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@Unicorn - where are you ?
@VakulSaini I am here :)
@iApple: i stoerd the data in plist then took an nsinteger ..i stored the integers value in nsuserdefault... by default it was 0..i made it 1 on editing and then put a condition that if the value of integer is 0 then only it will take the old array's value.. and it worked :) i hope you get it :P
@Unicorn - You have made another world for you ?
@iPhoneDeveloper : Yeah you hoped correctly,i got it....
in iOS & Android , yesterday, by Strider
in Android Developer, 1 min ago, by Strider
"Suicide is away of telling God, You can’t fire me I quit "
@All can anybody have a look over here stackoverflow.com/questions/11573660/…
@Hrushikesh - Why dont you use AVCaptureSession ?
make your own camera
according to you
@VakulSaini yes, all are against here.
@VakulSaini ok i have looked over here red-glasses.com/index.php/tutorials/…
@Hrushikesh - see this - http://www.musicalgeometry.com/?p=1273
JJOB's great tutorial, it will definitely help you
@VakulSaini but after capturing image there is navigation and some other extra stuff is going to be done so how to handle this all.
@Unicorn - so sad
@Hrushikesh - are you talking about my link ?
@Unicorn - dont copy my twitt again and again .......i will kill you
@VakulSaini Don't ever think about this.
@Unicorn - but i have
@VakulSaini Ok, let it be thought only.
@Unicorn Ill kill u 2 :)
@TejeshwarGill 2? How is one?
@Unicorn - you removed the twitt...... ???? have you got fear ?
Just fr fun ... cool huh @Unicorn ? :)
@TejeshwarGill What?
@VakulSaini Do you think?
@TejeshwarGill - you vant take anybody's life just for your fun
@VakulSaini, @TejeshwarGill: should i kill him too??lol
how selfish you are
@iPhoneDeveloper Be my guest :) ...
@VakulSaini Who?
@VakulSaini - Fun is in the killing .... :D
@Unicorn - TejeshwarGill
@VakulSaini Ok and you?
@Hrushikesh - are you trying ?
@TejeshwarGill Are you professional killer?
@Unicorn - i'm just kidding
be cool
and let me cool
@Unicorn ... I can make u an offer u cant refuse :)
@mountainlionmoorthy - look like Lioness... are you a girl ?
@TejeshwarGill I'll think about it, what is the offer btw?
@Unicorn To kill u :D
@TejeshwarGill Any other option do you have?
@VakulSaini lol .. nope ..
@Unicorn well i can strangle u first ... ur wish :P
@Unicorn - have you exp in CoreData ?
@TejeshwarGill Then?
@VakulSaini I'd tried 2 years back.
@ArchanaChaurasia - hi
Mountain Lion will arrive today...
@TejeshwarGill Are you from IIT Kharagpur?
@mountainlionmoorthy today?
@mountainlionmoorthy When? Where? How woudld you know?
@Unicorn yup July 25th..
@Unicorn Date Confirmed by Apple
@Unicorn - it should be Kanpur
@mountainlionmoorthy give me proofs.
@mountainlionmoorthy give me Apple site :P
“We’re thrilled with record sales of 17 million iPads in the June quarter,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We’ve also just updated the entire MacBook line, will release Mountain Lion tomorrow and will be launching iOS 6 this Fall. We are also really looking forward to the amazing new products we’ve got in the pipeline.”
@Unicorn How do u knw ?
@TejeshwarGill What do I know?
17 Million .... huge amount
sales of iPads
@VakulSaini seen.
@Unicorn - oh ok
I have made a progressBAr
looking cool
is there any way to increase the width and height of my mac desktop :-(
Coming in July but when in July it is not confirmed @mountainlionmoorthy
morning guys - anyone know how to run the iOS simulator in xcode without compiling and running an app ?
@VakulSaini after scan button pressed hw 2 get image captured?
@VakulSaini like this method of UIImagePickerController
- (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
didFinishPickingImage:(UIImage *)image
editingInfo:(NSDictionary *)editingInfo
you have checked your photoGallery ?
@Hrushikesh ?
that image is being saved in photoGallery
please check the method in which image is being saved into PhotoGallery
@VakulSaini ok let me check but i want to get the image saved to another view. automatically.
@Unicorn omg!!!! wait i'll show you when is available in app store ...
i got information from apple Facebook page..and newyork times...
@mountainlionmoorthy Ok.
@VakulSaini no think there is no code to save image in this method
- (void) scanButtonPressed {
[[self scanningLabel] setHidden:NO];
[self performSelector:@selector(hideLabel:) withObject:[self scanningLabel] afterDelay:2];
@lsiunsuex Just Open the application IOS Simulator
@VakulSaini ok but as i say i want to transfer that image directly to antother view like this method can be done
- (void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
didFinishPickingImage:(UIImage *)image
editingInfo:(NSDictionary *)editingInfo
[picker dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

