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anyone on
posted on July 31, 2012 by Johann

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a tutorial demonstrating how to create an Instagram style app with a PHP built backend providing user authorization and image saving. James from Parse recently submitted a tutorial on how to use the Parse service to simply creation of your backend. In addition to showing how to set [...]

i need helpD: so im making the web browser and now i need a way to show progress, i have that all done, the code and everything, but i cant make the progressview look good inside of the textfield, it goes inside, and i sent the subview to the back. but its above the shadow and the curves, if its truly behind it should auto curve and have the shadow on it,, how can i do that?
this is how its added: pastebin.com/yDKfYXQ4
Hi Guys I posted a question some hours back, can any of you guys possibly help? No one has been able to help me find a solution for my storyboard issue.

@Chi You are returning nil from cellForRow
You never check if it is nil, and it will be nil for the first visible cells
so in my code? let me check..
HI can anyone tell me how to get device orientation?
Are you trying to use a static table?
[UIDevice currentDevice].orientation
i am getting null
Yes, you are, you should expect it
It's not going to automatically make a cell for you
If it is nil, that means there are no cells available for dequeue
and you must create a new one
So for mine borrrden...how can fix this in the code?
Some body mentioned creating another prototype cell?
If it is nil, you must alloc/init it
prototype cells have nothing to do with it because that is for a different kind of table
@borrrden is there any other way to get orientation?
@SriPriya Why? What is wrong with the way I mentioned?
@b i am getting null value
okay...let me try that..
[[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation] @borrrden
I got mixed up who I was talking to
Prototype cells are for static table views
@borrrden :-)
Therefore they don't use a data source
my bad borrrden lol
You are getting null from device orientation?!
-____- are you sure it is not just "o"
@borrrden to whom u r asking?
@SriPriya that value is not an object
so it is never "NULL"
it could be 0 though
@borrrden for printing nslog i need to use %d ?
or %i
@borrrden if (([IdeaUtils getDeviceOrienttion] == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft) || ([IdeaUtils getDeviceOrienttion] == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight)) {
}else if (([IdeaUtils getDeviceOrienttion] == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait) || ([IdeaUtils getDeviceOrienttion] == UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown)) {
i am checking a condition like this
+ (UIInterfaceOrientation) getDeviceOrienttion{

// UIInterfaceOrientation deviceOrientation = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation];

UIInterfaceOrientation deviceOrientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation];

