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@PeteC imageData:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Goal_image" ofType:@"png"];
@Unicorn yes?
@PeteC imageData is of type NSData, and I am running test cases.
yes, you have asked for the path to a resource, not the data itself.
@Terminator for what?
Maybe try NSData dataWithContentsOfFile, or something like that, can't remember the exact method right now
[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"MyFile" ofType:@"txt"];
NSData *myData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
@PeteC It works.
@Unicorn: Glad to help
hi guys
Hello, have you used STAssertEqualObjects or STAssertTrue ?
@PeteC Are you he or she?
lol he why
@Unicorn wants a new lady love who likes programming iOS, i guess.
@orgami orgami seems lady name :D
@Unicorn: I think that should be prett obvious.
For cell.textLabel.text = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];
cell.detailTextLabel.text = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyArtist];

can i add CGRect cause the artist song is getting cut
does any one knows that (is it possible to change the specific section size in kkGridView)?
lol .....really . i dont think so .
@orgami: depends where you're from, I guess.
@orgami UK, IIRC.
no i am not from uk
lol, then who was from UK?
@PeteC you?
@orgami and you?
let me put it this way ...i am from the land where bane had his prison
well where they shot that part :P
@PeteC i think u got it
@orgami No I didn't watch Dark Knights Rise :d
do u watch big bang theory ?
I got the reference, but I don't know where the prison was :p
bangalore to be precise
@orgami Are you from India?
I watched Dark Knight Rises twice.
Movie addiction hahaha.
@Terminator: smae, going to see it again on 2nd, in Imax :D
@Terminator which one was better rises or the joker one ?
i'll be watching it again over the weekend
i have a question
@PeteC Imax Bangaloru, Karnatka?
For whom?
@keepsmiling Joker version was better.
@Terminator yupp...there you tell the truth..!!..nice.
For cell.textLabel.text = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];
cell.detailTextLabel.text = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyArtist];
i am displaying the artist and song info in my tableview
can i add CGRect cause the artist song is getting cut and i want to place song name above artist
@Terminator koi ledger ko replace kar hi nahi sakta..us movie me to joker ke har plan B ka bhi ek plan B rehta hai...awesome.
unicorn where r u from
@Unicorn: Pardon?
@Unicorn - i'm from Chadnigarh, delhi, haridwar, dehradun, NCR
@VakulSaini What do I do?
@PeteC Nothing. Leave.
@Unicorn- well what do you do ?
@orgami sheldon cooper is awesome... ;)
@VakulSaini there?
@Hrushikesh - YEs
@VakulSaini thnks for your reply
@Hrushikesh - :-)
@VakulSaini i have implemented code and its works fine.
you have done it
@VakulSaini but i want to make image dimensions large can you have any idea about it.
@PeteC i have a question
@VakulSaini Spelling of Chandigarh is incorrect.
@orgami I may have an answer? :p
@Hrushikesh - wait
How do I load a plain number into an NSDecimalNumber in iOS?
@PeteC For cell.textLabel.text = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyTitle];
cell.detailTextLabel.text = [mediaItem valueForProperty:MPMediaItemPropertyArtist];
i am displaying the artist and song info in my tableview
can i add CGRect cause the artist song is getting cut and i want to place song name above artist
and please vote up
@orgami Are you not getting late for home?
@orgami: Can you pastebin a bit more of the code?
i am at home
@Unicorn - ooohhhh you are being sharp ....... nice to know. :-)
@VakulSaini you will be suspended from Stack Overflow, don't request for voting up. If user likes your answer or if he likes your reply s/he will get upvote or accept your answer..
@PeteC sure
@VakulSaini i have uploaded this image. it's dimensions are about 480 × 640 in both portrait and landscape.
@VakulSaini are you too at home?
@PeteC shall i upload it to dropbox ?
@VakulSaini does this answer satisfying. pls guide me more. stackoverflow.com/questions/10961521/…
@VakulSaini thnks in advance.
@Unicorn - well i never depress to anyone :-)
@VakulSaini means?
@Unicorn - i'm in office
@orgami: I don't have a drop box account set up, it'd be helpful to see what kind of layout you have, or have a bit more context to the question
@VakulSaini Good, when will you leave?
@orgami: are you wanting to resize the cell?
@Hrushikesh - you can not set the dimensions rather than

