HTML sucks, Lately I've been spotting a lot of HTML tricks with people creating all sorts of simple graphics (like hearts and brick houses) out of insanely complicated HTML and CSS. While my first reaction to these graphics is "Wow, neat!", my next reaction is "Ewwww."
WebNavigationBar = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 44)]; // this has no use. It will be reset, every time the page is loaded // WebView.scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, -44); [WebView.superview addSubview:WebNavigationBar];
thanks @slavik, so now that works, so now add the webview.scrollview delegate to the view, then when scrolling i get the scroll offset and make the navbar go up?
@thoughtbreaker You can' t simply "merge" it, you need to make a texture out of it (That much I know). If you are using iOS 5.0+ check out the utilities in GLKit
Welcome to another listing featuring the most popular new resources on this site from the past week in order of popularity. This week’s top listings include a control for creating paper fold animations between views, a Ruby script for creating web services from Core Data models, and a great framework for adding photo filtering into [...]
@NikhilBansal When the cell is selected, get the cell from index path and set it's new accessory view. You may want to reset that of the old selected index path.
@slavik ok i use WebNavigationBar.frame = CGRectMake(WebNavigationBar.frame.origin.x, -scrollView.contentOffset.y-44, WebNavigationBar.frame.size.width, WebNavigationBar.frame.size.height); to make it scroll with the view, it seems to work ok, except the scrollview scroll position indicator goes throught the navigationbar now and starts off wierd, hmm.. ill try to play more so i can explain whats wrong
Well, Google Maps Ruins My Childhood Memories :( In my childhood i was playing at a lake nearer to my grand pa's home and now google maps is showing buildings there
@NikhilBansal I made a sample code of Calendar with Event Kit (It has some bugs :D) which performs single selection in table view with checkmark accessory views. May be it could help.
@slavik if i add the navigationbar to the scrollview i dont even have to add code to make it scroll with the webview, just have to make it think the top is the nav bar now
I just integrated adwhirl to my code and I started receiving this error.
_GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from:
_GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from: -[AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds getAd] in AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds.o
What could be the possible reason. I have added the possible framewo...
Anybody know how to add the datepicker in popoverview ... i have issue in that i displayed popoverview but valuechanged pickerview does not display the textfield
wierd, can someone help. [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"scrollTo(0,0)"]; this, doesnt work, [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"scrollTo(0,70)"]; will actually scroll. i tried also -44 because i have the navigation bar in the superview of the webview, but it doesnt scroll there
and found a way to make it scroll to top automatically, once the scrollview scrolls down wierdly, it can call a void to scroll back up, but still looks wierd to scroll down and up again
I just integrated adwhirl to my code and I started receiving this error.
_GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from:
_GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from: -[AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds getAd] in AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds.o
What could be the possible reason. I have added the possible framewo...
@iHungry i might go too far on one thing... if editor needed, i might be messed up in how to make a good one. um, always appreciate your help. if i can make one, i'll make it opensource
@BabyPanda, moving square on image and also adjusting square size on image after that crop that image..... this kind of dunctionality so much easy ..... i think it should be take ,atleast one day task
I would like to create a new UIImage by cropping the image inside a UIImageView. For example in the above pic, I want a new UIImage of the area outlined in green. I found code to do this, normally it looks something like this (as a UIImage category):
- (UIImage *)croppedImage:(CGRect)bounds ...
@iHungry that green selection square in that SO question, it to be zoomed in and out, and select the part of image it covers ultimately, crop the image, save the new square image somewhere, and store the path into core data, bingo
I used the AVAudioPlayer to play a 10 sec wav file and it works fine.
Now I what to stop the wav at the 4th sec and then play it again from the
very 1st sec.
Here is the code I tried:
NSString *ahhhPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Ahhh" ofType:@"wav"];
AVAudioPlayer *ahhhhhSound...