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hello gueys
4 hours later…
gud mrng :)
happy independence day.... @all
bye i am going to shimla
hello! :D
does anyone here have background in OpenAL?
Hi Gud Morning All
happy independence day.... @all
@Mayur sir.
@GeraldStojakovic hi
@Mayur do you have a background regarding OpenAL?
Most people that are experienced in OpenAL are not iOS programmers
@GeraldStojakovic no
gud mrng @Terminator
gud mrng @Leena
gud mrng @Mayur
hello everybody
@iHungry hi
happy independence day all
@borrrden, hi whats up?
@iHungry I got annoyed at a new user again ><
I should relax a bit or I will be super rude :p
@borrrden, who is that guy....
Just another random new user who asked a question saying "This code doesn't work"
then just pasting a couple methods
yeah same thing happen yesterday with me
The powers that be deleted the "What Stack Overflow is Not" post
everyone here want the complete working code ...
this is really annoying
hi @iHungry gud mrng
That's worse in my mind, but this one wasn't quite that bad
just not enough details
@Leena, vGM
no error messages or description about how it was not working, just "This code is working on iPhone but not iPad"
i guess he is totally fresher developer
It seems like common sense to me to include error messages, etc
@Leena, whats up???
work :(
@Ramshad Happy Independence Day
aaj bhi kaam
@Leena: same to u...
@iHungry You are working on a holiday again?
nope @borrrden, i m in the home
Oh, congratulations
@borrrden, today here compulsory holiday by Government
oh!! thanks
Yes, actually it is a holiday period in Japan as well
@all happy independence day.........! Vande Mataram !
nice @borrrden, sou also enjoying holidays too
Not right now
My company lets me choose when to have my summer holiday
So, I am choosing the final week of August
Happy independence day
I am bored.
@Terminator why ?
@iProgrammer: same to u dude :)
@Terminator, send me interview question list ur
can u?
@Terminator watch WWDC videos :P
@iHungry The candidate didn't come lol
@Terminator, lol....
@Terminator, mala tuzhya co pmay madhey gheoon tak
@Leena No, i am planning to dump iOS. I am bored of it. I am becoming full time Android developer.
@iHungry me suddha challi, ha last week aahe maza
ka ...aga mala tuzhya sarakhya masterchya hata-khali kam karayche aahe
@Terminator kuch puchu kya ios ka?
@iHungry lol nako re, sagda rumors aahe, me fakta so-so in iOS :-)
@iProgrammer haan pucho
@Terminator, pan mala kharokhar lkam karayche aahe tuzhya under...
@Terminator tabbar kasie banta hai images wala ?
@Terminator How much Android experience do you have?
@Terminator aur usko hide karna ho to
@iProgrammer Custom images?
@iProgrammer, u want custom tab bar controller?
@iHungry ha
In my opinion, Android development is going to get more and more ridiculous until no one wants to do it anymore
At which point, Google will be forced to adopt at least some standards for their platform....
@borrrden, YES ITS TRUE
Otherwise it's just like 1990s HTML all over again
@iHungry me ata break ghenaar aahe, i'll be back in september
Everybody will do it different and the developer will suffer
@Terminator, ok pan company tar sodnar nahis na?
@borrrden No experience. I had completed the Tutorials from the official website 2 months ago.
I have shipped one Android application....
@iHungry ha last week aahe company madhe
@iProgrammer, its very simple to create Custom tab bar controller
I made it with Titanium though....which made it even worse
@Terminator, ok...
company che nav kay aahe tuzhya? @Terminator
@iHungry how
@iHungry next week sangte
@iProgrammer, u have to just switch the viewController on window
@Terminator, ok
isme third screen shot dekho
posted on August 15, 2012 by Johann

There are a number of libraries that allow you to define different elements of your apps using a CSS style syntax. A couple of months ago I mentioned the GSFancytext library that allows you to create rich text with formatting options defined within a style sheet. Today I came across an interesting library that allows you [...]

