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can some one answer my question??? i am using map view in my app which is showing current location it is working fine on emulator ..but when it runs on iphone 4 map automatically points to africa ...i dont no why..and crrent location is CA
Morning all... I have a new app with a timer in it... if the user doesn't stop the timer it will keep running. Is there a way that when the app loses focus (i.e. the Home button is tapped) that I can stop the timer and exit the program?
invalidate it
spokane use applicationwillenterbackground method
any1 know someone that can make really good icons and will for free and with credit in app of icon and some promos when released?
need good icon
let me try that... brb
@Trace'12 never enter's applicationwillenterbackground when the Home button is tapped.
@MaxHasADHD yes, I know about invalidate... but the Q is where to catch the Home button?
answer my new question?:P
Q: how to extend UIToolbar to other objects like safari

MaxHasADHDIm working on a web browser application and i added a UIView below the UIToolbar, and make some tab objects. i want to know how apple makes the current tab color the tame as the toolbar above it having it merge into it and such? right now i just have custom uibuttons and add them to subview when ...

Q: iOS forward geocoding not being executed

ArvindCan anyone tell me why this block of code isn't being executed? I copied and pasted it from another project of mine, where it works just fine. I also tried it in my other app with the same addressString I'm plugging in here, and it worked perfectly. but it happens oly while passing string variabl...

@MaxHasADHD you should note that making a browser that looks and functions like Safari will be rejected
1 message moved to recycle bin
@Arvind No need to repeat the question
@sreecharan ok dude
can u pls help me
@sreecharan its really weird
@Arvind checking your question, hold on
thanks dude...
@Arvind try running a clean and rebuild
@Arvind also make sure you don't have another variable higher up called addressString
@Abizern last week you helped me with CGRectOffset uiview animation. It works good except in landscape mode
here is my code
it seems landscape will also make it change the X axis.
@Arvind Have you checked in documentation about that error, kCLErrorDomain 8
its geocode location not found
i can get the result for same address if hardcoded in addressstring variable
@Bot Off hand - I don't know why. I usually solve those kinds of problems by poking in the code till I find the problem.
only when assigning array value to addressstring it returns that error
@Abizern I submitted a bug to apple since I spent 3 days on it. It seems like a bug with CGRectOffset in landscape
cleaned my code restarted my mac nothing helps
@Arvind are you testing it in simulator or device?
@Abizern can u look into my ques
I have a UIWebView load with a HTML file... it displays fine, but it will not scroll up (the file won't fit in the window). I've never had this problem before with UIWebView... any ideas on how to fix this?
@sreecharan i have tested in both simulator and iPhone 4
@spokane-dude have you used scalesPageToFit property ?
never mind... I didn't have "User Interaction" clicked.. thanks sree for your time...
@Abizern is there another function I should use besides CGRectOffset?
@Arvind What's the localised description of your error.
kCLErrorDomain error 8.
@Bot Yeah - you could do it manually - just make sure that you don't get frame and bounds mixed up, which I think was the problem with your original solution.
i have printed address string in NSLog and it has the correct address...
@Arvind That's the actual, localised description? The value that is logged by your error handling method?
@Abizern i cant get u
@Arvind Nevermind.
i think this question also similar to mine
Q: iOS forward geocoding block not being executed

MasonCan anyone tell me why this block of code isn't being executed? I copied and pasted it from another project of mine, where it works just fine. I also tried it in my other app with the same addressString I'm plugging in here, and it worked perfectly. NSString *addressString = [NSString st...