return deviceOrientation;
Thank you @borrrden that worked!
is the method i am using
but control doesn't going inside if or if else also
@SriPriya You are not checking all the available values
I also had a similar problem
Plus, you are using the wrong enums
there are only 4 situations right
There are 6
i am using static method
And it is UIDeviceOrientation, not UIInterfaceOrientation
possible values -> UIDeviceOrientationUnknown,
wat are FaceUp and FaceDown orientations?
@borrrden we have to check for UiDeviceOrientation or UIDeviceOrientation?
Face up is face up on a table, and face down is face down on a table
remember these are 3D positions, not 2D like status bar
so "face" is when it is parallel to the ground
@borrrden ohh, ok thank u
By the way this is all written in the docs....
@borrrden ok
@borrrden morning
Hi @BabyPanda
@borrrden have you ever designed or mocked up a prototype of App?
@BabyPanda Nope, that's not my job
@BabyPanda Oh wait...what exactly do you mean?
Like making a sample and saying "this is what it could do"
yeah, always
But I've never made a design document or anything (I receive those)
@borrrden like making prototype with axure to show how the app works.
Yeah sure, why not?
I almost always develop a new feature in a separate test program
@borrrden apart from axure, may i ask, what other kind of software would you use for that?
whats axure?
I just make a new Xcode project o,0
@borrrden ha, that's already beyond mocking up axure-> google.com.hk/…
oh, good for me then lol
i try to find something more efficient and easy to use for mocking up.
@all hi
@BabyPanda Powerpoint
@Slake Hi
@Slake raining again...sigh...
@BabyPanda Raining Every day dude ! :(
@all I'm trying to publish my apps through Application Loader (uploading it).
But i created this apps with Flash builder, and i have a bug at the upload (that my info.plist should contain an upper version number). Someone know about the info.plist ?
@Slake it seems your current version is the same or smaller than the last uploaded one
@BabyPanda yep, but i was just debugging this apps. I didn't see any info.plist file. Do you know where i can find this one ?
i mean, i'm supposed to creat it myself ?
@Slake normally info.plist is in supporting files
it's automatically created
@BabyPanda Ok, thanks !
Oh what irony....apps being created using software by the company whose product Apple is trying to hard to keep away from :p
err...that wasn't accurate o,0
@borrrden, @BabyPanda, good morning
Apple doesn't like Flash
@iHungry morning mate
I suppose technically the app is AIR...though I don't know how much the two are different because I hate Flash and wish that it would disappear from the internet
@borrrden they hates it
@borrrden And i didn't chose to use flash :-) Just debugging an client apps.
@Slake I have no problem with whatever you use lol :D
@iHungry Morning
Apple firstly looking for contract with flash actually
I saw the failed experiment that was Flash Lite....
but something happen with deal between adobe company and steve job
any attempt to make Flash able to run on mobile platforms will be a bastard child
after that steve rejected and create his own device
Does any country besides Japan actually use Flash Lite?
no idea about flash lite
Good....I think it is the single most obnoxious platform I have ever developed for
the constraints are ridiculous
program binary size cannot exceed 100 kb....
RAM usage max around 1 MB
Of course then the client says "We wanna make it for smart phones too"
yeah...like anybody is gonna enjoy that game on a smart phone....
Oh good
i have completed here 7 months but he did not talk with me directly regarding this
i m so upset
i missed some part of the conversation
i doesn't like to talk this kind of thing directly..... the employer should have to manage thier staff
easy and let go
Lol, you guys are upsetting the Gods :-S
@borrrden Balsamiq Mockup, and iPlotz, these two softwares for mocking are installed throughFlash Lite
I don't think you can discuss such things here @iHungry
@iHungry and i still don't have time for Kal, sigh. it's logic part seems not very direct.
@borrrden, yeah i know... that y i immediately delete those message be4 moderation
@iHungry Oh, I thought the moderator did it for you haha
@BabyPanda, yeah customization is really headache in KAL
@iHungry, @borrrden and @BabyPanda Good Morning:)
@iShru, hi innocent girl
@iShru Hi
hi all
@iHungry hello mate GM :)
@mountainlionmoorthy, hello vGM ... decent Guy
@borrrden, i m stuck here ,
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_SBJsonParser in /Users/myPCName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProjectNameHere-hjdclpbfmmpvujgajxpmosqiqkge/Build/Intermediates/MyProjectNameHere.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyProjectNameHere.build/Objects-normal/i386/SBJsonParser-E3D6362E1E8CF89A.o and /Users/myPCName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProjectNameHere-hjdclpbfmmpvujgajxpmosqiqkge/Build/Intermediates/MyProjectNameHere.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyProjectNameHere.build/Objects-normal/i386/SBJsonParser-21460DE01C109E91.o for architecture i386
@iHungry It means you have two implementations of SBJsonParser getting compiled in the same project
One might be compiled into a library you are using
Unfortunately, a lot of third party libs have this problem since Apple doesn't let you dynamically link. To make it "easier" for us they statically link another 3rd party library into theirs
Then when we try to link the same one, it will fail
@borrrden, yes.... it mean..... but actual problem is that.... i m using JSON framework for parsing jSON text .... and facebook have its won JSON parsing library and both implementation are different with same class name
@iHungry Why not use NSJSONSerialization?
Do you need to target < 5?
yes i given static path also
yes i have target 5.1
So you don't need a third party library to use JSON
i also included .a file
Apple has a built in class to work with JSON
And it's much faster than SBJSON
@borrrden, no i can't revert my all code... becoz all parsing i did using SBJon libray
Well, then unlink SBJSON from your project
It should be OK since it is defined in Facebook's library
then what about so much code i already written for parsing
Keep it
the problem is SBJSON is statically linked in the Facebook framework
I believe
how i unlink SBJSON libaray
so it should be defined if you include that
just remove the .a file from build phases
@iHungry you still struck with same error :P
@borrrden, i m included .a file in build phases.... if i wrong can u send me screenshot how i remove it
Remove it...with the minus sign...or pressing delete
@iShru, do have solution
@borrrden, yes i remove .. but still same error
Clean your project
same error after doing all
Are you compiling the SBJSON source in your project?
get rid of all those, exclude SBJSON from your project
@iHungry UHungry Good morning :) @iShru uShru
see screen shots
Wait where are you linking the Facebook library?
@DimplePanchal, yup iHungry... waiting for breakfast
@iHungry hmmm.. Go.. Attack :P
This is a different situation than I thought
@borrrden, u told me that remove FB libary from build section
I thought you were linking SBJson
keep the Facebook library
but remove the SBJSON source files from your project
ok i inserting FB libary
@dark @furqi vGM
@iHungry Wait stop!
I see the problem ><
@borrrden, actually in directly inserting all classes of SBJSON library... but not its .a file
@DimplePanchal gm how r u :)
@iHungry Look, you included SBJSONParser from 2 places....
@furqi I m fine thanks n u?
OrientBell/JSON Classes
@borrrden, yes u r right
@DimplePanchal me 2 :)
and OrientBell/src/JSON
@furqi :)
yes it correct
@DimplePanchal hello GM h r u?
@dark m fine:)
n u?
In face you are importing everything twice...
that's not allowed
@DimplePanchal thats good :) am half fine :)
Of course you are gonna get duplicate symbols...pick one or the other
@dark hahaha.. addha adhura :)
yeah i know it man ... but i said u actual jumbling
i m using JSON framework for parsing jSON text .... and facebook have its won JSON parsing library and both implementation are different with same class name
this is the jumbling part
@DimplePanchal hahaha yup coz I have taking medicine now a days so sab addha addha hai haha :)
@dark hmm kya hua?
@iHungry So what do you want me to do about it? You can't do that, plain and simple
@iHungry How do you know the implementations are different? Is FB open source?
@DimplePanchal their is some problem in my lungs and I have never touch Cigerete in my life lolz ....:)
I find it hard to believe that Facebook would write their own library and call is SBJSON
i m doing same think in previous projects .... it work fine for me... but this time it gave me error
@dark hmmm.. u might be with someone who touch cig :+
@DimplePanchal emmm in office so many people do smoking, it might be phr is sy behatr hai smoking he kar leta :P
@iHungry You need to rename one of them
nope i can't... its third party libary
@DimplePanchal :)
its veru time consuming process now
@dark ji lo ZindaGi :() @iShru :~j
@iHungry You either have to rename one of them, or get rid of one of them
Q: JSON library problems using both Facebook API and Google Places API in the same app

