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@Armaan okay
@Rocky sorry..
@srinivas is that any one who know
@Aravindhanarvi do you get blank image ?
@srinivas: My directory structure: Projects-->Test-->TestProject(i.e.main folder of my project)-->Test.xcodeProject.

Suppose My project name is "TestProject" inside main directory "Test". So add src into "Test" folder. I hope it make sense
@srinivas: Now go to your project and create any directory like "dependency" or whatever you like
@srinivas:Now right click to newly created directory and select option "Add files to xxx.."
@zing ?
which files ihave to add?
the src?
@srinivas:Now browse to "src" folder that you have recently copied. and add neccessary projects that you want to add(suppose you want to add "Three20Core" then go to src-->Three20Core-->select "Three20core.xcodeproject". please make sure untick the copy option. and select "create folder references" and press add.)
@srinivas:follow the same procecudre for all project that you want to add.
@rkk i tried this
but it is not coming centre
@HelpMeToHelpYou can u know how download video from youtube to iphone
@srinivas: After that click to your main project. and goto build phases.
@srinivas : hi
@srinivas: select target depency and now click on +
@srinivas:can you see all added project there?
presented there
@srinivas:add .a files of all projects one by one. If you have added 7 project then there should be 7 dependency
there is no .a filespresented
only i have added one three20 file then here three20 and three20 unit file are presented
@srinivas:Sorry. i mean libarary. with home icon. dont select unittest file
@srinivas:is there library with home icon?
@HelpMeToHelpYou titleView.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
in target dependence library presented under the project name
@srinivas:already there?
i chooose the .a file from linkbinarywithlibrary
@srinivas:Dont do that.
@srinivas:Just follow me. Please revert back. I mean remove if you have added any .a file
@Piyush : A Blank Imageview nothing in that
@srinivas: let me know before started new step have you removed old added project or library.
inbuiltphase---> targetdependences-----> +clicking--> myprojectname ------> added file
yes iremoved
@Aravindhanarvi ok
@iProgrammer you there ??
Currently is there anything in "Target dependency" ?
added three20 under my projectname
Is this something like with home icon?
xcode like
cani remove that too?
Just a min check in your sample code's this setting you will get idea automatically what I am referring.
@SJS yes
@iProgrammer I am getting too much bored yaar :(
@iProgrammer kuch kaam hi nahi raha ab
@SJS to bata
twitter user search api use ki?
@sjs : help me than
@iProgrammer nope
@sourishk tell your problem
@sjs : in a view i have navigationbar and UIToolbar, using tapgesture i am hiding it, it is working fine but the problem is when i am toucing the toolbar or navigationbar the gesture method is being called
@srinivas:checked in sample code. got what I mean?
****** IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE "FACEBOOK APP" FOR iOS ?????????? ********
there is no files in the sample for the buildphases target dependences
like Calender App, 21 App etc
@Armaan Did you created a sample for that?
@srinivas hii
Good Evening!
@Tauseef hi
@srinivas what a co-incident yaar
hello Plz ans my question if any one knows solution for this
@srinivas You are in OFFICE ??
Q: Burst mode in iphone app using UIImagePickerController

zinkI want Burst mode in my iPhone app like this application which is available on app store FOTOR. It means when i click on camera i can take more than one photos in one click and after that i will select one photo which is perfect.

@Tauseef s
GetAvailableApps returned the value: [{"APP_ID":"3","ACCOUNT_ID":"1","APP_NAME":" ATTACK HELICOPTERS","APP_URL":"http:\/\/omniondigital.com\/interact\/SAMPLE\/IOS\/miAPP\/AvailableShelfImages\/AttackHelicopters.png"},