would be better use preset mode "AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto"
@VakulSaini and what about you asked question for and get answer for.
@Unicorn - when i wish
@Hrushikesh - i was making a big mistake in my project ..... forget it this is the seperate issue
in your case it will work fine
@VakulSaini ok nope.
@VakulSaini thanks for your contribution if i have any prob. regarding this i'll ask you.
@Hrushikesh - sure....gud luck
@VakulSaini can i be personal for getting your info not from stackoverflow.
@Hrushikesh - m i a nice person ?
@PeteC i have resized the cell i am displaying the song , artist and artwork in myPlaylistTable (UITableView) the" artist" and "song name" is getting cut and i want to place" song name" above "artist name " i want to move artist and song name towards right .and the artwork isnt displaying .... here is my code pastebin.com/T8HdF9PU
do you have a mock up of what you want it to look like for visual reference?
@Hrushikesh - you have no words for my question :-)
@VakulSaini can't tell
@VakulSaini but you helped me lot so.
@Hrushikesh - so who is he ?????????? who helps you a lot ???
@VakulSaini so i want to know about you.
i am using windows pc ,, i cant take screenshot since xcode doesnt work in windows
@PeteC i can mail u my project
@VakulSaini it's my hobby to know the person who helps me.
@Hrushikesh - well i have gained "Autobiographer" badges ???? Do you know what it is ?
@VakulSaini no sorry i am new to here.
@Hrushikesh - hobby lol,...... you should change it.
@VakulSaini why? is there any problem?
Autobiographer badges means i have filled my all profile on stackoverflow
@orgami are your labels set big enough?
i dont need to give any info
you can check my profile :-)
in Interface builder?
well @Unicorn - bye bye
see you tommorrow
@orgami: I'd rather not give out my email in the chat
with a new war
bye @Hrushikesh
@All - bye bye............ :-)
@VakulSaini ok
u can pm ..if its k with u
@VakulSaini you haven't replied me
this is my email id
which one
let me go now..... see you 2morow @Hrushikesh
Go for it
how to pm ..
No idea :D
@VakulSaini i just sent you mail.
@PeteC i'll give out mine .. send me a test mail ..mdkarthik@gmail.com
got it
What SDK are you running on, i only have 5.1 installed, using Xcode 4.3.2
@VakulSaini bye bye :)
@VakulSaini are you in love with 13 bwahahha :D
@PeteC i have attached my proj in the mail.
@orgami: Cool, I'll have a quick look. Just to check, I can only look at iOS SDK 5.1 in xCode 4.3.2
@PeteC let me know if u were able to run the proj
will do
@PeteC thanks
@orgami: it says incomplete implementation, I'm getting 6 warnings you should look at
it keeps showing .. warnings isnt much of a problem
You should ideally have 0 warnings when you build, these look like simple things to fix, i.e. protocol methods that need adding
ah ok
Your best effort is probably to subclass the tableviewcell, so there is a uiimageview and a label for both the title and artist
Unfortunately I've not done that myself, so I can't guide you on it, but I'm sure there will be a question on SO for it
They are usually the required methods of a protocol not implemented by a class, or methods declared in header file or class extension not implemented.
ok i will look into it ...
what about 2nd n 3rd question ...
will have a look shortly, still have my own project to get on with ;)
oh ok :)
@Terminator got a quick question for you
@Terminator im implementing the overlay right now, but I would like it to respond to the change in camera source (back/front). Possible without subclassing imagePicker?
@PeteC i'll be back later ...let me know if u were able to solve the problem ..u can reply back to my mail :)
@orgami: I'll see what I can do, I unfortunately don't have a device to test on, so I will only be able to speculate
@orgami: if you're still there, I would check where line 132
what you are doing here is replacing collectionMutableCopy
@Byte Probably you would have to do. You can change the picker type, right?
you will most likely want to append the information, instead of replacing it.
@Terminator using the camera control yes
@orgami: I'll mail you the suggestion.
@Byte Oh, using default camera controls you want the change notifications?
@Byte Can't see any such thing in the documentation. I think not possible.
documentation doesnt even have anything about subclassing it to make this possible
@Byte What if you observe that property cameraDevice by KVO !? lol may be bad guess. I am tired and probably out of my mind.
just like that?
Gotta go home. Good luck. See you after 2 hours. Bye.
i mean there is nothing about it lol
@Terminator it takes you 2 hours to get home?
ok, see you in 2 hours
can we make voting system on uitableview .. like when the user taps on a cell it that cell should go on top of the uitableview
based on higher number of votes the cell should be higher and based on lower number of votes the cell should be lower in uitableview
you could re-order the underlying datasource, then reload data, probably best using coredata
thanks i'll look into .. have apple mentioned about it in docs ?
reloadData is a function on the tableview itself, forcing it to reload the data from wherever you have it set up to, this could simply be an NSMutableArray
i love the animation when a user enters the chatroom
@PeteC can i solve Q2) like this

