGeocoder sending same placemark twice
@orgami Yes, i could download it, but i will have to again write the code. And i am leaving after 45 minutes. I think it would be better to wait 3.5 hours.
Hi anyone please help me on in-app purchase
@iCrazyDev: ok thank you
@Terminator can u help me
@Arvind Yes say
terminator .. ok .i'll ttyl .. got to go bye have fun people
Arun, what's the issue you're having?
@orgami See you
@rehatkathuria do we need to submit our app into appstore for achieve inapp purchase?
anyone knows about google task api ??
"2642 Broadway, New York City, NY 10025-5023, United States",
"2642 Broadway, New York City, NY 10025-5023, United States"
CLGeocoder sends this address twice
Yes, I believe you need to have created the app in the iTunes Provisioning Portal to enable in app purchases in an app.
I have done ti
Have you built the app you're trying to add in app purchasing to? Does it exist in the store?
I have add the products too, but I am unable to get the productlist thru the program
i m searching address in searchbar
Arun, provide us with some code and the errors you're getting through gist/pastebin.
@Terminator aaj last day hai office me?
done geocoding in textdidchange method
Oh Sorry, It says forward geocoding might return multiple results as the address could be ambiguous
Hello All..
@Terminator hello..
Can you log the place mark's coordinate and see if they are exactly the same
@DimplePanchal hi...
s both are exactly same
ll post pastebin now
sure i will provide. and also it is necessary to agree "iOS Paid Applications" under section "Contracts, Tax, and Banking"
It's usually a good idea to sign those contracts, even if you're not planning on releasing a paid app in the near future.
@Terminator thanx for ur help dude...fixed it!!!
@Arvind How?
Yeah. My question it is necessary to fill all details ( Contact Info,Bank Info,Tax Info )
or its an optional one
@Terminator @MichaelDautermann @sreecharan @SJS @Tauseef
anyone knows about google task api ??
@WhitePearl Hi
@Endeavor Nope
thats because of a wrong code
I know nothing about Google Task...
@Terminator bahut busy ho ..kya ???
@Endeavor Nope, i donno
@Terminator any way "forward geocoding might return multiple results as the address could be ambiguous" this help me to fix
@Terminator I want play Vedio Song when i click on button than play Song
@Terminator Server and Local Both
Hello every body!)
can anyone tell me how to make an image gallery in storyboard?
@rehatkathuria, did you get my last question?
@sreecharan hello
Hello @WhitePearl
@Endeavor sorry bro..
@sreecharan can u help me ??
@WhitePearl I think AVPlayer can play local and remote files both.
@sreecharan can u send any Example link ??
@WhitePearl But what is your question?
@ArunGanesh I can't say for certain, it's been a while since I filled those forms out.
@sreecharan my Que.. I want Play Vedio Song Local And Remot.. When i click on Button than play a song..
Hi guys, I have a general architecture question involving cocoa NSTableView, NSTableCellView and Core Data. Can anyone give me a little advice ?
You need an advice Mr.Vince? well can you straight away ask your question clearly
all right
Guys I'm newbie in iOS and I want to communicate with professionals!!!)) And also I want up my skill in English because I'm from other country!!))) Can some body add me to Skype???))
@Rehatkathuria, Actually I missed your question, I have just add a dummy app in to iTune connect
using this app we are going to test inapp purchase
@user1496571_BrainOverflow No body is free here to chat with you on Skype, everybody are busy with there works and if you have any questions, please post them on Stack Over Flow or here
So I have a Core Data model split into two configs (local and iCloud). I have a table view that uses core data bindings and fetches one of my managed object (iCloud).
In my NSTableCell view I need data from another managed object (local). Currently, I use a subclass of NSValueTransformer to fetch the required values.
Is it the right approach ?
well @Vince Initially correct me if i am wrong, Are you coding for iOS or MacOS X ??
sorry of course(( But I want to chat in spare time..
@Vince Your approach looks good, but as i am much familiar to iOS than Mac OS, i haven't used NSValueTransformer yet, i donno how it works though
Ok, thank you anyway.