bottom me jo small arrow hai na uspe click karne pe tab bar aa jata hai
and again click karne pe hide ho jata hai
@iProgrammer Custom UIView hai
@iProgrammer, yes u should have to add one view(Tab bar size) on window , that view containing ur images and respective button.... and u have to switch viewcontrollers on clicking on respective button or imaghes
@Terminator ok
@iProgrammer, yes @Terminator, is also right u can doing this using customUIView as well
@iHungry and we have to add UIVIew in our view contoller
as subview
@iProgrammer, no UIViewController u have to add on window
UITabBar is also possible. But in the screenshot can't see the tab bar. So can't say.
'so window has to two views
@iHungry ok
ine ur custom tabbar view and other u presented viewcontroller by tab bar
@Terminator ok
@iProgrammer, its very easy and flexible to use...
all control in ur hand
I'll be back after 1 hour. Bye.
@Terminator, by....
@iHungry ok I have seen in one app but I never implemented this so thought to confirm it first, that app also created it in uiview
@iProgrammer, its so simple... i guess it not take more than half day to implement
@iHungry ok thanks. how much exp do you have?
@iProgrammer, lol....
@iHungry y lol?
@iProgrammer, y r u asking this?
sorry but
@iHungry asie hi
kya remove ia
I didn't see
lol are you ashamed of that @iHungry ? There is no need to hide it I guess
@borrrden, its my mind said to me...lol
Morning folks
where can i ask about openAL?
openAL or openGL ?
Any way, you can ask here
@sreecharan sir.. how can i monitor peakPowerChannel of the sound that is played in openAL>
oops, that room is frozen, try this
peakPowerChannel means @GeraldStojakovic

