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@hanleyhansen you know how i could encrypt and NSString?
Q: Encrypt NSString using AES-128 and a key

Tristan SeifertI have a basic notes app, and I want to allow the user to have encrypted or secure notes. I have an UI whipped up, but right now, I can't seem to get encryption working. Either it returns me a bunch of garbage or nothing at all. This is what I use to en/decrypt: - (BOOL) encryptWithAES128Key: (N...

didn't think i would have to create a separate class to encrypt/decrypt data
@hanleyhansen you still there?
yeah what's up
so i found this pastie.org/426530 , and created a class called NSData(AES256)
so if i want to encrypt my string with the newly created class how i would i use /type out the AES256EncryptWithKey method?
@Chris Just like any other obj-c method
i am trying to encrypt a string in a different class, so i imported, the header for the NSData(AES256) in the separate class.
These methods won't work on strings
You need to convert the strings to NSData first
Do you understand how class categories work? @Chris
The link you provided is a class category
the pastie link
so i should have created a category instead of a separate class?
no, the pastie link is a category
Do you know what that means?
don't categories provide more methods for a class that already exists
Yes, exactly
well let me create a category then
So your pastie method adds methods to which class?
alright, good
that means anywhere you import these headers, you can use these two methods on any NSData object
im not totally useless (>.>)
hahaha, I'm not trying to be judgmental....I've just learned not to assume too much on SO
I see you've moved to AES as well
do you understand why AES is appropriate for your needs as opposed to MD5?
nope i just did some googling
for encryption / xcode, and came across that pastie link
Well it extends from the difference between encryption (which you want) and hashing (which is something else)
Sometimes when you download something, the site lists the MD5 hash as well
did you notice that?
i do
Did you also notice how incredibly short it is? haha
MD5 is always the same length
It is a hash function
isn't it so you can verify the hash with the site to see if the file has been modified
but hashing is one way
it is infeasible to get the original data back from a hash
yeah i read that all hashes are the same length in characters depending on the encryption your using
depending on the algorithm
you should get used to separating encryption and hashing in your mind
ill remember that
So since you want to get the original data back, you need an encryption algorithm
On the other hand, I use a hash
because I don't want the original data back
I just want to verify a password, so I hash the password that the user entered and compare the hashes
doesn't the encryption algorithm produce a hash
it produces ciphertext
the length of the cipherdata is dependant on the length of the plain data
for any data x and data y, f(x) == f(y) for a working hash function
and for any hash x and hash y, there is a very high chance that the original data is equal if the hash is equal
Theoretically it is possible for two different datas to have the same hash....but this is rare enough in practice to not be a problem
getting into the math of things
This is because there are a limited number of representations vs an unlimited number of possible data inputs
so when i create the "Objective-C category" and make it a category of "NSData" what should i name it, i noticed Xcode is sticking a "+" in my name, and im not really fond of that.
That is the accepted naming convention
(extended class)+(category name).h
I don't think you can just name it "NSData.h" hehehe
yeah i think that would break some things
@borrrden, so i saw this example,

NSString *key = @"my password";
NSString *secret = @"text to encrypt";

NSData *plain = [secret dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSData *cipher = [plain AES256EncryptWithKey:key];
printf("%s\n", [[cipher description] UTF8String]);
but i only have a password, i don't understand the two NSString objects at the top
the first is your key....basically like a password
or textfield.text
The second is the text you want to encrypt
lol the same as it says o,0
What part is difficult to understand?
aren't key & secret the same thing
all i have is one text field
that variable name is not that good
it means "the thing you want to keep secret"
i.e. your plain text
see how it says @"text to encrypt" ? That description is more helpful
i think i get what your saying
encrypt the secret string with the key
but the user doesn't have to know what the key is?
Nobody should know what the key is
except you
can i do a strike through text in a label?
otherwise anybody will be able to decrypt your stuff
@hanleyhansen A UILabel?
@borrrden yeah
Not until iOS 6
and even with iOS 6, it depends on if strike through is supported with NSAttributedString
However, there are plenty of projects on GitHub, etc that are CoreText labels, etc
An alternative would be to put in a font that is strikethrough normally
do you know of a quick tutorial for rss feeds?
@borrrden do you have one in mind?
No, I dislike working with fonts
ever since our client handed over several fonts that were over a decade old and unusable in their current form
lol i hear ya. thanks
PostScript Type 1.....wtf
this time I demanded that they hand over truetype or opentype :p
@borrrden im getting "No visible interface for 'NSData" declares the selector 'AES256EncryptWithKey:"
Did you import the header?
i have #import "NSData+AES256.h"
Where is that?
in the header of "ViewControllerDev.h"
You should only import headers in the .m file, but that's probably not the problem
i am typing the code in the "ViewControllerDev.m"
I see the pastie link only has the implementation
Is that all the code you used? Because it's not enough
yeah thats all the code i used
that's why then
that is the .m file, not the .h file
in the .h file you need to declare an @interface just like any other class
i did
@interface NSData (AES256)
@interface NSData (AES256) ?
and it has those two method signatures in it?
no method signatures :-/
thats what the NSData+AES256.h looks like now, with method signatures and all :)
That header is correct
.h files are for compiler use
more correctly....@interface blocks are for compiler use
@implementation blocks are for linker use
so if it doesn't appear in any @interface, the compiler will have trouble
if someone tries to call that function
Before ARC, it was a warning (albeit a very important one), but with ARC it is a full-blown error
that's the ViewControllerDev.m file
Is something wrong with it?
actually I see a big glaring problem
on line 55
Your assignment is backwards
k fixed that
secret = _tf.text
otherwise you set _tf.text to be the contents of string
which at that point, is an undefined location in memory
likely to cause EXC_BAD_ACCESS
still getting an error on line 58 :-/
ohh i see it
WihKey :-/
oh good!
yay ;)
This is exactly why copying and pasting code is bad
autocomplete will help you a lot xD
@borrrden have you ever worked with push notifactions?
@hanleyhansen Local or Remote? No to both but one is simpler than the other
@borrrden remote. i have a blog feed rss and i get a push notication whenever the feed changes. i need to display the changes in the app. so i need to pull all the new data and display it.
@hanleyhansen Which part are you having trouble with
i'm just trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. i should connect to the rss url on app launch right? or how should i go about the whole thing? @borrrden
how could i update a ui label with the cipher text? i have to convert the NSData to a NSString
@Chris There are methods on NSString that will init it from data
@hanleyhansen For remote notifications you need control of a server
@borrrden the remote notification is already setup. i just have to pull the rss feed.
@borrrden this is the feed: woot.com/blog/feed.rss i'm not sure how to interface with it.
@hanleyhansen Did you look at the RSS link I sent above?
@borrrden i'm reading it now.
@borrrden i tried, this, but it isn't updating my label text,
NSData *cipher = [plain AES256EncryptWithKey:key];
printf("%s\n", [[cipher description] UTF8String]);