collectionMutableCopy = [ mediaItemCollection.items mutableCopy];
i'll create another nsmutablearray called say selectedSongs
[selectedSongs addObjectsFromArray collectionMutableCopy];
collectionMutableCopy is an NSMutableArray
I'm not sure I follow your reasoning. Your tableview draws it's information from collectionMutableCopy.
hmm i think i did the way u told me to do . i am not sure it worked .. but i'll check it later when i have mac to work on
using just [collectionMutableCopy addObjectsFromArray:mediaItemCollection.items]; will add the items you have selected on to the end of the array
the code in my previous line should replace what is on line 132
comment what you have there right now, and use what I just put
that should be correct
although as I said, I don't have a test device, so I can't check right now :p
ok ...so till i close my app the list will be displayed
its ok :)
it should be
can i delete a song in my customPlaylist
if you know the exact song, you can remove object and pass the object
not sure of the exact syntax, check the NSMutableArray class reference, but I believe it's removeObject:
yeah i think its removeObject
in your tableview didselectrowatindexpath method you can get the object etc. :)
so it would be [collectionMutableCopy removeObject :mediaItemCollection.items] i think thats wrong ..correct me if i am wrong
no, the object you are telling it to remove there is not in the array
your remove method would probably involve didselectrowatindexpath
like if you long press on it or something, you can then get the item for that row, and remove that from the array
Hey guys .! Want some help with transitions in view controllers for iPad.
Actually I am playing a video on my rootViewController and when the video is finished or the done button is pressed it should transit to another view..
It does reads the NSLogs i put in viewDidLoad method but the screen appears blank ..
have your methods call [self performSegueWithIdentified:sender:] for the appropriate segue
The video task was not working, So what i did ( For testing ) i took a button and used that call in your answer, It does go to the next viewController as i can see the NSLogs i put in viewDidLoad method. BUt the UI elements doesn't seem to appear..?
I also tried using this call : [ self navigationController ] putViewController:nextViewController ]; But no luck. Dont get what am I missing out here..? :(
hello all
have you built using storyboards?
@Shailesh_ios hi
@PeteC hi
I have problem in xml parsing
can you help me?
probably not, sorry :)
Yes, I have used storyboards only.
@Stack.Blue: Hi ..!
@Shailesh_ios i have problem in XML parsing can you help me?
I am fetching google wether API
@Shailesh_ios: have you got your prepareForSegue method set up?
@PeteC @PeteC can u help me out in 3rd Question which i have put up in the email
never worked with remoteControlledEvents, sorry
@orgami: check for delegate methods, and read developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/EventHandling/… (I just glanced at it, seems like it's what you're after)
@PeteC hi
Hi, I'm just leaving now, sorry :)
@Terminator : Aaeen
what is aaeen? hello in another language?
May 17 at 9:37, by Laddu
aaeen is used when we are shocked, surprised, when someone pinches us, when we don't understand what other person is saying, also instead of huh !
And it became so common that we started using it for Hi and Hello.
i feel like an insider now lol
are there any iOS contractors in here?
iOS contractors means?
a guy wants to hire me for a job, and I am mainly a .net guy but want to switch solely to iOS
how much is a typical rate per hour for doing iOS work?
@Terminator basically just someone who does iOS work for someone for a certain amount of time
Varies based on the region, kind of project it is and individual decision as well. It should normally be USD 20 per hour. But i may be wrong.
ok thanks
I get paid monthly salary, so i dunno exactly. @anonymous does free lancing, so he might know.
@Terminator Yeah
tomorrow I have an interview for a salaried .net position, really good pay
Good luck :-)
but i am not sure i want to go back to doing that as the majority of my work
i like objective c too much now
Yes me too. I like only Obj-C and C#
@BriOnH 15-20$ is normal initiator developer can charge
blah :(
mid level companies may charge more than 20-100 and big MNCs developer charges are 120$+
yeah I am accustomed to the more 50-80 range
I am planning to do some paid .NET course
yeah @Terminator? it is a good language, i mainly do it for web apps
but i have always preferred macs
@anonymous i just dont know if i can adjust my career lifestyle that much you know? but I do want to persue obj-c more
so i am conflicted at what to do- stay with what i know best and make more or take a hit and probably enjoy work more
I would say follow the line which gives you fun and you like
@Terminator aaeen there ?
i think that's good advice
@Bobj-C Yes
@Terminator i want to ask
@Terminator i have in my mysql database about 100 records ok
@Terminator so iam making request from the iphone and goet a JSON respone
@Terminator so from 100 i get 3-5 results with NULL values
@Terminator and i have no null for any of the 100 records
i dont know why
i use this ` responseDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:request.responseData options:kNilOptions error:&error];
@Bobj-C You get NULL in the JSON?
yes do you know why ?
the place details on the server contains data and not to long
also the place details of type meduim text
@Terminator any idea ?
@Bobj-C No idea. I will try to search and let you know if i get something.
@Terminator ok i use PHP as a back end
@Terminator i thing maybe there is a special character
@Bobj-C Are there any special characters in that field?
@Bobj-C And other fields that are not null don't have special character?
@Terminator i remove a special character from the place details it appears
so i will check the others
@Terminator checking
@Terminator another null for this Vendôme
@Terminator i thin the "ô" is the problem
@Bobj-C May be encoding issue !?
@Terminator yup
Q: json_encode is returning NULL?

