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@Anjaly Yup
Sunlight + Raining..... @Leena
I suggest that you could put the nav bar to the super view of the webview
what do you mean
wow @iHungry
ok trying it
A superview containing the webview and the nav bar
doesnt even show
WebNavigationBar = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, -44, 320, 44)];
//WebView.scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, -44);
[WebView.superview addSubview:WebNavigationBar];
//[WebView.scrollView addSubview:WebNavigationBar];
Set the webview to fill the superview
@thoughtbreaker: is it is possible to set the border of a table section in program?
adjust the navbar position when you receive didScroll
if the navigation bar y is 0 it shows but it blocks 44 pixels of space of the webview
You could set insect
to make the content 44px lower
well first before i add it to scroll i need it to work right on loadwhere scrollview is below it:P
i cant set the inset of the webview
it says no setter
set it in the scrollview
@Leena Good Morning.
@Anjaly You can manually set a sectionView in the table
@Anjaly - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section
@thoughtbreaker: I need to set the section border
@Anjaly Use this to customise your section and you will get it.
dont know how sadly:[
if i do webview.scrollview.contentinset it doesnt work rigjht
and if the navigationbar is addied to scrollview it works right for a second, then page loads and it resets to web view is the top and cant scroll up
Don't add anything as subview of the scrollview
i dont right now
WebNavigationBar = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 44)];
WebView.scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, -44);
[WebView.superview addSubview:WebNavigationBar];
@Terminator Aaeen Good Morning :)
@Terminator Aaeen
@SJS @VidyaMurthy aaeen
whats up
HTML sucks, Lately I've been spotting a lot of HTML tricks with people creating all sorts of simple graphics (like hearts and brick houses) out of insanely complicated HTML and CSS. While my first reaction to these graphics is "Wow, neat!", my next reaction is "Ewwww."
@Terminator Nothing much.. Was looking at google analytics integration.. You?
@sreecharan Lol!
WebNavigationBar = [[UINavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 44)];
// this has no use. It will be reset, every time the page is loaded
// WebView.scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(0, -44);
[WebView.superview addSubview:WebNavigationBar];

WebView.scrollView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake( 44, 0, 0, 0 )
@VidyaMurthy Yeah! Look at the sorry state that HTML developers have been reduced to in this world!
@sreecharan Yeah, true!
@VidyaMurthy Solving one low memory warning issue.
thanks @slavik, so now that works, so now add the webview.scrollview delegate to the view, then when scrolling i get the scroll offset and make the navbar go up?
@Terminator good morning :)
It will follow your scrollview
@Terminator "name/xmlfile/foldername/moorthy.xml"
how can i get that name of xml file from this string
i want to get this "moorthy.xml"
Change the frame of the navbar every time scrollViewDidScroll received
@Terminator work...work and work.... you say whats going on in your comp. ?
@mountainlionmoorthy Morning
@mountainlionmoorthy May be lastPathComponent. There is something like that. Let me see.
ok i logged the content offset, its current -44, which is right, so now i have to make it go with itD: might be easy,
@Terminator k please ..
@VidyaMurthy Go to googlism.com
and type steve jobs there
@mountainlionmoorthy Yes, use it.
@sreecharan Interesting! :)
I am going to Water Kingdom coming Saturday.
Anyone worked with OpenGL ES2.0? If yes, how could I merge the UIImage to CAEAGLLayer
@sreecharan hello
@Terminator hello
@thoughtbreaker You can' t simply "merge" it, you need to make a texture out of it (That much I know). If you are using iOS 5.0+ check out the utilities in GLKit
@borrrden Thats really a nice piece of share. Thanks friend.
@Terminator You are right about that! lastPathComponent is correct
posted on July 30, 2012 by Johann

Welcome to another listing featuring the most popular new resources on this site from the past week in order of popularity. This week’s top listings include a control for creating paper fold animations between views, a Ruby script for creating web services from Core Data models, and a great framework for adding photo filtering into [...]