 Game Development

Game development and other polite discussion. Game development...
maximum amplitude?
well i m also searching and reading on it how to peak up the amplitude of sound file
oh. i see.. sorry for a newbie question.. although im new in ios development..
@Abizern: @sreecharan: hi
@Ramshad Hello
@GeraldStojakovic Thats not newbie question though, I haven't worked with openAL yet
@Ramshad Hello
its not for OpenAL particular framework question
Happy Independence day
@Abizern: @sreecharan: @all:
@iHungry in avaudiorecorder... it can detect by peakpowerchannel.
@Ramshad ty, wish you the same
@Ramshad Okay. Have fun.
@all HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! though im not an indian :D
@Abizern: :)
@GeraldStojakovic: :P
@all hi
@sreecharan hi
@GeraldStojakovic hi
@GeraldStojakovic can u help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/11966012/…
@all can anybody have the idea
hi all, is there any sample code for using GData to fetch contacts from google?
@FábioOliveira hi
1 hour later…
@Abizern When i am adding a viewcontroller which has my custom color as back ground as a contentViewController to the popOver, It is not showing its color, rather it is showing other color, any reason behind this?
Eh? does it make sense?
@sreecharan No.
Well, let me come up is steps
1. I have made a viewcontroller, with a custom button in it and the views background color is red
2. i am adding this view controller to the popOverController
when a button is pressed this should come up
Clear ??
See, this Developed by Sree Charan is a custom button and the view in the view controller has red color as its back ground
but in popover the color is this
@sreecharan hello .@Abizern hello. how can we sort array so that it exactly shows items as it appear in pList. NSArray *names = [countryNamesByCode allValues];
countryNames = AH_RETAIN([names sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]);
It sort it by alphabaticall order
@Abizern Any reason behind this, the view controllers bg color is changing after added in pop Over
But i want to maintain its order as it apear in plist
@sreecharan hi
@sreecharan Try setting a breakpoint on the view's colour and see if it is being changed elsewhere.
@mann You need to create a custom sort descriptor.
@bugfinder Hello
@Abizern I am setting the views bg color in storyboard
@sreecharan can help me in how to pass data when poping to one view controller
@sreecharan And you're not overriding it in your view controller somewhere?
@Abizern yah but i am not getting how to create that
@Abizern I am adding the view controller , like this --> pastebin.com/TtmdnLqR
@mann developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/… There as a whole section on sorting arrays.
and No, i am not overrinding it anywhere
@sreecharan I thought you were using storyboards? Why are you creating your popover manually?
@Reefaq hi
@Abizern my Bad, i am using Xibs, not StoryBoard
@sreecharan Still can't see why it is happening.
@sreecharan hi would you please check my post stackoverflow.com/questions/11967539/uitableview-change-style
@Abizern yep, i guess this pop over is messing my view controller
@sreecharan More likely your view controller is messing up your view.
@Abizern Lol I finally tracked down the NSKeyedArchiver bug.....was a race condition ><
time to go home yayz
good luck everyone
use semaphore or synchronized if race condition occur
@sreecharan I just did a simple test and it works for me: goo.gl/1s1Hw
Oh! thanks, let me check it
@ihungry:@Terminator : i get date and time frome server that is this 2012-08-09 11:31:01" now i want convert into only time how i do that we not need date
@AliRaza Using NSDateComponents and NSCalendar, take out only time components (hour, minute and seconds) and make use of it.
I am going to take some rest. See you at night. Bye.
c@Terminator: give some code
@iHungry @Abizem: @sreecharan: i get date frome server that is this 2012-08-09 11:31:01 and i convert into time
@Terminator; cya later
@Terminator hi Would you please check this post stackoverflow.com/questions/11967539/…
@AliRaza Do you want to convert it into juts a time value - or display a string of just the time value?
@Abizern hello
h r u ?
@Abizern is thier any way to stop playing youtube video in a webview ?
@Abizern: hi
Not that I know of.
@Ramshad Hello.
@Abizern: is UIPanGestureRecognizer work with UISwitch ?
@justin Why are you creating a view controller in your cancel button? Why are you performing segues manually when a cell is clicked?
@Ramshad No idea. It's probably overridden for changing the state.
@Abizem i wan show me 1mintu ago 2hour ago last month ago
@AliRaza So it's a display thing - just use a custom date formatter.
@Abizern can you send me some code related
@Abizern I don't know how should I connect my button to Report table is the reason that I create new view controller I dn't know how should I connect it would you please help me
@AliRaza No. How about you write some code and I'll help you.
@justin You just need to pop the current controller. Why don't you just use the standard back button but with a different name?
@Abizern i follow this link stackoverflow.com/questions/4906523/…
but not work right
@Abizern it's a requirement , would you please let me know how can I pop the current controller.
@Abizern: Its working pastebin.com/chY08FM3
"but not work right" doesn't tell me anything specific
@Abizern: its working pastebin.com/r5tr2M1i
@Abizern: its not working pastebin.com/chY08FM3
@justin Have you looked at the UINavigationController methods for popping controllers off the stack?
@Ramshad Rather than showing me code - what are you trying to do?
@Abizern I will check it now
@Abizern: leave it.. just doing sample app :)
@Abizern but when I added [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; it's not worked
@justin Then either your self.navigationController is nil, or it is already at the root
Has anyone used GData Api to fetch gmail contacts?
Nope, but it seems everything you need to know is in the documentation @luyuan
@borrrden Is there good sample code? What i find is for Mac.
Actually I think GData has been largely deprecated
@AliRaza Use this github.com/mattt/FormatterKit, but do yourself a favour and try and understand how it's turning a time into a relative time. If you don't try and learn this stuff you'll spend most of your life as a cut and paste coder.
@luyuan I think i found the same code as you, but you can extract the relevant parts out of the mac project. It will be the same in iOS
@luyuan There is a "fetchAllContacts" method here -> code.google.com/p/gdata-objectivec-client/source/browse/trunk/…
@borrrden Thx, i will check that method:)
Beware though, it's 4 years old -___-
and designed for iOS 3.0
@borrrden You're not wrong there - it could do with some serious modernising.
@Abizern It won't be, that entire line of APIs is deprecated :p
@borrrden bad news
Well, it should still work for a long time though
version 2 was only officially deprecated last April :p
@Abizern : yes u are right. im try to understand and more then more but can't understand i don't know what i do
@borrrden It's public code - you can always rewrite it.
very true xD
@borrrden Have you used Google Analytics in any of your apps?
well @CustomBonbons You are back again?
@sreecharan Nope, my company doesn't really care much about analytics lol
@borrrden well, i need to integrate Google analytics, but i donno how to integrate it :(
I assume there are some instructions somewhere on the docs page?
Let me check it
I've googled, but found nothing
downloading mac apps
Download Geek tool
and work with Apple script
Apple script is awesome
mac app store allow only one app downloading at a time?
Nope, you can download many, but apps will download one after other
when one app is downloading, other apps will be in waiting state
@borrrden ty
@sreecharan, tell me any one most utilized free app for mac
for developer point of view
thats for designer
Like photo shop
but those are paid apps
Have you downloaded the Geek Tool ?
yes i download Geek tool kit
What's that? Sounds interesting
The tool which allows you to customize your desktop using Apple script :)
tell me any free most wanted app for mac for developer point of view
XCode :p
lol its 1st app iDownloaded
Also, I can't live without SQlite Browser
and Python Launcher
i have it Python Launcher
but still i don't know how to use it
I just right click my python scripts and choose open with python launcher lol
much easier than navigating via terminal and executing them
TextWrangler is another great one
GIMP, too
This is my geek tool
which i am designing using Gimp
whatttt is going on there?
and Apple script
nice desing
looks nice but what does it do?
I am just customizing a calendar, watch, ram consumption, My MAC processor temperature and some other small things
It is just like a widget designing
Apple script is simple and awesome
Lol....this question is funny
"Why isn't my timer being affected by my interval? I want it to execute around 50,000 times per second"
(I paraphrased....)
lol, where did you get that ?
Q: Set timer loop for a fixed time