tarnfeldFor some reason the item "description" returns NULL with the following code: <?php include('db.php'); $result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `staff` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 2') or die(mysql_error()); $rows = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ $rows[] = $row; } echo json_e...

@Bobj-C That could help?
@Terminator thanks
@Terminator i am trying to use JSON Frameworks instead off Apple FrameWork
@Bobj-C But the issue seems to be taking place at the server side itself.
@Terminator if the same issue appears using other framework so i will look at the server side
@Bobj-C Sure :-)
hi i have a quick question. I copied files on one computer and it compiled file, and then I try to compile on another computer, and it tells me the files are missing
i added to git, but now it isn't there
Does anyone know the best way to add a gradient mask to a UIView?
@JohnMerlino You could have different project settings, make sure your Build Phase and Build Settings tabs look the same.
@ibeitia it has to do with submodules
Q: unable to get submodule on github repository with git

JohnMerlinoI added this to my application: https://github.com/xtremek/XKRemote_iPhone/tree/master/Vendor In the instructions, it says: If you have git 1.7+ git clone git://github.com/fpotter/juggernaut-cocoa.git --recursive It doesnt say where to clone it, so I clone it in my Documents folder. Then I ...

@ibeitia:Can You anser this question please...stackoverflow.com/questions/11657695/…
@Dany I'm sorry I don't now the answer. Have you tried adding the submodule to the project folder?
@ibeitia NOpe
can someone help? so i updated to ML clean, but it cant find code signing identity so i cant run my apps:/
i forget where to get them, i just went to xcode signed in n it downloaded files n i got some from the developer site, forget how to get the code signing
2 hours later…
posted on July 25, 2012 by Johann

If you’ve been looking for a quick and easy way to load images from the web into a UIKit based app I’ve come across a very handy UIImageView category that adds in the capability of easily loading images asynchronously from the web.  In addition to the downloading the category also provides caching and error checking. [...]

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