@borrrden Thank you ^_^
hey guys, how can I create a simple hit test? (collision)
@BrendonMcBain CGRectIntersectsRect
@borrrden I tried that but wouldn't work. Do I need some of update function or would it be ok in viewDidLoad(); ?
But anything more complicated than a few squares and you will want to use a physics engine
@Terminator how to change color of cell of disclosure indicator?
You need to call it whenever you want to check for collision
I want it to constantly check
@slavik this is how it scrolls
CGFloat height = WebNavigationBar.frame.size.height;
CGFloat y = scrollView.bounds.origin.y;
if (y <= 0) {
CGRect frame = WebNavigationBar.frame;
frame.origin.y = 0;
WebNavigationBar.frame = frame;
} else if (WebView.scrollView.contentSize.height > WebView.scrollView.frame.size.height) {
CGFloat diff = height - y;
CGRect frame = WebNavigationBar.frame;
frame.origin.y = -y;
WebNavigationBar.frame = frame;

CGFloat origin = 0;
CGFloat h = height; // height of the tableHeaderView
its a bit funky though
@NikhilBansal colour of cell of disclosure indicator? What does that mean? You want to change colour of cell or disclosure?
@BrendonMcBain Then you need to set up a mechanism that will call your hit function as often as possible
@Terminator hi
@iProgrammer Hi. How was the trip?
@Terminator color of disclosure
@Terminator good
@Terminator i want to change the color of disclosure of selected cell.
@NikhilBansal You can specify your own custom accessory view to the cell.
@Terminator time hi nahi mila tumhe pareshan karne ka
Hello @NikhilBansal
@Terminator yeah i did the same but how could i change the color of disclosure of selected cell only?
@sreecharan how could i change the color of disclosure of selected cell only?
Anybody could help with CLLocationManager?
Why is its location always different with the MKMapView?
@NikhilBansal When the cell is selected, get the cell from index path and set it's new accessory view. You may want to reset that of the old selected index path.
@NikhilBansal Just get the selected indexpath and change the color
@slavik ok i use WebNavigationBar.frame = CGRectMake(WebNavigationBar.frame.origin.x, -scrollView.contentOffset.y-44, WebNavigationBar.frame.size.width, WebNavigationBar.frame.size.height); to make it scroll with the view, it seems to work ok, except the scrollview scroll position indicator goes throught the navigationbar now and starts off wierd, hmm.. ill try to play more so i can explain whats wrong
Well, Google Maps Ruins My Childhood Memories :( In my childhood i was playing at a lake nearer to my grand pa's home and now google maps is showing buildings there
@slavik ok so if the scroll code is disabled, the webview once fully loaded goes down 44 from the top, but can scroll up:[ lol
@NikhilBansal I made a sample code of Calendar with Event Kit (It has some bugs :D) which performs single selection in table view with checkmark accessory views. May be it could help.
Annoying when combining hit tests and animations, it says it hit it before its even there lol
@MaxHasADHD En, I know it will hide the vertical scroll indicator
hit test can tell the future -.-
I have no idea how to solve it so far
im trying to make the scrollview in the webview scroll to top now once page is loaded to maybe fix that issue when the nav bar doesnt scroll
@Terminator ok thanks :)
@BrendonMcBain Welcome to game programming
@iProgrammer Wo to pata tha mujhe
[WebView.scrollView scrollsToTop]; doesnt work haah
@Terminator kaise?
You mean welcome to "Obj-C" lol, in Action Script the hit test are always running, muhaaha
@iProgrammer aisa lag raha tha tum nahi aaogi
@MaxHasADHD That's because that line does nothing
@Terminator mm
@MaxHasADHD It simply returns whether or not the scroll view is allowed to scroll to the top
(i.e. when the status bar is tapped)
I am downloading new Xcode.
@borrrden You think making a timer to check for hit test every 2 milliseconds would be ok? or be too inneficient?
@MaxHasADHD Every time the page is loaded, the content offset will be set to the ( 0, -contentInsets.top )
@iProgrammer Hey Busy. !! Good Afternoon
@BrendonMcBain It would be ridiculous, considering 1 frame takes about 16 ms to render
@borrrden mmm
@Terminator aaeen
If you want to sync with the screen display rate, use CADisplayLink
checking frame on every 2 milisoeconds
@Bobj-C aaeen
@Terminator new Xcode?
that's 500 FPS by the way xD
2 milli
no golden ideas are coming to me yet loll
@Terminator Version 4.3.3 or Version 4.3.5 ?
4.4 ftw lol
It has several features. No need to write @synthesize, then object literals, etc heee :D
@Terminator kk
@Terminator good
I won't tell my team members. So i can complete my task early and go home early.
Hi @borrrden, hope u had a good weekend
@Terminator criminal mind :P
Artificial Intelligence :P
:D .... its opposite term BTW
@Terminator hahah wich algorithm u used ?
Basic Psychology is inbuilt in my Sub routines.
@Terminator hmmm
basically ... it would be selfish ALGO :P
@Terminator btw today is the result of the competition
@iHungry great haha
@borrrden :??
@borrrden, are u busy
he is always busy]
@Terminator Downloading ...
hello @iProgrammer late latif good afternoon :)
@Bobj-C Oh. I wish you good luck
@Terminator thx
@iHungry thanks for the answer
i m not given here anyone answer.... i take answer ... so sorry
my mac freaked out!
@iHungry : ok, fine
As busy as usual
I don't suppose anyone knows how to render LaTeX on iOS? :p
Finally i set deployment target from iOS 4.0 to iOS 5.0 I can now convert all unsafe unretained to weak. Hurray.
@slavik if i add the navigationbar to the scrollview i dont even have to add code to make it scroll with the webview, just have to make it think the top is the nav bar now
@borrrden Latex
@sreecharan Yes, I guess they know -___- but I don't
@borrrden Why not? you can parse it using this -> apptree.net/parser.htm
@AJPatel hi
@borrrden : what is that?
how can i check if an animation is playing or finished?
@sreecharan Needs to be offline
@sreecharan The link you gave me seems to be for solving equations
I need to display them
@Ranjit It is a markup language for math equations
@borrrden, oh k, If I get any info I will let u know
@borrrden That is having Latex tag, download the source code and check it
But not offline
@sreecharan That's the thing....it sucks...can't connect to a server to do it
HI All
Q: _GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from:

NiKKiI just integrated adwhirl to my code and I started receiving this error. _GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from: _GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from: -[AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds getAd] in AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds.o What could be the possible reason. I have added the possible framewo...

Please look into the issue and help.. Thanks
@sreecharan how can i check if an animation is playing or finished? thanks
Hi All Gud noon...
gud noon
how can i check if an animation is playing or finished? thanks.
Anybody know how to add the datepicker in popoverview ... i have issue in that i displayed popoverview but valuechanged pickerview does not display the textfield
wierd, can someone help. [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"scrollTo(0,0)"]; this, doesnt work, [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"scrollTo(0,70)"]; will actually scroll. i tried also -44 because i have the navigation bar in the superview of the webview, but it doesnt scroll there
Lunch time. Brb.
@MaxHasADHD : hi
changing the hue color of image means ??
i have an UIImage, I need to change the hue color of the image
@iYahoo hi
@Maulik : changing the hue color of image means ??
i have an UIImage, I need to change the hue color of the image
it means the colors are changed
@ios : hey ..How r u doing
like if the image is plain red, changing the hue changes the color
@ios : Okay
Thank u
and found a way to make it scroll to top automatically, once the scrollview scrolls down wierdly, it can call a void to scroll back up, but still looks wierd to scroll down and up again
apples safari does it to, but their navigation bar disappears, wierd
@MaxHasADHD : ohh
@ios : SO its all related to Open GL Es
@ios ; What does Hue means?
@iYahoo the quality of a color as determined by its dominant wavelength
@ios : okay
@iYahoo going for lunch
Q: _GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from:

NiKKiI just integrated adwhirl to my code and I started receiving this error. _GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from: _GADAdSizeFromCGSize", referenced from: -[AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds getAd] in AdWhirlAdapterGoogleAdMobAds.o What could be the possible reason. I have added the possible framewo...

anyone here ? :)
@MaxHasADHD Oh, that is great
Hi every one
@Terminator @iHungry any idea about photo editor in iOS? like cutting a image into a square when uploading youtube avatar
Is it possible to fade a part of a image in IOS ?
Anything is possible =) lol
@ios hi there
i need some help
@ios want to know good release and retain mechanism
means if i own an object when should i release it, to make application run faster and smoother
Here is a unsolved problem I posted 1 month ago. stackoverflow.com/questions/10893808/…
@BabyPanda, no idea...... but u can create ur won photo eidtor
This is a reflection class, for making UIImage reflections but as part of that they have to apply a fade
It involves masking the image with a CGGradient
all function already on googled
@iHungry i suppose that will be no small work... will try...
@ios take example of an array that contains images to fill a tableview, then when should i release so tableview cant generate any error
@borrrden, How can I check when an animation is finished?
@BabyPanda, its ve ry easy task ... u can mdo it with in a day
dont't affraid
i will alw ays with u
@BrendonMcBain Depends on how you started it
@iHungry Photo editing is an easy task? -____-
@borrrden, - (void)moveImage:(UIImageView *)image duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration x:(CGFloat)x y:(CGFloat)y {
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:duration];
[UIView setAnimationBeginsFromCurrentState:TRUE];

image.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(x, y);
image.frame = CGRectIntegral(image.frame);

[UIView commitAnimations];
@iYahoo Hi....uidatepickerview to display th popoverview ....and display the date in textfield do u have any idea about that
@BrendonMcBain That is such an olddddd way to do it
@borrrden, those editing task she wanting those are ve ry easy
@BrendonMcBain The new block-based method is so much easier
@borrrden, image processing is hard
@iHungry i might go too far on one thing... if editor needed, i might be messed up in how to make a good one. um, always appreciate your help. if i can make one, i'll make it opensource
@iHungry Hi....uidatepickerview to display th popoverview ....and display the date in textfield do u have any idea about that
Oh, what kinds of things? Cropping?
I hope not something like "Move this selection around inside the photo"
@borrrden, Can you explain some code for the new way please :D
@borrrden,yup cropping in iOS ve ry easy
@borrrden moving the selection square within the image and on and on...
I don't want to try to implement that function....
@iCrazyDev @borrrden @BabyPanda @iHungry Hey guys would you please check this post stackoverflow.com/questions/11717442/…
which funtion?
Cutting a selection out of a picture and moving it around and saving that picture
@BabyPanda, moving square on image and also adjusting square size on image after that crop that image..... this kind of dunctionality so much easy ..... i think it should be take ,atleast one day task
@borrrden would you please check this post stackoverflow.com/questions/11717442/…
@BabyPanda Oh, moving a selection square
@iHungry I thought it was this -> help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/… (the first function)
The client asked for that and I said "no way!"
@borrrden much easier than that. just like when uploading avatar to google+ or youtube
@all hie
@BabyPanda Yes, don't worry about just cropping it isn't that hard :D
@borrrden, yes u can crop an image irregular shape as given ur link also
@iHungry The link is more than cropping, it is actually detaching the selected pixels and moving them around the image
Q: How to crop a UIImageView to a new UIImage in 'aspect fit' mode?

pj4533 I would like to create a new UIImage by cropping the image inside a UIImageView. For example in the above pic, I want a new UIImage of the area outlined in green. I found code to do this, normally it looks something like this (as a UIImage category): - (UIImage *)croppedImage:(CGRect)bounds ...