// convert cipher data to NSString
NSString *cipherstr = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:[cipher bytes]];

// print cipher text to label
cipherstr = _lbl.text;
You are doing it backwards again!
The left side of the "=" is the one that gets written to
the label just disappears :-/
but i see the hash in the printf statement
[cipher bytes] is not a c string
You are not using the right method
look for methods that init a string with data
Actually this won't work at all
You need to go byte by byte and convert the data to a string
@borrrden thanks for the help, mate, im off to bed, gotta wake up early :-/
ok so i'm pulling the feed on view did load. @borrrden but i'm a little confused about something
In the tutorial you sent me he is populating it to a tableview but i wanna do something else with the data. for example i wanna use the url i am getting for one of my buttons etc. how can i see the data i am pulling? and how can i access it?
Right in the middle he pulls the data out of the http requestFinished method
ANd then parses it
So just do whatever with it instead of adding it to a table view
Ok i see. Thanks. Let me try that.
good morning guys
guys.. how to NSLOG the anchor point? because i want to know the exact anchor point when i click it...
What is "the anchor point" @GeraldStojakovic
hows it going borrrden
lots of bugs to fix
i am kind of stuck in middle of something
when song finishes it should continue to next song .. i have added avplayernotification ..still its getting frozen
@borrrden uhmm im having a hard time regarding the head.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(.5, 1);
You have two choices
what is the principle of AnchorPoint in an UIImageView
either a) output x and y with %f (or %g)
or b) use NSStringFromCGPoint()
@borrrden thanks... by the way.. what is the principle/concept of the AnchorPoint?
It is used for transformations
any transformation will take place with the anchor point as its center
then what about the coordinations? where is (0,0)
top left
what is the max coord.? and where is that?
1,1 bottom right
hi @borrrden gud mrng :) @GeraldStojakovic hi
good morning! :D
@borrrden how come my imageview is lost when i make an anchor point... my image size is (193,139).... what is the problem and my anchorpoint is (.5,1)..
hello good morning all
goodmorning! :D
@borrrden good morning dear.
what do u removed message?
headView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 80, 320, 480)];
    //[headView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
    [self.view addSubview:headView];