if (image != nil)
open.image = image;
[open.imageView setImage:image];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:open animated:YES];
@mountainlionmoorthy Isn't that i told here a while ago
22 mins ago, by sree charan
“We’re thrilled with record sales of 17 million iPads in the June quarter,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We’ve also just updated the entire MacBook line, will release Mountain Lion tomorrow and will be launching iOS 6 this Fall. We are also really looking forward to the amazing new products we’ve got in the pipeline.”
Q: Can I ask questions about a not-yet-publicly released version of an Apple Operating System?

Ian C.Apple has announced its latest and greatest operating system, and seeded copies to developers, but the operating system is not yet shipping to the general public. Are questions about this upcoming release within the scope of the site at this point in time? For an example of a question that was c...

@Terminator you there?
@mountainlionmoorthy we are not supposed to discuss it publicly until it wont release.
@iProgrammer Yes
@Terminator inApppurchase ke liye binary submit karni padti hai?
@Hrushikesh - you have downloaded the old code from there
@iApple: ok :)
see the link "iOS Still Image Capture Using AVCaptureSession " just right above of the iOS Camera Overlay Example Using AVCaptureSession @Hrushikesh
@iHungry no worries. i'll try some stuff tomorrow. thanks anyway.
Could some of you help me out with deleting a Q&A of mine that grew nasty?
It's all explained there
SO won't let me delete for some reason
this is the correct project @Hrushikesh
@iProgrammer testing ke liye?
@VakulSaini ok thnx let me see it.
@Hrushikesh - in AROverlayViewController.m file you will find - (void)saveImageToPhotoAlbum
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum([[self captureManager] stillImage], self, @selector(image:didFinishSavingWithError:contextInfo:), nil);
[[self captureManager] stillImage] will contains the UIImage
you can retrieve image like UIImage *image = [[self captureManager] stillImage];
hi @Piyush
Xcode sucks.
@Leena Hi
how are you?
@VakulSaini its demo is crashing but i'll handle with this code.
@Leena fine
@Piyush i m fine got job?
@Leena ya 1 week bhi ho gaya
posted on July 17, 2012 by marie

Attention fellow mobile developers, the applications for Springboard Europe’s first mobile accelerator will end in 6 days. As a graduate of their second installment, I can tell you the value you get out of the programme is amazing so make sure you give it a shot! Springboard Mobile is on the lookout for the 10 [...]

posted on July 18, 2012 by marie

On Wednesday, Adfonic will release its mobile AdMetrics report with data on the state of mobile advertising globally, regionally, and broken out by demographic. A couple key takeaways are presented below: Android consolidated its grip on NA, with its mobile advertising share rising from 46% in Q1 to 63% in Q2 (it went from 38% [...]

posted on July 19, 2012 by marie

If you were hoping to run Office 2013 on your Mac then this will be disappointing news, Microsoft announced Office 2013 earlier this week, however at the same time they informed us that it won’t be making the way to Macs. Microsoft will, however, be adding SkyDrive integration to Office 2011. Great. The Verge reports [...]

posted on July 19, 2012 by marie

User interfaces. If you’ve got a website, you’ve got a UI. For web designers and developers, finding the right design elements can be both time consuming and downright frustrating. You might find social media buttons on one site, user profile pics on another, etc. It’d be so much easier to just get one mega package [...]

