@borrrden : I have to show a UIImage as a SPlash Screen and then it has to flip, and i need to get another UIImage and it should be present for some few seconds and disappear, after disappearing i need to get my UIViewCOntroller, How can i achieve this ?? Could u kindly breif me up
@davidelias16 Im asking just because im looking for a programmer who'd potential be willing to mentor me, not intensively but.... and @borrrden is right, tag peopel please
Exactly. I have a main uitableview listing the manufacturers. When you select honda, in the child tableview for the types of cars, I want civic, accord, etc...
@borrrden When we use our test account to test In-app purchase in iPhone 4, always get an error "This is not a test user account". But it ok with other devices.
I am new in twitter implementation, in my application there is one login screen, I want to give an option of twitter login also ,means user can also login from his twitter account.
please give some useful tips, How to do this.
I am using http asynchronous parsing on my IOS project.On browser web service is run ok. But i got problem with when i pass parameter in program the response is not ok.and no entry going on database.please help me to solve out this problem:(
My code is given below
I want to scale my sprite using CCScaleTo.
Here is my code :
CCSprite *spritePauseScreen =[CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"resumeGameScreenBG.png"] ;
spritePauseScreen.position= ccp(winSize.width/2,winSize.height/2);
[spritePauseScreen runAction:[CCScaleTo actionWithDura...
I want to scale my sprite using CCScaleTo.
Here is my code :
CCSprite *spritePauseScreen =[CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"resumeGameScreenBG.png"] ;
spritePauseScreen.position= ccp(winSize.width/2,winSize.height/2);
[spritePauseScreen runAction:[CCScaleTo actionWithDura...
I am using http asynchronous parsing on my IOS project.On browser web service is run ok. But i got problem when i pass parameter in program the response is not ok.and no entry going on database.please help me to solve out this problem:(
one more thing is that with synchronous parsing its run ok...
@borrrden actually i didin't know how many tabs in the the controller it will be done on the run time (it was depend on the how nmany array count is come )