@sreecharan any ans
@Arvind i donno, sorry
ok guys thanks for ur help
hi guys
hi sree
they cant reject that:P
@Bot because safari is basic controls, they cant reject you for having a toolbar because thats basically the same thing
:P and also mine doesnt. i have a Unibar, safari doesn't unless your on a mac
@MaxHasADHD just telling you what I saw in the UI Guidelines
well mine is different, safari has a toolbar ya, but so do basically all web browsers and they even took apples tab toolbar icons, then safari doesnt have downloads section , and doesnt have a unibar:P so its good. just have to fix a lot of it-_- managing the web views suck
Hey guys I have a self.view addSubview in a class but for some reason the view is a property not found in object of type 'game' (game is the class), any Ideas?
Thanks in advanced
Trying to validate my app again (I removed it from the queue this am to make some critical changes)... this is the message...
I did not delete the app, just did a "User Reject" on it... what do I have to do to fix this?
@spokane-dude. have you changed your version number bundle id?
sree did u got my mail ?
@user1432813 no, was I supposed to?
@spokane-dude You can do but you dont have to but whatever you do it must match the data in itunes connect it is case senitive
@spokane-dude are you sure that you rejected the binarry?
@user1432813 I didn't change any of that... just rejected it, made my changes to the source, then did a Clean, followed by a Archive... unable to validate it... and yes, it has been rejected
That is weird, if it worked the first time and you have rejected the binarry it should work.
@spokane-dude like I said yesterday. You need to go into itunes connect and click upload binary, before you can upload it
@spokane-dude AHHH did you say ready to upload binary?
let me check... brb
@bot I think that is the problem.
@Bot I don't have a binary to upload... until it's validated, there is no .ipa, yes?
how do i get uiwebview to load html
@spokane-dude just try it
like to show the plain html text? i got the text but uitextview sucks
@Bot will do... brb
@spokane-dude also make sure your bundle ident matches what is in itunes connect
@bot hi bot I have a self.view addSubview in a class but for some reason the view is a property not found in object of type 'game' (game is the class), any Ideas?
Thanks in advanced
Is the class a uiviewcontroller?
@Bot @user1432813 that did it... I don't understand the logic behind that, but as long as it works, I'm find... thank you so much, both of you, for your time and help... couldn't do it without help from the chat room... :D
@spokane-dude think of it as you have to tell itunes connect to start listening for connections
@spokane-dude, your welcome glad to be of help! Do you know anything aboit my question ;
Hey guys I have a self.view addSubview in a class but for some reason the view is a property not found in object of type 'game' (game is the class), any Ideas?
Thanks in advanced
@user1432813 is it a UIViewController class?
@user1432813 you could try answering @bot
@user1432813 no... sorry
@user1432813 then that is your issue. What type of class is it?
It is classed like this:

@interface Game : Main <ADBannerViewDelegate >

When I add the UIViewController it brings up some messgaes.
@user1432813 "Add the View Controller"? Are you trying to use multiple inheritance?
Yes to what?
But I dont know how
using multiple inheritance
Because Objective-C doesnt' support multiple inheritance
@user1432813 you can't
@user1432813 manually ass a UIView to your Game
How do I add t like that, i never done it like that?
Personally I'd just add a view controller rather than a view and dick about trying to support it myself.
Its because I need to add the following code:

- (void)viewDidLoad
adView = [[ADBannerView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
adView.frame = CGRectOffset(adView.frame, 0, -50);
adView.requiredContentSizeIdentifiers = [NSSet setWithObject:ADBannerContentSizeIdentifier320x50];
adView.currentContentSizeIdentifier = ADBannerContentSizeIdentifier320x50;
[self.view addSubview:adView];
[super viewDidLoad];

[self.view addSubview:adView];