posted on July 20, 2012 by marie

Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news!   20th Century Fox movies now available via iTunes in the cloud - 0th Century Fox Studios has made its movies available through iTunes in the Cloud, which allows customers to download purchases to a compatible [...]

posted on July 21, 2012 by marie

Promoting your app’s features can be a pain sometimes. That is why at App Design Vault, we just released a WordPress theme that can be used to showcase the features of your app easily. Here are some of the cool features you get with the Darstell Worpdress Theme for iPhone Apps. Capture Email Addresses before [...]

posted on July 23, 2012 by marie

“You can’t build a truly great game unless you iterate like crazy,” said Naomi Kokubo, “And there’s no better way than to code it yourself.” A year ago, Naomi, a mother of two, had ample business experience but no coding background. Instead of hiring an engineer like she’d done in the past, she decided to [...]

posted on July 23, 2012 by marie

The importance of good app design cannot be understated. An app that looks great gives the user a better experience so they tell their friends about it. App reviewers love to see well-designed apps which they love to add to their reviews. Simply, marketing is already baked into to your app if it has a [...]

posted on July 24, 2012 by marie

I don’t know about you guys but I always find it very annoying that I have to enter my Apple ID Password simply to download a free app from the App Store, well in the iOS 6 beta this has been solved. With the latest beta of iOS 6, users are no longer required to [...]

posted on July 25, 2012 by marie

When Tim Cook released the Apple Q3 earnings yesterday he included a very important remark for those waiting to get your hands on the new OS X Mountain Lion, here is what he said: We’re thrilled with record sales of 17 million iPads in the June quarter,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “We’ve also just updated the entire [...]

@Piyush where n what abt party for new job
@Terminator haan
@Leena Rajkot
party :P
Guys, deleting questions is so much fun!! And I happened to have one just for this purpose:
Somebody with enough rep pls do something cuz all the answers are plane wrong and it hangs there irritating ppl
@Leena party ke liye rajkot ana pade ga
@Unicorn hey ......
@Piyush last week i had been to rajkot
@Leena really ?
yes @Piyush
i forgot to inform you
@Leena kya kar rahi thi ?
@Piyush Ho.
@Unicorn How are you ?
Ok, I guess I got in a wrong place looking for help..
@Piyush rajkot main cousin se milne aayi thi aur cocktail b dekhni thi cousin k sath to dekh li
@Piyush Good.
@DesmondHume what's happen ?
@Leena ohhhhh
@Terminator kaha gai
Somebody with enough rep pls do something cuz all the answers are plane wrong and it hangs there irritating ppl
Q: Does passing an object as a parameter for a method increment its retain counter under ARC?

Desmond Hume Possible Duplicate: Why does ARC retain method arguments? In view of this Q&A Why does ARC retain method arguments? (called "the referenced Q&A" hereafter) I, the OP of this Q&A, think that this Q&A should be deleted mainly because of the misleading answers to the qu...