its json decoded string i guess...how do i retrurn each field as separate string?
i mean how do i encode the above result?
@srinivas how are you ? how is your projects and all going ???
Yes. Do last try otherwise I will think any other option go to our working project-->select buildphase-->click to + and let me know which files you can see there.
@sjs : only on UIToolbar not on UINavigationBar
@srinivas: You can see your three20 project there and 2 files under that project.
one is unitfile
and other file is?
@srinivas:there is one file or two file
what i added previously which we neede
@srinivas:there is one file or two file
one file
Yar not sure what is the problem but there should be two
@Armaan Can you sent me the sample code to my mail
Yar. I dont have upload rights so I can't upload anything from here.
@Armaan okay
from here tell me the steps
i will note it down and will try here
Any file is present in Target dependency or it is with 0 file(i.e. I mean in main list without clicking + button)
all are have
all have some files
@anonymous hello...
one file it have
which file?
three20 file
@srinivas: So, there is already present "three20" file in Target dependency list?
@srinivas:Ooh god. that's why you can see it in list. Okay no problem.
@srinivas:Now browse to src in finder and try to find "Three20.bundle file"
@hiiiii all
@srinivas:found that file.
@srinivas:always browse to src folder that we have copied in root folder of our project. So don't do any mistake
i found
@srinivas: drag and drop it into your project. A dialog will appear -- make sure "Create Folder References" is selected, "Copy items" is unchecked, and "Reference Type" is "Relative to Project" before clicking "Add".
drag the bundle in our project
Now goto the buildsetting of our project
@srinivas: and find "header search path"
@srinivas: double click to it. and click on + button.
with double quote
@srinivas: add this text in textfield "$(CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR)/../../three20"
again click to plus and add this "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../../three20"
@srinivas:again click to plus and add this "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/../three20"
@srinivas:In path column you can see value of three rows that we have added
okay i added
okay i can see
@srinivas:dont forget double quote in any of these.
Now goto delegate files of your project and import this file #import <Three20/Three20.h>
@Armaan what is the dimension of iphone 4 screen?
@adrian: 640*960
@armaan : i am waiting for u
@srinivas:Last message was not for you. after importing file just run.
yes i run it
there is no problem here
built succeded
Means no error?
@srinivas:Finally Library included. Now you can implement whatever you want.
@armaan : in a view i have navigationbar and UIToolbar, using tapgesture i am hiding it, it is working fine but the problem is when i am toucing the toolbar the gesture method is being called
but previously i faced here files not found but now successe
@Armaan thank you armaan
@sourishk for toolbar make the user interaction disabled
I will do the remaing
@Nitni : hi , but i have some actions to be performed when it is enabled
@sourishk:Please follow to @Nitni. He is indegenious
@armaan: Okay
@Armaan hii
@Armaan :P
@Armaan where are you from ??
@Tauseef: Baroda and native junagadh
@Armaan okay man, thanks
@DimplePanchal hi
@Abizern hi
@Abizern I got the answer, problem was with CGColor object.
@nitni : can i paste the screenshot here , if so how ?
for better understanding
OK @sourishk
@sourishk I dont think you will be able to upload a screenshot as it is required to 100 reputation :(
@nitni : ohhh..Okay
so what shall i do now ?
@sourishk Can you describe me your problem in little detail?
@nitni : when i click on a button i move to another viewcontroller , in this viewcontroller i have images in the scrollview and have imageview, in the top i have navigationbar and in the botton i have the toolbar. in between the those two the images are displayed, Now whenever i touch in between these two the navigationabar and toolbar should come and go
i used UITapgestureReognizer
Have you added tap gesture to whole view? @sourishk
yeah have added
the images that u need to move on are in scrollview correct? @sourishk
i guess thats what the problem was because, the toolbar is on the self.view and when i touch the toolbar the toolbar is disappearing
so add tap gesture only on scroll view dnt add it on whole view @sourishk
@nitni : i have tried like that when i am doing so i have a nextbutton in the toolbar, when i am clicking on it the bar's are getting hidden again
@sourishk Have you added your toolbar also in scrollview?
@nitni : do not mind do u have teamviewer,
@sourishk nope
@nitni : no i have imageview on the scrollview
@nitni : Okay
@sourishk If you are adding tap gesture only on scrollview than your toolbar is getting hide because of some other reason
@nitni : so what shall i do now ?
@sourishk , hi
I would like to help you
what you are exactly doing on your tap? @sourishk
@hadley : okay
can you access twitter ?
@hadley : yes
@nitni : when i am tapping i am moving to the next image
great, upload the screen shot you want and give us your twitter id , i will download that pic and then upload it here as i am allowed to do
@sourishk means you are just setting the offset of the scrollview correct?
@nitni : yes
@nitni : -(void)btnNextPressed:(id)sender{