It seems ok because it doesn't involve a lot of code but I wanted to get a second opinion. Have a good day :)
which delegate method will call after click on done button of default safari QT media player in iPhone @sreecharan @Vince @Terminator @Mayur @user1496571_BrainOverflow @WhitePearl @VidyaMurthy
in webview
@sreecharan hello
@PraviJay hello
@dark hello bhai how r u ?
@dark split view ke bare me pata he kya
@Nikki hello am fine
@Nikki I have used this about a year before but tell may be i'll help you out
@dark i ma start new application for ipad with split view how to add some more navigationbar button like master button in Portrait mode ??
@Nikki send screen shot here
@dark how to my uplod button is not enable
@Nikki ohh you need to increase you reputation then
@dark hi
@sam hello
@Nikki :)... ok what you want to add on master view in portrait view that is in popoverViewController
@dark yes but i have add some more navigation button
navigation button on what ?
@dark navigation bar button
@dark jese master ke liye hota he na wese or button add karna he navigation bar per bar button
why in portrait view only ?
@Nikki here you add more button barButtonItem.title = @"Root List";
NSMutableArray *items = [[toolbar items] mutableCopy];
[items insertObject:barButtonItem atIndex:0];
[toolbar setItems:items animated:YES];
[items release];
self.popoverController = pc;
@dark no in both
@Nikki add items to toolbar just
@dark ye navigation bar per ho jayega kya
@Nikki yup what you think yh kha show ho rha hai :)
@dark nahi ye to error de raha he
@dark tolbar kaha he
@Nikki why dakh jo link send kia hai too nay wahan per rootList jo show ho rha hai portrait view main wo toolbar per he hai
that is not uinavgationbar
@dark ok to tolbar kaha se du me
@Nikki Hello
@dark NSMutableArray *items = [[toolbar items] mutableCopy];
@Nikki see this tutorial
@dark konsa
@dark i want to know current postal code or area code using coordinates.... i try it but some how not getting code.... any idea abt it
@sam by using latitude and longitude ?
@dark yes
1 hour later…
it's so nice & quiet in here!
It is.. :)
@Michael How are you
all good over here! what's happening over there?
Good... good..
What are best shoes for Running, I am getting painful shin splints recently with New Balance running shoes.
Nike has iPod / iPhone support built into some shoes ;-)
I thought new balance are better because they are made in usa ;)
I like the shoes, build is good. Just not enough cushioning for running on Road.
well either way works for me!
@0x8badf00d Go to a decent sports shoe store and have an old time put you on a pressure pad, or watch you while you run on a treadmill.
From now it wont be quiet @Michael
@0x8badf00d I've bought Reebok ReeZig, these shoes have good cushioning
@VidyaMurthy @lakiniphone hello
@Abizern hello mate. Just want to confirm can we change textField's cursor color ? for iphone app
@mann Dunno, never tried. Have you tried?
@Abizern yes but never succeed. searched a lot but nothing found
@mann I think i've already told you that it is not possible in iOS 5
@sreecharan yes But again client is asking me again n again. So just wanted to be 100% sure.
@sreecharan check what i wrote there for @Abizern . i said i want to confirm :-)
@mann They tell your client to wait until the iOS 6 is released and deploy your app to iOS 6, because this is possible is iOS 6 and dont ask me more details because iOS 6 is under NDA :P
@sreecharan yah sure. Thanks mate. Dont take it personal i do respect your suggestions but these clients are just doin my headace. :-)
sup guys
i am uploading my app dataBase.sqlite file to my dropbox account and i am trying to download it again to my app , is it possible to delete my current dataBase.sqlite and restore it with the downloaded dataBase.sqlite file from dropbox ..?? if yes , can you please explain me how!
@Abizern its working fine when i close the app and reopen it again
@Bala hello
@Abhishek Hello
hii @bala
have you saved your apps passcode in keychain access ? @Bala
@Bala is it possible to change uidatepiker view meridian i want to only show AM or PM
is it save in "hash" format in keychian ?? @Bala
@Abhishek i think its better to use uipickerview ,.