@DesmondHume its a duplicate question
@Hrushikesh - all the best, but you will find it better than others :-)
@Leena And that's the exact of the reasons I want you guys to take it down i.e. delete forever
@DesmondHume we cant becoz it is in the hands of mods
@So won't let me do it on my own. It says because the question got answers (while the answers are totally misleading)
@DesmondHume request on meta chat rooms to the mods to delete your question
@Unicorn busy ho kya ?
@Leena sab kaha he ?
@Leena K, thank you..
@Piyush What?
@Piyush kiski baat kar raha hai ?
@Unicorn LOL, are you busy ?
@iPhoneDeveloper : Ok??
@iProgrammer @Terminator I have one doubt....plz help me
@SJS yes
@iProgrammer I am using this line in my xmlParsing's last element of particular tag
[tblParseData performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
@DesmondHume The question is already closed by the moderators
@iProgrammer when i execute this line....my tableview getting reloaded...
@sreecharan Hi
@iProgrammer but in this heightForRowAtIndexPath and numberOfRowsInSection these two methods are getting called properly
Hello @Piyush
@iProgrammer but cellForRowAtIndexPath is not getting called....why so.
@SJS why you are calling method in cellForRowAtindxpath
@iProgrammer I had also checked the count of array in numberOfRowsInSection method and it is greater than 0
@sreecharan I knew it, thanks. But still it doesn't prevent SO visitors to be misinformed by it. And I certainly dont want my Q&A to misinform ppl
@iApple: you said i had hoped right..so i said ok
@iProgrammer cellForRowAtIndexPath is not getting called
in reloadData of tableview
@sreecharan tum hare blog ki url kaha gayi.......
@Piyush Kyu ?
@SJS where you are reloding data
mera blog me kya karna he, tumko ?
@Piyush Who are you? Do you know me?
@iProgrammer in my xmlParsing delegate method
@iProgrammer and i am reloading table view by this line :: [tblParseData performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
Hi guys
@sreecharan wo wwdc ke bare me tum ne likha tha na ....
@Leena and @Piyush missed.
@Leena Ok.
@Piyush Ha usko nikaldiya
@sreecharan ohhhhh
i have an question
@iProgrammer Nahi.
okay,chal thik hain...@iPhoneDeveloper ...bye
can anyone answer
@iProgrammer Make one application in your developer account and give it bundle identifier. Then enable IAP for that app, add some product identifiers. And use those product identifiers in your code.
@iApple: ok bye..
@Terminator @iProgrammer bye.... I am going home...see you tomorrow :)
@Terminator product identifier ke liye to Itunes se set karna hoga na
@SJS bye
Hi all
@PeteC Hi.
I'm wondering how you rotate what is displayed on the screen, regardless of which orientation the device is in.
@Unicorn Hello.
Most of the searches I've done have resulted in questions showing people adding lines to shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:, which is fine if the device has been turned, but if, for example, I want to have the page show in portrait only, until the user presses a button to change it to landscape, how would I go about this?
@iProgrammer Yes
@iProgrammer @Terminator koi sweet movie bata sakti hain kya aap dono ? jo dekhne pe kisi ka mood theek ho jaaye ? please. :)
@Terminator no purchase available kyo aa rha hia
@PeteC Whom are you talking to?
@Unicorn: general questions, if you can help, sure!
ye kya tha
@iProgrammer Mugunth Kumar ke IAP blog me jao
@PeteC My iPod touch home button is not working well.
@Terminator dekha to tha
@Unicorn: I'm not sure of the relevance?
@Unicorn, I still don't see how this applies to the question I asked?
@Terminator fir se dkehti hu
@iProgrammer hello slideshow banaya he kya kabhi uiscrollview ka
@PeteC It is not related to your question.
@Unicorn, oh, ok, some context would have been nice :p
@Unicorn: What should I be looking at on these links?
9 mins ago, by Unicorn
@PeteC My iPod touch home button is not working well.
@Unicorn: Oh, missed that one haha, if it's still in warranty, go to an apple shop is your best bet, I guess
@PeteC It is not, since 2 years ago I bought it.
take it apart and clean the contacts?
@PeteC and for your case you can try UIInterfaceOrientation orientation = [[UIDevice currentDevice] orientation];
ML is out?!?
anyone downloading?
@PeteC Set the UIView's transform property to CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(angle)
@MaxHasADHD Not yet.
i am, 3 hours left. need help though, want to clean install but first mac so don't really know what i need to backup besides just some folders, don't do much on mac its like 30 MB of stuff i use, not big.
but don't know what i might need, don't want to do it and then remember i needed something or mess it up
@NikolaiRuhe, @Unicorn: thanks, I'll look in to those suggestions
@MaxHasADHD ask it there, you will get better traffic there for your questions as here people are technical.
@PeteC How to make methods private ?
@Unicorn Don't declare them in the .h file?
@PeteC I am not declaring, they will be consider as private?
@Unicorn: That's my understanding, I may be wrong though. You should be able to call from within that class, but not from anywhere else.
@PeteC Ok.

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