headView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(.5, 1);
    CABasicAnimation *theAnimation;
    theAnimation=[CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.rotation"];
    theAnimation.fromValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:M_PI/-3];
    theAnimation.toValue=[NSNumber numberWithFloat:M_PI/3];
@GeraldStojakovic good morning :)
@iHungry good morning :)
@VidyaMurthy good morning :)
@keepsmiling, good morning! :D
@keepsmiling, vGM
@all and apart from good morning...also Keep Smiling :)
@GeraldStojakovic Why are you changing the anchor point?
Hi all
@iHungry hi GM :)
hi @iHungry @EngravingMoorthy gud mrng :)
vGM @Leena :)
how r u ?
Can any one here tell me How can I broadcast a live video from iOS device to a server
i m fine @EngravingMoorthy
GM all
@Nikki GM
@all.... what do you think is my mistake in my code??
@EngravingMoorthy, @Leena, hi vGM
good morning..................@all
@DimplePanchal hii and good morning
@Leena hii good morning.
@keepsmiling hello and vGM
@DimplePanchal how is the weather at your place..??
donno @keepsmiling :P
hello @keepsmiling gud mrng
@DimplePanchal why ? are you in a closed bunker :P
@DimplePanchal anyways....do you have any idea on how to disable accessibility feature on a UILabel..??
@Leena have any idea on how to disable accessibility feature on a UILabel..??
@keepsmiling, disable accessibility feature?????
@keepsmiling yeah some what?
what do u want exactly?
@DimplePanchal can you tell..??
@DimplePanchal @iHungry Hi
gud morning
@iHungry i want no accessibilty feature enabled for a particular UIView/UILabel..!!
Mayur... Mayur ... shahrukh ... shahrukh........
@Mayur hi
@keepsmiling set nil to its parameter.. not much idea.. just a try :(
@iHungry but what if my control is made programmatically..??
@iHungry and not in the xib..??
@keepsmiling, r u beginner?
@iHungry actually i am not keepsmiling...he gave this chat to me because I had this problem...can you help...?? please..??
@iHungry and ya i am kind of a beginner...!!
@keepsmiling, u can set every property programmatically ...... i guess it better u have to read docs
@iHungry ok..will do it...thanks for the help....and one more thing...can I set accessibility for hidden UILabel/UIView..??
@keepsmiling, no
@RamkumarThiyyakat, hi
@iHungry do you have any idea about live video broadcast from ios device
@RamkumarThiyyakat, no
@DimplePanchal hi
@iHungry Okey Thanks for your reply
@iHungry thanks dear...did it..!! :)
@RamkumarThiyyakat hi
@iHungry actually I didn't have enough reputations to chat...so I was here..anyways thanks..!!..now keepsmiling will be back :)
@DimplePanchal do you have any idea about live video broadcast from ios device
@RamkumarThiyyakat what u want to do, I have lil idea
@DimplePanchal I need to stream live video from ios device to a server
Q: stream live video from IP Cams in iPhone SDK?

LionI have to develop plug-in module which will allow us to stream live video from IP Cams if the IP of the cameras are available. The format and encoding for the same is: MPEG4 RTSP/RTP but I dont know from where to start. I have search in many site, unable to find any thing related. while browsing ...

@all hiii...i am back :)
@DimplePanchal I saw all the links except streamapi.com.Actually there won't be any library available to integrate directly to enable this?Thanks for your advice
@RamkumarThiyyakat there is one on google codes
I forgot the link
@RamkumarThiyyakat it was good
@DimplePanchal did you implement this before?
@RamkumarThiyyakat no i did R&D and then left it for others :P
@DimplePanchal Can you send that link when you remember?
Hi To all
@RamkumarThiyyakat ya I will try to recollect it
@sandy hie
@DimplePanchal Hi GM :-)
@sandy vGM
@DimplePanchal what happened that R&D process there after
@RamkumarThiyyakat left undone :(
@DimplePanchal Is that a big process ?
@RamkumarThiyyakat depends how u do
@DimplePanchal well Thanks.I think you can guide me.please send me that link when you recollect it
@RamkumarThiyyakat sure
@DimplePanchal Thanks.How you can send it?Can I give my mail id
@RamkumarThiyyakat i will send u here
see this app
@DimplePanchal okey Thanks
@iHungry What about it?
Hi can any one tell how to recognize a notepad format via camera as like barcode reader, the note pad format will be as like in this video, i need a solution to implement this. plz have a look on this youtube.com/watch?v=8F_1iu4pDkQ
@sandy They probably just attempt to search the pixel data for horizontal lines of solid color
That's the only thing I can think of
@borrrden but how can i do this with an image
you want to say the corner of page have recognize with pixel data
@sandy What exactly are you trying to do?
@borrrden did you see the video?
This application basically just takes a picture of the piece of paper
it doesn't detect very much data
yes and just look the paper format specially the corner of page
there will same format for each paper
anyone has iphone interview questions link?
which is compiled by sreecharan
@Terminator Hey Laddu Good Morning :)
@sandy Good Morning :)
@borrrden if user take a picture of that then application will be compare that paper format with default formate
@sandy What? Didnt understand
@borrrden we just require to check the format only with paper
nothing else
check the "format"?
means pattern
the pattern of the lines?
like graph paper vs ruled paper?
hi, all~
yes the default patterns
hi, @bo
I don't know what "default patterns" means
hi, @borrrden
okay let me explain this
I have a problem of GData. Do you know something about it?
there will be a default format of a notepad paper means may be a logo or lines or any thing else
@anna what problem in that .?
I mean in GData..??
@sandy @anna @keepsmiling @leena @borrrden : Hi Good Morning
@keepsmiling #import "GData/GDataContacts.h"
@iYahoo very good morning.
@anna so what problem are you facing..??
gud mrng @iYahoo
@keepsmiling I don't know where is the file.
@iYahoo hi
@borrrden if user select any paper and just right any thing and user use the application just take a picture of that page then the application just compare this the default notepad paper only nothing else if this will match with format not match then we just so alert to user not match with notepad format.
@keepsmiling coz I don't have a directory called GData.
@iYahoo VGM
@sandy I can't understand your English....sorry
You want to check whether or not the picture matches the "notepad format"

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