@Tauseef i dont about that
@Terminator can you please look at my above post ?? do you have any idea ??
@Bala I haven't worked with sqlite.
@Bala You just want to deal with replacing files?
hi guys
@Tauseef u can save it in NSUserDefaults
what is h s?
@orgami hi
hey @Terminator
@orgami I need few more minutes. I am making minor changes
hey its cool...take ur time ... hows night going on
Just finished dinner.
nice :)
@Abizern Thanks. Will try pressure pad's. I usually run on roads. I find Treadmill's boring.
@sreecharan Will try these shoes in Shoe store today. Thanks.
@Terminator yup , i have successfully replaced the database file , its working fine when i close the app and reopen it , i think the issue is with managedObjectContext ,
@Bala What error are you getting?
i am not getting any error , i will explain you clearly @Terminator
@orgami Since your app makes use of iPod library, i can't test it on Simulator and i don't have device with me. I have modified your code without running and seeing if it works.
I am sending the project in mail. Let me know what happens.
i'll run it on the device tomo .i'll let u know the result :)
Not now?
i have a Appointment app , in which i have to take a backup of database to dropbox and have to retrieve it back when i tap a button.. @Terminator
i dont have the device with me now ..
Okay, I have sent the mail.
and i am using windows system :P
I would also like to go back to Windows and develop Windows phone 8 apps.
i love the ui design of windows phone 8 .. i planning to buy it .. once MS releases to public :)
It just needs a good hardware and there is nothing to beat it :-)
@Terminator got it ??
i think it has ..since new iphone is also getting released at the same time we will have clear idea who has better smartphone
@Bala Yes, i understood. I think it's possible to use iCloud with Core Data. Thus the database gets backed up for you in the iCloud. But if dropbox is the requirement, then go ahead with it.
@Terminator i am planning to add uislider to my proj .so it automatically reloads when new song is played out ... and next button ...so that i can skip to next song .. can i use the same logic which u have used in a separate method
@orgami If you can see the code, i made use of AVQueuePlayer instead of AVPlayer which you used. Since it's a queue now, we can always ask it to go to next item or to previous item.
@Abizern did you see my answer for the uialertview popover yesterday?
i tried using AVQueuePlayer i wasnt sure how to use it ...
@orgami AVQueuePlayer has this method - (void)advanceToNextItem.
@Terminator ya , and its working too , but there is a issue in it , as i said before that its working fine when i tap the restore button and minimize the app and reopen it again from suspended state ,. i dont know how to resolve this !!
one more imp Q .. when the app is in background does the player goes to next song automatically ?
@Bala Works if you take the app to background or quit the app?
@Terminator Yup
@orgami I think you would need to add audio to the background modes in the info.plist file to have audio play for you in the background.
yeah i have done that .
@Bala No, I am asking. It works if you terminate the app?
the app works in background ..
@orgami I can't say if it will advance. Just try it tomorrow.
@Terminator Yes , its working when i terminate the app , when the goes to suspended state
i feel very hunger , will be back very soon
@Terminator why havent u used NSNotification or AVPlayerITemDidFinish ?
@orgami 'cos the place where AVQueuePlayer is instantiated, i have asked it to advance to next item automatically when the current item's end is reached.
actionAtItemEnd is set to actionAtItemEndAdvance. Something like that if i remember correctly.
ah ok
does it support Airplay ?
@orgami Dunno
Hi @Terminator and @orgami
@orgami How old are you?
@rakeshNS hi
I am also having trouble in using AVPlayer
@Terminator hello buffalo
@dark Hi Dirty fellow
hi @rakeshNS
@Terminator what's going on tell me some good topic to learn I am getting boreeeeeeeeeeeeeddd
I am fetching song from a streaming server
@dark haha Don't ask me, I am planning to switch to Android full time.
Listen to this song .. Take a walk by passion pit
@Terminator I starts playing the UI will freeze for 2 or 3 seconds
UI/AVPlayer ?