being the crucial bit.
@Bot OK, got it uploaded... now I want to create a .ipa for Ad-Hoc testing... got the same thing again ("No suitable application records")... since the app is now Waiting for Review, how do I fix it this time?
it's really not Ad-Hoc testing in the true sense of the word... it's for friends to use :D
@spokane-dude If you're creating an ad-hoc distribution for testing - you don't need to go through iTunesConnect.
Xport it in orgnaniser and it will go as an ipa
ahhh... I'll try the export... thanks
Just build it with an ad-hoc profile that has their devices added to it and send it to them with the certificate. You don't need to go through iTC
I just xport then send them the ipa using testflight.
I do use testflight... great little helper... @Abizern thanks I'll give it a go... :D
@Abizern create a new scheme, yes?
@user1432813 how do you do the export... I don't see anyway of doing it from Organizer...
Distribute then select 2nd option down
Damn... so obvious! I thought I had to validate it first... thank you again... :D
sorry caps on!
@Abizern using APImage.frame = CGRectMake(APImage.frame.origin.x, offset, APImage.frame.size.width, APImage.frame.size.height); also does the same thing, it looks like it might be an issue with [UIView animateWithDuration]
If I remove the animateWithDuration (which only moves the image on the y axis) it stays positioned fine on the x axis
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.7
NSLog(@"Image x. %f", APImage.frame.origin.x);
//APImage.frame = CGRectOffset(APImage.frame, 0, -APImage.frame.origin.y + offset);
APImage.frame = CGRectMake(APImage.frame.origin.x, offset, APImage.frame.size.width, APImage.frame.size.height);
NSLog(@"Frame1: %@", APImage);
Maybe I am doing something wrong?
@Bot Don't know - I'll have to try it myself and see.
Give me a few minutes
I have a test project if you want me to give it to you
@Bot Sure - that will make it easier. [email protected]
so im rying to use regex to find a html tag
i have the regular expression thingy and ya
i dont get it
@Abizern tell me when you get it and I will remove the file
Got it.
Looks okay when I run it - it goes straight up to the top.
But since I can't get it to start in landscape mode I'm not seeing anything wrong.
Try it on ipad
ipad will start in landscape
Yea I noticed that too, for some reason iphone doesn't start in landscape even when set to start in landscape
@Terminator Downloaded ?
@sreecharan Not yet. I started earlier today and i could pause and resume that time. Now i can't see it in my launchpad. The download doesn't survive between the machine startups?
oh! what is the status now?
@Abizern were you able to reproduce it in landscape on ipad?
I lost whatever i downloaded. I can't see it in my launchpad. I need to start again.
Dont look in launchpad, check the status in purchases, it will be clear
what app?
13 MB of 4 GB. It started again, apparently.
uh :(
@Bot Mountain Lion
20 hours remaining. lol i need to take off tomorrow for office
you downloading it from a 2g network?
Thats how it is here.
It should be 1G. 3 days left.
I think i should experiment with it. I will restart and check if it survives the 18MB that was downloaded now. Brb
then think how many days it will take for you to download Xcode 4.4
it is about 2 GB
@sreecharan hey
hey kid, wassup?
pissedd offf because i dont know what to do now:/
lol, why?
I lost whatever i downloaded. Very stupid. They can't even sell their OS cd's here.
@Terminator kya kar rahi ho
If they star to sale CD's, then they have to sale about billions of CD's
Hello @0x8badf00d
so my plans are finish ipad tabbing by making the current tab joined with the toolbar at the top, the unibar left view is the favicon or apple-touch-icon, history dates in folders... but i dont know how to do any of them. im pretty sure favicon is easy because all sites usually do the site /favicon.png / .ico(? icn) but apple-touch-icon can be anything and specified using <link rel="" href=""> and so i cant do anything:/
If they can't support about people like us, we won't either. I think i won't download it.
and so if i cant find the link thing for apple-touch-icon lots of sites cant have a icon. apple, and yahoo and such use the site/apple-touch-icon.png, but google doesnt. so they probably tell apple in the href.
@iProgrammer Trying to download mountain lion.
@Terminator then go to mountain and download lion that is mountain lion :P
I am watching Avatar movie ^_^
that is damn good in 3D
@Max Are you adding anything like reading list?
i love to watch this movie in 3D
@iProgrammer Watch it on Movies now.
yes i have that too but its basically just offline pages which i know how to download
@Max ok and what is the solution for Apple touch icons
dont have one
i tried regex but dont get it
@Terminator abhi to serial chal rahe hai :p
@sreecharan i found this: stackoverflow.com/questions/10243585/… but doesnt work when i replace string with apple-touch-icon
@Max Oh! let me check it
and this is how im setting faviocn as the left view, not really working yut tho as far i see:P
well @Max I can give you another way, have you ever working with HTML Parsing ?
But for me it looks like HTML parsing works effectively for you than regex
how do i do it?
and also this is wierd my codes not working? the image is nil but icon is there
@MaxHasADHD Check whether you are getting the Data from this link or not
If its a complete HTML with proper closed tags for opening tags, one can use any XML parser. Or There is HPPLE Parser which worked fine for me.
ya im checking that now:P
nsdata is always null even when alloced and such
@sreecharan ok got favicon!
@sreecharan, how many hrs u working on iOS in a day?
just 18 hours a day, why?
you program iOS for 18 hrs a day?
18 hours consists of my breakfast, luch, dinner, coffee's , Stack over flow and my work
@sreecharan, not special.... u seen me all time here that y i asking