hanumanDevI'm encountering a problem with the JSON library using both Facebook API and Google Places API in the same app. I've tried them both independently and they work fine. The problem is though that I now have 2 sets of some of the JSON files (when using both Google and FB API). I've tried removing ...

i need help making the uiprogressview in uitextfield look like safaris
@DimplePanchal tm bi shuru kar do lolz
@iHungry no i don’t have solution after u get solution tell me too :P
@borrrden, ok i will do ur last solution... i m trying now about 1hr.. if i m got succeed then i will using ur way renaming of file
@DimplePanchal @borrrden @MaxHasADHD does any one knw how to split string in ios ?
@MaxHasADHD can u provide sample ?
i m new to ios
NSString *splitString = [[@"hello | whats | up" componentsSeparatedByString:@"|"] objectAtIndex:1];
ok thnks
out to lunch
Hi dudes gud morning
can u anybody help me i have an issue datapickerview on popoverview ....it will not display date in textfield
@iApple: good morning :)
@iPhoneDeveloper : Good Morning :) Secret :D
am implemented like that
[datePicker1 addTarget:self

[self.view addSubview:datePicker1];
@iApple how are you dhruv??:)
- (void)LabelChange1:(id)sender{
NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
df.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterMediumStyle;
datetxt1.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",
[df stringFromDate:datePicker1.date]];

NSLog(@"textfield date====>%@",datetxt1.text);
it not work
@iPhoneDeveloper : Changa ... :P
@iApple @iCrazyDev @iPhoneDeveloper @iHungry @iShru @DimplePanchal : Hi Everyone Good Morning
@iYahoo gud morning....
@iYahoo UYAhoo vGM
@iYahoo : Good Morning :)
@iApple UApple Good Morning :)
@iYahoo good morning
@iYahoo can u plz check my issue
@iApple kya bolta su??lol
@iYahoo @iApple do u have any idea abt datapicker in popoverview
@iCrazyDev naya i :+
@DimplePanchal : Good morning...UDimple.. :D
@iPhoneDeveloper : I am fine... :P Tame Kem chho ?
lol UDimple: P
@iApple mai b mast... did i speak right??? :O
@iCrazyDev : nope but let me check once
@iPhoneDeveloper : Na it could be Su bole che,like that..:P dhire dhire aa jayegi ...
@DimplePanchal : Badha na naam ni agal hve U kem lagave che?

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