shannogaI am creating a game. When the user finished the game I am showing him the score. To make it interactive I am counting the score from 0 to the score. Now since the user can earn 10 points or 100,000 I don't want hime to wait to long so I want that the total time will be fixed no matter what is ...

Hmmmm, I don't think that resolution is possible with iOS
I wonder if it is possible with any personal computer.....
Which resolution ?
50,000 times per second
Actually I know it is because I've done it before, nevermind :p
hmph, looks like everyone is gone :p
me too, bye
@sreecharan hola
so about yesterday, yea you saw what the problem is right?
I have to whip out my threading skills to tackle it. Now the code looks uglier than ever
posted on August 15, 2012 by marie

There is just nothing better than a great WordPress Theme to showcase your new app, well except for a FREE WordPress Theme to showcase your app! Which is why we offer you this awesome WordPress theme designed to show off your new iOS app idea. This theme normally costs $37 is now FREE for you for [...]

Hi all
forward geocoding error The operation couldn’t be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error 8.)
can any one tell me y m getting error like this
[reverseGeocoder geocodeAddressString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",addressString]
completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error)
when i pass address via string variable i m getting this error
if i pass like this [reverseGeocoder geocodeAddressString:@"2642 broadway ny"
completionHandler:^(NSArray *placemarks, NSError *error) i can get placemarks
any one here
hi sree charan can u help me
@Byte Hola
@sreecharan r u thr
@sreecharan so any solution that isnt ugly?
@Byte Actually I have added 0.2 seconds delay to show the animation , lol
@sreecharan can u help me pls
kCLErrorDomain error 8.
y m getting this error when passing address variable
@sreecharan what up?
@Arvind I am in a meeting, i cant help you right now, dont mind, sorry
@sreecharan np
any one having a solution for this
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 21:00

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