@justin Your question is too hard to understand
@borrrden, yup
@iHungry much appreciate. i take it too hard. 'cause i was thinking about zooming the selection square.
@borrrden, actually all functionality u can do in iOS ... CoreGraphics provides all respective functions and u need use some maths and logic....
@BabyPanda, what do u want exactly
@iHungry hie
@DimplePanchal, hey
@NiravLimbasiya @iApple IDimple says Hie to all
@borrrden I want to add month for each 4 week
as a header
@iHungry that green selection square in that SO question, it to be zoomed in and out, and select the part of image it covers ultimately, crop the image, save the new square image somewhere, and store the path into core data, bingo
@iHungry worked on background noise reduction while recording ? @NiravLimbasiya @iApple ??
@borrrden, How does block based work? So far I just have: [UIView animateWithDuration:duration animations: completion: ];
@DimplePanchal : Hi IDimple :)
@BrendonMcBain All you need to do is make changes to your view inside the animations block and they will be animated according to the other parameters
@iApple Hello Safarjan :)
@DimplePanchal, i think yes u can reduce background noise while audio recording
@BabyPanda ??
@iHungry how?
@borrrden, do I delete all my old method though, does this block method do it all in couple lines or something?
@DimplePanchal so sorry,
i ping the wrong id
@BabyPanda so its ok
@BrendonMcBain Yes, exactly, that's why everyone stopped using the old way xD
And then the completion block will be called when the animation finishes
@DimplePanchal i apologise. i should've ping ihungry about cropping image.'
@BabyPanda Its k Baby panda
@borrrden, ahh ok, haven't done a lot of obj-c (normally PHP & AS3), and I can tell you obj-c has some weird syntax lol
@iHungry Tell me how?
@DimplePanchal, i think .... core Audio framwork has some function those are did to reduce noise
@DimplePanchal, i m going for luuch
@iHungry But do u know how
@DimplePanchal : hi
@iHungry UHungry, tell me after lunch
@DimplePanchal : Dimple nu gujarati su thaay,Can't find on google?? :P
@iYahoo Hi UYahoo
@iHungry haha if i can make it good enough, i may well try face-detection
LOL, used blocked animation first time and it make my character blow up like a balloon, i laughed.
I cried :(
@BabyPanda Core Image has a face detection library :p
@DimplePanchal : Le kem?
@iApple Aap em
@borrrden yep, just that lib. face-detection first and locate the selection square to the right place.
but that's far beyond my requirement now :)
@DimplePanchal Hello
@anonymous again gumnaam?
@all someone have used AVPlayer?
@all i have a problem with AVPlayer
@DimplePanchal Gumnaam j chu bhai pehle thi.. :P Your Rep is also touching 2000.. Great.. Me just reached 2000.. :-)
@anonymous not increasing then this, not getting time :(
@anonymous @DimplePanchal do you know how to stop avplayer?
Q: AVAudioPlayer stop a sound and play it from the beginning

supersurabbitI used the AVAudioPlayer to play a 10 sec wav file and it works fine. Now I what to stop the wav at the 4th sec and then play it again from the very 1st sec. Here is the code I tried: NSString *ahhhPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Ahhh" ofType:@"wav"]; AVAudioPlayer *ahhhhhSound...

@anonymous @VidyaMurthy aaeen
@Terminator Aaeen.. Kya khaya? Tava Chicken Pulao?
@Terminator Hello :) Had lunch?
@Terminator Had Lunch Aaeen ??
@DimplePanchal : Aeeen su che,khabar nathi padti ...
Chicken Triple Fried rice with gravy
Everyone is asking @Terminator about lunch.. lol
@DimplePanchal sr but i want to know about AVPlayer not AVAudioPlayer
lol :p
@Terminator Friends Rice or Fried rice?
@Terminator Triple friend rice?? :P
Guess they weren't such good friends...
which friends?
lol.. Trolled..
haha The autocorrection made it friend rice

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