if(selected_image <[arry_photos count]-1) {

selected_image = selected_image + 1;
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake((kScrollObjWidth*selected_image), 0) animated:YES];
else if(phone_orientation==UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft||phone_orientation==UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight)
[scrollView setContentOffset:CGPointMake((kscrolllanWidth*selected_image), 0) animated:YES];
@sourishk you are getting this problem when you are tapping or when you are pressing next button?
@nitni : when i am pressing on the next button
@nitni : pic.twitter.com/ctwWue9l and @hadley
@my twitter username is KSourish
ok , just a min
@sourishk Can you show me your tap gesture handler code?
in viewdidload ....
UITapGestureRecognizer *singleTap = [[[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(singleTapping)] autorelease];
[singleTap setNumberOfTapsRequired:1];
// [singleTap setNumberOfTouchesRequired:2];
[scrollView addGestureRecognizer:singleTap];
-(void) singleTapping {
if(self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden == YES ) {
self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = NO;
toolbar_.hidden = NO;
toolbar2.hidden = YES;
else {
self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
toolbar_.hidden = YES;
toolbar2.hidden = YES;
@sourishk you are hidding toolbar in this handler
@sourishk is that required?
@nitni : see, in that image when i am clicking on the right arrow the ibar getting hiding
@nitni : yes
@sourishk have you removed tap gesture from the view?
@nitni : No
@hadley : thank u so much for teh help
@sourishk than remove it from the view and add it only to scrollview
ok bye , I got some work so have to leave
@nitni : oops ,i have don that [scrollView addGestureRecognizer:singleTap]; right
@hadley : Okay bye
@nitni : shall i send the ? code
@sourishk Please make sure you are not adding the tap gesture to view
@nitni : yeah i am sure i am not adding it to the view
Hey guys... just wanted to ask if I can upload to the AppStore also non public applications. As it would be just for a company and nobody else?
can you upload the complete class here? @sourishk
@nitni : sure but how
like you uploaded the previous codes :) @sourishk
@mogio Those apps are called enterprise apps, check this
@sree charan thank you sree!
@nitni : Okay actually there 494 lines soo...
@sourishk ohk...
@nitni : i am doing it
@sourishk use pastebin
@mogio pleasure
#import "ImageGalleryViewController.h"
#import <AssetsLibrary/AssetsLibrary.h>
#import <MediaPlayer/MediaPlayer.h>

#define IMGBARBUTTON(IMAGE, SELECTOR) [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:IMAGE style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:self action:SELECTOR] autorelease]
#define SYSBARBUTTON(ITEM, SELECTOR) [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:ITEM target:self action:SELECTOR] autorelease]

@implementation ImageGalleryViewController
const CGFloat kScrollObjWidth = 320.0;
const CGFloat kscrolllanWidth = 480.0;
@sourishk OK
@sourishk code ikkada paste cheyyaddu
@sreecharan : okay
@sourishk you are hidding your toolbar in -(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView1 please remove that
as you are already removing it on tap so no need of that @sourishk
@nitni : My requirement is when i scroll the image the bars should disappear and when i tap on it the bars should appear
@sourishk As you will press next button content offset of scrollview will be set so this delegate method of scrollview will be called and toolbar will get hidden
@nitni : ohhh..Okay , so what modifications should i do????
@sourishk put the condition in this delegate method that toolbar should get hidden only if you are scrolling manually and not when pressing the next button
@nitni : okay
@nitni : u mean in -(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView1
@sourishk yes
Okay @nitni
@Nitni @sourishk hi
@iProgrammer hi
-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView1
[slide invalidate];