@rakeshNS How are you playing? Show some code?
self.audioPlayer = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:url];
[self.audioPlayer seekToTime:kCMTimeZero];
NSArray *tracksKeys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"tracks", @"duration", @"playable", nil];

[audioPlayer.currentItem.asset loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys:tracksKeys completionHandler:^{

NSError *error = nil;
AVKeyValueStatus status = [audioPlayer.currentItem.asset statusOfValueForKey:[tracksKeys objectAtIndex:0] error:&error];
At which line it takes 2-3 seconds?
From stackoverflow I found loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys will make AVPlayer load in asynchronously
rakesh did u put a breakpoint in this method
no i didn`t do that
well u should do that .. then u will get an idea whats happening in that method .and also try to use NSLog
@Terminator i am not sure
@Terminator the statement NSLog(@"status=%@,error=%@",(status==AVKeyValueStatusLoaded?@"Loaded":status==AV‌​KeyValueStatusFailed?@"Failed":@"?!"),error);
will print after some seconds
@Terminator why ?
that onwards the UI start responding
@rakeshNS Yes it will. Is that the delay you are talking about?
is there any way to resolve that
@rakeshNS Wait. Let me first take a look into that method.
@dark 'cos Apple's closed system is becoming too closed to accomodate large number of developers.
rakesh .. have u heard about slow and steady wins the race
@Terminator :) then let me learn android as well hehe :)
@orgami yes
origami why did you asked that?
cause @Terminator told u to wait while T-101 checks ur code
what plans for tomo @Terminator
@rakeshNS I don't think it would block the main thread. Just after loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys:tracksKeys method, write NSLog(@"I am here"); and check this NSLog gets executed first or the NSLog that is present inside the completion block.
@Terminator Aaeen
@anonymous Hi
Another Ray tutorial recommendation..and pinned.. :P
@Terminator Read in magazine that in 2013 Apple will bring revolution in television.
terminator thanks i am gonna check that now
@anonymous Yes. TV was on Steve Job's list.
@Terminator yeah.. And Siri gonna add charm to it
TV is on my list as well
ok guys i am off to bed ..
bye @Terminator thanks for the help :) .. i'll keep u posted about the proj
@orgami Bye
terminator I am here printed first
@rakeshNS So that means the UI is not blocked. The method loadValuesAsynchronouslyForKeys:tracksKeys is not a blocking call. It will return immediately. It executes on a separate thread and hence the main thread (where your app UI runs) is not blocked. And when it finishes execution, the code that you wrote in the completion block is executed for you.
Ok thanks
I will continue debugging the issue having your comments in mind
@iProgrammer hello
@Abhishek hi
@Terminator bye
@rakeshNS Bye. Good luck.
@Terminator hi
@Terminator to aaj office last day tha
@Terminator Ahha..Party
@Terminator ab kya karogi
@Terminator kyo
no interest
@iProgrammer Shaadi ka time ho gaya uska.. :D
@anonymous rite
han hogaya, next year hai
if anybody knows how to compile and run speex , please help
@iProgrammer how to set NSDateComponents time zone like AM or PM
@Abhishek dateformatter se
@iProgrammer mujhe alert dena he selectd time ke according yadi morning ka tine select kiya ho to morning me hi aana chahiye
@iProgrammer kese karu
@Abhishek ni pta
@Abhishek use local notifications
Hello World!
Hi Jack
aaeen @Terminator :)
anyone here have the new mac book pro retina? I think I am going to get one next month, but am wondering if it is better to wait for the new mac pro or imac
@BriOnH my lead has buy this and he said that is awsome :)
@dark is it pretty fast? I need more horsepower when running virtual machines and coding in them
yes that is fast
right now i am on a duo-core 2.4 ghz mbp :-/
yeah i think it probably is the best buy now and even when the new desktop macs comes out'
4g of ram to 16, and SSD will be sweet too wish i could order it today!
heeee :D
well i am gonna go with the 2.7g upgrade and 16g of ram, but stick with the 512g ssd

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