A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a tutorial demonstrating how to create an Instagram style app with a PHP built backend providing user authorization and image saving. James from Parse recently submitted a tutorial on how to use the Parse service to simply creation of your backend. In addition to showing how to set [...]
i need helpD: so im making the web browser and now i need a way to show progress, i have that all done, the code and everything, but i cant make the progressview look good inside of the textfield, it goes inside, and i sent the subview to the back. but its above the shadow and the curves, if its truly behind it should auto curve and have the shadow on it,, how can i do that?
Hi Guys I posted a question some hours back, can any of you guys possibly help? No one has been able to help me find a solution for my storyboard issue.
@all I'm trying to publish my apps through Application Loader (uploading it). But i created this apps with Flash builder, and i have a bug at the upload (that my info.plist should contain an upper version number). Someone know about the info.plist ?
I suppose technically the app is AIR...though I don't know how much the two are different because I hate Flash and wish that it would disappear from the internet
ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_METACLASS_$_SBJsonParser in /Users/myPCName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProjectNameHere-hjdclpbfmmpvujgajxpmosqiqkge/Build/Intermediates/MyProjectNameHere.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyProjectNameHere.build/Objects-normal/i386/SBJsonParser-E3D6362E1E8CF89A.o and /Users/myPCName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProjectNameHere-hjdclpbfmmpvujgajxpmosqiqkge/Build/Intermediates/MyProjectNameHere.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/MyProjectNameHere.build/Objects-normal/i386/SBJsonParser-21460DE01C109E91.o for architecture i386
@iHungry It means you have two implementations of SBJsonParser getting compiled in the same project
One might be compiled into a library you are using
Unfortunately, a lot of third party libs have this problem since Apple doesn't let you dynamically link. To make it "easier" for us they statically link another 3rd party library into theirs
Then when we try to link the same one, it will fail
@borrrden, yes.... it mean..... but actual problem is that.... i m using JSON framework for parsing jSON text .... and facebook have its won JSON parsing library and both implementation are different with same class name
yeah i know it man ... but i said u actual jumbling
i m using JSON framework for parsing jSON text .... and facebook have its won JSON parsing library and both implementation are different with same class name
I'm encountering a problem with the JSON library using both Facebook API and Google Places API in the same app. I've tried them both independently and they work fine. The problem is though that I now have 2 sets of some of the JSON files (when using both Google and FB API).
I've tried removing ...