@sreecharan i did it.
@Sunny Hi
@nitni :okay
@sunny hi
posted on June 28, 2012 by marie

Well this is indeed very interesting, According to a report from the Wall Street Journal Orbitz points users of its online web travel booking service to different options depending on whether those users use a Mac or a PC. According to the report, Orbitz Worldwide Inc. has concluded that users of Mac computers can spend [...]

@RKK Yes, You did it , You did it. I knew you can do it
@nitni : what is ?nextbuttonpressed
@RKK By the way, what have you done ?
i post image see this
Its Awesome
Have you used Event kit ?
thank you.
@Nitni @sourishk @RKK @sreecharan i want edit image .... suppose i put text over the image ..than it can be editable.... whenever i want is possible
yes. i used Kal calendar app.
i just modify some of the code in kal app.
Singapore Girl joined us
@nitni : i had completed it : i had done it in - (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView1{
@sourishk did you run it?
@nitni : yeah
@FadedinShadows Hi... Laddu
@sourishk working?
@nitni : is working for that got another issue
@nitni : when those are bars are visible and i am swiping the bars not getting hidden
@FadedinShadows hi
@FadedinShadows Aaeen. !!! :)
@sourishk expected now you need to make that flag false when you will just start scrollong scrollview
@nitni : if u can provide me ur mail id i will send u my code
@sourishk but i will not be able to reply you back immediately :(
will get sign off after 7:30
@nitni : i am also signing off
okay : shall i send the code
Hi I am able to get Push Notification from server but I just want to know how to disappear the count of notification after viewing notification...any idea...?
@sourishk send me your code
@nitni :okay
@FadedinShadows can i add text on images and once it added and it can editable is it possible....
@Sunny do one thing prepare a custom view inside that add UIImageView and on that add UITextView
@Abizern Hi I am able to get Push Notification from server but I just want to know how to disappear the count of notification after viewing notification...any idea...?
@Sunny you can set the image on UIImageView and text on UITextView
@Nitni u r right... but once i save this image with all changes and if i want to chnage that again than how can i do it..
@Nitni my main concern is this...
@nitni : i have send u the reqiuest
@nitni : i have one more problem in that, could u help me out for that too
@FadedInShadows aaeen
Interesting Gravatar
@NiteshMeshram set badgenumber to Zero
@lakiniphone When with in the iPhone application and where?
@NiteshMeshram u need to set it if the user clicks the view
@lakiniphone I am not getting on which method give me some more clue ?
lol ok Mr.NiteshMeshram You have asked , how to disappear the count of notification after viewing notification? But how are you appearing the count of the notifications first to disappear it?
@NiteshMeshram in didReceiveRemoteNotification u can do it
@sreecharan the badgenuber will be automatically appearing as soon as u get notification
@lakiniphone Let him answer, How is he incrementing the badge number? If he get the answer for this, he knows the answer to his question also
@sreecharan yea good idea ,sorry to answer :)
@sreecharan may i know where r u from ?
@lakiniphone I am from india
@sreecharan oh ok,which place , i am from HYD
Hello all, i need help with Push Notifications(server side logic).
@ilis go ahead
@lakiniphone I am from Hi-tech City, Madhapur, Hyderabad
But not in india now
@ilis Server side? Nope, i donno - it sucks
@sreecharan oh ok ,i see in profile u mentioned Kuwait
@lakiniphone Yeah, i am in kuwait
But i am indian
@ilis i too dont have much idea about server side but i ll try to figure out issue
@sreecharan nice to meet u :)
@sreecharan so ur in Onsite ?

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