6 hours sleep
how do i make the favicon look nicer? its very pizelated
The icon itself is very small, then how do you came to know that it is pixelated @Max
well i downloaded 1, its 32 by 32. im showing it t 30 by 30 n my other app makes them look REALLY nice at 57x57 but im too lazy to lookXD im setting the scale to 2.0, still not workingD:
like on apples site
@sreecharan UIImage *faviconImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:[[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"favicon.ico" relativeToURL:webView.request.URL]] scale:2.0];
If you scale it, it will be spoiled more @Max
It will be more pixelated, because the basic reason, it is not a retina image
@sreecharan no no no:P its 30 by 30... favicon is 32 by 32..
i made it smaller
now its a little blurryXD
And even though it is blurry
so how do i parse the html?
@Max Check the Hpple
haha ok:P
@sreecharan what do you think of the title crux web browser?
and for a unibar, would you rather see in a app the rounded rect stype textfield or the black border one
Thats using Javascript, right?
what part?
crux web browser?
the unibar? no:P im checkin the text to see if i should google/yahoo/bing or go to the site. and its the title i might name the app
Ah! gotcha, my bad :(
Ok, Dinner time, I am hungry, starving, brb
lol, i gtg also. school starts tomorrow and my friends coming over to swim
If I use a single variable for and it can be either class1 or class2 is it best to declare it as ID then just cast when I set the variables in the if statement or declare it as id then redeclare it as the class in the if statement so I don't have to cast?
@MaxHasADHD : @Bot : @Sreecharan when i click on cell show a blue color and then hide i whana change color intead of blue
has anyone heard of icab? and their blog on web view stuff
@Bot check the returns from your orientation in that sample - it's giving wierd results.
@Abizern the orientation check only works properly on devices
i guess remove the if statement and only use the I AM IN LANDSCAPE portion
@Bot hmm - can't do any on device testing at the moment.
@Bot Try logging like this, though
it is weird because logging looks all good. It is just at the beginning of the animation it moves the x over to the left
ok, i was able to reproduce it by putting the ipad simulator in landscape then relaunching the app
@Bot In which case the image moves from middle left to top centre.
it should stay center and just move up
Which doesn't look right because you haven't set it up for that. I think it could be a nib issue. Try doing away with having the image view in the xib and create it in code and see if that does what you think it does.
even though in the ruler section of IB i have it set to autocenter?
@Bot Yep
@Abizern that seemed to fix it, the image now starts from the left middle and goes up to the left top. I just need to modify the x now to center it
stupid IB
it is still strange that if i do not use the animate it still moves to the center lol.
@Bot I think it's trying to do what your IB springs and struts are telling it to do.
hello.... how can I call an instance method that have a variable number of arguments, inside a class method of the same type? In my case: - (id)initWithSprites:(CCSprite )firstSprite, ... { / initialization / } can I call this inside + (id)snakeWithSprites:(CCSprite *)firstSprite, ... { return [[[self alloc] initWithSprites:/ how I pass variables here? */] autorelease]; } ?? Thanks in advance
oh I see yu already have it
@Bot yeah the question is: how can I alloc and initialize from the class method?
@Bot ...using the initWith without writing the same code inside again
because NSArray I think do the same, the initWithObjects is the method that do the initialization, arrayWithObjects (class method) calls the init method
I think that works like this but I don't know how to do that
I don't know as I haven't done variable arguments. Maybe try va_list
@Bot I already have that on the initWith method, I want only to call that on snakeWith (class method), is possible to find the NSArray class? The open source one, I think there is a version for Linux, or not?
I find Cocotron, I will analize that... code.google.com/p/cocotron/source/browse/Foundation/NSArray/… Thanks for your time, @Bot!
When I first start my app, I get the Default.png displayed... if I put it into the background by tapping the Home button (after stopping the timers), then tap the app, it comes up without displaying the Default.png first, as it should. Why is it not working as other apps do?
@spokane-dude you need to display it before it enters background. Other apps do that to prevent iOS from taking a screenshot of w/e screen they are on for data protection
@Bot ahhh... makes sense.. thanks...
@Bot so, when the Default.png file is displayed, is there a way I can get to the "view stack" and manipulate it?
manipulate it?
you mean addSubview and removeFromSuperview?
I don't know what I mean... if I have a "stack" of objects, I should be able to get to one of the objects on the stack and make that the current view.. no?
objects -> views
in other words, HOW do I display the Default.png file before it goes into the background?
there are a few google results out there i found awhile back with examples
@Bot ok... I'll look for them...thanks... :D
@bot : @spokane-dude : In secroll view i add a UITextfield when i click on UITextfield then a keybord in open and my textfield is hide now i want when i click on textfield then secroll view is seroll is go to up
@AliRaza all of these questions you are asking can easily be solved by a google search
@AliRaza Check this Form Demo
oops, I think i am giving him a Tuna :(
i was wondering how would i be able to trim videos every certain amount of time from my recording without stopping my recording?
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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